V 53 T 1 N J 4 f ' 1 f I -.1 I I , I .11! I -i I I -t I II 'I I III I Jr F3 -l e '-J'l .J t). WASHINGTON TELLS CARRANZA CONDITIONS . MUST IMPROVE. DEATH OtTHAD R i MANNING For Many Yeari Editor of Hen- More Battleships Will Be Or dered Toward Mexican Coast Henderson, MarehTI JL and Entire "Atlantic Fleet IV Manning for Va s -known" Only Two and :a; Half Dayt - Newspaper ;mair;i)f thisjtate, ay ! ' . jdied here early today.. He had been After a conference tonight he- confined to his bed for th fee years, tween President Wilson and-c-.He'was 58 years' old and, was the tetar.v of , -the. Navy .Daniels, . iCfounder and up. to four years ago was. learned on. liiglj authority owner of. the Henderson' Gold that two or more battleships Leaf. He was)at one' time- presi woukl be ordered from Guan'taha- dent of the North Carolina Press mo to Vera Cruz, probably. ; to- Association. ' morrow. The.; entire. .--Atlantic t " . :.':fy':i " fleet of twenty-one battleships is 1 ' " . wi . j ! 1 Honor Roll, at (Tiiantanamo within -two and a - half days sail atWera Cruz: - For Moriah School, fifth month. Onlv one war vessel, the battle-! First gradeSa.bre . Bowling ship Delaware, Is at ' Yera ' Cruz, and Ethel DayiV but, in addition to any battleships! Secondgrade4Sifu's, Mary that be sent from Guantanamo, and Palle Mangum, William :init.v in a few days. The. Dela-.; Third gracie-Peari Day ar and Herndon Bowls. Fourth grade-rBernice Man- c ware will remain there indefinite v. the cruiser Tacoma left Port An Prinrp - Rnii.i' hidrtv fnr Vpm fiTuoi. Charlie. AlnhiVand Rav'Dav. Cruz: the gunboat Petrel is eri Maiy and NHnnjeSling. . r mte fr.itn Muih, AiaM hiA the Fifth graded James ,. Newton, cruiser be MouuVksou tad froih aliie Rigs, Pei viv Gray, Zelnia I'rogress to Vera Cruz, while the -Mangum and Broxie Meadows, gunboat Sacramento is at Tampi- Sixth grade Millie. l)ay, Sim (..). Other available light draft-Clayton, Alphonso feiggs and vessels, more valuable than ' bat- 'Crawford and Lennie Tewton. -tieships in tropical waters, are the-1 Seventh grade lola . Day, gunboats .Wheeling and- Nashville Maude Meadows and Annie Clay held in readiness with the armor- ton. ' . v ?d cruiser Washington in Haitien Eighth grade Thornton C-)th- ..On Feb. 19th the death ;ahgel-; This act-makes it unlawful"' for visited'the home of Mr; and Mi any railraad or. express company Mac Aljen and "claimed their darlr to bring inio fche-State oV deliver ing little son,,, McGilmer, being 'fnore than one quartof liquor in about two 'months old.-The ; rv single package andiniakesifun mains were laid to rest the follo-iavvfu for any person to bring in "more, than a:tiuart. for any other" 'f 'l- 's'ry t"- ".f Person oraoruny person stp receive r linn AjnAvnnf ls.wtw" ing day -in ther family?1 bury iil firoiind nenr Snrl. . '. '"' . 1 " - T " . It - i J -ind Cominican waters Brooksdale Locals. "Mrs. J. J. Boone ..and little - ran. Teachers, Misses Cora and Vena Meadows. daughter spent the;, weekend in , ,-;,. ; , . r : ;; - . IVrtenr?r . . asfc . hunc av : ''jeveninsr . that- the writiiur rliMf nnttA n VtiiifniierrF'e" angehli'id visited , the home Wheen suffering "with rippq f .Alrand Mrs.sT;;R:; Moss of .:re convalescing.- V ' i Madison,; and taken,, their .little T) t T -n 1 baby girl, RosareltvMoss, our val her-e Wednesday, March home after spending several; -da.fi with ".relatives! .a.':"';?:';;. 4Misses Grace Malone, .Cora arid Vena leadows .attended services at Mt. Harmony last Siihdaylind also visited Miss: Annie MooreI;( Ovyhig to ill healthMiss Mabel Cothrari has returned. home ; from Littleton College We wisfi;:herja speedy recovery and that she may soon be able to resume herV work again. . ; : .; Rev. 0. L. Riggs will preacK at Bethany next second Sunday arid Saturday before. C: - V Prof. 'H. A. Robertson offthe Agricultural and Mechanical Col lege will speak 'at Moriah ..sct poj March 1 9th, beginning at" 1 :30;p. in. The public is cordially jnvitedi to attend. This school is nearing the completion of4a most - success ful term of work, much' approved by' patrons and pupils of the dis trick " fc":' Iiss Bettie Copely of -the north ern part, of Durham county x con tinues very ilL C. .. . heart went out in ivmpathy .; to .the parents. . She was "one year nml t-'fnrt.PAn Hi .s nhl. nnd had less. Sam P. Jones and Thom l)een sick just: tu'reV. weeks and Hamlin of Frog , Hollow spent thr(e davs- : AU tImfc ,uvil tf jiands i few hours here Monday.-.. -inT1(V skillful nhvsician couta . do Miss Mary Goodwin is spend-; was done for. her,.but (")d hadai mg a few days at the home of Mr. better place-fpr her than' they had nd Mrs. Algie Jackson., , ion earth. She . leaves' .a 'father, - Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Brooks and .mother, three sisters, aisd three little daughter spent the week-end - brothers. Her funeral .was con- at the home of Mr. and Mrs." P. ducte I by Rev. K. E. Surrate and S. Rogers. Billy Goat. ;; the body was laid o jest" in: the n t n ' - cemetery at MadionA True Ur or Dunloj) Jlour just rc- . . . ceivedat Hugh U'ood. - Ineud. . - , ; s Market Will Close March 2G$ At a; meeting -.or the uopacco Board of Trade! it was decided to close the market here on the ;;26th of this month. I you have any. tobacco on hand you had better get it m shape and ; bring . it t in. Ve suppose, - of. course,' if auy comes. in after the date mentioned some one will buy it,-hut you will prooroiy get oeuerr, prices n you will bring it in before the close ? The market has been very satis factory considering the crop,, and while the prices have tnot been as o-ood as' the 1 farmer could have e ' ... , wished, still there has- been yen little complaint,1 for ' this , market has at all times been equato any. M ,v )1". 1'" L 1 Ti II , -I Mill I il 3 U t ..V.' A... K',, V V. J' s . 1 fi "'i MRS.:GiDODCOOK:"VtV- JUST LOOK ; 'AT THE OtD, WORN iCOOKING UTENSILS YOU HAVE IPf YOUR KITCHEN.( THEN COME LOOK AT. THE BRAND NEW. ONES WE; HAVE IN OUR STORE. ; I j: lnn " : A' L1TTLR MONEY WILL BUY A; BIG LOT , OF - NEW. IMPROVED KITCHEN TOOLS W HICH WILL , SAVE YOU MANY, MANY STEPS AND TROUBLES AND m a kjt rrinKiwri . a nFJllriHT. ?A ; A Vx Go Done Much For The County We doubt if anyYonc; has done more for this : County v.than 1 the firm of Viccellio, Abbitt& Harris. Of course .these .people did not come here on a philanthropic mis- siori, but they have; : nevertheless qoue mucn ior tueyyuub., xuuj there is more, improved machin ery here than ever" before," and in consequence the farmers are ?ao ing better farming.than previous- ly.;; Hardly a tarm pnrwnac nas reiv ine luuueuw oi mia hvir. .- - s : Backed By Reputation !;For'nearly twenty .five;, years Mr.E. D 'Cheek has been doing the undertaking. 1 business .for many-of the best, -people -of this County, and in his new. place, the fee:v,;B6ys'ACpmr'ciub: 1 Mr. and Mrs. D. M.'.Cash soexit more tlianohe aaart of liouor in last Sunday wi'th; Mrs." Cash's rpar::l daysTwhether Irirone. or more ents, Mr. andMrs. H. C. Fogle- wa'ysrlt is made unlawful tor any man, . s -v- -ipei-son to. use .'another's name m Miss Lillie Bowling, of Faring ordering or foPany uerson to al-J vine, r. uas reiurnea. to-viier mow. me use or.nis-name- in oruer- ing uqupr. -it-is , aiso uniavvriu to serve any. kind; of liquors -with meals.-where a charge is made for th.meai or 'for the service; It is unlawful for i any.drus' store to sell or dispose of, for, gain, any liquors. .Therefore,' it ill be seen that this act coines much ; nearer to absolute prohibition . than any aw ever passed' and will go a Jong way toward stopping blind Higers from selling', liquor and 3P iviu lu iortu varoiina iiouj us. rig liquor. vThe title; of the ' ;act is ?An Act to .Restrict the Receipt and Use of Intoxicating Liquors.". 4 Jh addition to, the. antishipping law, the passage of ani act which makes it unlawful to manufacture or to sell maltand which: requires railroads and ; express, companies to keep, subject1; to. .inspection a record of all receipts'of nialt. Since, blockaders cannot make : whiskey without malt this act will help to break .up the. blockade: business in the State. 'Where they get their inalt.over. the railroads it, wiH en able.aiiy, officer to'find'out wlic is Vt. ? .:. . j i. f it.- ; " "... as man is usea oniy. ror uie manu- iacture oriiqnor, cne : omcer wui Ktunv that the receiver of .the nialt is either blockading liquor or is, assisting some other one to do, so. COUNTY COMMENCEMENT At The Auditorium Next Satur- day Morning At JO O'clcch. ) On next . Saturday the hrst v. -County Commencement . for this s . County will be held at the Audi tanumbeginhinisr at 10 o'clock. . ' AlJ'of the Public. vSchools ;of L the : , The' following names have beep sent:us by Miss lola 'Burch,v one of the progressive school teachers,' as hfoys' who "have enrolled for the Boys' Corn GIub Charlie Allen; Irving! BurchfVjoe Allenl Bluf ord Wilbom 'and Noble Harris. lr We are delighted to have ; these! County are expected to take' part boys join tlns'club Vand ' :ve; ' si h- cerely; Rope ' the ' fathers" of tliese toys vyill lend all of 'the aid neces sary ahd helpAthe '; .boys Vucceed.1 Ifthere--are , any .".others'iiv tjie County who have'emolled (in'this club v;e would like to' have their namesic.v ? t ikiS 4 i 1 - - 1 . - . j. . 1 , t . Postponed ?Q " ; ; Owing to the very .'md weather Relv.'D. F. ,Puthain didf riot preach the concluding sermon oh the Life of Jacob :iast - Sunday, evening This series will be completed "dn next ounaay evening at :tu ana in these exercises, r' iand a'igeneral good. time' is exacted .' ; " .V ; ; : Dn Hill, -President of the.' A. & . ' M. College jn, Raleigh -has been - -invited t6 deli ver ah address v on , thii occassion, arid' there ; will ; be speaking, declanlatioris , essays, etc,' by the pupils of ;the yarlous schools., The. exeicisesrwill; be in ; charge;6f County "Superintendent, Rev; J;,A:;Beam,and this, of it-" self assures tlie success' of theoc- casi6n..J t ;; ;i;: Afvv": ; V Everybody; is cordially ; invited to. attend these exercises, 'and' w ' are sure thatho one . who avails Week End at Loch Lilly, ,One of the most enjoyable of tlie mid-winter affairs was , the week-end house party at Loch Lilly 'Lodge given by-; the young men of the towa. These ''parties always delightful, were more so this time, Jbeing'. enlivened" by a number of out of town 'guests. , ,Various forms of "amusements were indulged inland Monday morning came only- too soon: , ' The fojlowmgere guests of the club: Mrs. B: R. Long, chaperone, Misses Lizzie Watkins, Henderson j Edna Taylor, Gpldsboro, Margar et McMurray, Shelby; Sue JLOng Lucille rassand. BretaA JNoell. Messrs.' Charilie .IQng, J B. Al derman, C. rC. Curiingham; I AV Cr.' Lowell, r, r). vv nitenead ana J . A JNoeli.Jr; the public is cordially invited , to himself of; this oppirtum : . hear this sermon. ',. - " s: regret the time'spent. " ; , Work on Movie BuildinV. V 1 Sari Francisco.--To inspect a - The 'work on the buildingV for 'little posfofficejn far-away Guam, : 1 -Lr C.-.1 - aXa wV-.ieh navs' itq . nostmaster only i uie movies is going ,; -rig no ,ucau - r .7"- 7 . , iWS f lio 1 m.nN i All -i" nV. : thov 12o a year,: is the object of ,a; 25,-; hope to be able to move in; withiri 00 mile Journey, which vPostoffice ten days or two.weeks;" Inspector EP Smith is making. t- !'f;ir:i VvtrVt'i Hv . 4 'k ikw; . 9 ;s; ; Notice to Teachers!; jTeachersby.all means :be here nex t Saturday ior the Qdmniericei ment j. Bring your, spellersrdeT, ciaimers,veciters, sxand - all who take the 'seventh - grade examina- tion; Will, have certificates for tnem; r.cijet me nave . ineir graues made on examination.; Have your, register in good; shape. :tHvelall ever to serve you in this. capacity When it becomes your sad duty to buy a coffin or casket . he in- TMfac ifnn tn oriVA him A 'Tall COI- fins and Saskets ready af. a" ; nio: County; : Commencement J in Per- the members of the " Boys' Corn Club and the GirlsToriiatp Club; Get your committee to cbmo, We want, to make at least a . start f for v ; : Mrs. T, H. Street 111 ; , Exercises will -begin" Saturday morning at 10 o'clock ;n the audi . -Last Sunday night Mi. T.. H. torium of the graded school. All Street of MiU Creek was - taKen t are cordially invited. uome ex- . J 1 1 ' 111 nMT -Cm 4rn nrt'irf ' " "il 1 ' -j.. J J ' T ' fT-iinY 5r oUo ic'cAmpwKatimnrnved arid-. her friends, and that includes all a he new bpnng gooas are ar who know, her, . hope 1 for her a riving dailylat Harris Burns , Vt Auiu' In a few days the' stock will be speedy recovery. -; Her children complete and ; as tusuaI you will were telegraphed for and some of gnd the best and biggest stock of them have arrived arid are at her new goods at this store that is in f ,f',''' -'.' '' - A1'-" y in just.a rew more ,aays DrigiiLun-fsbirie:-aiiil.bkl'm chasaavayA( Jthe cloiids arid ; plants and trees will yie with each other to takeoij tbe most beautiful Spring garbs ; . arid Mother Earth will be robed in the 'most harmonious bleridingsl ; of color. Even the, animals will- 'throw; off their; f, winter ;qbats. arid: take; on rlightei: ones: ; With neW lustre. With all riatiire making : .these changes, is it any wonder we all r yelcome this most beautiful season of the y "yeaf andjoin in this casting off the i sombre .v; :and donning the bright, comfortab pretty Spring garments? y;r r O : i m Ready to Supply j ft Sit I OH . . t with "an outfit to pleasey6urtMte"andJto your pursef- "knfcof the new goods are , ; ; , already here' Others are arriving daily ; and the nev .'stock Will soon be complete. ' You will find more, man morff1 'ISEW v mnns hfire than in anv otner store in RoxboroiWe ;have been at this business for years. We icriow tnel needs ; of; , the i people We know. do0y, values. We handle only dependable gobdc ; We discount every, bill.we, buy which en- 'ablesusto demand the very lowest prices. . j We'selllat as low, prices; as anybodydoes ; ' the same Srade of d.d'ds.'We.saskvyow : patronage simply on i i the vnlrits 6 'fJ bur; J goods, prices and service. ; f; 1 r ; You ae corldiaUy.jnvite'i and urged to visit our You are always welcome and we are al- . . ' " 1 ' y - ? i 1 ' ' - ' I M 4. ways please to serve you ine. very , vi we know w 1 4' i. 'a6i::onb,s"oEST-;$Tdii&'- ' -tr 'vf bedside. . . . th3 county.

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