i . f rjY Noell Bros., Proprietors Home Hirst Abroad Next $1.00 Per Year in Advance- VOL. XXXII ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening May 19, 1915. Number 20 ; -W A - , - v - a"',.' 7f OPPORTUNITY TIME IN COURIER'S BtG GONTEST STARTS TOMORROW. Now is the Time to Get Real Busy Now is the Time to Get Enough Votes to Win the Prize that You Prefer Remembeir There are No Losers in This Contest. "Strike while the iron is hot" i old as the hills of Person County, but these words contain more truth than poetry, and this should be the slogan of all the contestants in The Courier's iireat prize contest right now. The interest of this contest is becoming more intense each day. Each day more and more readers 3i The Courier are finding out they have a favorite in the con test. No person with even the TIME MEAN? WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO YOU? It should fRiean extra votes and a generous amount of them. 200,000 extra votes with every club of $10 in subscriptions turn ed in by Saturday May 29th. i OPPORTUNITY TIME CLOSES ON THE ABOVE DATE. Remember that you are not limited to the club; get as many as you can. Don't hold back subscription money. Report grain of enthusiasm in their ; promptly to the Contest Mana veins can long stand aside and ger, and he will keep an accur see the wonderful work being ate of your returns, and .every jone by the contestants without time the total shows $10 he will "just itching" to get into the issue you a voting coupon good irame and help their favorite, for 200,000 votes. It is not hard it's catching. The more you to go out and get $10 in sub watch this contest, the more in- scriptions. Opportunity time is lerested you become, and hun- really the opportune time for dreds of people are watchiner the you. Remember, besides the rnrk of thp contestant 200,000 extra votes that you re- WHAT DOES OPPORTUNITY ceive each a,nd very club of iLonunuea on rage i Look mid Learn If there is a fascination to you in making money, the fascination should hold good in saving money. Look over our stock, compare quality and prices before you buy. Be your own judge. A nice lot of Dress Goods just received. A beautiful selection of laces and embroideries coming this week. Have you seen our Hand Embroidered Ladies Muslin Underwear? If not you lose. Special Prices Made on Gents Furnishings Men's Palm Beach Suits $5.00. A re duction of 50c made on each straw hat. Morton & Satterfields New Stores In Post Office Building. HOW HXJCH EASIER, ''gbv Q&t (901$ "With'A Commencement of The Graded School The annual commencement ex ercises of the Roxboro. schools will be held Friday May 28, 1915, in the morning and at night. On. Thursday, morning May 27th, beginning at ten o' clock, there will be some exer-, cises for about an hour by the children of the primary grades, although, strictly speaking, these exercises are not to be consider ed as part of the commencement proper. At Eleven o'clock on Friday morning, the graduating class will have their class day exercises. On Friday night the graduating-exercises will be held at which time the address will be delivered by Hon. F. P. Hob good, Jr., of Greensboro. To all these exercfees, those of the primary grades Thursday morn ing, and those of Friday morn ing and night, the public is cordially invited. There will be no charges for admission to any of the exercises. A. B. Stalvey, Supt. Wesley Bible Class v : Held Meeting Monday - The Wesley Bible Class of the Methodist Sunday Echool held a tusmess -meeting Monday even intStOO oclock. - ' - ,The dutiesbFthe officers were discussed." All matters of im pbiMcererpugli up, . -Trtie following officers were el ected: President, D. S. Brooks; yiceiisident, S; D. Moore; BetV iy-Treasurtsr, W. G. Barnett. Xlembershipr?' ; Committee E. iJiilDtoilvtCharm R. L. Hajrjs, C. W. Allison, R. W. Morns, J. H. Saunders, Howard Swar and Si 0 Brewer. liCommittee H. G. Clay wktf Chairman; Rob Ham brick;:G. J; Cushwa, P. H, Clay, Ledbetter, B. B. Newell and I. L. James. Commencement Trinity College. The exercises of Commencement week will take place on June 6th to 9th, with the following pro gram: ' Sunday. June 6, 8:30 P. MM Baccalaurete Address, President William Preston Few, L. L. D. Tuesday, June 8, 11 A. M., Baccalaurete Sermon, The Rever; end James Wideman Lee, D. D. St. Louis. Tuesday, June 8, 1 P. M.. AU umni Dinner, Address, 'Bunyan S. Womble, Winston-Salem, N. Ci ' Tuesday; Wune 8, 3:30 P. M, Graduatirg Orations. Wednesday, June 9, 10:30 A. M., CoQimencement Address, Owen Wister, L. L. I)., Phila delphia. Conferring of decrees. Linotype Operator Shot Durham, May 17. -George Ro denhizer, a linotype operator for the Durham Sun, was shot and probably fatally injured last night during a quarrel with his brother-in-law Isaac Bear. The cause of the shooting is not known. Bear was arrested. What Drives the Coimtry ; Boy and the Girl to the City. Wellv;the.y are : not driving in such large droves as tlje.v were a few years back, -Nevertheless, the current is still citywards and it is worth while. to find the reason Some people used to think it was because the farmer boy was a shirk and was looking for an e.'sy life. If there are any who are still impelled by that motive, let their mihds be disabused, immediately. If they wishjto be convinced, let The Littleton Col- N; ; ? ..lege Commencement The Littleton College5 Com- mencement will take place May 7 23 to 25. On Sunday morning. t ; the 23 Bishop A. W. Wilsori wilP ; r preach the Baccalaureate Ser- r h mon, ' . ; ' ' . On Monday , afternoon the 24, the class day pageant will be; given on the campus, and in the . 'evening of the same day the Senior and Expression classes will give, an' entertainment in, , C Seriously Hurt - A telegram was received here yesterday telling of the serious accident to Mr. G. Otis Hall at Farmville, Va. About ten days agu lie left liere to accept, a posi tion1 as fireman on the N. & W. Railway. The facts in the case seem to be hard to secure, but the best information seems that he was. riding in his cab with his head stuck out of the window vhen a train going in an opposite ptrection met his tram and struck is head, severely bruising it and it is said, cracking his skull. . The last ) reports from the hospital where he was carried are more jfavorable nd his relatives and friends are hoping the accident is tint sos serious as .first reported;. i i I A "t .v - . B Tax Lister s Notice I will be found at the Court House every day until the first of June for the purpose of listing the taxes for the town of Rox boro. You will oblige me by listing as early as possible. C. C. Cunningham,. Tax Lister. Italy Has Great Army. Geneva. May J6, via Paris. A telegram from Lugano, a Swiss city near the Italian border, says that Italy now has 700,000 soldi ers mobilized and equipped. It is said Austria has confiscated the property of the Rothsc as well as that of various En; French and Russian families. ' - m. mm w 1 IT IS NOTHING- SHORT OF CRUELTY1UK AT WOMAN TO HAVE TO COOK IN A HOT KITCHEN WITH A WOOD OR COAL FIRC j f OUR GASOLINE STOVE'S ARE FKCM THE BJEST FACTORIES. EASY AND SAFE Tp OfcRATE AND SAVE TIME AND EXPENSE. ' ?' -J - " 'u, WE H AVE ALL SIZES AND WILL BE LJASED6 SHOW THEM TO YOU. OUR PRICES ARE ALWAYS LOW, Co Attending Oak Ridge Commencement Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Veazey and Mr. a.id Mrs. X W. Pass are attending, the closing, exercises of Oak Ridge Institute this week, where their sons, S. H. Veazey and T. O, Pass graduate, They made the trip in Mr. Veazey's car. - -.-'-V- .---. 1 . i - ''A .r- . Attended Buies Creek Commencement Mrs..H. H. Masten attended ! Buies Creek; Commencement last week, , where her son Gilmer Has ten . graduated. They returned Ti. An t mftwitn rr RoxbtoHighway Commission. On last Satu rday morning the Board of Supervisors'met and el ected the following gentlemen as members of the Roxboro Town ship Highway Commissioners: A. M. Burns, R. A. Burch and C. B. Brooks. The Highway Commis sion met an 1 elected the "following officers: . A. M. Burns, chairman; R. A. Burch, secretary. The po sition of Treasurer was postponed for the present. This is a splendid board and it insures that the roads in this township will be looked after and all work done in the most approv ed manner, with a strict lookout for the money which the voters have placed in their hands that is just as soon as the bonds shall have been sold: Woe In The Bottle. Wherever there's . trouble, whereyer there's weeping, wher ever the vultures of grief are alive; wherever sad women their night watch are keeping, and waiting for footsteps that do not arrive; wherever there's squalor wherever there's famine, if you would discover to whet it's all due, it's idle the records to deep ly examine just search for the bottle, and you'll have a clue Walt Mason. ; . . Sermon To The Junior Order. Rev. L J. Bcohe -vill preach at Brooksdale on next Sunday even ing at 3 o'clock to the Junior or der. The Juniors are required to j meet at the Hall at 2:30. The public is cordially invited. New Chief of Police M r. J. Frank Cash has been el ected chief of police and entered upon his duties on the 15th. - comes well recommended and is said tbhave.an especialeen eye for blind tigers, ' So mote it be. them spend a few dollars to come' the college Auditorium, to the city and interview the ex- Oh Tuesday morning twenty farmer lads who are now strug- young ladies will be graduated -4 gling with city life, and we be-, 16 in the Academic department lieve nine-tenths of these will tell and four in Music. Rev. R. C. you that they would trade every- Craven will deliver the Bacca thing they huve for a chance to get laureate address The Art Ex--back to the land of blue sky and hibit will also be on Tuesday and undiluted ozone., No, it is not hard the Annual Concert will take work that drives our young' peo- place on the evening of the same pie from the farms,- but it is lack day. of plain, home c.nnfori.s. in which most country homes- are still too defieent. The farmer has most ev erything that the city man lias ex cept the home1 comforts and amuse- ments. There are few farmers homes with modern , appliances. bathrooms toilets, hot .and cold water, and of couise, even fewer farm homes have lights. A farm boy goes to high school or college in the city one winter and he finds these modern comforts. When he goes back to the farm and has to wash his face and hands in cold water, may be break the ice first, has tQ 'build a. fire, ab j there isn't a warm room in the house, has to takfc a bath in a washtub; -if he gets one.;lt creates a-desi reHtf that ehuir to ; tmSvSiw the city.and get these con venienceSi Now yottrmers just think ' ymf can have light and water just as cheap as the city man and just as convenient. I am the Agent for the Detroit Heating & Lighting Co. Let me improve your home, YV. T. Buchanan, Roxboro, N. C. X Ordination services were held at the Baptist chinch on last Thursday night when Rev. M. F. Hodges was ordained to full min istry. The pastor, h'ev. I). F. Putnam, Rev. J. H. Bass and Rev. J. A. Beam taku.g part in the ceremonies. Death of T,W. Blackard. On Friday morn at 9 o'clock May 71915 the spirit of T. YV. f Blackard went back to the God , Y who gave it. He was born Nov. ; ' :f 28 1828making his stay on earth , 1 86 years 5 months and IS days. He served as, a valient soldier during V the civil war. 'i . Oct. 1865 he was happily marri- " , . " ed to Miss Sarah F. Teer of Ala- ' . raance county To this union seven I . i- f children were born, four girls and. ; V; three boys all of whom with ' the.v : hvidow survive. He joined the-Y- Methodist Episcopal church 'j7r MtZioin young manhood and:: .;Y wiisi faithful 'member always un- Ytc; til the.Master'called him ; to", join S&X i the'chttriTtnumphant'He hall : been a great sunerer; for quite a y while with fiance r and other trouv ; v ; bles due to-oid-ageiir w,,f v t For tivedays before he died his . V condition was such that he couldn't take any nourishment whatever. ; He was conscious till almost the ' last. He thanked all for their kind- Y.v' ;.; ness to him. ; -V All members" of the Brooksdale Lodge No. 414 are requested to meet at i he Hall Saturday night at h o'cjcik as we have some very imports nt business to attend to. G. M. Fox, ,lr.,.R. S. m I CUR STOIRC DRESS WELL. . YOU FEEL. WELLi YOU DO wall f -i , Week End In Graham. Misses Sueand Breta.Noell nd Messl J, Alderman -and jjfnoi XT NoelVJf.l; were thef kpests of "HE" DOES WELL BEGfiUSE HE BOUGHT HIS CLOTHES FROM US. SO.WILL "VqUT CF'YOU BUY; CLOTHING AT OUR STORE. , A ' : : ' : : NOT ONLY DOES OUR CLOTHING "LOOK WELL". BUT IT "WEARS WELL." IT IS THE "HflKE" TtmT MAKES THEM. : OUR CLOTHING COMES FROM TCZ BE5T TAILQR SHOPS IN THE WOJtLD . vhen we TgLL you a SUIT IS all-wool you MAYJINOW It IS SOaVEMAKETHEtUnDER" PRIC2 FIRST: ND ONE CAN "UNDER 'PRICE? US OH :U?- GRADE- CLOTHING.'",--; 'S- 'i I - V-'.'.-! TTTT V o - v 7TT) 1 : : ' J ROXBORG'S BEST. STORE. . :Miy ilakhiMbUbftraham' fast si I trlp MrtKoelier:: K ' r; X' -v v-.- .w,": rv;