- v - - ) . . -V'- 5--""'" -., t L7?i 00 ": TH- . ' f V Noell Bros., Proprietors Home First Abroad Next j: S $1.00 Per Year in i Advance VOL. XXXII ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening April 28, 1915. , , 7 " t" v ' f ? , ' , ' ' ' ',' . -( ; f 1 Number 17 CS ,0 : H " . , v. - , . ' " FIVE MOONSHINERS TO FEDERAL PENITENTIARY Federal Court of Statesville Brought To Close. Statesville, April 23. -This veek's term of Federal Court here resulted in five ' 'moonshin ers" going to the Federal prison at Atlanta for a stay of a year and a day. Four of these Max and John Lail, Chas. Smith and Will Bluff are from Burke County and the fifth Lincoln Carpenter, is a Lincoln county citizen. All are convicted of il-! licit distilling, etc., and were sentenced by Judge Boyd to serve a year and a day in prison. A large number of other liquor cases, and a number of cases of a different nature were disposed of, but none were of special pub. lie interest. Malcum Marlow, of Avery county, plead guilty to having broken into a depot with the intention of stealing inter state freight, but on account of his having been in jail several months awaiting trial he was re leased Ly Judge Boyd. Won Medal Mr. .J. Lumond Ornm-iton, o:i ;f Mr. K. W. Crnmpto'n wliulivos :e;ir town, won the orators medal At E!on College. Lamond is an I nusuall.v bright .young man and ! ve all rejoice with him at this; liffh honor. : NEW" STORES IN Post Office Building Palm beaches will have a popular run this season, we have on hand some espec ially nice suits. It is economy lo buy the best, il you want the othsr kind we can get it. Look Over Our Ready-to-wear Department before you buy. Garments for Ladies, Misses and Children. "It is easier (o save money than it is to make money." It will pay you to Especi iial Prices made on Gents' Furnishings We represent the Ed. V. Price Tailoring Company. Morton & YOU SHOULD NOT NEGLECT TO "SCREEN" YQUR PORCHES. DOORS AND WINDOWS. 4 YOlR DP,9T5 WILL TELL YOU THAT FLIES AND MUSQUITOES AND LITTLE -BUGS" OF ALL KIND CARRY blSEASEBREED ING GERMS WHEREVER THEY GO. V U vii YOU MAY AVOID A CASE OF DANGEROUS. EXPEN SIVE "TYPHOID" IN YOUR HOME THIS VERY YEAR IF YOU buy soMr. srnr.FNS REMEMBER. OUR HARDWARE STANDS HARDWEAR I: n Loh :BrM3s:Be'r; A Tribute of Love From The Daughters of the Confederacy Whereas, it hath pleased our Heavenly Father to ; remove from our midst, Mr; James An derson Long, a Confederate Vet eran as well as a faithful soldier of the cross, therefore be it re solved. First-That the Daughters of the Confederacy mourn the loss of a personal friend and that they shall-miss his inspiring pre sence, generous gifts and ever (honor him for , his valor as a Confederate soldier and noble citizenship, and above all his true christian character. Second That wer extend our deepest sympath his sorrow ing wife, children attd loved ones and pray that they may be en abled day by day to fight the j "good fight ' of faith ss heroical ly as did he, who on April 12th laid his armor by, and entered upon that reward that awaits ev ery soldier who is faithful unto death. -' ' Third That acjgof these resolutions be spread upon 'our minutes, a copy sent to the bereaved-family and one sent to the Roxbpro Courier for publica- Hon. Mrs. W. E. Webb Mrs. N. S. Thompson Mrs. W. R. Hambrick Committee come and look. S; yt WAl I D FROM US. atterfield 1 : TEN MORE; AYS OF' BIG SBEGIAL OFFER Several New t Contestants Entered The Race the Past Week Plenty Room for thers Now is the Time to Ehterland Take Advan tage of the Big Special Offer Now On and Which Closes Saturday, May 8th. Every Contestant wiIl:Be A, Pri2;e Winner In This Coupons In The Big Advertiseniejit and Mail Them I oday and Get One Several new contestants have entered the contest the past week and have decided to reeeive one of the handsome prizes to bs awarded by The Roxboro Courier, Look over the list and see if your friend or relative is in the race, and if so get busy and help j him or her to secure several sub scriptions during the big Special offer closing May 8th. . LIST OF NOMINATIONS if HURDLE MILLS K X. Miss Annie Lee, R. 2 1 1 Maude Whitfield, R. 3 Sadie Hawkins, R 1 Selma Malone " Fannie Belle Hawkins " Bertha Oliver, R 3 PROSPECT HILL 'Miss Mary Warren iUDGEVILLE. . Miss Katie May CrunipBn ROUGEMONT Miss Eulalia Turner A. J. Blalock TIMBERLAKE " Ethel Rogers " Blanch Gooch 4 Pattie Rhew, R 1 " Lorena Lyon, R 2 W'OODSDALE Miss Nannie Bet Hall Miss Ophelia Warren, R 1 " SallieLink " HalBarnette Iva Williams, R 1 Nellie Montague, R 2 " Addie Jones, R2 " Bessie Pulliam, R Z VIRGIL1NA, VA. Miss Jewel Tuck " Jewel Chandler CEDAR GROVE " Maude Rogers ALTON, VA. Miss Lucy Green " Nannie Green BAHAMA Miss Minnie Ball IjEASBURG Miss Evelyn Clark " Helen Graves MORIAH Miss Mamie Meadows J SEMORA Miss Nannie Lansdell ROXBORO Miss Annie Laurie Barnette Elsie Jordan Margaret Bradsher Evie Long Margaret Johnson Katie Newton Frankie Woody Annie Brooks ' . Oilie Solomon, R 1 Katie Sue Russell, R l Ruth Gentry, R 2 1 Ola Long, R 3 ' , . t Pearl Herron, R 4 1 Laura Edwards, R 5 LEAD DON'T FOLLOW.;' ; This is the slogan, of the sucT cesiful person, there are plenty of f pllowers, but the real leaders are tew and far between. ; The Contest Manager has been suc cessful in getting into this con test some real leaders, and ;they are eoing to be the happy win- Jners ofrthe big prizes, of 1 he Prizes. THE CONTEST. We desire to. assure all persons who have been thinking of en tering the contest that it is not top late to enter the contest by any means. In other words the contestants have scarcely started to securing subscriptions and votes, and now during this Big Special Offer for the next ten! days is the time to send in your name and get on the list of prize winners. You will find the Nominating conpon in the big advertisement cut it but, write your name and address, and mail it at once. DON'T SIT BACK. I Why sit back and allow others :j to get all the good things in life? j Why not get some of them your- !: t fin t 1 1 " j '. tj' ' i.'' ' self? In this Contest the: ;. prizes are-all freedoesn'lV.cosl-ydu one cent to enter tne contests nor does it cost you one cent o win the prizes. We invite men, women, boys and girls from all sections of the county to partici pate in the big distribution of prizes. The Roxboro Courier will award several hundred dol lars in prizes absolutely free to the people participating in the contest. WHAT THE SPECIAL OFFER MEANS TO YOU. During this Special Offer each subscription will count for the contestants several thousand ex tra votes. This Special and most liberal offer may never be made again during this contest, so read, figure, and then start to writing subscriptions: Reg. Votes Extra Votes Total Votes lyrsub. 5,000 15,000 20,000 2 " " 12,000 31,000 43,000 3 " " 18,000 47,000 65,000 4 " " 25,000 63,000 88,000 5 M " 30,000 80,000 110,000 From this scale of votes you will see that for every, one year subscription that you secure dur ing this Special offer you receive 5,000 votes on the regular scale and 15,000 extra votes. , Each two year subscription gives you 12,000 regular votes and 31,000 extra votes or a total of 43,000 ) votes. A three year subscrip tion gives you a total of 65,000 votes, etc. .There should be a few five year subscriptions in your section. Haven't you five special friends whom will give you five dollars on their subscrip tion, thus giving you a total of 550,000 votes. - PLEASE NOTIFY US. ' All persons ( whose names ap- (Continued on Page 8) mfffffyffffffyfffTftffT Weekly Weather Forecast t (Issued by the.U. S. Wea-, j tiler -JUUicauf 4uu;uc " ncciv "... beginning.Wed., April 28) ' V FOC SOUTH ATLAN- i TIC AND. EAST v '.GOLF STATES: : . Generally : fair ; K weathe,with temperature;; ,near, seasonal; average ) pro baoie- aunngp tne coming weeV 7 - " ; , f . Town Ticket Named. On Monday night the citizens of the town met in a massmeeing and named the following ticket to serve as Mayor and Board of Al- dermen for the coining two years: V "Mayor, J. M. O'Briant. Aboard of Aldermen: F. 0. Car ver, C. C, Cuningham, Dr. B. E, Iiove L. D, Veazey and WYR. Hambrick. v The first thi'ee named are mem- bers of the present board. Mr. E. (t. Long at present a member of, 4Vk VhH Mr . 3 Vkl . :. 11 v It !r uro waiu, ucuiucu w miurr -ills name to be considered for re-elec-tioril The fifth member, - J. M. O'Briant, has been acting as May or since the resignation of Mr. M. C. Winstead, The boaixl named is decidedly a good one and the town is to be congratulated that such a board could be found who would serve. As is well known. the Town Board gets nothing, save ?:cussin'- and gen era(; abuse,; and it is with difficulty that good men can be induced to accept the job oh such terms. In the hands of these gentlemen the town has nothing to fear, but may look forward to an era of prosper ity for the town. ' The retiring board has done well, exceedingly well. They have been -alive 'to the best inteictsof the town ani have dqfle. spteadid work along alHinesThey have laid several miles of find siwalk have built several miles'oi . good streets, in fact the town-is in ;betr ier ;cQiiaiiLon irom- a material hopetosee.-thenew board, if elect- ed, and we take it there will be no trality." A ' " : -otlier ticket, give their - attention'-' - ! - ' , ' to the side of healthfulness. There ! "Mr. Bob" Next Friday NigKs. are, as every one knows, some' The play Mr. Bob will be given things along, this line which is sad- at the Auditorium on next Friday ! ly in need of attention. As the old night, the proceeds to go to furn- ' board will be remembered for ishing the infant ch.ss room a the ' ' their prooressiveness, let . this Baptist church. This class jspre- . board set a high mark and "be re- sided over by "Mrs. G. W. Thom- ; membered as the "Sanitary Board as. Gome. out, you will enjoy the ,! of Aldermen who made Roxboro evening and at the same time help " . a clean town." a most worthy cause. , ' ' , ', . V Evfirvhodv is o-oine- to the au-' SEED, SEED! Seed Com, ' , tditorium Friday night to see "MR. BOB". You can't afford to miss it. ! Wear our ---- rs ' J 4 OF COURSE; YOU WANT A NEW STRW HflTI . .. c. . v : :-: ... v . .- - ,: COME IN (SEE OURS). , . ' - - . VOUtBUVl:,v': - f' ROJIGOOS GERMANS RESENT 'WILSON'S. ATTITUDE 4" Pris i Newspapers 1 ; Comment With Approval On ?Hisi Neii- Amsterdam, , ApriI-( Yia ;i lion- J: ; uu u . me Aiiieriuau uns we r ' tu Count Bernstorftsi reriiltmemo-". j randum drew this comment . today , - j from thl Berlin newspapeis:; ; - ' The . Talische; vRidschauko: V1 "Ajnerica .taj.es all possible .trou " ble oyer the ammuh$ tHAnin ' A A. " 'Vv"VJL"."i t rf"'? .. V' ' uicuu ui .uuj , t?ucuil:s, USMJUSJUiy v from a love of )eu tralljS not trouble about v thejxiDifeJI food requirements of Germany this also ii; done from a love of neutrality." ; ;-The;Ybsisc1ie,SeUun ington should .recognize that such V an attitude on the part of America " , , willnot speedily; be forgotten ; in Germany." The Lokal Anzeiger; 'TheGer m an standpoint on this question is - '- founded ;on thoroughly established -principles and practices ;internaJ" tional law. The American- stand " point can be explained only by ' the profits of the armament firms.?7 'IL The Morgen Ppsti "This answer -sounds like a mockery of the Ger-, man standpoint as presented by Count Bernstorff afthough ot '. con rsey;tiis:i0 an's inlationu; Nobody, onfcde the' tK Wh ite -Ilousebelieves that the de-1 t liverpf armsjind other supplies tj is nbyn f BeUHty and Uliatitsproljlbition.wodldlbe :un--! trade to'one billigerent is real neu- Garden Seed. I also have plenty ' melon and canteioupe seen, nugtt rj ; Woods. , r V - & 'r,s- .- .. -.-ZLy-.,.. .. -a.-a.. - . . . , , - Wiiv: DEST STOnE. if: T r NOTi iTOO LATE 'TO lEJTTER A .!!' A AAA A

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