Noell Bros., Proprietors Home First: Abroad , Next $LQ0 Per Year in' Advance VOL. XX?tH ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wedhesday Evening MafcK 171915. Number 11 COUNTY COMMENCEMENT Successfully Held in Roxboro Last Saturday. , Mar. 13, 101,5 marked a great fine singing by Miss Lizzie Wat--op forward in the educational sys- kins, of Henderson. In tie, morn ;em of Person County when it held ing she sang at the Brptist church first Commencement and in the evening at the Method- Many and interesting were the ist church, and it is needless to vtnts that wont to make it an en- soy her singing was greatly en- tyahle day for young and old who joyed. She studied voice at ' ul assembled in large number. Peace Institute and has a most -Mine interesting numbers of the beautiful and sweet voice: program were a declamation anci imitation contest, an educational! i.idress by Dr. Laprade of Trinity ! wur peopie were very mucn College, a spelling contest and de- shocked to learn Friday morning .very of Certificates to all who had tlwt Mr- W- Gliomas Pleasant ,ml)!eted seventh grade this year. jhad flopped dead. He had been Field sports consisted of a ball 'connected with the Pioneer Ware une between Bushy Fork High ; house for the i3ast season and ()n . - . r-etiool and Bethel Hill, and a Bas- iet-Ball game between the Bushy F.trk High School and Roxboro i raded School Gi rls. The winers were: First prize on Recitation Miss Stephens, Pine Hurst School. Second prize on Recitation Miss X-ivner. Bethel Hill. Fiist 'r - (D--Tntinn) :1S. i yv Pay! nr. Pin Iltirst. N Second prize (Declamation) Mas- Lemuel Allen, Bushy Fork. Bethel Hill boys gave the Bushy F-irk boys a sound beating in the .ore of 18 to 8. But the Bushy Fork girls came out victorious in ;;:e Basket Ball game with a score :" i'o to nine As well it was a i vat day for Person and speaks :V"11 for the live Supt. A. Beam. The Princess The Grand is a thing of the pust. the new Theatre being call-- (d tin- Priucess. Yesterday -:th-- im performance was ; given in the new quarters and the people Krae the opening a good send off. The Princess richly deserves the patronage of our people for the proprietors, Mess. Long & Tea K'ue. have spared no efforts, nor expense, in making this a most at tractive play house. The pictur es will he kept up to their usual ':irh standard and no one need Vsitate to attend these perform ances. Moved to Durham. Mr. J. H. Loy and family left esterday morning tor Durham vvhere they will make their home :n the future. 1 To :MA2vE A. TOOD xARTB3T Good vTE 3-CA.VJEi TKEiM. THE PLANTS IN YOUR GARDEN GROW WELL ON LY WHEN THE SOIL IS "WORKED" WELL. TO WORK IT WELL YOU MUST HAVE THE PROPER- GARDEN IMPLEMENTS TO WORK WITH. WE HAVE MANY NEW DESIGNS OF GARDEN TOOLS THAT WILL SAVE LABOR AND PAY FOR THEMSELVES MANY TIMES IN ONF. YF AB' rOMF Kjr.TT. THEM. ' , f-V REMEMBER, OUR HARDWARE STANDS: H'ARD.v; WARE. . . , . . ; Long, Bradsher M Miss Watkins Sings At The Churches Sunday Last SundajT the church goers here vyere treated feorne4 very Dropped Dead. i. i nu.V morning accompanied a colored boy to the; fields of Col. R. I, Feathers tone, tteltfok after ! getting up some corn. The col , ored boy said he heard Mr. Pleas ant groan. and on looking around saw that he had fallen to the ground. He asked, "What is the matter, M r. E($isant " but received noreplyvY; thenjump- v oft or the wagon ana weuito him and turned him over, asking him again if he was hurt, but Mr. Pleaaant was never able to speak after falling to the ground. A physician whs immediately sum moned, but life was extinct be fore the arrival of of the physi cian. - Mr. Pleasant had lived here for a number of years, but was a na tive of Caswell County. He was about G5 years of age, and leaves a wife, two sons and two daugh teibf. Tlie burial took place at heVennrfami $ ; ferrying g round, the funeral services were conducted by his pastor, Rev. C. R. CI ay tor, of the Presbyterian church. Motored to Raleigh Last Sunday Mr, W. R. Woody, accompanieP by Mess. C. W. Long and John A. Noell, Jr., journeyed to Raleigh in his car. Sundaying in Raleigh is a favorite past time with our young people, but for the past few months our good (?) roads have been such that this pleasure had to be cut out. They report the roads as getting in very much better shape since the sunshine has been at work on 'them. ,' 'JL i' jlv' V , ' . Vv'- f i ;i ' ; . - , ., V..---V. .- ', SOCIETY NOTES V ? T- v- v d'clock, there One of the most delightful en'.will be" a home talent play In tertainments given this season wa$ the reception given by Mr. ,anj Mrs. W . C.m atkins complimena mirth-provoking play. Don't tary to their guest, Miss Liiffail to see it! Admission, 2o and Watkins of , Henderson on laSoc; chi dren, 15c. ' Friday evening. The host andf ' t - hostess were assisted in receiving f'j-Large Distillery Distroyed. by Miss Watkins and Miss My rtlfc-Greensboro, March 14. One of Barnett. After the "guests fwer?jtlie largest blockade distilleries received rook was played at : six j .tackled by the officers i.i a long tables. After the , game a thfe Uyhile was found , early - yesterday course lunch was served. lne parlors were beautifully decorated the color scheme being carried out throughout, the. color beingIaf vender! Those enjoying thehos pi tali ty of the evening .. weref Misses Sue Long, Elma Featlier-; stone, Ethel Crowder, IslaNeweli,! Emily Jones, Myrtle Barnett, Esther Winstead, Breta Nbelljv Lucille Pass, 'Mabel and 'Mary Harris and Lizzie Watkins. f and Messrs. E. M. Deaton, JohaA'. Noell, Jr., S. O. Brewer,' Cc! Cunningham, W. R. Wopdy .J( E. Saunders, C. W. Long, J7 rB. Alderman, P. E. Whitehead J. Harvie, Harvey Clay ton, und B. G. Clayton. ' : Miss Mabel Harris entertained her music class at the beautif ul home of her father, Mr. WH Harris on last Friday aftefnporti She had prepared a musical ;Corr test which was entered ;into hear til v by all of the pupils VAt M conclusion of the contest cream and cake was served by Miss HaK ris, assisted by her sister, -:Misl j Mary. ': , The Twice EightClub was en tertained last Friday afternoon by Mrs. William C. Watkins at her lovely new home in the northern part of the city. Punch was served by Misses Lizzie Watkins and Breta Noell. There were eight tables at Rook, this being the Club game. After the game a three course luncheon was serv ed. The Young Ladies Embroidery Club met with Miss Esther Wins teadhst Monday night. After the usual hour of work' by the young ladies tempting refresh ments were served. The Bridge Club, composed of nine or tne young $j marriea . .i ' a " 1 couples, met last week with Dr. and Mrs. B. E. Love. There were five tables, including some invited guests, which greatly en joyed this most fascinating game, after which Mrs. Love served, a silad course. : Mrs. Harry W. Winstead , was hoste'ss to the Friday Aftirnoon Pleasure Club aty her home on North Main Sf. Friday the ,5th. Rook was played at five: tables, Mrs, Geo. W. Thomas won the club prize. , The hostess, assisted by Misses Elma Featherstone; and1an CJounty generally, has lost Esther Winstead gant salad course. an . Mrs. A. M. Burns was hostess to the Research Club last ; Wed hesday ' afternoon, y Mexico was the study, with Mrs. R, J. Teague leading; After 5 the study:' Mrs. Teague served cream and cake, salted almonds and coffee. ' ' :; Missionary Conference. The Missionary .Conference of the -Beuiah Baptist y Association! "will be neid , with the Baptist ; Church here on April TthA There ,-wiU'he some visiting, preachers of y " v " mirin-provoKing: piay. v - - t. one of great inferest.especiallyp Admission: Adults: and 35cT Ue Baptists this section.-: .ckdreh;i5cfy v; - now? who win mane uuuaaiuu Home Talent Entertaiment At Auditorium Thursday. On Thursday night, March 18th the Auditorium of the graded .school. "A Case of Suspension" in Orange County, near the Per son lue. The men in the rak ing party were: Deputy Collector H. G. GuJley and Special Employee Arrowsmith. The still was of 137-gallon capacity. It is said that this is the largest still raided in 10 years but one, and that was found less than a month ago in J.he same county of Orange. Of the four men at the still yesterday looming all but one escaped. They were just making a run when the officers arrived and started them on another run. .4 Listen Mother. Just look around the house, down in the cellar, up in the at attic, out in the yard, in the sta beTor loft everywhere and see how many things useless to you or ' yours, are lying about, clut- j?. --v - -- - tering -up the place. Every apparently useless article is worth money hard, spot cash. Jhere is mere stuff cast off or JUTlused around most homes tliati.woujd, ifsold, clothe one or lAvO'persons-roi earrT I lake a tour oftthe house. Make out a list of the tilings you do not ?l m. want and never will want. Mark down the very lowest cash price you will take for tffe the things. Add up the figures and the total will su rprise you. . Now to turn these useless things into money for yourself, fix up a little ad something like this: "For Sale: Second-hand heat- 1 " 1 Til ing stove, oureau, oeasieaa, churn, three upholstered chairs, quantity of clothing, several bags of rags, etc. etc. Mrs. Mar J , Madison, St., Blank- ville." Send the ad to us. It will cost one cent a word to put it in the paper once. Just for fun take that trip around the place and see what a lot of things you ciu turn into money. Death Of Mr. Bray Mr. J. .Marshall Bray of Se: mora died last Thursday. Mr. Bray had been sick , for, several weeks but none of his. friends here thought he was seriously ill. Mr. Bray was a member of the Board of County Commissioners for two years and declined a re nomination, which meant an elec tion for him, as he was unusually popular with all who knew him. In tis death Cuningham township, i ' .jma J " a vil V 11 ' . Ti on rl . H gUOU -KlWMCU. auu ac win wo aou- ly missed. f ' . . ' ' - Card of Thanks. We desire to thank our friends and neighbors, who were; so kind and attentive ; tp us during the : death of pur husband ; and father. W, T. Pleasant. We as sure you that ry';ur :many- kind nesses will ever be remembered by us. --Mrs. W. T. Pleasant and Children, , At - - ; ?: Entertainment By Home Talent. At the Auditorium .Thursday night, March i8th;gbeginning at 8:15 Case of Suspension,'? mirth-proYOkinr play. District Meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society The district meeting for', the Durham District will meet with the Woman's Missionary Society Inf. the Methodist Church on March 26th, 27th and -28th. This meeting will be largely attended and will be of unusual interest to the Methodist ladies. Delegates and visitors will be entertained by the Roxboro Society, and will be giva most hearty and cordial welcome. ' Fifteen Years Ago. Henry Ford,, the automobile manufacturer, ws engineer in an electric' light plant in Detroit. Charley Murphy, the base ball millionaire, was a reporter on the Cincinnati Enquirer. Thomas H. Ince, the motion picture magnate, was a comic opera comedian, glad to get $50 a week. Charlie Weeg hman, owner of the Chicago Fed eral base ball team and a string of restaurants, was a waiter in a quick-lunch room. And so it goes the list could be strung out to a column's length; Therefore when you hear a boy or a young man complain that he has no chance, take him by the arm and tell him a few things. There never was a time in the worlds history when there were no opportunities for a young man to push to the front. There never was a time when a little intelligence and determina tion -wouldn'fprovide a mah' with a competence in a few years. This is particularly true in the farming businessfor farming is a busi- ness. The young, man of today i -iiV i i .ii K' v i ii -wo writ iaive noia ot u iarm wiin theidea of making it the. best farm in" the county and who will work intelligently for ten years, with that idea always before him, will not have to work for the re mainder of his life. Cotton Seed. If there is anyone in the Coun ty who would like to experiment with a new variety of cotton seed if they will send their name to this office we will take pleasure in sending them a package. Maj. Stedman has sent to us a supply of these seed and we glad to see that you get a package if you so. desire. Plant them and then report results to the department. First Showing of Friday and Saturday, 19 and,2pth You are cordially inyited r to attend this display. Gome morn- irig, noon or nigh and ; see. , wKatvi is citett;for'm'd'1915vSpnhgv..' season. It is needless L-f6fis':tpsiiigime praises of what c we will - show; The hats and prices V will ; speak for themselves. St Juii Go me its :r 1' , iiBOXBOW !' ' ROXBORO'S Hafris ; & Burn ". :- C i5'" A '.V?,. 5 " Buys Store Building. 1 ; ' Yesterday ' Messrs. Harris' ' Burns purchased from Mr. " J. A. ' I. j Long the double store building; which they have occupied since' .- going into business. , This is east- :J ly one of the most valuablefpieces; J ' of real estate in the town and Vt Vl ' they are. to be congratulated upon.. v secu ring same. We hear the con- . ; ; sideration was something vnear ' . twenty thousand dollars. ' For the Benefit of the Confed-u; -erate Monument . Avery interesting play, "A-" V, mong the Breakers," by some of the best home talent, will be given at the Auditoricm on Wednesday, - ; evening March 31st., The public ' is cordially invited tox come out r and help a worthy cause. Mrs. J. A. Long, Pres. U. D. C Mrs. W. R. Hambrick, Sec. -Special To Ladies. I will have my millinery display : -on next Friday and Saturday Mar. V 19th and 20th. I will have on dis- !' play the newest and most up-to- :: date line of millinery ever shown H in Roxboro. I cordially invite all the ladies. Remember the dates, i; Friday and Saturday 19-20th. 'l Mrs. Pallie Yancey Pass. Died. The death angel visited the home of Mr. J. A. -Whitfield on Feb 17th and took our loving. aunt, Julia A. Coleman, home to ' her rest. She was nearly 70 .years ;. old. She"had been in declining' Jiealth for about a year but she , wine iuv bimm ,ui f.uueeruuiiehs, - . She had been sick nearjy ithree ' " , weeks before the end came. She , J remarked during her sickness that V she was ready to die,1 but hated to bear the burden of pain. She is sleeping now in the arms of our ; - " Saviour where toil is finished; and, no more pain, and where; the ang- """ els throng to welcome those who ": have been faithful to Thy promisel'. She lived a life which stands. !-' ' . for a good example for others to V f. , live by. She leaves tvvo sisters andT' . ' ' one brother to mourn her death Mrs. Sallie Briggs and Mrs. Bet-c k tie B. Whitfield, and -Mr. J. J, ' . Coleman. We miss her- so much v 1 -and feel sad, but we are taught " 1 not to grieve, for the good . Lord; knoweth best in all things. Ne-J. : ; phew, J. F. W. . . r ; i - , ' I3 r r r -f and'" ese r . BEST STORE;' I to.' -t

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