1'i 'J 3 : i".;v:r;;';, V '11'' ,"v, " - ,;". ;C ! - V ":nV! 'r i W .II Ah. " - A t . . ; - m I II 1 I i t t " 1 I I " E 1 i: CS5JBB iri nun , i BBB- " ' 11 '.in 1 ' ' """"""""" "J ' "" ' - T'?Z7m 1 " mi " 'I...... i ii l.-- i. ' ' 1 t. " .....,. ... .. -,--. ..;,,2Mm,,--mmm ; NoBrps!1Propn v VOL. XXXII j I . ROXBORO, NQRTH; GAROElISr Wednesday Evening "Frtory 101915 1 1 V' i Number! MM,MII'MMIM!ESS?yl,,M"MM'MI!l,,l"f11 IIIIIH 1 1, i in i MigBMMBFT!ra . NEW FIRM. Mess. Morton & Satterfields Will Open About the 20th. " Mess. Morton & Satterfields, the firm which has leased the doubb store in the Post Office building, will open about the 20th of this month. This, firm is composed of Mr. H. S. Morton, formerly of Mess. Woody, Long & Morton, and Mess. 'M.. W. and Preston Satterfield. These are all live, pro gressive young men and are. des tined to cut no little figure in the commercial life of Roxboro. They will all give their entire time to' the business. The line carried will consist of general dry goods, notions, shoes, etc., and they will specialize on ladies dry goods and notions, car rying an extensive line of ladies ready-to-wear goods. Miss . Leola Smith, a lady of large experience in ladies goods, will have charge of this department arid the ladies i)f the town and country are to be tongratu lated upon: such ah expert coming here to help out in their up to date ideas of dressing, !: ;Mr. Morton and Miss Smith have just returned from New York where they spent some time in making their purchases and looking into the prevailing styles. Their pur chases are arriving daily and when they to the public you may expect something worth you r; attention. The store rooms, the two rooms' on the firct floor and three above, have all been thoroughly worked over with an eye single to the bus iness, and wonderfully beautified wnne me inosi muueru uxtunsi; have been installedTtf fab t every-; thing done without . considering cost which will add to the conven ience and the, comfort of custom ers. All in all this firm enters bus iness with the brightest of pros pects and it takes no prophet to foretell a successful business. Moved to Milton. On last Monday morning the family of Mr. M. C. Winstead moved to Milton. Mr. Winstead has located in Yanceyville for the practice "f his profession, but owing to the fact that he could not secure a residence just at this time, he has moved his family to Milton, where they will remain for a month or two. f C DO NOT BUY POPR 1 TIME AND- MONEY GOING, SHOP RIGHT WHEN Y.dtf j nuin ta itc a un. a! : 1 1' f - . I COME r TO US ANDBUY - GOOD IMPLEMENTS WHICH WILL STAND HARD Eon Criminal Docket Completed Thursday Evening Court Ad . journed Friday Evening: The February term of Superior Court for Person County came to a close last Friday evening. Judge Daniel having received ja, telegram iroin urov.vraig, requesting mm to be In Raleigh Saturday. The criminal docket was not completed until late ; Thursday af ternoon, and only one day was given to the already crowded civil docket. Some of the cases on this docket have been ; continued from term to term. The cases r tried on criminal docket were: State vs HeiiryvJqnes Indict ed and foand guifty of retailing. Sentence 7 months on roads. 4 State vs Lester Oakley. In dicted for abandonment Foiind guilty and judgement,, suspended upon payment of; cost and furnish ing a $100 bond -for his appear ance at court each term for one year and show" good behavior. State vs Albert -Car r. Indicted for resisting officer. 1 -Guilty and fined $10.00 and cost. Required to furnish $100 bond for appearance at court every term, for one year to show good behavior. State vs Luther McCain. In dicted for perjury. Not guilty, r State vs Mose Smith. Carry r ing concealed weapon. 6 months onloads. State vs Jack Hamlin. .Conceal ed weapon,. found not guilty. ;StatQ v vs. Z;Mgjand..;HesIstr ingofficer.4 .Fined ..lo;ana co$t: '' ,btkt(? vs: Lewis Bradsner. K' Se cret assault with ;deadly 'weapon. Found guilty and sentenced to the roads 2 yeais.' . -r 1 State vs Bennie Mangum and Alex Chavis. Misdemeanor, - re moved to Justice of Peace. State vs Amoz Clay and Scott Carver. Indicted upon 'the char ge of larpeny. Found guilty and sentenced to 8 months on , the roads. Siate vs Albert Mitchell,: lar cency. Found guilty. State vs June Mitchell. Indict d for disturbing religious wor ship. Jn Igement suspended up on payment of $10' and bst' Also required to furnish $100 bond for appearance at each term of court ' ' IMPLEMENTS AND WASTE TO THE BLACKSMITH ARE BVSIEST. t,v v Of TV ; rrtnn . YMDf ITMVftrTQ t-v. WEAR i i I Mrf" i. ,',,'1 T I ?.. .-..i' IS fiet Believing that the itime has come when " we must haxe, better roads a Mass -rMeet-:: ing ot all the citizens ot the town and Town-k ship of Roxboro ara respectlully invited to ; : come out on Saturday, Feb.-I3th, at 2 o'- r clock, in the Court House, arid discuss : ays and means or; securing -good roads.t Let every man m the; town and township be present:, if'vU i "A for one year ' toshw .good'berjnu;ja''e-j, G)U88e.To'Op'enii;.'-uV havior.'; ,,:f: I otuie vs oauuy raueiyii-f, drew Sergeant and .6therr;:In- dieted wor nett Friday morning -I ffl5PR .wftm npftm. . -h .Hv-,'.vr. . v Parker and others! vs :. ienij r In this case J the queswoqf rents1 and damages " were" assessed fry the jury.' This case Vkrowjrig out of a defect in title of. a portjon, of some land near Hurdl-Ml(" bought by the defendant Ross ana the, heirs at law of the , late jSan1 Hunley claimed interest ?in same The plaintiff sued : for 110 acres,' but only recovered a part pf44 acres. - The question" before, the jurywas bn&'to fix the rental val 1 1? ui t a,i;rcs uuu vac auuuuuu.w d images tlat had been done. " .Th jury "practically compromised the chums of the parties to the Suit. Att'y C. D.!Turher of Hillsboro represented the plaintiff and Att'y L. M. Carlton the defendants. Mrs. Whitt vs Dink, Whitt.' The plaintiff, who is the wifeof de fendant, claimed that her husband treated her cruelly on many occa ions, threatening to kill her anM driving her away from home, The wife brought the suit for the sup port of herself and daughter. - The plaintiff and defendant had " lived together for a number, of , years, and had children, ;The husband for some reason1 did ; not appear and defend case only by attorney, The jury found that the husband had abandoned the-wife, and the Judge in passing upon the matter gave the. wife one4hird or the husband's lahel which is 'located about two ! miles .rom1 Roxboro. The defendant then ave notice of appeal thru his attorney rand it is possible that the case , is ) not yet settled,, probably going to a high er court. -Att'y F., O.-. Carver apr njitt -nn'A f1rlAi'f Hf,'..tvA sffi. A f.'T W..D. Merritt for. the defendant. j . The Horrors of War. "Down in New -AYork. the"-' cafes ring withf the ' new JEnglish comic Shirts' for- Soldiers ". ::. This jourh- al; always to be ' fore front with pertinent -Suggestions offer a few reiiaius, iruuiiur eauii-m,' wui-txi- durflneit little idng carpenters are : invited, even;-; challenged- Sto construct fuILfledged lyrics:. And that we may! not be charged r jwith partiality,; we will .include t all of otnerrtne warring countries ? vinai we can remember.) , . . , ;J . 'Bosie's- Ripping Rags for Rampant I. ,The store of Mr. . V. ...Kaplon in - "Russians, c. . ; .IDurhain was destroyed by lire on ' - rt. ' n n " Ml n - ' ' i " T . 1. .1 . . ' ' 'JT 1.1 III 1 Susie Sings So Servia will Scrap. . 5 " PolhVs Tlarining, Panties ,'for ,the - Prussian's j s?;-( fhf V'l" ;; Jennie Jarring Jelly for a Jap. . ' Nannie's Trilling? Fancy Jfobs- for Frenchmen, - ..V . ' -' ? ' Austrians Accept Amanda's Work, ! Bettie's (, Basting, Belly-Bands for '; -Belgians.. , ,; - I V And Tillie's Tatting Tidies for the ll ' Turk.-'" ' ; - ' ' Plenty clever, jrrr. r.rJ or.t ;TheModera' Business College i fiA ;f .Vi has" been secured and j will bear- ranged, with-ieipensiyeximoYe-, ments of fittmgs:;hdr"equi This college will be a strong factor in? the upbuilding and development of ourcity, and. its ' esjablishmetit here means a neof progress from which' every citizen, and business man :will be; .personally., and'; finah lj5o1 1 tr fkonofif Arl S? Vlne? A'irrtlIirTa Will give pur people. V'greater.' 'oppor tunity acquire a practical ;busi? ness -education .vwhichvtheyjcaf turn into money 4ft the business world.- ,l f-lf,M . iins uuntjgt; win ut? uuuer nie management of. 0. E. r. Freeman,, and the personal direction of Prof,;. D. D Lott who has A 1 creden tials as a teacher of Commercial courses. We feel like congratulat ing every one who is takipg the course, and who realizes fhe bene ht nf cnrTi n 'rAnrcp - ' - ' ""We are sure there are no better advantages offered than those by the Modern Business Collegei If You WanWo Be Loved. Don't contradict 4 people, even if you're sure you are right. Don't be inquisitive about the affairs of even your most. intimate friend. , , ,s. , Don't' underrate anything ; be-' cause you don'tpossess it.' , Don't believe - that everybody else is happier than you. 1 ' 1; Don't conclude ihat. you never had any opportunities in life. - V. .Don't belieVe all the "evils ; you hear, s :' Don't, repeat gossip, even if it does interest a crowd. V . - Don't jeer at ; anybody's reliir ous belief. : " s " ' t . ; Learn to hide -yoiir aches, and pains under a pleasant smile Few care whether you have an earache, headache or rheumatismr " Learn 4 to attend ,,'to ; your : own business :a very important poiht.: Do not try- to be kny thirig else but a gentlemanora gehtlewomahif and that means one who? has con sideration for i the whole W9rld, and whose life' is governed by the Golden Rule; 4 Do Unto "others as you ; would be done by. "Christ- ian;Wbrid. . V M1 t A : : ., i' it" a- ' Store Burned. Monday .morningf entail ing a loss of about sixteen thousand dollars with '- insurance - for about eight thousand dollars. Kv'J;,rr ; ' : ; Moving -Mr W: VC. Bullock, -Wing bought , Mr., :L. G. 5 Stan field's residence 'they moved yesterday --Mr. Bullock in to the Str.r.f:b!J ' homci and i.Ir. J; i.The Schuoidnn Quintette: . ' ;'Ori.last Wednesday; evening the people of Roxboro. were t treated to' a musical program'rendered.by the;' Schumann .Quintett which wa very much out of' the j .ordinary Rarely ; has ' this . town j had the pleauire.of enjoying such;,an ev- andut is; thought the tobaccoo i crop w enih This)Quintett is; r compos- will be considerably .shortened on ed of three gentlemen ancLtwo la-, dies, and each one ,M them' is an artist": of, rare " ability. Ifv you ' failed to hear this musicale;, you missed w treat," and it wilIVdoubt-i " V ' . .' ' ' 3.-- . i I ( -"!",-''t) every piece rendered was 'greatly enjoyed.eX-::-:;:;;. i. The: music lb vers, of Roxboro are under blasting obligations; to Mn Gk C.: Cunningham for securi ing thisipla'y:r; s'' y,7A i.V-':V.rw f ;r: ;, -v:-; Btorying In St&ta oh Roxboro.; WhyIfor,the past two or three weeks the burials which have taken place outside M town the Iiearse has been 'drawn by four horses.-; But to be candid this vashotdohe because '!off the noLoneiy or siaaaing,oj: me party buried,- but because. 5 two,' horses simply, ; could.not , pulta heatrse oyerour. good roads;.S:t-V' Negro Child Burned ;To DpiiH ; i On last Friday evening a little negro girt aoQut ,nine f:years ,.oiA by the hame of CozelleTarks was bu rrieSp- deatlwV Shi .VasI stand - i ng-e rorve ?Tire.w ii e q - i cnt cioxn ing cahijht fire" and she, ran "out of the house a mass of 'flames; She Jived on W a f e w hours . after, :the occurrence. -,- V- Must Settle . : ' All parties udebted to JVA. Allj?n Tare .respectfully ' requested to. come ia and ray their:, bills. These . accounts must be Settled. Call and settle with me and, I will receipt you for same". 1 need the:money give- this. ybur prOm pt attention. , ;. V." Kaplon .'", :Mr.-'J..A-. Long-was a Raleigh visitor last , Thursday.., 7- WE SELL ONLI RELIABLE GOODS HONEST GOODS IT vr When 'it comes to style no place of, ouEkhb vyledgej; has anything MADE OUR BUSINESS GROW. -WE fiflE GOING TO STfiV CtJ BUSIUESS ilERE. WEIttJOW THfiT GIUir:G BIG GIG UALUE FOR YOUR MOrfEV WILL BUILD OUR BUSINESS BIGGER i WE WAIJT TO 00 0 GIG U0L UME OF BUSINESS AT ; LITTLE PROFITS RATHER THAtJfl LITTLE UOLUtlE AT BIG PROFITS.' ' ? BUY YOUR GOODS FROM US FOR CJJE WIIOLE SEASON AHD YOU WILL - NEUER GO ilNYWHERE ' - , - ELSE TO TRADE. j Bethel mil : ; , ' Owing to the extieaaely wet weather that has prevailed during , the winter nothing has as yet beea doi e by the 'farmers around ; hero ' toward pieparingfor another crop. f No plant beds have been burned, , account of the low prices that rave ' '-prevailed oh the 'markets r during Ithe year. Be -'that", as, it - may, it 'seems thatihe sentiment1 of the , farmei-s generally throughout the. ;Rev. and Mrs. .:W. j Byirum, of WinstonSalem, :N; C are ., spend here-duririgthe latter, years of tho old Institute.' After leaving '.here'. hewenVto-,Vake Forest and since graduating there he has . been en gaged ux preaching.' Mrs. Byrum s before her marriage was Miss Ida Humphries, who; was " for. many1 s years a resident of. this 'place 1 ; ;. Jt was" ii great ''pjeasure. for, the writer to jiave as;v7,cok-end guests , I last weekrMisses Mable Bradsher, Bessie oddy.arid jahie Joyner. , ; Mr. Wingate Howard, of Apex, , N: C. is spehdug several; ; days on ing .several1 ;daysiV her visiting friends. Mr; Byrura vvas a student the Hiir visiting, friends, and. rela- tivUMary m:K iV'K &t: . Respetfully Referred To :;Vr.The!'Cd; Board of Education ' Messrs.Editors:: ;:,-...;x-t v: -1 " J hope yon .will g ve' u'sVa" little , $pace;in .The Courier, ta$ we,, ire a" "A itU ei3iitu"pbed- and veryiiiueh-'-' :r uissaiisneu concerning our scnoois. ' It is reported through the County ; that the .School Bqard.will give us ' , only a 'five months term; when" we -ought to haveaf seven months ternV. Y(e have been making our. selves content' with a' six months term-.We are anxious to know : the cause.of so short a term,; and : what has ,becomeV of : the school, money, that we have been ijaving V ; - , - a six months school and, nowjean; ; not have butfivemonths Here-J'X fore, we request that the school board pubjish1 an itemized state ment vof - receipts and disbiirse- ' . ments of the vschool , money; W. X : HONEST PRICES HflUE 11

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