The-. cou.iiibR: ; Published Every. Wednesday Evening NOELL BROS..-Publishers' W J. A. NOELL. JR.; MANAGER "t - : ' SUBSCKIPTION TEEMS V s . 7 OnevpollataYear, Fify( Centsor Six Months. Twenty-.five Cents " For 3. Months; - inetauor IS Jn no ; way reuiiaiuie iwi views expressed by correspondents.. . - Entered t the Post Office at Roxboro, n: C, as second-class matter; Roxboro; N. C; Mar. 3, 1 915 THE OUTLOOK FOR tO- x . . B ACCO. ... : 3..- . ! . . -. ' 'TIT - ' 1 1 4- U !. rtl.Tiv f farmers about matters which they know much more than we do, but t: it uoes seeui tiint we suuuiu uc , pardoned tnis time ror cautioning i them as to the tobacco crop. In another cofumn will be found an . 'article showing the production and the consumption of tobacco. -.Kead it, and then if ' you "think it ,-wise to abandon all oher crops, as too many of our farmers have , oeen uoing in toe past, tuen go , ahead and plant all of the tobacco 7ybu can put in. With a very large ; surplus already in the. hands of !1 t f . All -a V' , tne manuracturere it is tony to er- pect big prices for the next crop, ceven if it is a small one. The man- . ufacturers are not. going to pay. one cent more for the crop than 1 ,they are forced to they are just Jike you and, I. When you go to town you do not pay more for an "article than you are forced to, and .meither will the manufacturer, es 'pecially when they have the 'fix ing of the price. Certainly, the man who has a ' fine crop of tobacco fine fillers and. wrappers, will get a good price tor it, but you kribw what a small per cent of the crop comes - under this head, and you know how much of your crop is more than likely to be composed of the lower grades. Unfortunately, for them and us the cotton farmers . raised an unheard of crop last year and the most of it sold at ruinous iy low prices, consequently they are not going to raise so much this .season but are going to put in a worJd of tobacco and the chances are that when tle next crop is , soJd there will be more than e- nough on hand to- last an entire year, and possibly two, if there was not another pound raised for ' twelve moriths. '.- Knowing these things to be true, then it does look like we would all turn our attention to something else.To be sure, you will plant some tobacco, you will have to, foi;it is our only money crop, but you should at least look v out for your family and your stock. Plant more cornhah you ever planted before, sow peas and take extra ,care of your grass and meadows, see that Ihere is one or more cows on every farm, pigs enough to supply your wants in this line ahtl a few tb sell, look well b the chickens : and eggs, and to the thousand'and one little things on the farm which haye a market ralue. In tne summer give that good wife, your best partner, some help-in -caring for the, canning bu sinfess. With these things proper ly tteniled tb it takes: very little money to run the average farmer, r We;know. many.of you will say it can not be 'done, that you . sim ply m ust raise tobacco to get the necessary money; Hbmany , of you have the necessary money now to make another crop ? How many 'of you did not get, money en du gh from your? tobabco J?orop this season to pay your, fertilizer account V Oh, but . ybiv say, - this was a bad season and anVuiiusu al year. Certainly but - what 'assur- haVe1 you thatwe;wlll;liave basbns this i year, and just 'vviTf lLl" consequences t win 1 itbit'snould have ,pooK Vea- , Vyknow; that we had ; just as 1 tfyto butt a hole' in ay brick .?alls'to to preach this . to cce; buejw there are many wilu us, anu wno have' already learned '.the Jesson andjare going tb.stop depending on vtqbacco fore e ve r thing. vJut so IorJg as we are what Is) known 'as "oiiecroppers" justo long-will we Y 5v firiii nnia 1 - efriaif.e f '"?-: 1- ' '7 0 ." ; The Legislature' is due ;: to ; ad iourri !' on :nex tSatfirdayt t or at least on that day pay will stop, and after- that, time they will )be work- . ing f or. - glory; alone.: While there Is yet much to be done," still pu may'lbbkfor your -Representative along, about Monday evening ; or ay morning. . O 7 . , Up to Monday mornings 'there had'been introduced In the Hoiise fourteen hxindre.l and ninety two" bills, Dr. Tucker having introduc ed twelve. Just what these, twelve are we are not a ole to say - just at this time but we are-willing to say they will meet with the approval of the people, for the Dr. is one of the level headed Representatives," a man who will do to tie to. " We know the Democratic party has done many "foolish things but we do not recall anything (fyuite so silly as the talk of ah extra session of the Legislature for the .purpose of investigating the conduct of Judge Carter and Solicitor 4 Abe nethy. Just because two hot' head ed men so far forgot themselves as to let their temper, and" their 'ton gues get the better , of them the Leg islature is asked to investigate the matter: Giije them the same? medi cine you would give some ordinary cuss under .similar circumstances and all will be well. . . : - -u The present session of Congress will expire by limitation on tomor row, and while many have feared another extra session it looks now as if this will not be. While the President was not sucessful, and we are sorry, in . getting through his shipping bill, still, he has decid ed not to call an extra session. It has been intimated that there was a possibility of an extra session be ing called -about the first of Octo ber, but at any rate the country will have a rest from legislation, botli as to Nation and State, , and tfor this we are thankful. Y v Now is the time to begin pre paring for the County fair. Plant something Which you want to ex hibit, or begin to give attention to that colt, calf or pig which you want to show. Last year many of our good farmers did not exhibit because the fair was not decided on until it was too late to make preparations, but this, year you know there is going to be a fair anil we want to see m'any more of you tafee an interest in the exhib- its and show to those wlp will vis it the fair what this good old Coun ty car do. The Fair last year was a great success, but it is going to be much .better this ,y ear, and the ! way to make it better is for each one to lend a helping hand. Begin i 0 ' State of Ohi.' flty f, Toledo. Lucas Cotintr. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that be la senior partner of the -firm' of F. J .Cheney &. Coiv do Ing business In the City of Toledo,-County 'and State aforesaid, and -. that said firm will f. pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOIXARS tor each and. every case of Catarrh ithat caijnot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrt Cure- . , FRANK jjriyte9.'L Sworn to before me . and subscribed In -my presenpe, thla 6th day of wleceuibi, A. D:t 18SG. Seal. A."WCLE1S0N. ' V ' ' ; VNotury- Publkx - Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acts directly upon the blood .and mucous Bur-faces-- . of the system, v Seud 'for i testimonials, free v ";' - "" f w,,L- ' F. J. CIJENEX-A, -CO,, Toledo,' .0. . Sold by U Druggists,' 75C. --,'. J , Take Hall's Family Pillsfor constipation. '..,.' ,;'.;:"'' . iV"f.w''?,4 The editor wanted:wsis. thicks and placed a few lines in the.Ef cbange column. The:! paper was printed Wednesday v' evening ;arid j..: rni T " 1. -iV 0 11 - x nuraay tufe repii es ; wegari coming jn, arid if ; we"had;eeh possessed with the cash we" could have bought a' whole ; drove of 3ucks; b.v thitimeJ ;Mt pays ftp use theExchange. column if ' you want to buy or sell'Jf yoja iloubt it,' just try it once; " : . j ;-o i- V: ; f , rnow, a u uive quinine ;:io cnuaren. PERILINE is the trade-mark name given to an improved-Quinine? Xt is a Tasteless Syrup, pleas ant to take ftnd does not disturb the stomachs Children take it; and never know it is Quinine. lre take it and never know it is Quinine, ettpecially;dapted ta du1ts who cannot ordinary Quinine. Does not nauseate nor take cause nervousness nor ringing in the head. Try it the next time you need Quinine for any pur pose. ' Ask for2-ounce original package. The name FSSRIIXNB isJUowa iabotUe. 25 cents. , ;A Chance rcr You. , : U . We are; going tq neip you1 ana ourselves at' the same1 ; time. We are going 'to educateyou l ut to the value of using the' classified'' de could make if ;you 'wereb let all theipeople in1 this county ". know wliat YQU had for .saleYr Do'you know' that no Jatterliowapparpj throughbht' the' country. : wi'Uy. useless ome B article' hasH T-TV V "nT- ' 7 7 -" 7, r gi-Qwn, some other person ;has a use ror mat arucie jxiyu wluu HOT IT? v . - But he cannot;l)li,V it if hedbes not know?WHERE'td :get; itl In the big ei ties the classified departs menta of 'the, nespapers i are as INTERESTING AS f HE NEWS COLUMNS. In fact .they "'contain real live NE WS'j AncT those " who use .them' are reaping great advan- tages-BOTH THE BUYERS AND THE SELLERS,- . - , , Ofdatelhe smaller j)apers -Are pushing, their, classified"' depart ments into more prominence. -The other day we picked up a; weekly, published in a county seat town in Wisconsin. Itsclassified : column was t4A WONDER." 'Apparently everyone in the "county was using and reading-it. Lack Of space pre vents us from reproducing it, air thouglf1 we woudy like" to wdb so. LBut here are a FEW of the things that were advertised or sale by the farmers and the townspeople: Houses, lots, farms, glass cup board, chickens," sewing machine; turkeys, rugs, f eggs, upholstered goods, crockerjv geese, butter, correspondence school v course, cheese, feathers, .manure, incuba tor, horses, finger ring, automo bile, jars of fruit, " fence posts, hogs, (plain and fancy,) embroid ery lessons, suit of clothes and f ur overcoat, home made bread, a colt, library of 100 volutoes, home knit socks, cream separator, two calves, concrete' block, machine, tame-bear, gasoline engine, heat ing stove, hay, rag carpets, home cured hams and bacon, wind mill, a general store; soy beans; alfalfa meil,' desk and chair, twpewriter, cabinet crgan, sjiort . horn bull, bird dog, hay-stacker, rake and loader, Jive tons of coal and a gun. If YOU hxve any bf tlie above named articles for -sale -f or any- thing like them - let us knowrand we will run a, classified ad; jn The Courier. .The cost is Very small -only 1 cent per line for each in sertion. Someone wants what YOU have to sell , Billiard Tablts Reston Rock. Billiard tables, supported on solid rock are among the novel features of. a . 36-room concrete residence ; located on one. of the islands of the San Juan archipelago in Puget sound. Each ta ble rests on af massive concrete "base which extends through an opening in the ' floor and, has its footing pn bed s and ?s ucc uuui viuiauuu as u 11 weitj a part of the island itself. Popular Me chanics.' . s :, ,The Romanofft. -The-founder of the vRussian "royal house, known as the V 'Romanoffs " was Michael FeodoroyitchV who i was electea czar in 1613 at the age of six teen. It is claimed that Michael, the founder of the strong, autocratic rule in. Jlussia, was .forced - by . the duma that -elected him to take a cohstitu-. tional oathrra formula 'that was but lightly "regarded. , ; " 1 . k y ' - . , -1 - , 1 : :- Household Hint' From Father. : . (You eoufd write your name' on, the table, it was that dusty.), y "Suppose," said father, peering 'over? his glasses (eye glasses), at his .industrious rag playing ' daughter,! 1 saVti "suppose; you stop hammering on v the - 'Mendelssohn ; Kag'. for a ' .wniie; and practice - with the dust-rag an hour or two M think mother would be pleased.4' ' -' ' - C- , " ' vVot Really "Sentinels." 5 All ; animals 'whether, quadrupeds; or birus,:: that feed in (herds are';: said to -placed sentries on the -outskirts of their" party it is, .howeyer, obvious that' wherever there .is a, collection ofH Animals feeding qr lying down there . wjll be members of the group : at the cprners who.iby their ;very position; become '"sentinels."! . :' - ."..'! The hdme'of;the rOsemiary wasHorig: inally 1 in ; the v south 'of Europe more' especially .Italy; ',where -it ' grows :to :theheighf.of six or eight feet, either being trained. upwaYd from the ground or embedding its roots in an old wall. 11 grows in inre varieties gold,-m j Yer and cfein ' f ' .'wrT 1 ( Te,r.rna, sreen.. r j , , - ; j -t -V-. - r, . : i - :! ' ' --'i ' - II. . r.IIIE FIRES USED 111 WMV.X Thrifty , Woman, In CarbondaleVa Bakes Her Potatoes Jn; Back-; ';t 'ruYard 'Crevice. it ''x That the piine 'fire which Jhas'.ragpdj city iior.tne last ten years habits: ad " ' vantages .for- the, resident w&s dlscoyf ' ered by a motion picture photographer, taking picturesr in ithefire district, for reDroduction 1 on fmovieZ' screens dos,ed their homeland . removed ,tq ; othersectlons-of the-city to wait for r' uum hsk. m ui w tinguished,-but si. few of those1 who re main - are -making 'the .best ol cindl ,0Tne moving- picture " men'toiind-one , woman. . who; utilizes'vthe mine fire in,', baking' potatoes and other vegetables: She simply "drops the.""spuds"iin$aa" crevice in her back ard;: leaves . them; 'there, about an hour and -.takes 'them out" as thoroughly I baked." as if they had reposed in the -oven of lier kitchen range. , - , V 'V-' v - ' - r J Explaining her discovery, the house wife said she seldom keeps a '.fire in her kitchen .through" the' summer. In .an emergency,; she ; can boil - eggs and prepare ; simple rdishes with the -afd of the stove-like creyic V fl -v..' v In - Canaan .street.' the .'operators found , tf; man; whoVsuppliei his home with :hot; .water fn," a: similar manner When he. installed Ais 5, water-heating system lasV; winder this'; ingenious citiv zen went, thinly clad-into" his- garden and dug deeply into the warm earth. Therihe coiled ,,100-feet of lead pipe into the hole and refilled it - . Even, in . zero' 'weather v the family had a steady supply 'of warm water' arid the scheme has worked so well that the ingenious one is considering a plan to elaborate the system and heat the house with it next winter.- Carbondale (Pal) Dispatch to the Philadelphia North American. .. " ' ,- " ' TAUGHT BY GEN; JEB STUART r Tactics of Famous Confjederate CTen- erai Approved and Adopted by German Masters of War. . "Xwenty-eight years ago when I was in Germany stuayng art.' said a New. York'artist, 'I had a friend .who was a sublieutenant in the army. "Like most German .officers he was an enthusias tic soldier-militarists 'we call, them nowand, he4 brought' a book to me'to; read because it was, he said, an' authority with all .Germap officprs in tactical, matters and "Was really part of their military .education. ; -f "I was not especially interested, not being much of a soldier, but . when t saw the book my interest 'very ma terially increased, for it vas a copy pf Drei Jahre Im Sattel by Heros von Borke.'the representative of Germany, with Geni - Jeb Stuart's . cavalry In our Civil war, - the English title being ''Three .Years' in the, paddle.';.. Von, XJorKe naa not only neen witn tne uon federate ? generar f 6rr .three years,c but .he . was- in the thick- of it, and7 had written : a' story that was intensely in: teresting for its daring adventure and was- of such . technical and ' tactical value as to warrant the unusual 'posi tion accorded; it by German military authorities, X - ' . - "The fact that I was a' Yankee did not lessen my pride vTheJeast in" Gen eral Stuart's work, ifbr wrewere all good Americans by ; that time and I was .proud to - know : that we were teachingJ Germany, one style v of fight ing anyhdw.' " The t book , was . in Ger man and I suppose it, h'as been .trans lated, thiwigh'i have never seen a copy outside of Germany."' Patriotic. . :r - A school teacher recently aVe his 1 pupils a lecture on: patriotism: j. tie pointed out; the high motives which moved the'Territorlalsfto leavex their homes, and fight ! for their country. 4 t The schoolteacher noticed that ' one boy di4 1 not; pay attention to the in struction't' and' as . a test question ' he askea" hftri , ' 7 ' . - r . ; .hat-motives took the Terrilprlals to the war?'; The boy waspuzzled for a moment,: then, remembering the public sendoff to the local regiment at the railway station he replied : : . -, " :i " "Locomotives, sir.' London .- Tit Bits.' .cvc M ust Accompany t Regiments. l Jt ; is not generally known v that clergy! who have " accepted . British army - chaplaincies j in-time, of i peace' cannot -jrejfuse to accompany1; their regiments when on 'active1 service,, however ; strong the claims .of , their, parishes may be. The bijshop'of Lbn don has' been: criticized; ror his read K ness to leave his "diocese forsix weeks; to acdompany .he - London vftine bri gadewhrever'tbey' may,,be, senVbut" he reallV has nd. choice inCthe matter, having- -accepted thfe " chaplaincy if he refused&elwoiildbeT.liab'le -to ar rest and trial by. court-.martial. r-;f ' BiliThereisaVfaciory iip in -buy town which has Thad . wer; iwp : hun dred marriages 1 among'5 its ; employees this;.7 -- v-- 4 Jill It mukhe Ja ."spoon" f actory, V. c 1 -! ' V'Av'Difffencetj:' 1 CiX)' 1 vTiendf(gazing' -rat newf houseX-So' this is your last housed : u ; A Builder ;r(sdly)r-Yes; JasfTTrot W leased! Pearson's Weekly.' r ; : V HeavyLight Sleeper, r-, -Bill It has been stated that an-ele phant sleeps onlyfive hours each day :Jin Ana yet;tney say. n is .much sleep which makes one heavy. C . ?. J : Jill And yet ,they say. it is . much w; .. : - : t -, . '. A - : vr' c-:5 , - ? s f:J Xv . .... , rA-- . i ST.' Our;buyers ..'.-a t next week they will but as complete ;. - y : ?stock of; goods'-as ever ' : 'v . ,,OHJ VV It 111 1VUAUU1 U. . r' . ; :; ;,iNewt,boods;?are;;;being :; 'K;-?rec'Siyed .daily;':'' and-fcwe; v' Celling tKem'jright;4;See Our line; .... .. ' A - I" '"f ; :-v; Vr:-:) ';; --;- ;. ; V;r V, '-. V'" ?.' J-M.V;A i'." 14 v ' t , ! ' ' , - - - v-v - .'x - :" 3 r f -r ; J ' : -v : . - ' laveBHaseffnip. 4 Perhaps you have, saved ' up a few . hundred dollars which you wish; to in- " vest -hre theprincipklill be absolutely 5 secure, always available, and at ;the same time pay you; a; fair rate of interest. De? ci posit your money in: this bank, taking an interest:Dearing : , ( : ; : GERTIFIci - Your principal will be well secured Varid:subject td your . demand when you .need it-C r::'rK -r.vv ?r:r. ' The interest is more than you would receive on a' Government Bond arid4 the money will. be: just, as safe . . -vi'WE PAY m Capital $25,000.00 Ml r ttra;'wili:hoid;m ,ui uy;; Jiustthis'sort "of a,thing?is oingon' ;eyeryday'' ?'; Do-some THINKING and YOU'will putmoney -I -;We pay 4;penc3ent interest on time deposit , l v Vy " r K- rrrrr-i rrririT-KTT rroi V V V - TIHIlTi - JPK'CDLiLaSS are : leaving for - the Nor-. v' 1 " 1 1 Safe 4 PER CENT Surplus and Profits $20,000 00 WHICH M let Cotit? JC'J ; it . .. r

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