I : i J .i - ; a il ,.:t ff : " fagmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,mmm' ii' i hi urn i- "- .'.,- 1 . 1 ""I1 .11 ii ii ii i in inn mi ii II n ii 1 1, " ; i . --11' ..if - . ; . .' .v. ""i" ' ' '. ; ' .; '-' -IV" VOL. XXXII; ; : THE MASS MEETING WAS HELD SATURDAY. On Last Saturday Evening The 1 Mass Meeting . Was Largely 1 Attended and Favor Ah Hec Regtom7fW.X tion for Bonds. : V ; -WashingtonrD; C.', eb 15. -Pursuant to the'" call - published 'Details oC.the Panama carnival in these columns last ' week ;the rriot in which a Panama policemah citizens of Roxboro townsh1p' auiereu in nie court -uuuse cn last Saturday evening for the. pur - pose of taking steps 'to1 secure some good roads legislation'. There was a good crowd present and great enthusiasm shown,v and when a vote was taken;-to. see what the sense of the-meetitig was as ta calling, an election to Vote on the -question of seventy.T?fiv:thou$ftnd dollar bond issufey there' was hardly a dissentingote.r: X,. The meeting was called to order by mRking r. C. B.5 Bfrooks chairman. He took charge of : the meeting, stating the object, etc.' hort.talks were made by.lseerifl who were interested ingodd roads' and if the' cnthusiasmmahifested is any sign there!, is little doubt that this township will vote the :asuc When it. is remembered that this township voted, for the previous 'issue by lOSfmajority 'it does seem that there should not be even a possibility .of a failure it this time in fact there ; is ho. t'oubt in the minds of any one ave those who voted' against it - - '.J'k ',"- . before, and we are glad to; r say a goodly number of those hava seen their error and will vote ';for. the '-sue at,tenext:ejeny t Xow altogether J and lets : . take iViis irood old County put.ot that list which shows not a. Jtoile: ufi )od roads in'the County 'We cm do it and we believe the farm ers are going to fall, in line and cee that it is done. Series Of Sermons. .-...( Rev. D. F. Putnam, pastor of the Baptist Church, announced last Sunday.night 'that he would preach here every Sunday nights Heretofore he has been, preaching the second ai.d fourth- Sundays, morning and night, but in tliefujone thousand pbiinds, one 280, 340 tare he will preach every'- night', land 412.1-2. He is one , who ac Beginning next Sunday night he Itually liVes at home, ;.' Raising" His -vvill commence a series f ermons 'owi meat. and ' bread, ;feed stuff on the life of Jacob. All are cor- (for his cattle and Some to'seli. We dially invited to hear these ser' mons. ) ' . v x t '5 , 3jl2Z f, WE HAVE BUILT UP OUR, BUSINESS BY, NEVER , RUNNING DOWtf THE QUALITY OF OUR HARDWARE AND BY ALWAYS CHOPIG TE PRICES OWN AS LOW AS THE BEST STUFFC AN UNSOLD FORiJ-V' WE ; DO NOT; MISREPRESENT: ANYATHINGWE SELL; OUR HARDWARE TAND$ HARD-WEAR AND MAKES GOODWHEN, YOU BU ' Wrfy&'g? ' WE ASK YOU :j6 DEAL : iyiTH US JUST ONCE? OUR VALUE WILL BRING YOU BACK vAGrAIN: AND . AGAIN.! v 8 -V PANAMANS FIREPW i ; ; : . ' OPON -MgRlCANS -' ,ii-. V:i v - ; ; 1 ' " 'i l" O . .... -, .i if' i ,v Soldfers Were Unarmed When Mob and Police Began to Use was killed and twenty-five persons, .cweucy - uiree. American -soldiers and civilians, were wounded Sat- urdayvcame to the Department to day in, a report from Krig. Gen. Clarencei Edwards, commanding the Canal Zone garrison. . ' ; ll the, wounded are expected to recoyervthe Veneral said, and no f uie:troubIels;e):pected. He ex- plained that the1 Americans, all un armid,'. were fired on by police and a mob after individual altercations had precipitated a general row !The Voldiers were'witliout arms tlians, were fired1 oii by th0-Pana-mnx police ,an$ mbb.withr Reming ton refles, .with bayonets fixed, and with high powered, cartridges and pistols A few soldiers took small 22-calibre target rifles from "a nearby shooting :galleryj:in the tenderloin and. fired a few;" snots, hev were immediately - disarmed by -.Lieutenant Edge Hy, who turn ed them oyer; to theV polfce and then summoned all hon:commis sioned officers, and with : a'small provost guard, Jockedarms and pushed .all soldiers, and - American's J pacK:-iiie pqiice ana movuioyeq ing. ana, trrc wing rocKS, v . tnougn there ;weie no arfswering shots from the unarmed Americans, I have forbidden soldiers during the remaining days of tiie 'Giirnival to Visit the, city of Panama; !; Proba bly alf wounde1 . soldiers"vill get we'll. Do not anticipate : further trouble." " ' ' ' - - Living At Home. ;;)Y"e enjoyed a : pleasant calF fiom.Mr. V. R. .Blalock of Route 1. , He says ,. he ;has. just .kiHed three hogs' which' weighed .oyer since rely.wish tVere were moxe of of ..any l$nd, " WieY rjj po rt says. "AmeriMUis, bliieiVand ci v- r...7nis type ui tne wouuiy.; ' , . . war zone cont in yEs; TO BE THE BIG TOPIC The Report That American Am bassador Gerard Has h Been Requested to Meet;:Empefor William 8t .Once on the East1 ern Battlefront is Taken Here . That BerKn Wil;Make k :;:PromptRepiy; " London, Feb, --Germany's jde claration of a -war zone aboit ihe British Isle still is . an absorbi ng topic, for the English v hews,papei and public '. and ' dispatches - 'from, the continent "indicate - that7. Ger many is equally interestd;: : j ; The report that American Am bassador, - Gerard ihad ;been:Vre quested to meet.Einpferor Wiljiami ai. once on ine eastern Dawie ironi A". should jpreveh t ttieuse; o the: Am erican flag' by Great Britain indi strict observationpf,the declara tion of London as the best- guar aniee ror me saiety or American shipping. At the samex"; time tte Germans argue that submarThes cannot be" expected to search hos tile merchantmen bef oredestrof 7 ingthem.;';. v"' -vy' r?? v The English press ihsista"on re garding the note to Germany' aTa .virtual ultimatum. it rdoesnot attempt to forecast Great Britain's reply- to; theWash,ilgtbn; com munication regarding the use", . 6f. clare that Great Britain ;cannot forego her claim to the right ; to use neutral flags, in case' of, neces sity. ' An. indication that, England re gards the German threat as some thing more than a bluff . is found in; the fact that liners: are coming to British ports with -their life boats flung out, watered and pro- visioned. No disposition has been made of the cargo of ,theJ American steamer. WilhelmeniJ which uow claims' to be under voluntary joint guardianship of the British foreign office and the American Ambassador. Unusual heavy artillery duels, according tb reports front both sides are proceeding in Belgium but definite new-s is lacking: : r In East Prussia the Germans 'are still advancing except at Lyck where the Russians '. claim advan tage. Vienna, reports that v the Austrians are ' still advancing in Bukowina; 'In the center, of i the long eastern battle ffront . quiet, apparently,- prevails with no chan ge in the;relatve, position. ; ' ; Death of Two Good Women. On last Wednesday Mrs. James Yancey died at the home of 1 her husband near Flat River Church; She was, buriedAat. Antioch; on Thursday. , Mrs. ' Yancey , had been afflicted for many years, un able to walk, but . for the past vpar shft had been verv much im t ' : , . " 1 " - provea. ,a- snort. xime .since "v0 " , T ; - nnrca wnipn cno nrae -nnuinir run: away and threw her , but of the ouggy, ana irom tins acciaeni sne never recovered, -r V Vs . Oh last Friday night, Mrs.-S. A. Clayton died at her home;, and was buried at Mill ; Cree,k on Sun day evening. .; MrsClayton was over 70 years old, and was a most loving and loveable character; and will be sadly missed in hercom- munity.'?: She was an especial f riehd;bf The Courier and we shall mis her cheerful' visits. ': ; -For the Second Tim: ( - i- . j f .v. - - j - ;j v - Mr A. -Xipshiiz. will ' leaveythe latter part of this .week for the Northern- markets to purchase I goods for his j store this making the second tin: 3 this season, owing is" taken ; here that Berjiwil! promptly: makef;a' , repl,y:f the AmencahnoiVAA ' CKlanS'.Dlentjtg.' pti the situation, insist' that1 : Waslungton AEROPLANE IN MAIDEN COMBAT Two f French 1 Aeroplanes and German Armored Monoplane. ' ;Dunkirk, France. " Feb. 9.' A fight between two French " aero planes and one 6f J the new .."ar v;. mored" German .monoplanes.-, a type which has" only . -recently -be gun. to appear on the northwestern front, is described in a letter from' a French officer. He writes: "For half aq hour the black Taube.had been describing infern al circles over mir lines, while our men crouclied in their trenches, covering w Lth their bo( i es Jjiay 0 nets, mess-tins and Everything else whose; glittering surface might be tray their positions.1 1 alone stood up, observing the enemy , through my field glasses. 4 . l . Suddenly a French airman era erged. from ,a cloud above the Taube; The dry bark ot a mitraif leuse announced thai the' i'i'encij iras attacking. The Taube turned tail without 'replying, but only to return to the battle. - ! ; . . , "Then the two great birds charg ed Kead-ohvFrom below it seemed that they must meet in a terrible shock. Nothing of the sort; the i3erman passed a little above tlk t? : u" ' ii, ' " ' H I'fltiflh m n - fha mnn una . mine Frenchman, the machine guns spoke. Carried apart by the.speed of their charge, like knights in. a tourney, they swept about m great circles to renew the combat. ' "The: French man ."hovered and waited;, . the v adversary ' returned quickly aiekly wtbtevermiadevies?" ying1- above, then 'below,vthe fl.v Frenchman,-firing when he' could; while the ' Frenchman seemingt& remain almost 'stationary, repjied with energy. " .. . , ' -f "In the trendies our red-pajta- looned soldhrs and the spike-hel- meted Germans alike, suspended; swiping operations and' followed that death struggle with equal'-em otion: An involuntary' 4AhI' broke from a thousand; throats as a bi plane emerged " from the same cloud that had hidden ithe French mon oplane, , and the Taube tu rned to flee. "But the: :FrehCh mononlane pursued, and it had, the advantage here, for the German aeroplane, being armored, was too heavy for high spfeed. The , French, machine quickly passed the fugitive, forc ed it to turn and come again to ward the. French line, where the biplane was awaiting. .it. It passed near the latter ( and again - there was the bark of guhs,.but appar ently, without decisive result;'.'-". ; ' 'Again the French monoplane returned to1 the. charge. ' Flying high over its adversary, it sudden ly dived tyeadlong.upon it, seemed to touch it and then mounted again gracefully in the air. V. . "At a dizzy speed the Taube, mortally wounded, fell almost ver tically into the- German . lines. " - ,1V'. :XL iC:: Dpenc ine yy eeK cna. r. Henry Jones; who was if puhd guilty of retailing and; sentenced tome roaas ror seven montns las .1 - - . ' , .1 t i1 week, was carried, out to the cham1 gang and turned over to Superin tendent Moore last Friday-even-in,: On .Monday he took his de- parture ana leit np aaaress, nence Mr;; Moore is unable to communi cate vvith i himV Don't: know whether it, was the fare, the, hours or the confinement but evidently. things w'erelnot ' to his: liking as he only spent the week-end. -;. , War Will Keep Laird ;; I .1 ,T"-iV .otSHbo. in America; .NW.Yoriebl 9-lFor the first time in: mary summers Andrew Carnegift will not spend his vaca tion at Sybo Cactle his : Scotland estate. Ho said tcdr.y that" because . t t x ' - - A i t ' i 4. A t Ail i i . Valentine Party . Miss ' Eglantine Merritt was hostess last Saturday.evening at a pretty Valentine part3;.J given , at VJL'- L I:-- it ;V U-v v- ubij nome on xuain street. . - j, -. v Qn 'entering the guests were niet ahd introduced by the hostess a$ftedNby Uss -'Louise Thonlp - spn,r and delicious punch was serv ea .by 'Miss Marion deVlamingarid Master Sam Merrjtt.. The ; decorations and program f arranged Tvcre especially attractive and interesting, carrying 'ttut the v aienune iaea in every way. ; At the.close of thegamesthe guests wera invited tO; the dining room where cake,' cream and mints were served.; The table was laid with a.handsome cover deco- i-ated with hearts "nd Cupids 'and centered with a silver Vase filled with Mgraht spring "flowers Ajfe each cornier of the table' were sit ver candlesticks with pink candles, thisf . casting a : very' pretty glow Iyer the room. ; . . " f " Tlifayorslwere cupids and tiny pink baskets filled with mints Prjzes wire awarded to M iv . Lan- doh Bardsher and Misses Christine Walker and Esther Thompson and My. Lawerence Woods.'1 jljuc ouu oi.iowti guests were, Mis : ???ff Stephens,, Lillian Harris, Mildredr , Younger, , and - 7 I CT ' . .-1 4 Miss - Annie "Thompson Bradsher and Mr. Francis pradsher, of Ox fafd, NfC. . '"'v. '".'K-;; - ,i vital otatisncs Report. r. in. ,T-'r .:- i The following ,repart! fori- the month of January M has .been made J3, tohe,Burean "v Vitals Statistics by local Registrar,? CT..-C, Cunning- ham: ":;7 t- -V- ROXBORO v! Births 9: - - ' , Deaths1 3 , C ROXBORO TOWNSHIP, r Birth's 10.- . 0 ' Deaths 11. : WOODSDALE TOWNSHIP;; Births 6 - ' Deaths ). V! Miss Lillian Clay ton, will hare charge, of the , Millinery" Depart ment, it Harris & Burns this sea son; 'She will visit the northern " S -i 4i " 1 C3 -" f T ' t, 4 f 3i..i, ' ' L i: :u. - lueas ana .mane opnu purcuaey. , - We. venture -the prediction that "bated. The, question .was decided ;thi&tafehted and. skillful young: jn fayp'rpf the negative which was . lady, will, make a big success with ably represented by Jemmie Allen ; thls'department of, this popular,, "'WaRpr Ravnes.l-N' P.; V , , store.. :-":raew-::0)dS'-,-.;- A , j . n . - - , ''Tin m: JLower x V - "V .,...1 t ' V- ."-. l' n' l . . ' Jtt I'V,.. a-"- .-..( . . H O wing to a general lowenrig i of prices '2 d all staple cotton; goods ;by manufactur ers weaie enabled M materially lowiet; our ; pnces;onftliese good's. We 'are selling the i "sanie'grkde o before Ghnstmas was sold at 30c, the same I grade of bleaching and ; cambric which sold at 12 for Obiaigrade of yard wide ? fbronsheed ginghams lat 6c i &iid Q at just as - low v : assortmehts'of ' thes6 goods as vyeU Percals, ; Galaieasj Ma& Gloth, etc., and 'are f daily expectirigyanother: big ';diip- iment including some splendid values in 36 to 40 inNairis66ks at 15c to 25c a yd. V - - " markets ngxt week and you may rest is isured that owl stock'; will asV heretofore be be the best iii Roxboro aiid what the peo ;ple want: It will pay ou is well as u for t, you, to trade vith us. vol- '"-v,rt-!- To Board cf Education. - Mr.: Editor: , . A ; . : . : As yet we are some what puz- zledc therefore we would be pleas-1 , t ed to ; submit ,to. the , honorable . 1 County. Board of ; 'Education'one' t 'more question. , " ' :. t K ; .'.Upon examination, of your statement of receipts'-and dis-. bursements of the school fund we: find in . . the disbursements . three items that will not have to be, paid . this year, which will more 'than ' counterbalance the overdrafts - to- Wit: , 4:'; t ' - Painting $554.74, Desk $400.00, ahd jnsurance $295.84 making; a ; total bt $124.84; ' Less the over drafts $633.70itthereViH remain a , . surplus of $616.14. Now allowing theryecepts te be the same as last ' , year, why cant we have at least a ski; months School as we had last year : andstill have a surplus of. $616.14. Bushy "Fork High School News. tl ThePreliminary, contest for the Recitators and; Declamation . con- .. tests, , at. County., commencement . We Jheld , Friday, night V at the , High School. Twelve girls contest- ed.:; The successful contestant is f Miss Ola Rice. , The successful de- claimeris Master Lemuel Allen; : r , On th'e same night a Populari ty," contest was held for the pur-; .pose of buying a new basketball.. Miss Susie Blalock", one of. the . High School, girls, was voted the i i . i 1 , i -mi most, popular ?in tne nouse. ine. and "passed around,". to the, de light ofmany a youthful;'! swain's y palate.' $8.24 was raised. r 1 ' "5 k Mr., Hunter tirompton has been seriously ill for the past week,! we are sorry to note. , ; 1 : ' , ; , r Miss' Mae Broach fias been ill -. for a few clays. t ' t . , . 1 ThVjiiterary Society4; will hive. . ; a debate next' Friday night oh the-, uB6nd Issue for good roads". J p naay a weeit ago- . xue iuer- . chant Manne" question was de- nme. i. to the steely increnso in 1 V1:,

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