vol. xxxir; . 1 1 GERMAN EMBASSY v , DENIED REPORT; Some Talk That Count Yon Bernstorf f Is to Be Called Home. ' ' - ! 1 New York. Dr. Bernard, who has been credited with ' being personal representative A of German emperor in the United States as well as a propagan,dist; for better German-American re- ! ation attributed tlie report of tlied red, the opea cjikirs -now'being merman ambassador's recall this J placed. The " (jjand V has always Germ morning to a deliberate campaign of misrepresentations ' by British o. rents. s ' "-" ; The report concerning the re--! call of Ambassador iVon Bern--strotf cited the ambassadors fail ure to sail a straight course be tween the opposites of American opinion and named,' his successor i the person of Baron Treugler, experienced diplomat, who has been a close adviser of Emperor William and who is now with him ;.t the battlefront.. ' . .Ve-AVashington.- The German em bassy today denied that there was ...iy truth in the report; that Count Von Bernstroff was about to be recalled. 1 Walk Over Sign Our live merchants, and we ;ave quite a number of them, ate r.iways pulling off something out f the Ordinary bulb-tlidpaw'elek Mess. Harris & Bums went a lit tle beyond any of them. n one of their windows was -a' sign: for - ihe famous k-Over -shoes? a mechanical man who spent the day walking around in a circle making his ' steps with as much precision as one of our widowers when he is just beginning to "take notice" and trying to conceal the fact that he had passed his youthT fill days. It was a splendid sign nd many were the pedestrians who stopped and gazed on it. - t " - . , Looking For Fair Grounds. Mr. Joe H. Carver informs us that the committee appointed to secure a lot for the Fair has been looking over some sites, which have been offered and will make a report soon. If a suitable loea tion can not be purchased one of the warehouses will again be se cured and they promise to have ;the best ever next fall. Begin 'to .get ready now. ' .USE OUR SUCCESSFUL.- TRIED IMPLEMENTS IN CULTIVATING YQUR, SOIL AND OIIIX GET N THE BEST CHOPSPOSBLB;i5 yfip ' IT IS A WASTE NOT TA UJ E BEST " irtPLif MENTSr THEV- COST NOTHING THEY , ARE AN IN- r : VESTMENT WHICH SAVES MONJEY.; -V 'f ; ; WE ALWAYS CANFURNISH ALL PARTS OF THE ; IMPLEMENTS WESELL. v- - 1 !'V, , I. ,4. . , , 4 4. Repairing NeW Homer :,; K lM 'IChewners; Mess, fDbngVand league are making-great iinproye ment in the store onMaln Street formerly occupied by Mr, . E. , JD. .Cheek where they, will moVe.TKe Grano as soon as the building s ! ready. - This, .will be 6ne of '-the real up-to-date bovie;shows"; the A'Ont" being..-, of Tl marble and " tile, and will seat nearly three hun- been run on a higlv plane,-', the re never iiavi ng been , a single peiv formance that needed .censoring, and .with the increased seating ca- pa,cityv with thertiiiaay . improve-. ments for bettrsaUitatiotfand comfort will Vdouopless eujOy a still larger patronage.-. ' ' Tew Store Opens: - 'A On Monday night the- dobrs to th1- store of Mes!s!Tdi'ton& Sat ter fields was opetfvyKe public. We believe we can say without fear of contradiction'' thkt this is one of the prettiest stores ever opened here. The furniture, is all of the most modern" aesignVrarid besides showing.the g6ods, is Un usually convenient for the buyer. The goods are all new, and ainore attractive display w have never seen. They want you to come in and see what you are offering and. get acquainted, even if you do nofci want to buy a penny vorth.lThe first time you come toHowh:T'be su re ' to have a .visit to thei r ; i store Judge Frank Carter Vigorous-v Iy Protests Against Any Delay v Raleigh. Judge Frank - Carter tonight issued to thergejieral; as sembly, to the cojiVntte! 'appoint ed by the lower housed -felhvesti- gate his official and moral con duct, and to tlief state at ..large, a passionate protest v against delay in the proposed inquiry,- ' Tudffe-Carter had hot sooken-to fothei-s tlian his attorneys, until to day. His statement to the North Carolina people tonight grows out of-his belief that the investigation may not reacl an end at the ' prei sent session of the general Kssem bly-and that -unsettled;: charge? against him may impairif not de stfroy his' usefulness a'jl judgeso long as he travels the , circuit uhl, I der the. cloud nowesting upoii ' him " Ys'&&$ . -, : 'J . 1 t i 4T 1 lS 1 .1 I A t WORLD,PEACe , PARTY 15 AN ABSOLUTE NECESSITY! To Prevent Inhabitants of the , Globe From' Passing Into An otKer f VVar Cycled Sayi ; Presi " dent Thwing.;;; f -'h : Chica-Feb wrK peace, part.v is necessary, ' to pit1.-' vent inhabitants of. the globe from lassing into J another yarl cycled; Western. Reserve i -univfirsitytolj a gathering toda.v in (Sinai' temple. The meeting, was ,hekU under; the au sli Qes ;b f ? the. "Emergency Peace Federations ''There ; are ; s6me reasorisor believing the world aga,in "lis pass ing;into a; war' Jcycle'V saidiMr. Thwing. 4Tt therefore is peqesspy to establish a world - peace partyt It shall ' be a' party consisting of the peaice people, of every Nation,; We pledge ourselves rto use pu r influence1 to prevent war ahd to mitigate its evils"-';" I Morris Jlillquit, of New. ork, said: ' " ' '. ;'rV ' The war shaking Europe has been caused by rivalry between capib.lists for foreign markets and colonies. : , ' , -ty : 'If the people of this country will beMoud, , consistent and per sistent in the expressjon oitheir horror at the criminal -insanity of tlie war, their .constant exhorta- tions ultimately may have a'sober-l ing effect on the blooct intoxicated European combatahts.'.V. 1 ; wuaa fcj v vvuuuwiivyiiwii hi Next Safurclay ' Weet. All are cordial lyinvi ted to ; at tend. It is absolutely-necessary for each whiter, teacher -in " the, County to be presehtat this meet ing, so don't fail . tov" come; -No matterkbout your school running longeiy .Have, yoilr representa tives here in good timer"- I ex pect to rmai( i to each ? teacher 'on next "v Monday , or Tuesday " qu'es tions- for the seyenth grade examl- nationNo -teacher must .even open .the letter containing -these questions'until she reaches her school -and is" ready togive'the ex amination. ' She must hold a strict examination giving no aid rw4iat- ever, save iii the reading ''of the '. r . ' -i puestipns.. Then she is expected to grade the papers andsend-"the grades to me Thursday, -she is' to preserve the examihationVpaper Teachers, hy: all means organize in 'ounschool on next, Monday ..a- Boy's Corn Club a'nda Girls - To- mawjuiuo ;ana,sena;ine names or the members to, theeditoV of The Courier, -V ,w,.-J"v' ,1 ; The" colored teachers inaif en thusiastic'Session offtteireaehers association decided vto . a"dd,two weeks to the scHoob term making fa. six montns schools vh T Gunboat Blew :Up ' JGal ves l-anzistas ;coiincil 'A here, r. received. wordtoaayfthat the Mexican gun boat Progrcsso had been' Jblown u p by;a bomb inProgresso : harbpn Thirtypersons,', including"! "four womenare jep jrted" to have been killed 'v-v ; t-.i-Accordihg - to' the report the bomb was smuggled- aboard An a shipment of ice. u 'VI tT ', CaUedtoThisRslif:- : ; v Itevv M . Fv HodgesV Jr; ; ( ha's been called and accepted : the "Bap-, tist churches of Clementemorai Lea'Bethel ahd- Lamljerth --.Mem orial. Mr.. Hodges is' a talented; and consecrated young .man - and we are sure. thc3e churches ; are to jxiany 01 -uie win ? scuouisClwii run six months.'-.-v:: :-" THIS ISANSWER OF BRU ; TAIN :JO" GERMAN SUB-!;, i 1 . f -'' ' - - . v " - During the Reading of the Pre w pared Statement: There, Was -Frequent ApplauseV VivV r vLondon,. March 10; 10 . p iii. If. the combined -fleets "of GVeat Britain and France canf prevent it iv i commodities of- an.kind 'ezk ceijt thoe-no'won thVs'e&V hence. forth uiiiikthe conclusion of "the; war.shair reach or leave the'shores of Gemiany ' Srt" V ; ; Thisi? England'ganswer to Ger- mlnvvs submarine blockade, -and c is t6"be effectiVeforthwith Premier AsquithJ'readingfrbm a piepareid statement .madfe this announcement in .the J house, of cominons today, at h session which' will be.histojjic tudi6ulyatpid- ng thQ terms blockade1' -and Contraband'' for' these words occur;nowhere in'the, VreDared statement- the premier.? explained that the allies considered - thenv selves Justified in attempting,and wouia aiiempc, co xieiam :ana take into port ships cafryinggocfSs of presumed j enemy - destination,' ownership or origin. I' v : ' r'- The premier emphasized how-i- ever, vessels and cargoes sb seiz&d were not necessanly liable, to con- fiscatron. andibe'gged'the patience of neutraLconhtries to face of a Mep likely to injure them. He add- allies, had done so jnself defence. UK a tejliUe VrepjareiJie wenfe on,:' 'to-submit tb " the- arbi tramentof neutral opinion; md still more id the yerdict -of impar tial history that,' in the- crrcum stances in which--we have beep placed we have .been moderate; we have been restrained; iwe have ab stained from things that we were provoked and tempted to do." and wxe have adopted n;;poIicy, .which commenus lisen to reason, 10 jcom- monsehse and to justice, v . vy Every. membervof the bouse not at.the.front in khaki,' or .unavoid- ablydetained, wasin his seat and there wasirequentcheering. The galleries were packed. ' When the premier concludeoShis -set' state menfc,vand turning' tor the speaker, said:.,4lThatj ,sir,Js , our 'reply!" there' was a tremendous outburst! Curiously j the German reply to' ;, Y- --t . -? ; - tne American note seeRing to soive j - i. V wJ-.-. r - i.. '' ? ' . .. zoinei was handed to . Ambassador Gerard at Berlin today and Prem-! ier A$quith,; "in his . speech said that Great Britain, and hep'allies were still considering : carefully the American note to them on - the siame ' subjects -That- the v British government had fejected4the,pro: MVooiiii vtcivini CU iJ ,r u lutrc uii true.7!.' :- V 4 '.i Mr, D. W.: Long On the Markets; ' -5c - 'v i ?Mr;;D, W. Mgof IesV-Clay toh Long & Long, is oh the North emmarkete thisiweek makingvhisf rarchasesVMrtLong is k buyer of long experience and aiis customers will not be disappoihdinjHS;par- chases; this season Jn jmany! ie- spects he has shown? greatrwisdom In delating, his trip vfordnJ many lines of goods the: prices are yery ihuph offf and his customers will re- aA--4- ceive. this benefit.4 Watch, for their announcements in: thesevcol umns.- Carbf of TEimlw,' the situation growing out'of v Ger many's declaration 'of a havatwdr v We take this method; to thank our neighbors and ; friends;' who were so kin.d and. helpful i to: us in the '.recent f illness'' and'' death of wife.' and-; mother. 'v While . we are sad and lonely, ' the ' manT. : kind nesses and tokens of esteem shown us,' remains as bright places in our memories, that we ' shall" always cherish. May ; the Lord richly bless and ahundantly ''reward , every one who ministered td us and her. T . , ' i i,& 1 .J 1 1 i : I. . ' " m:ii ri; d.;i- - t 1 A, TJie'fivrmerso f :'thisvsection'have been ,Very busy ? fori" the" past two weeka .plowingarid gettihgi up WcTKlauditer "b$'t h .IbVeri", ppHimuu uaviiig cuipngs.; luuiwiyies A' samu, courser - cox- - There as beenlolsof sickness" fee and home made eanaV.s were.", around here recently, ac; 'served; y l'l ''r ;HVe are Dained'tolearnthatMr - t Afc .T W" Trl txo7i10 r cinfined,tohis 'bed 8;weeks continues Joulte v;fe'ebleSrth;Plpnnm N ' Tt n . wo a' bUt glad to learn that He is a little 'played at six tables Mrs.j Tegiie , stronger hope,-K will beip;againUvon;thedu ' VeryjBoen.;- " N icritticalb:ill;:ndtsxNcted to dive. m tYn . ? x :i3uci)anan j-ot itox- born Snent ftfltnivhfrr nhannHav at ; her . fatlfer!s, and. brother's Messrs.)W. T. and Marvin Slaugh- ter. rc-v;? '-444- -4(.' VThe.families'jpf ; i.Messi,s.;vJfc M. Longhand M;i .Hick.4 "a: e very muc.Mmp!toj ' . ; Mrs . bharl ie Sti-ahge's .l?aby is yerj 'mitcbr improved. t ? Vq are glato Ieard: that Ir. a. -xiy .txencry ana lurs. ; -Dime Wilbprne;ar6 y ey much ; improve edhope.th'ey will- soon be vell agam.: vMrs. W..F. Gentry has .return-. eu lo uer wqrK again;ariei spena- o uHl wo k mf i afewm(irevveeksitherjath- mg ersur, u . x.oiaugiuecaisy ;;Theod6re , Price:":i: '-Commerce and;Eij ; 1' tAsUxi.bjbeiu.paiuted'i otn these-ycolomns before . the.declihe 6 f ; th'sal oon i A'me ri ch is riot due so much to a belief in prohibition as tb the development of ac great institution that attracts , ar ' fair number, of men1' who . formerly went to. the saloon mt feo much because they wanted' t)cik as the srreatesfe agencies in tha world! t KAx?-i'. ''.m'nnn.A' ti,,'., 'T.."t "j- -".r 4 ei "i without design pnths.irtf those who are inthftmntion 'nipf.nrft in- who are in themotioh picture jnr dustryv'' V i'-;..;.v 'WNeed Good Roads;' , " , ';,v;r, vy.c-. ; ; r , , nPFMINft HF 1.4- . " " 4 ' 4 . . 1 " . because they craved -companion- Annie Clay ton:-irCQra -and Vena- , ship "That, institution is the hiov-" Meadows,; teachers.-:: ; ' ' . ' ing pictured show.,; It is" one of :'V0j, 'V-.' i"-' " 'fl-n,v. fTKAn fncf. n mranni ad -iw 4-l-v itti"1-I : . .. I ICUk . .. . 2'., - ..--..i -w a 'tail iu i?vi.;rwvi icilkill. K SS7?'5PRIN(G00DS:fi -1 - pvTHE- OPcHlHC Or OUil HEVV SPiIU.O GQ0!J MEifitIS TflE SHOWiriG OF, TH D2Cr.ZEG of Fnsniori; ..we ir:uiTE .euerv Cw.:.a.:j. t-:r.:.v Gir.L ntJD gov. to.cohe. see : 0UH' cziv crr.i::3 coods. OUil styles ArkE niGfiT: our.;:riTEiir.L5 RIGHT: OUR PjilCESi-ORERIGIlT.'",."-!'- ;' v you WILL LOOI. tJOfFURTHER FOH Vinaf VOU WfltlTfFOR SFillfiG WI1EH YOU SEE OUR V.1U GOODS: YOU WILL GUY Klb GE PLEflCZD. I I . 44, I- " - - " ' " v.--roul'pcnAsesrE.-:Ac4UI;:6'0.!Ly,ot:D 1 WIL'L GE PUT On DISPLAY AS FlST-fiS.TI'ZY COI II : IN. .COnS EUERY,DhY AND SEE TC1E IJZIV, G0Q23; i-i - - Societ y News . , - Mrs: R.VWa Stephens was v. hos- , . tess'to the Twice1 Eight , Clubhand s' I other guests -Friday , afternoon - of laou wcciv. AvyiiivM, vyas piayeu.wau . tatfoa hostess Friday afternoon the r Veizeytl the; visilbrsj priz.The "V- was;assistedyi,Vi', Misses v) 'Serving refi-eshnJents J ''.'irv ' ' ,Dr: and Mrs.R.'Lorig enter-- i . - J:? 'j Ar . '.r: i 1 j -r " tainedJ the. Bridge Club 'Tuesday ; V .ycuiu uiexLii. r xxie laoieswere aVranged f or. twenty, players. jA the conclusion ojf the game-Vsalad course" was served, delicious home ' .4 ' j 4vi . - m. -i o - to T . . i r The Research Club held an interr ; N esting 'meeting with Mrs,; Garland r v Winstead Wednesday-af ternoonl ' The" study of Mexico was rcon- tiriuecl.;; InThe absence otJirs: 'jV-; , AvLbng,thpresideht, Mrs: Burns was . the leadeK ; Following? tne.r , , ' studyhonr the hostess,' assisted by," l'Henry Lon&iervei-fL salad V u;; r ' and a plea's aritsocbrhour' was W ' , ; Honor Roll V,i it of;M6riah ') Public : fechoolr'; ! third widf otirtli month V". ci v v ,v , Second; grade-Pollie Mangum V ands Herndon Bowles. : , X Fourth grade--Bennie Mangum ' ' and Hoy;pa;. . y ; " -: : ; , . ' .Fifth ( grade-v James V" -Newton, . -Pervis Gm Zelma1 Mangum and . Sallie,Riggs, v r- r V T . , Sixthrgrad ;, -. p'' MrtiWillie" Knott, "one C of our - o6st.tanners.and MissMary.Sher- ' j. daughter bf.M 'J. H.her-: ' 2.:J 5 1 umu, uuc uui uvJStV ? piuiuiueub , citizens, were . married on Sunday " ,Feb..' 21st at the' residence of -Mr." Jnti .Vfqriii Gentry performing the , ceremon5 f , y . t ?; 4- t ' ' HI IR NRA ' - u 7, V : v-. ' -- J. f t h r I.1 M (S " Geo - bo ccnTfiIrtcd r -irr,

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