IVJ. j r,' tvr - . v. ,'.. ...-, ...... 4.... ... . .,. Noell Bros., Proprietors Home EiSsf Abroad Next $1.00 Per vYear in Advance VOL. XXXII ROXBORO, NORTH (ROJIINA, Wednesday Evening pril 7, 1915. Number 14 ' 1 Death of Joseph P. Peed. PoseDh P. Peed was born Adi-H i 11th 1832 and died December 17th, 1914, making his- stay on earth 82 years and 8 months. Heart trouble 'and blood poison .vas the cause of his death. He was a good and kind neighbor, j always ready and willing to help . his neighbors. He was greatly j l ived by all who knew him.' He 'eaves to mourn his death, a .vidow, 14 children and a host of telatives and friends. . ; His funeral was preached by J. W. Peed. The burial' taking lace at the family grave yard. The man v kindneasfis shown by the friends will always be re j;iembeied by the family. Essie Peed. F. D. Long of Route No. 3 spent Sunday in Roxboro. New Store Post Building Prices on ail coat suits reduced this week. When we say reduced, we mean it. We are going to sell them. Just al few left. QUALITY RIGHT, STYLE RIGHT A part shipment of snappy and high class slippers for ladies will arrive Y this week. WATCH OUR WINDOWS. - Saving morieyiis' :easierthan- malqhgA money. It will pay you to see our stock before you buy. - Special prices on Gents' Furnish ings r: Morton & Satterfields pecial Cash Sale Tobacco Planters and Axes Beginning Monday April the 5th WE WILL SELL MASTERS TOBACCO .PLANTERS AT $3.20 EACH. WE WILL-SiLL! BLUE GRASS AXES AT65CEACH. - -7. . -, THESE AXES ARE BARGAINS. THE JAME QV'fiV' TV YOU HAVE BEEN PPVING ,S5C FOJL BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMEKTS ONLYi WECAN OFFER YOO -PAOT-ERS AT THE ABOVE WcE. THESE: PRICES fP-v PLY ONLY TO THE STOCK OF RANTERS ND ; AXES WE NOW H AVEjlN STOCK: ' IV';,: v ':r?-7" DON'T YOU WANT TO flO . ;Bt)SINESS WITHTHIS SORT OF A PROPOSITION? IF SO ACT QUICK.; r: t J- . wmmmm mm Justice's of The Peace V For Pewon County. Roxboro Township W. J. Winstead. Woodsdale Township R. L. Hall, G. B. Williams, E. J. Rob- ertson. Flat River Township S. A. R. Morton. Bushy Fork Township A. M. Long, W. C. Warren, N. D. Harris. 'Allensville Township J. W. Yancey, Wm. T. Whitt, D. C. Moore, J. J. Dijy;.v, Mt; Tirzah TwSsBp-L. J. Meadows. Lunmngnam lownsmp-J. Jones, L. B. Scott, Robt. A. Clay, Geo. L. Cunningham. Holloways ToHvnship J. B. Barnett, G. E. . Woody, W. T. Humphries. Olive Hill Township-F. D. Long, W. R. Wilkerjspn. , ice n I I 1 1 Utt Cireiiliat 1UU The Greatest Evft Section Starts Today The Roxboro Gourieriwiir Give Away Abso lutely Free a Fortune Jn Prizes. First Gran Priz a Handsome , $300.00. Upright Grand Piano. Second Prize $75 in Gold. Third Prize $25 in Gold Other prizes yet to be Announced. No Losers In This Cbntest Ev-; ery Bonafide Contestant a Winner Ten Per cent of All Money Turned In for Sulj - scriptions Will Be Paid to j Non-Winning Contestants. i It costs nothing to enter this campaign. ISend in your name or the name of a friend or relative today. Now is the time to entefr to win the Hatfdsome Piano. Send .... in your name to the Contest Man ager of The Roxboro Courier. This wonderful offer is made by THE BOXBORO COURIER for the people who will get out and work and will avail themselves df a. x -i! ti LIIK 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 l,l 1 1 1 1 1, III Will (INK III Ll',lt r, - valuable prizes. Read the full details of the campaign. Who would not like to have 'a beautiful Upright Piano in their home ? Where is a man, woman, boy or girl who would not devotfj a little of their time to pleasant and congenial work if they, were to receiyefoJP'ther efforts so-valu ablearirfdearab Handsome $300.00 Upright 'Grand Piano or one of the Cash, prizes offeied and to know also that you will be paid for the work that you do anyway, even though you do not win a prize. This astonishing offer made by The Roxboro Courier will come as surprise to the public. How can it be done? This is the ques- tion many people will ponder ov er. It is easy to solve when it is recalled that the people in general are loyal friends of THE COURI ER and always willing to give the paper their support. Never before havex the people had sucli an opportunity to win such handsome prizes. The Grand Prize of course is the big inducement, but there are l thers, well worth working for and that will be appreciated by those win ing them and there can be no losers. If you don't win one of the prizes and are a bonafide con testant you will receive 10 per nnnf rf fVo mnnow that. '- . - , . ... 1 you turn in for subscriptions dur- ing the Contest. HOW ; TO ENTER THE CONTEST. Fill out the nomination blank and send same to the Campaign Manager care of The Roxboro Cou rier. Each contestant is en titled to one nomination ballot good for 1000 votes FREE and al so entitled to 9000 evtra votes When the first dollar is turned ia for subscription to f The Courier. Contestants may nominate them selvesthey do not have to be subscribers of the paper. - It costs nothing to win one of the prizes and no obligations r are involved by entering and- winning. Send" in your name TODAY or that of a "friend. - . . SEVERAL HANDSOME PRIZ ES TO BE GIVEN AWM. sue, several handsome, prizes " are to be given away to contestants securing the largest'Cnumber of votes through : ubscriiiohs to this paper. ' We repeat; again, it will cost you nothing 1 ; v?ntr ihis friendly strugleahd At will cost oAiothing-tO'-tsy . in "and win; You will efrvthc cr!:.Tt Conducted in this ;l. will be recreation for .you, and it will dovou good to gtf out and Solicit subscriptions from your friends relatives or acquaintances They will not' refuse you. Don' win not reruse you. uon t let them. Give them to under stand that you are after the prize that you have set your jieart oq and they will be glad to "help you . A- - - . inyour workv The , prizes are. I worth many times the amount ! that you could earn in similar space of time by other means. All prizes will be on display within a jsliort while so that all may see the value and beauty of each, y :H0W TO WIN A PRIZE. ? The object of this campaign is a2.2ure sscripu.ons. laecon ... i j mi - testant securing the largest num- berof votes will receive the prizes The way to secure votes is to get your neighbors and friends to pay foy, a subscription to this paper. A Coupon-will be pubjished, until furlher notice, jji. every , issue- of; this paper and vhen:neatly trim- .1 Candidates can secure sub cripr , in. mi J tions anywhere and they will not be restricted to any one district. Write your friends, telephone them, no matter where they live, tell them that you want their sub scription, and don't hesitate to ask for it. J WHO MAY ENTER No employee or person connect ed with The Courier will be ah lowed to enter or vote in this campaign; but any white person, male or female, of good repute may enter the campaign. , This will be free and fair for all and you will always regret it if you allow these opening days to slip by without getting in this race and work for one of the prizes. WE WILL SEND REPRESENT ATIVES. Cut out the nomination blank and send to the Campaign JVtana ger and he will be glad, to call . personally and explain all about f. . , ' .. the campaign and tell how easily ;you can be winner of oue I of -the best prizes offered by THE I ROXBORO COURIER. If you decide to enter he will suppy you with a receipt book and give all necessary information. But a bet ter wayjs to come to the "office of IThe Courier and ask for the Cam- paign Manager, who will be glad to have a talk with you. If you don't want to enter yourself , come in the interest of a friend and get them entered in the Contest. ' cxitoin.(inq..nueajnwanalsepcj i-, - .-f''A:t sV'V?i'-'; ; " :.";pTIiey were - riirhton - tlielr 'lobs t ; Ceff HonAr Roll.-- -v. to- me, campaign Manager, .wwr. ... 7lr; r- , - ... . - ,...1 v , count as votes for the contestant Pv -f ilp pfadeKatherineaVins 4n. MM nn,1M, trpnn officers when the.W made a dash, teadand James Evans! --Y THE TIME WILL PASSbl QUICKLY. The few weeks of the contest will pass quickly, and if you want );o'e sure)fythe prize that you hayeWt yoiir heart on, an early Itarfeis advisable for it ' will be ttty - piUJiiU-, , lUl lire cai tunitiesiTf People are not gbingtd come around and hand you money for subscriptions, but they :wiU subscribe and: you cap j get , theii subscriptions by going after them. Get "the supportr of everyone tljat y 011 cam Get tar. organization of your fricnaVtociher and make it worlvfcrydu. Start an endless -APRIL SNOW The Biggest Ever, Twenty Four n Inches Deep. This section was visited by tffe" deepest snow storm we ever re-' fistic fame as the heavy-wejght ; V member to have seen, though champion of the world; ' The tit- f : ' there jj&a few who insist that the le was wrested from him by Jess'" ' snow'in 'February 1909, was deep VWiIlard,,the Kansas .cowboy, the - . er than tins. " However, we are" tone of theloubting Thomases. Onriday night a few min ites past eidit snow begah falling and if it ceased for a minute no one knows. it, but fell continuously u ntMa3 Satu rday evening When ib oegan snowing tuegrouna was wet and it was some time Jbiefore it mademuch of a show, but when it was measured by several the next day it was found to be 24 in ches deep on a level. All traffic ; was suspended, there being very few who were willing, to face a trip through such snow, s : Fortunately there was no wind of consequence; 'and little damage was done save to the telephone system. True, some of the roofs showed signs of weakening and the owners of the buildings jook time by the forelock and placed props underneath the roof. Only one building, an old guano ware house belonging to Mr. ; J. A. Long, near the depot, collapsed. Two Blockader3 Captured" Last Wednesday Deputy ?R; W. 1 ' hnr rhA r Hi r n.. mn r fun ' n ior n nrl , , . v . took them in. - the men in charge of the outfit were Dan and Shanks Reagan. Deputy Morris took them to Durham where they were given a preliminary hearing and bound over to Court. Mr. J. S. Noell Co. Tax Assessor The 'Corporation Commission has appointed Mr. J. J. Noell as County-Tax Assessor. This was a wise appointment for we doubt if there is a man in the County more capable of this, job than Mr. Noell. M6 r ns and :M r. R;; W Gates "cjfjK tured'atiir and two . blockaded over hr the-.. Guninmiam" section.' v-, t;-.,v, -; PEEP v -: OUR - " 'pHpsiisl' EvV WHEN YOU MEET. ANYBODY THE FIRST THING HE SEES IS YOUR HAT. NO MnN Cmi AFFOnD NOT.TO WEAR A CLEAN. - NEW :H All ; W E'UE COT ;:1U THE HAT. YOU NEED- COME. CET IT.- A : l: -A- WAN SHOULD ALSO BE ON Sg'OOD TERMS WITH HIMSELF. NOTHING GIVES; A; MAN MIHI2; SELF-CONFIDENCE THAN WEARING GOOD'CLOTI.ZG NEKTTO HIMSEtF COME IN AKDETUS SHOW YOU SOME NEW UNDERWEAR. SHIRTS AND HOSE. THIS MEANS WE Witt SELL THEM TO YOU.- !-:v 't 'si- ROi;2Q?kO5 Willard Win Belt by Knock- , out After 26 Furious Rounds ' Havana, Ciiba; Aprils 5. Jack Johnson, exile from his .own country, today, lost his claim to biggest man who ever entered - the prize ring and a- "white - hope" who -has 'at last made x ,'; good. The day after tomorrow John- . son, his wife and a little group Y of friends will sail for Martinque,; V, . there to await passage back' to; " f ranee where Johnson proposes to lead the life , of a farmer. ' There 'is no doubt' he is through f with; the ring. . . ' ; :Willard is going back to the V United States to win the fortune,-. ' denied him today, when Johnson got $30,000 -before the fight .-A started: Willard tookyoniy a " s small share of the gate receipts. Just what his sliare was is not known. . 1 . Today fight probably hsis -flOy paraljelin the history of. ring -'X Sattles." - For 20 rounds JohnsbfT:;;'' punched and pounded Willard at. .will; his blowsgrew pefcepbljr 1 'x less powerful though ts the fight , progressed until at last, he seem- d unable or , unwilling to go on". f s,v Johnson stopped leading and -for three or four rounds the bat- . l tie was little more than a , series of -plastic . .poses " of .-white and tBlack:gladiators. Second Grade Mamie 2immer- . man. v . ' , 1, - : Fifth Grade Owen Evans. Seventh Grade Lena Evans Prizes for ; most headmarks " were awarded to: Franklin-. Winstead, Tristtam Evans and s Lena fivans. Notice to list Takers The List Takers for the various-Townships-of the County are here-" by requested to meet me in Rox boro on the First Monday in May. j Kindly remember this and meet me n4he day above" mentioned. ; , J. S. Noell, Co. Tax Assessor TU?: DEG7 STQH2. ? t i i . V . 5 -T'iK ' .

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