O0O00000O0000000000QO0CCC)S0C9C0COC3CCCCSCS0CCCC3C3 6C300S000O00O00O000000009CCC3 Catarrh o! the iicad -4 e o -' A ' i v ' - s ' J 1 J LEFT TAIL AS TROPHY 31 1 i - -4 v.;-.-- - n t M reruna , FRENCH OFFICER'S REMARKABLE ''ESCAPE. FROM MOB. ' -.. . . . ' . .'.'..'..O.V. -" v. o o In Six : , - ' - 1 ( - . s Bring your tobacco and igeKthe advan- tage'af the bestlight and best service. We Have a competent force who are al-y ways glad to help you.- - ' :.- ; . , ' " 9 , - - t O t 1 iJ n MU I ' II W o 50 o o o O o ' o Weeks:" S highest Market Price". ; Your friends; f K V If O ; V's . .:. . . t -i " . - v: - -v.; . . Tie Planters Warehouse ' ' -., . . . .. ' - ' e i , -' ' - ' :.. . ' ' -I - - . ' - ' , , . . -if... j.; o 0 o o o o o o o o s o o o tl o BETTER RpADS AMD SCHOOLS Farmers Beginning to See That Edu cation Furnished i n ,0 r e-Scom ' Building is" Not Adequate. ' i Co-Tier. cr.laterVe shall be Mven 0 9ttt0PO000OO0OOO00OOOOOOOO 4000000008000000000000000 OOOOOOOOOOiOOOOOOOOOOOOOOB -:-o. ' v.:o " o o 8 . o 0 0 ft & 2 o o o o Bring us' your tobacco. The market, opened Monday wih very good sales and prices-were very good. Bring your tobacco Revelation of Closely Guarded Secret . i may nave pecn ; u npieasanx, dux v V Undoubtedly: There ' Were. ' ' - ' Gneat'Compen8ktlons.Wr . On February1 24, 148, when Paris was disturbed by " the revolutionary mobs,'- a Captain Prebo.is was sent by ivered" to . te t leaders j of theltroopk v f CuOJllltry' uiatv'Were;;aeienamsimeVthreatenea points in-various parts gf-the city. It "was a dangerous undertaking, v for the bitterness of the people against the vernment 4waa mc&n'5e" lr.- ';' , "BefoVe starting cut, says Noyellen- Pchatz Captain ?reboi s,1 as - rhed ,tb takaith'e greatest ca?e if he1 yafiied his life J" but he took thp .warnings lightly, and said, "If you, fellows knew myj)lack. 5,000,000 People Have Gatarrh J v - r Mr.; -Tom FT 1 "..s-tv - s;: :vx... jc :-..:v;. wil":; ... 3 H;eie?ter,''. N. T.," writes: ' 'A'l avui .,' ,iroubled "svltU catarrbf ha head f or u.-;y y?ars before I paiJ much at- 1 k yjlack h(frse asell:Ws I know him, Vt:Hen q' it, bu)f a few'.monthsiro hi .wouldn't worry about me.That -l.s1f80 jalv. headaches and v rse haS carried me through4 thick j:u'culty: ta 'nS through' raj , , f ' , v . ,. - . is . r aosc ana my eyes snujrtea arra looxea and thin.;, AnC with a,f arewelf wave infianed lhat r felt l" must- Jq. - v . ''Something' to Telieve'.thiV state of af- ' ,, The Jblack horse of -which, the .gal-f. fairs. " ' .".;!' K" "i:"T:r x . lant; captain was so prqud ,was MdedT :. - t'l noticed one of;. 3 a beautifurnnimal.' He had Tof well-J -paper, and, then and your ads: in the there,1 decided to , i shaped,-etect hed, a deep '"chestr'and ' tr 'Reruna. I .am pleased to ? say ', ; ; slender, well-formed legs. - But'there at it came up . to aU mr expect-. V: now. We haye the " same competent force as before ' Christmas and tobacco is going tp sell well - ; - Watch the locals in The' Courier and - see some of the HYCO WAREHOUSE averaorea. . . - V A. V. w, TTTv ftl G o o o o o o o v O :. O O .0 o 0 ' 49 ,o;0 -ro o - 9 e o 8 .-. . O . o o o o s ' o o o 8 o o - ,o - 4o o - o . e o o - o to 'tin centralization - of ' chc51s in seme form,' not' necessarily to the lownship fechocl; -,hnt" we are all be-' k ginning to see that'-the education fur bished inthe. one-rcoji school with orr twelve pupils en an average, is' net . what the farmer needs; and costs mgrthin it i? worth. -'Thereforerve tai;e it that we-shall be driven to some kind. of consolidation. ' YvThen farmers get around to' the '. point of figuring what thsir schools kciually cost them per "pupil . per day, and realize; the in- dequacy'-of this kind cf training: to i . . " . ' - . m . r i ' i Mi'i.. km ill fiiJk vv r: rv - J. i i a a. m. -a '.: . - fit their children for 'farm life. -they sometnmg very extraordinary lho ' . rrVl rnt f ' -ST-tAnl ;nd" unchjns the schools Ubout his tail. - Jt was 16ng and bnshy, , have hot been TOum since."4- .v,- . but it never moved or twjtchedj except ;u Mrat A. j, T.teman, ' 1122 Wyoming 'V4 with the movement otMhe-animal's' . St., can Antonio,: Texas, vritesi i,'4!. ' - body. fClosp -observation .showed- also -:ft"otl rvernfne clears -v?ith -atarr" that it had' a-slightly reddish hue, al- f " te'Tawd, nos and earA Five boc- . though theifferente in color Vas not' 'Jf'" '" ;'f?.V great enougjx to be noticed under c-rdi- . ' : .' .' J x '' -; nary conditions. . - v ' :. r' - " -'-Ap1- p . . .' '--;.'JC When' Prebois arrived in the dis- ' " 1 ;r arm facts. O , tUrbed section of the city he fearlessly - " W rewr -Kaajorar j , - ; .aenverea nismessages. we met with Cheap money will solvemanypf no resistance irom ure crowes in tne i i . r streets until preached the Place Ven- the fafs Plems. j , ; ; , V dmerone ofthe principal" squares in Thvere is not enotiffh of thepom- , the heart of the ,cityHere a great munityNspirit amonf our rural dis- 7 " crowd of revolutionists had-gathered, i:4.S.j 1 '.a4: andr as the officer rode", through 'the V - r. -'- 1 "v :" crM, ina fierce Toice, "HoW! 'What largely, upon, proper '""marketing V-" message sr carryingr -x 0 cheafmoney and co-o'p-. a bullet through . hiinandget that oration. ; r . ' r. r - , message1," bawled out the man in a Something istwrorig in ourmark .1 commanding voice. He was. evidently eting system when L small, crop v ' a leader ot the moh. ' - - i ; ,.lJ.- . - .At .this point, the -captain 4etr- brings more money, tha-abountij; - mined hat quick action alone: would fulone.. " - 3 v, ' - save him fronV violence at 'the hands .Co-operation tietweem practicalT; wheeled.-his horse, and ; dashed off. 1 and ( proficient . business i ( will remedy itby bun xtogether. - ": - s x. Before thi3-can be done efectively vthereimust be good roads, road3 over which . the . children can . be ' carried .comtortably to a large school where -they will -have the .training thatfits them for life, and in the' larger schools a. training that i will. take the place of that of the town school, at vastly less expense and less danger to the health 'and morals, of . the pupil. To do this we' niust . have good roads, and good dirt roa.ds at that; for' "nine-tenths of the rbads that lead to the schoolhouse and to the country church must be dirt roads. ., s ; ' There are places in some of the eastern states where-the children go' fo:t school 'in automobiles. There are others where they go on roller skates, as, .for example,' where cement roads have been established. ; As we have Often pointed -out, it is possible to have a dirt road, good throughout - most of the year, simply through " the use of the road-drag. after -the road has been graded and drained and supplied with culverts" and bridges. ' r; There is, therefore, a very close con nection ..between the road drag and education. No law, however, canc6m pel the farmer to use the read drag wisely. They mustjdome to it of their own accord. They must get, to a point where it will be a 'disgrace to any farmer not to drag his road after ev- Several- bullets, -flew after .him,' but men will feleminate . ignOranceand , . - wild and then suddenly f nrpinrlW ' ' , - " a - . i-i 1 I . - they - went ? O000000eO4OOOOOOOOftOOO0O00O0O0O0O0OO0O0OOOOOO! 0O COOf 0000000000080000000009 f O0tO000000000000000000000C9odoOOOOOOOOOOOOO6OOOOOOOOOfOOOOOOOOOOCO0CC0CCSd0OCC3 o o 0 o o o o o o o 3 s o o o e IE BIG WSIMB MffiSWSE ilif ' ''9 1 010. THASTON . . . j.. ,. . ,- . . . ? .-f i - .. . -- -(' - :v- . . ; v. J,' 1 - ' , ., and We have bne of the largest and .best ' lighted ware&ouses in ' o o 8 O o !,0 o r o . o ;; o o A Country Road Near .Madison, Wis., Where Native ,Vestation Has Been p.,- Preserved and More of the Kind A Planned. . ery rain; -'Most' people don't realize" yet what a1" good sroad. can be made in time by the use of 'the drag, notf: in one year, nor in two ; but if th road is dragged after every ain, it will by and by become so hard' and smooth and elastic that U will' require very con-, siderable4 rain to put it out of condi tion. Few people realize what' a great improvement can h4 made in the. road in. even a few months by the use .of the drag just' as the toad is drying off after each rain. '.- r N- . North.Caf oiinaof "Virgmi a. 'afediWbqufflfdr.iVOTi! stock-to be foung en any market. :. . '-1r-"8. ' Give us vour trade arid we'lwu1.givelyotti6.urvim vices. --We-believe we'eah get somuch: money: for your;toacco;;! as'ybu can ortany rjmkef fahd "possibly iribrertKan. yoG,i48 will get on. some of the markets'. V ) ' ; . ; Robqrahas corps; of buyers whoequaT, ci not ;;bejBur- f :oh anynarketl Our banks :have .all ,tne;money;- necessary a g for all the tobacco our, marketcan . sell. ; v : - . x v o iir el hiaUaAa' '4- -y . u " J o i passed ;6 pay1 D6', notiorget thatour- slogan Jis, Tobacco", hence, we do no.country huyirig ; , V:;;r .8 Folio w'tHcrowd aridcome to HEADQUARTERS. .Thinking ;. '. . you an;fo'r past .iiade;and v '; ' ,We jare yoiirs to.serve : f :$?rV?A 1 7-'S.&f & :1 . v.- --.j i , -, . v j .',- -i, ' . - rv - '. s -O ceasea airogemer. ne ooKea Touna, TWhighest duty of , and ; . and saw-the mob urowdine round one I itouwu V4u.y w , ti of their number,; who held , something Federal Governments is to place-. in .his hand. And then his eyes fell agricultural education within - the ; ; , on he back of his horse, and his heart of ajL J , ... t .sank in dismav. - - . " , - - ' J - ' .It seemed that, as 'he whirled his i'The farmer cannot be helped un-V ; hnrsA nbhnt spVp.ml mpft spiVpd (hold" f.il hp n reran I7.p5. nnrl tfiP. frnvP-rn- ' . ,; of the animak But the powerful crea- ment can "best " help .the ' farmer'' tute threw them all except one, a lad , , ' v " , ' . f ' -. nf fAiirfeon TI-V.X VinrJ ooQ Vir, linrcfl'o ttirOUgll OrganiZatlOn. " ' tail .That tail was the object of in- Byco-0p3rating with his ijeigh-. terest that',had caused the shooting .to bor the farmer can learn newmeth- thebov. in the middle of thfe road I ods of culture and the mterchange pression of grim determination on nisf . Ther Natioh's 'menu must' fie' face, as he tightly clutched the -flee-1 -ijz 'JU ..-.L : " 4 in orPtnfR tail: ThP mob saw the Uue U1J rou me.ueiub, pauut, , humor of the situation and burst r into J orchards and garden r arid tOL farm . - a roa of laughter. -The CA0THQ did not have a very, go6d tail, and, so Io Me to 1 ry and Year Uut .-j 4iis masier -uuu nau- au aiiiucuu, uuo r i our VOlu lr Will Wear l Oil madefoi l:im. doubt that artificial j ; " 1 ; and. that alone, . saved " Captain v' - - - . , . ' " .' boisMife'. ''. v-" r. Thousand Veep' on suffering: ' r f : ' r;f q Coughs" arid Colds through neglect. , ;, w,i W1K W m,s,u.. i; 4 ana oeiay. w ny.maKe yourseir an-. in ma Turlington magazine an am- - . ip : ' , ailments and4 Mp nn Rnrtin'Q Lift tnthe RHtuh na. easy prey 10 serious anmenis ana, Ltioii of a-ccilection of his "works is ac- epidemicst as.the esul( of a neg- ciaimeu uoiaic augie 01 apjircvumuu. j lecteCt UOla.f UOUgnS ana U01QS iSap The writer decides; that. although;, kc- din's fame was made in" France it .was established reality Rodl j-uvu j? wc oibua.i.xuu., uuu vuisii' iuiu r t . es 7-.i : v - . The explanation came" out later. It hat i$ m " r , ; , ; ' 9ms 'that, 0aptam. -Prebois ? horse, . ' - ' C r-i -.J - f. r Method of draggingtiroads 4." - S Only V Small Arnount' of " Earths, Is sMoved'Justr Enough to Fill -the ' . ; , rtute nd Depressions. v a 5 , t dneeinAroads-tronl7.a- small . W '. 7-.7i-.. T ...'.. . ....... amount;-eartiisiaovedrjust.enough to fill the ruts and depressions with a thin iayer of " plastic clay or : earth which jacks very hard so thatythe.next tail Prebois your 5ti-ength land vitality unless . - tits uiauc jlu A'ioxiv.c 11 .was t . . 't" A - , d in England and that in checked' in theCearly : stage?. Dr.! jdln is a7British institution. Kinsr's New discovery, is what "vbtt - ' , There uJ.tm pthing f needtheflrst dose hejps. ; Your senses than one for the' contention . - . A. V, vn, '; SuperficiaUy, there, is less sharpness Mnu cieare up, ,yuu ureuwie.ireeiy , , : craurasi. ..Deiw.een me oesti jpiilisu j ana, yuu ueei so wiucii- ueiteivuuj 1 Ipture 'land that of Rodin . than ex- n wf i f a:j otf f ond ;.!-eforf.' tolrinflr. : . wtiipture and that of Rodin,than a bottle to-oV and start taking li.Viwh - oiiilntniit Ti r? .. tnnlintlal. ATn'aL I at OHCC . Ienc.- -His blurred contours are' seen! : -4. the. Luxembourg... But of' course; the quart for , bloop for 'transfusion - main , point is that the generous ; bid caused panic in a brerad lin here, i i t ZT, ' r TMrty. men were accepted by. the new ; mutiial. understandinr hetween physicians making the otter, ; ineiwo greai nauons. r i -j s . about forty-five .degrees; - vThe xlrlter should ride f on ther .drag and.rshouia not, drive faster" than.a? wialk f One. round tripr J each trip;,straadling 'a wheel track is" usually sufilcient to fill the ruts and smooth the surf ace.,; , i - i- - 'r "v. Social Advancement, -w Good roads always .contribue'jto: the social advancement of -the community. While the town? and.cities are greatly j benefited " by good , highways Reading from the ' country ' to ' the 4 owns' and Cities, rural people vare the, greater i -' : tr 1 f :"tt- c V. Xnln f 1 advance on -account- of the saving, in inarKeting their . products, but- they improve their scchl.- ciucaticnsl and rcli-ious tar.-ir.r.- tcrrj:? ' cf vaxnishers'arid 'polishers rmay bi,sub-, L,. . ru . . hf.M ilit T.nnr? Vr.. ChlCagO, IlLf. .Writing JOUf land; by. Dr.-Bernard Spilsbury and Dr. name arid address; clearly. ' ; 1 on j; fflilcot;i the E - emineht pathologists, in w j j j recei ve inN return . a trial pack-. ?s ' factory;; ' . . ; ... v ' Tar CcmpouhdT for coughs, scolds -. 4 Thisi varnish is; composed . of tetro- and croup; Foley :? Kidney ' Pills, r. .diaer. iitiasben for pain in sides and back',4 rheu- - . and other, ingredjents. -Rats subject f v , . , , to . the vapor, saidrDr,: Wilcox at the, matism, backache, - kidney v ana r , t.. V. ... i f : .. i j " t i '1 I : J .; TAlnn rA -.v't.'. inquesv Decamp arowsy anu uevciuii-. oiauaer aiimeuis, iuu 'jc.vicj va. ed. an extensive livftr " disease. .The Tablets, wholesome and 1 . . . I il is." 1.1.. -UnMmnv Anrhntrin OO- from disease of the. liver caused by morouguiy .cjcauauis wiu.u, beneficiaries,ibecause farmers not onlythe action of tetrLchlorether. ' I pecially comforting to stout per- sons. Sold-eyerywhere. 1, ; Didr.ft Think It Pretty. . ' ' ' TJell Eho Ici'hia cr"-tty fi:4::-; ; 1 i:"yi;Lj. LJLJl JL h J '.' . , " rv.

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