VOL. XXXII ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening : March 31yll5: Number 13 F reeland-Bradsher Motor Car Company Your attention is called to the large ad of the Freelancl-Bradsher Motor Car Co. They have pur chased the Long Motoi Car Co. ;.nd ask for your business. They re well equipped to serve you ;.:id we are sure no one will make mistake by taking his car to e for attention. x This firm is composed of Mr. : T. Freeland, Judge D. ' . . bradsher and Merfitt Bradsher, Mess. Freeland and Merritt Brad being expert automobile r.en. - . ., . i- , : Morton, J. T. Hamlin, J. E. Clay Condition of Hon. J. A. Long. ton, J. B. Boswell, S. S. Crutch- Hon. J. A. Long continues very I field, R. M. Allen and Jno. R, il, he not having responded to!geaver - imumeni as vvisnea. Altnougn eriously ill the family hope there a change for the better and en tertain hope for his recovery. I New Store Building Prices on all coat suits reduced tuis week. When we say reduced, we mean it. We are going to sell them. Just a few left. QUALITY RIGHT, STYLE RIGHT A part shipment of snappy and high class slippers for ladies will arrive thist week. WATGHf OUR WINDOWS. Saving money is easier than making money. It will pay you to see our stock; -before yottbtry? Special prices on ings Morton & ecia Tobacco Planters and Axes (' 'Jrs' ' the; Beginning Monday April the 5th WE WILL SELL MASTERS , TOBACCd "PLANTERS AT $3,20 EACH. WE WILL SELL BLUE GRASS AXE AT 65C EACll. , 'vl'.', " , " these; axes are bargains, the same quali-,. TY YOU HAVE BEEN PPYING 85C FOR. BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMEKTS ONLY, WE CAN OFf ER YOl F?LANJ-;; ERS AT THE ABOVE PRICE. AND THESE PRICES AP PLY ONLY TO THESTOCK OF PLANTERS AND AXES. ? we now have in stock. ' - ' " 'l :', DON'T YOU WANT TO SORT OF ApjliO POSITION? Loh BradsherV &; : Go. Jurors for April Term of Court. The following is a list of jurors ' for the April term of Court which meets oh April 19th . C. C. Oakley, N T. - Penny, J. A. Whitfield, J. D. Peftins, J. T. Day, Wesley Oakley, E.T.C'Bri -ant, W. T. Davis, W. E. Walker, W. Gv Franklin, A. J. Burton, John Reade, J. B. Gooch, T. H. Hill, R. I). Long, M. T. Carver, H. T. Brooks, Joe G. Moore, A. J. Dixon, W. E. Mooney, J. L. Seat, J. R. Hensley, J. H. Harris, J. W. Whitfield, W. J. Huff, J. W. Cash, J. H. Pentecost, E. Y. Jones, L. A. Bradsher, G. W. Need a safe? Morton '& Satter fields will save you" money on it. gKSKSXBk. Post Office 1 T Gents' Furnish Satter fields DO BUSINESS WITH inia IF.SO ACT QUICK. ICash Sale PROHIBITION .BILL GOE$ INTO FpECT TOMORRO The Most; Drastic ; Prohibition Law North Carolina Has Ever Had Goes Into Effect TJiJirs- tay, ' "'V7, CT;- The old law, which only uHow ed one person to receive one gatr Ion of whiskey-at a limeohfl&ftut ovi Vlin . VVVIIOlUlfO JJ 'WUI Kl 11 knowledge one person has received more than one gallon at one time, a complete violation of thevi'(d law, and these persons havel)en allowed to go unharmed bv'olir officers. -tr- It is the duty of our police offi cers to see that this law is enfore ed, and that the men : viofatig same are punished. And it is aljo the duty of our Town Board of Aldermen ta ice that the police officers enforce this Taw. tit as not a difficult matter to? attendito this and it should be done. This new law is a goooneahd will help make Nortnaroiitta a proh i bition state irreality as well as in name, that is if theofij- cers of the towns and , cities .w-Ul see that the law is enforced, Reading Matter a Little ShotC We are not much giving to ih ologies, but you will notice' fur readirig matter is a little shy. this issue, Our advertisers, at the last' moment, crowded pretty hardvbt)t inasmuch as these things do : not happen often we could not'say them hay. However, you will find these advertisements good reading matter, probably better thariv whaU AveCwixuld- Have; Jwritteiu at'anV rate if you will read them and giv3 the advertisers a call you will at least make money by the trans action. Remember, when a mer chant has anything which he es pecially thinks is worth while you will hear about it through these columns. Brooks Clement We have received an invitation to the marriage of Miss Haynie Brooks and Mr. Macon , William Clement at Concord Methcdist church, on April jBth.- Miss Brooks is a very charming 'o ing lady, a leader in society and church work in her community, and many will be the wishes for a long, happy and prosperous voyage on life's sea for this popular young cou ple. ' . Mr. Carlton Entertains Friends. On last Thursday night Mrs. L. M. Carlton surprised Mr. Carlton by giving a birthday sup per at which the following friends were partakers: , W. F Long, Ed Davis, John B. Harviey and Drs. A; P. Reade, E. J. Tucker and , W. A. Bradsher and X : . . ' C. C. Cuningham. ' After sup per the guests spent . the evening at cards and smoking. Pittard Gentry Redding' invitations have been issued announcing the marriage of Miss Elizabeth Taylor Pittard and Mr. Byrd Pleasant Gentry on Tuesday, April , 6(;h, ; at Bullock,- N. C; At home af ter the 20th of April,' at Denniston, Va. .; y Mission Conference.' . The Beulah Baptist Association will hold a Mission : Conference with the Baptist Church here on next Friday. The , exercises will begin at 1 0 o 'clock? and the pu b-: lie is cordially, invited to,; attend. NOTICD We have opened'a new and up- fofi mpnV. mrkAf.in Jnhn T.riv's old stand, and solicit the traAe of 'our friendsvTT S. Clay & Co. ,,Our society notes were crowded - out this issue. 7-'. V? ' - ? r 1 . - - - i v . ' - ' ' Easter Sunday. ' . Friends, while celebrating the time we keep in memofy of the resurrection of Christ, study your Bible with me to see if we thor oughly appreciate His life; His death, His ressurection and as- rcention. -We see. that Jesus has borne our sins in His own body on xthe cross. All we like 'sheen- have one astray; we have turned ev ery one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on Himi the iniqui ty of us all." Is 5:3-6. V The; first - half of this verse shows us our ned 'hf salvation, the second, the provision God has made, for it. Have we gone as tray like a sheep? Have we turned to our own way? If we have and have not repented, what are we? Look at tlie provision God-has made for our salvation. Who is the one in this verse upon whom our iniquity has been laid? What then has Gocf done with bur sin? Is it any longer on us? Jesus is a risen Savior, able to save to the uttermost. In belie v-1 ing in Jesus as a sin-bearer one merely gets pardon from sin, there is something else needed-- we must have deliverance from .sin's power this we can get by believing in the risen Christ. 'Wherefore He is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him, seeing He ever liveth to make intercession ' for them.5' Heb. 7-25. To what extent is Christ able to save ? -Why is it that Jesus Christ i fi hi A t.fv. enf Pi to thi ntformncl--? can look day by da,y for victory Over sin ? It is, not enough to know Jesus as a risen savior, we must know him as Lord also. Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ." Acts 2-36. What has God made Jesus? Are we willing to accept Him as our Divine Lord, the o.ne to whom we'll surrender our heart, every thought word and act. No con version is clear and satisfactory until one has been led to con fess Christ before the world. "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the ' Lord Jesus, .'and shalt believe in thine heart that God has raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confessionJs made into salvation." Rom. 10-9,10. v . It is not enough that one should be saved, one ought' to have the assurance that he is saved, 'and be able to say confidently and joyous ly, I know I am saved, I know I have everlasting life. "He that believeth on the Son hath ever lasting life, and he that, believeth not the Son, shall not see life, but the wrath of God abidethonhim." To accept Christ is not enough, ne must know how to live a chris tian life; There are six very sim: pie things to make a christian life a success, s Confess Christ as your sin-bearer, risen Savior and Lord. "Whosoever, therefore; shall confess me before men, him will I confess also 'before my father, which is in Heaven 'J. Mat; 10-32. Study the word of .God regalarr ly and hide it in you r heart. Thy word have I hid in m.y, hearth that I might iiot ' sin against ; thee. V Is: 11911.; - ; "Pray , without ceasing. Thess. 5-17. t" . "kw " c - ' 4 . Surrender youf will ,. to'. God and obey ' Him. in all things. "And we are .witnesses if-: these things and soVis also theJHoly Ghdst,:whoni God ,hath given to th?fS that obe'I Be a constant and :geheroiis given1 -V, 2 Cor, 9-6-8JV-. : Go to vork for Christ and keep ;:working for im ;Mat. 25-14-30. A' Friend;,,, -r ' ' ' ' ' ' i " - Mr; Sallie Clayton J . : Dies Suddenly. Again has our , town been shock-1 ed by the news of a sudden death. Fontaine, wfio hacl been serious ; On last" Saturday morning at ly ill for several days with pnea-. 5.; ; about 8 o'clock Mrs, Sal lie Clay-'monia, breathed his Jast athisi; x ton, widow of the late Mn Hay- home at Bethel "Hill. V Rev. ;MrV "' . wood Clay ton, dropped dead. Mrs. Fontaine was a Baptist Minister ' ' Clayton was in her usual health. iand renown, beinff recognized as a f -T havingspent the day before visit ing- a: relative ' near VVoodsdale.J Saturday morning she arose, went, about her usual domestic, affairs and made no complaint as to feel- ing unwell., ; When breakfast was announced she went to the table, soon therea f ter wts seen to reel overy and vvhen help rushed to her was found tbe in a dying condition. Mrs. Clayton was a most Ioveable lady, being especi ally fond of her i children, and no mother ever gave more loving at tention or copsideration than did she. 7 She leaves five sons Burley G., I Eugene, Elmei Hennie, and James. Her husbrnd died about 9 "years ago, and only about one year ago a son, "Hill, met a tragic death in Richmond by being run over by a freight car. The fuueraj ei;yice were coii- ducted from the Methodist church on Sunday afternoob, being con ducted by Rev. C. Yearby. Pall bearers: F. H. yH&nilet, N. S. Thompson, W, H. Hamsi A. W Clayton, R. A. Burch and J, G. Moore. Floral bearers: -Wtl R. Woody, C. W. Lonir, Kd.vin Harviaand .WvY. Pass; . Don't Pav to Advertise: r3 " 4 chants here said to; us the other, day Honestly, we felt sorry for him, because we knew if he ex pected to succeed that he was on the wrong .tracjk, but we-told him if he honestly v did j not think it paid to advertise then we did not want his .business, for, wedo not want any man's money vvhor does not think he is getting' value re ceived. But he is a goocF fellow with good sense and it will not be many moons before you will see his ad in these columns. HORSE FOR SALE CHEAP-! A nice seven year old -i horse for sale;:' well broke in both plow and buggy harness. As a '.driver there is none better. ' Will sell cheap 10 a quiUKUuyer--o. ooone. SEE OUR AS BEAUTIFUL AS A I OUR MILUNERY DEPARTMENT. ' NO POET COULD DESGRCBEf OUR CEXQUISITE HATS. ONLY; . COME. SEE THEM. YOU WILL FIND THOSE YOU WANT.; ; .;, ; ' ; AND. OUR PRICE WILL BE SO ' LOWf f HAT: WE WILL bUKIfKlbt YUU. ' X ' r A - - s fflffllB - C R0B0R0'S ftev; P. H. . Fontaine Galled to His Reward. A On Monday morning Rev; PH; born leader and a man " f strong 1 parts, not only in the pulpit, ;ut as a man. Only a few veeks"-since he and his good wife celebrated4 ,yy their golden wedding, and few, it j.; any, thought his end was so near. Truly Bethel Hill, 'Person County.,' : -y yea , and the State, has lost a val-K ued citizen, for his like does not appear every day. ' Missionary Cdnferenc?- The Missionary Conference which met with the, Methodist Church on last Friday evening ; was an event pf much interest to; the ladies of the Methodist church - and the people of the town. In a most appropriate manner and. wtyh ; -f , beautiful words well .chosen the pastor, Rey. N. 0. Yearby deliver-) . ed the address of welcome. . Mr5f-i ' Mai. the so 'V ciety, presided at all the meelinggi' f On Sunday morning at 11 o'- ' Clock, Dr. F. N. Parker of TrmU ty College delivered an" address of ' unusual ability, which was greatr; i l.V enjoyed by a very " large con--regation. In the -afternoon "at 3 o'clock, Miss Lillie Duke held a meeting for the young 1 people. . , i"n;nir tup. meeting airs., f.. H. U.Vilson heldmeeting for thei ,'; nngiit fieweis. ine exercises came to.a clcse Sunday night,- with ;anV; address from IrsV.R. B.'John;1. of , Vobably bo one ; lent;' more to' Smithneld,, tmd this' address, .was i a j fittini 'climax'ff o f thisgreat rweet-- the enjoyment of the ' large audi. , ences at each session than did Miss -v Rosa Warren, of Durham, who -; sang hppropriate selections at each session. Miss Warren has a - voice of rare culture and sweetness 'and completely captivated all who had . ; Revival Services. , w ' Revival services will begin at' v the Methodist chu rh Sunday, April ;, ; 4, Dr. G. T. Rowe of High Point, JVV N. C, who. is to assist the pastor, ' - ' will be here Monday and preach A f nsht ' Ui AUailKl lja- win: ieaa in ine- singing. Services will be (,each v j afternoon at 3:30 and night f 'at ' 7;3(j. The public is cordially inviV? r ed to ottend all these services. - 'J n GARDEN OF FLOWERS IS BEST STORE. : '.- ...... .-...v.'.il, ... ,, 4 . if -':'