I . Children Qvy flcr,- F Soeiip&,7G I The Kind in uso it-AJloxr no - II n V f A fU J A ; Peen rjovn LUo.-rtaow and nave. pempet ner, wa herjitttfrfine' I HApN) j N AM su id w uu f v -vx-rr. uv.r. -vV, T. You Have Always Boasht, and tlc!x has been " V V.;'..' " V y r iov over iJU years, Has borne the sirrnattire' of " r4 V.v : ; u w7 ' an5 fas been mtide under his per- tf W n ' Vi. Iir TM ;', j? r?--- sohal supervision since its infanrvl- A -L ' liC SUfC lOU UGt IllIS 1 All coimierievs, xniiacions aim u ust-as-gooa 7 are but' Experiments that trifle v.ith arid entlarisjetde rhtealth Of V ; Infants and CMId;enExperienee against Experiment v -K-i 18 F w t 0 BF ... , v - . Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare---goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups, It is plfeasant. It- s ' contains neither Opium, Morphine . hor , otlier JSTarcbtid '-- v suDsuinue. jLts.ao is xt guumut... jli, uesxroys worms- -and alleys Feverislmess. For more' than tliirty jears it k f has been in constant use for the relief, of Constipatibi, ' - "i riatulency, "Tind Colic, . all Teethinsr doubles : and , C Diarrhoea. Mi sreffulates the assimilates the Jfood, givinpr healthy-nd natural sleep. GENUINE C ASTO R I A ALWAYS: X9 iBears me Simature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THE CSNTAUR COMPANY, N- YORK CITY, . -)-'. if .'-.! , t . r..A i DESPAIEIMG 11 After Four Years of Discouraging Conditions, Mrs. Bullock Gave Up in Despair. HusBanJ Came to Rescue. Catron, Ky. In an interesting letter from this place, Mrs. Bettie Bullock writes as follows : "I suffered.for four years, with womanly troubles, and during this time, 1 could only sit up for a little while, and could riot walk anywhere at all. At times, 1 would have severe pains in my left side. . The doctor was called in, and his treat ment relieved me for a while, but I was soon confined to my bed again. After that, nothing seemed to do me any good. ff(iltM 6c w WAOl 2? fMAft Bpi'Wn Sheetings" Drills 6par'vaaU7gjS.C&; 10ti,19lS; 'P55!9-Cltb9yt Cp.g uIevIIIs, Ky. 7 ;... v Cor...-.sn!- After, cpnplotiRs"otiplrillaE.t Kqw BoilanAtA M j "TOCrl 'lailt.flr. w4Vi' onmA k1l 4kMka ( viim Viioa IlH f .i'.ri y di7lfiing eir village up Aito eeot'ionB of: I,' J - 73 0 3 each tr.i painting each ten irith-dWferqttt,-'' " - v N4.V. UWU-V iUkX4 On cn eootion'of fSon houedflv we twe4 lleadV t . -'i other five Heotiona s :nAd 'tlntn 'wiVLffVfi' used 2. -'ciia sction,jad oonaidered to 'i cranio. . . :i " - -v. : ; .. , After eiRjx--; years we find oovarod with- rlSIJ0 PAIKTVare etood the test better than -ii auding Lead and pil. Pill eay further thatthd , U - v'sre all ofjtho . flame-'arhite'pttyeweatherboaredui ii6 yexxow pina or same' graaonavmg i. csr arposure to the sunj that Is-none of them, were- '-V i-iUlaily protected by shade., trees, -.-but-'ily'xpOBed;1 are well pleased with the Jreeulte "of th---4 . -10 PA1UT" and can heartily recocanend me,tO any ' 'Hi c-.-o wuo is a buyer.' - '-;.. - ' , "- P I h Tours! PAC0LET liAEUFACTUHIJlO 0,0 'C.?S. i 17 m iyv Afjg K.0 PAIIJIjI I, ,, ;, , Mnu-jiii-i ; ' ""..,iii mihii.. i'...i i. .'.mi in ii 111 1 I-.uj iiiiii. v, ' '..l.li.. .' was born' to Mi and Mr&r W r , " . . i u r '.stnall importance ., -? " one to deceive you in this a -aEgv u a fa M ' ' 1 - f Stomach and Bowels. V4 as f - F ' I - , .; ' , - h j V ' 1 I bad gotten so weak and I gave up in despa; k . fk , At lastly- husband got me a bottle of ,, Cardui, the woman's tonic, and 1 com- : ; dose, I could tell it was helping rne. I cah. now walk two miles, without its 45 t tinng me,; and am doing all my work." ; r . If you are all run down from womanly troubles, don't give up in despair? fry . : . . l"' Cardui,thewoman'stom.Cv .Ithas helped, mnfA -4tiott " nrillSMt JUUi-tM''tM;.-: KA(f surely help you, too. Your druggist: has ltc Pardtii fnr vparc Ha Vnnwc wh4 it wiU do. , Ask him. He wiU recom- mend it Befnn takinsr Cardui todav. , 7 0 , : Write to:1 Chattanooga -Medicine Co., Ladies. Advis'oryept., Chattanooga. , Ten n- for Special, 'Instruction on your case and H-'paee book,' Ho ma - !--. W,.f top.-n ' MoNt.er ; ;Woi h raint ri"? i, .. - ,.i . '2, f. -. " M UUAOIA f EU AVUD, MMMfNW - '. MASTIC be tils' leadini? " ... . - 'J. , V that the ten oot' r- in better condi-1 ' any of the others. -h. don't' have , IlO truly, v ?v k .-v C-a . rr-' - - EESC0 .X...,-:;v,,. ' Jv - - u-s ; v: -.:-:;. -v'r-ifronVir ' ' k.''. .- n. 1 .i in an.i.m.1 -t - - f ' "r"""' -inlrr-ll 1' )-"'- -" ir '"'.' n.M.i in Hi M .-'!. . , .... , , ,v , . :; t--y r A girl to-arrivQiu a family iir fu i Beuauoyrs or aqoiit . 120 .years, AfJ rti:Lli ft,..-lri.J:T' ' 1111 IIIIIIXIIIIl .III I VII ' I. I Ml Ill-Ill?! . IIVHWMIW.VWM6II ( . j slmitaiOQ3 always folJow the trail of sue- vgone since FqeeVs Honeit anp.Tae Com- . pound began, 40 years ago, to .ooseu tae gnp' j of coushs and colds.- , ' Be sure you get the.genuine , Foley's Honev and Tar Cornoound Jlnd avoid the names that, sound like it. ." ' ) iera bio ixico cap ttojb w vex io geiiuine. Ist-The hame of Fdey's.!' c , i?na me yeiiow. -r package. 3rd The ,. Bsehive patheyei ; lQW'paccage. ion fltjtutB to do for you ;" CoMotJinr will do, . for CDUffhs.' coids. croup, bronchial and lagrippd coughs, M hrot arfd lung trouble W ' it. of , your druggist and be' safe. - yr I EYERY USER IS ARIEND. ; Sold EVERY VVt) ERE; 1 . ' f A ' v. 5 . , 7 r " t" " " that liini better prep at kJ ed . than ever to serve you' in carinr for , the : dead , thah ever ' before. -3 v In my 'new place of buw- " ness I(have the best roonv 3 for display me coffins and v ' - caskets that I have ever Vi has and I shall t carry at : .all timpa t lihp wliirli wiil : enable vou .to sret mst a. 1 ' L S . w wnai you want, . 4 Remember, . these i t goods areready .trimWd for you" and S when you - hut rnr rr-f XTrttiy it;once;6 I,-have been .. serving the people of -this County for more " than, 23 years and you 1 VKiiow my work: Jf I have ; , 5 pleased you I wili appre-v -4 -ciate your future 5 work , - -, and nromise mv verv-. y besiendeavor-'Vtoi'tiil'J. . ' please you, giyingi:tKe , ; :' very ucsi scrvi-c ,ai -iiiusi t reasonable once. I-l -1 t C.l. Jl .': A . ways ready to sell you .-si tVi RP.STV fill car or v a hitiof)''. $ reasonable price. Come to, see me in my. new . s. u , owtc , :. . - - , w : 4 T - T? ' '-(XygicAr. . -3 t P;. l;tf'' y( 1 1 CCKi - .2 : ' v . ;' . : ; v .J1A AA outt d veiv a 11 ;other, in Lrcnfiest Maumnce -. . f l 1 i w my. I -53-r- r--? r V I ' ' THE Pacolet'Mf.Go.. .pt SpartoaTyig, ,Sl Cr J( are large paint-users! and are very cetil; . -. in,selectm'g the best paint money ari buy . ' la order t.cletermirie which paint Vould staho!' ' t i.: r ! i r i. j ' '.Uu PAINT tood the test that tells. ' ' -Profit by the Excenenco ot Petfple 'mt-Slnows. t . Don t ,expeimenLiyitKunknoviau rami: you 4 xpenment,withrunknovm to-hMostfc Pdint As certainty; , and" has "been the' Standard- or excellence! or , over forty, years. - - v 7 . .-v ; - - rMdstlC Paint never varies in quality, it always t .i , -:ui :. ' ass UI CS J-Il C ucat pwsaiyjc 190m lo, a v - i & ".f 'f ;'.antee'd' forSAbsoldte ; Purity by , its makers " K'L '' Peaslee-Gaulbert -Co.v, :o Louisville, Kyi and i' f : ' we can recxro.rhen.d it Kighlyto pucustomers. ' . ' oiorcamsnoyvingcoiorcpmDinauons.. J Mme, Schumann heir,K, Operat.c Mar, tKecomme'ntis mousevworK or " ,-j - re- liands $nds hei, UttlVteot. vr But ne ever Yeitnm aersei; he:iipiigiC4 '-Urf noi aaim avdaugi-tar'afa. major ,r .cajptam to do. oerowti' Wofk ' srom.tieri I learned to ,sewN'an(rom.stoc;me3: ana eoul(lx.patc& - if pair ot . officer's 'ti'ousere so Tuektiy tnat .yo dbuid not 'te; wfieretne. oatcti TasJv'A.nd, what rvot moie ainjcuifut;i ttoaw dartra ' . : V . ....... . . j . . . ' - ' ' . . . 1 I upw -near ui? necKDana.or, a mr(-so , . t - -i ..-i , i .M ltlial vir cnuTt -ttof tprt- thpfp h.-i 00 yoeeu any .Holer in ract, -,it w ou'jx) k this -experience -.of -mirie that 1 have this ovnHon'r.-. 'm,;jfh. i,v,i,A never1 employed a : maid. K IS. ' y. t 7 And i learned to 'cbok, too,,; .And to, 'this dy I love to do it X do notc'oo-t .in -the Anferic'an, , tTuiJihe Austrian; t 16' buf everybody -.whotrifes'-.my : cooking -knows- it' is all .;rsight -Very -often when visitors cpnie toajy' uouse in; Chicago A am very1: , sorry r . but . ; l, .cannot see;-them hecaseis-Have : my,, -apron on and am in the jutcbea, cboli "ing. : ., ' ' , v. X found 'that -work r a bout the noule. ' developed in me: & K constitution that- has been1 one , of niy most y aiuual&'Dos - oesssiuusj,. xiiere is towpri mat does more' to promote health tatf girl; -Sweeping, .wrestling ' - with a J feather bed, : or. pushing' furitufefout -of'i che - way while - she sweeps, develops her. hack ,and her bust at;thejsame,time and nakes herr fitVto fight the worid. 1' strongly recommend'- .that : kind spf xwork"t63iH -American;' 'girJs.Mme. Saturday GREATEST THING IS -IBERTY ' ; Nothing i'That' , Mart.- is Capable of 1 v ' Achieving' Can Ever-ctaf . , 1 :i .'...;...,-.' l DI.-.-I ' . A Iu ode pf the finest passages m 'les - Mfserabes,'- Marius, the yscfuhg artstor crat who , has become converted .to. what he'thiilks are liberal ideas, ik.eu-1 logizing Napo4eoh. . tie recites the Oor sican's wonderful , geniuand unparV alleled; achievements; points oit the "glory" whiph he brought, to France," and as.s dramatically wAat could be grandeT' than the ImpenWregime A quiet youi ol;thIittle revolutionary group rayfesis head -and answers.: To WtrwV?:. J ' " lt is well ' to "recall , this, relhark no w, when- the . gosper of 'emciency" is i fusurpihg the place of tire law 'and the. brophets. c . ' . . Efficiency is a fine thing, in pubjic matters as well, as in priyate, ones. Put it is" better, to. he free than -toVtye efficient, better. t6 blunder in liberty than to achieve af machinelike exact ness under, the, orders of 'expert au-v tocrats." : Through all '.thev: ages '.men hays sought some elixir thatvwbuld- keep na tions alive and;. worthy;' -Only one has ever been founda'nd that is liberty. .Other, talismans' worKfor altime, only1 xo ran wnen most neeaea or-io ex act a t price which' fmakes .success ""a Joss. Liberty :. alone 'remains: of per manent valueT-Chicago ' Journal, : New'Xork! Pergival C. France, aged 40 co'uld not stop crying and $6 he erided.his life wrth a, ballet. Allentown, Pak Becaiise work was slack;FrarrcisD; .Baer, giave digger, ,cbmmitted,suicide; b.v in haling gas.-, . . 7 , - - Los Angeles; Calif. complete skeleton ofkcave beatHat is said: ... -' : y . .v.v ,..'..- , to be 200,000 years old was found recently, in ; an excavation n.ear i i . 'V. '. '' . ' ; .4 A - :a ; lour . J V-.- ,i -7. . f.. ... ..i jrf'v !: Bast Chkiice : ,V-To Obtam-?; r rf 7 ! ' t4 T . -ft' Knowledge, tharE;yeryQn& i Should Possess, , ; - PART- ON&- - ! N v, -: - Simple Treatmeht, for, Common ! -dcflt'7 ; i : r, ; :' ,i-c-"' - ' - v. , ' FAMILY; IJEDIPAL, v . - sfTT. a i ' - - ' i menuonix;g xiuuc - . ;sent" to thesam'e1 address 1 I iNotmorenanone.uuuia v.cat.c JUT 1V1 Eitipiily; 1 iviea icai R. L 'Practical - Laws' ot Health. .t r-' If-, von.desire onVof ?. These ' 4 J - t j ho li.i. I ..Is- Itafian' Scientist Declares Animal Per- r - forms -Action for Conyecsa- , . tlonal. Purposes.- . - , - r - forms -Action- for Conversa- ; .Wiiy ..doe$. if dog tts tail? No., triis isn't, Foolish Question; ixlii . ' Bar f ro'ra U. Xt iis sober,'- solemn -jpro lem whicfi has' been given long,' 'care-y,- Mui, scientine- invesngauon? and WiCtn t ' '- ' - is tiow , suDmitted to tius;wittv answer, .aitached so thftt we he'edn't ' worry eur-' seiye3 into .the slightest " degree of J ; " weignt v somenere aoout lUProtes-t . - - i . .-r.: -A -3 sor jttenatOL .very Kmaiy; and soieniniy, tcll us that the tfOgwags-its tall -tec ccversatiopaL . "purosesanQ . lti'tlns nrrr.n.n - n'i ,-'u1- .great ' con versationalists. -1 dotf V - we ? '.Professor Renato says' great injukic$ has been. done in ' the"past . by-icin'; tits in nbtgiving animals' t'aiIs.a!:pro-: found study soener." The tail, he 'sol- pbint of antiquity, is t muchOlder 4ha'p other : oreans ofi th Ivarlmisr animaif?. ran therefoVe' Entitled 'to.; be , investi gated first." i Biology detnqnsfrates he saysrthatio thp gradual development of animal life the ttail.;was perform ung variousimportfiCnt ' functiops -and working lik Wa VTrdjan possibly: cen4 turies, 4 before;, the, 'animal ever began to dream . that it niighr also be nice' to have pawsqKjaws or, legslelippe? his present ' exhaustiyja' and;4 profound treatment"-of. th-.subjeetwill sort of square matters with ',the animals' or "rather with theix" -tails on behalf -of past neglectful 'scientists generally. Ana yet, in spite; o the arguments of Professor RehatQ, fipme of us. wjli conr- Nil J . H uuue 10 auiui. lar.-rmore mieresi, jn the dental' rdetelopmentr and profi: ciency; jot 1 the, idog. than in the jpofiverT satiopar ability- showji ur tail-wagging,1 won'tv.we? Detroit" Free Press. : KOflE-TY- ITS VX)W;REWARp ry; Act,; of. Street 'Car Conductor IVlade' -Whole class- Popufar ; Wltfi":S 1 Pittsburgh Business Man.'' "; They "were 'ialihg ,'pf the'work of street 'car.s conductors - and4 of' their chances for graft in comparison with, politicians. 'V..v,- , "I . suppose -that men use the nimble-finger in reponse' to the nim ble-mind at vtimes bullet me tell you; -"...- V . - ' i - l i...-i a. DH oi experience, wmcn .may-nut uo at' all exceptional,"-: said a contractor , qf the - Oaklanddistrict. ' ."Last ' sum mer, ,one'day I put ?200.inJ20 bills .in one of those long f odin? bobks and snppea it into ine msiae pockg. oi my cpat, as I thought. It was a hotv day and I -wore no vest:' I boarded a car to go " down , to wn. i Another ' ear fol lowed closely. Before I could leaved the platform of - my car I; saw , the con ductfer of the other car . wavinghls hand, holdinga book that looked like1 mine: I clapped my hand to my pocket and no pur$e Tas there.-1 sprang from i !T: ,... -r1 :...!' .;" "- .. . i '.. ' '-. stdpped; the confluctor 'gave me, my money ' and-1 f elt Af or f somethirfg i to f e ward 'him, All the'papr mojie:was in $20 bills? and :i 'had onlyhalf a doP Iar in change: I offered him' that ' ad asked for is addressf felling' him would send more. He replied pleasant ly ; that he w ouldhot -'ac'cept a reward for "being-, honest, but that if he were in politics he v might- accept anyojd' i i. i . j1.1- inms ror oeine, uisnonebi. i ut;r iuai 7 Qu:Ukn.. CivMt.K.7,1 91 ',.;.. ,0 The E. R Sterling "the only masted barkentihe'; ihthe j world, - ar rived in' Sap Francisco vffom, Nanaimd B. G laden witW bai :'. ' r-y ' , i Shortly after the .vessel dropped an- chor'she was1 boarde by. federal ope'ri- tives i who mada thoroughsearch of the' hold for a: highppwer:; wireless apr' paratus which ' pftcials' have -j been- iitt formed is - destinedto .the ' transferred -at sea to a foreign ."warship rom some. American vessel an the 'near-'futura No apparatus was uiid.- . x " Capt: ITdward 'sterling, : JK sbn'-pf the owner, of the'E. R. Sterling, is mjy-twenty-one yearsbld and' is said t6vbe thei youngest; skipper' of ' av deep-water ship to possess a- niasters licenselie vessel requires a crew of only iz meny as her. sansare raiseai oy flonKey jen gmes.-7-oan- jrancisuo uromcttj. .v. . '- Ue "Swallovrs rcQtbhrush" - Xames keffington oftthe,ProVidence school", committee .ha's, 7 a fine set . v(jf teeth of which .he is yery proud.; The other 'morning hevvras -polishing., his. ivories, and, m- the .course -or his(ruo-' binghisgripjpii ;the handle ot the brusH. slipped and- the bruslLentot yim's throat, to9:iarror nim to recover it.:- 'RealizhigUheravJty of the, sit uation, -Skef5ngtoh had a" hurry call sent Whe Hhade Island Tibpital,and there . the doctors losV no dlm& in qck prating Upon' him. This: Jjrusli was re-Nj afternoon the1, patient wa Reported as 4oIbSv'well.tPrb.Tfdenc ? Elispatch to! Phlladelppia: Record. V" "ri:1. - .'fc. 4 . TbeWhisperers ot'P.arls: True," everyday is like Sundaynow,- t"v . .... -J-. ..-- , . ' . , ,.- ... . - i une anu iiOLuiu. ics. iu- mouuueso; 4 0f those "dim, -yeneraDie cuurcnes lor rthp whisnerers now. are me-women ot Paris) ; .kheelfe beforev, the' Virgin, thotfghtfuWssdveitr-cProflGlus" enre Rbzfato'of RoTWp'yltfliv Vip- - .Office fever ergg, ant.&L ,lt i ,11 1 V ' , ed' ar iQt of attention to this 4m Y' - 4 s?' V . ' J ;: " ' . tion. .'Soyou iee there'raust "be some ; ..'-VAT 1 -s "' I would trust a$ street car conductor ; . "SURVEYOR.- y r "".,:" '' t - :i. 1. "". - . k i 1 -1 V ..' ' S LhZh SST' " Office nextdoor to"Dr! VickeiW , 7 Pittsburgh Dispatch.. -v - (.'- , ; .i -", . ; " ' ; "ny" : 7V,' j- -- oxboro,V'NC4 : y;.'. , K- ' . . . -- VV W. R. GATES SURVEYOR 1- Oflce ihourt'Hous0 - DR. 5. MONTAGUE. MD. 0 I Of rs his pVofessiorial sendees. tojthi .cJie of Koxboio auUsuK 1 i v f . i lii i j - i ii i i i I T i n i ii. : 4 " ;Attorue.vlv atr law, -:; 1 , v ,' ' Office Ver It GlVtantiW &Ws.x": fyv : Stare.. fc.Viv ? ' r ; v Rbxboro. N. P. i ,T' F. 0. Carved CARVER a vWINSTEAD --' Attorneys and Coi'nsellors at law;1 . r ' "A Office' over .a rk' of RoxbofoC -tDR.xB. H...L0NG . . . TV XT' X TTCT t '. " OfficeoVer the, Bak-of Rpxboro! -"vl ; Dr.; Rs L Teague if -: ' ? rnysician ana. ourgeon;:vr fice over The Davi&'Dnig Cq, ROXBORO, N..C; : A.- W; A. BitADSHER; M. D. t FEACTICING THYSICJAN. Offers hisjepices to --the people ' ,7-: ofRoxboro.-and sur rouriding' -; ' a , ',' community. ' ' ; ' ! -7;- V - - ; v .---Practicingr-Physiciah-- Sw, u ' Offers his services to -( tLe peop r' " . - ..orRoxb Vo and surr6iindng - ' coiyjiiuuiiy. jnce,'. in : v , Pass &'Gaver,Building.7 ': w Nichols 'phcijpLS' ' v' ? Otter their professional service . - .the people of Roxboro and f t , - v., - auiiuuimiu uuuiuiuuit,y..' Df; EJJTucker . DENTIST. f Office ew Hotel Jones , over 61 , a -7 - -'-'Driig-Stbre. ;': V 'V 4 DRCG.XVICkERSV7' v ';bffice -in Vifeweir- -rluiidinfe; on :7 North Mailt Street- next. ao'oS , ; 7 Roxborp Grocery . Co.- 7: V7.:' V -'y Roxboro; n:c;; '.H ;v7 . DR.VA. P.READE; ' Dehtiit t ' v .v rw A Office over the1! BahVot' I Rpibo.' 'T-' - - J. - .- ..-7 , - r r u-rnDi crv : C ' V i-i-i'U' - , -i'.ti-WWi MM s - Panama- California Exposition V v T ' v SAN DIEGO, cau.:'!'.:: ' JAN't J TO DECEMBER ;3.1,v 1915. Panama-Pacific International s . Exposition x, , . I ly- an Francisco; ,0al,;.'; ;;- Ikeb-'y; . 20 :to December 4;" 1915' t ' if) I I I I T : ' , , " s VARIABLE route TOUR'S 1 -v 'i t R educed .Round-Trii, . Fares , . .; fViA ,-77.-v'-r NbrfoUf -& Western Railway, MARCH 1TO NOVEMBER U,.iyiQ . 1 - 4" "'Very Liberal - Stop-Over, privileges '. . ' ' ' ' .L.; ..... ... , '.4 r J - .: . "I i, All Information . upon 'Application to , W C SUNDER : i tMr F BR AQa, General PassAgt'. .Trav.'Pass.'Agt iVv-y'BOANOKEVA, ; V- ' I - .!:-. V,V f-7-,: , ! V . J--- T. ; . . .. - , -. - . .. j. 1 - ' li y t . . .! . . .... i. , . ... ... . 1 IT..,. .. i!Maf.Wfl'in8ii?.;,-3'.. -. - y Shi V, ''.i f . rv f ,' i . ,v -V, r . ' 4 J '4 ! , I '.,V -4, - T f V . 5 1 ... i -i i -:V K; :-y-riryy";:y';y.y -'.c-;; v-7. ;';