1 " " - - .. Moell Bros., Proprietors Home First Abroad Next $1.00 Per Year in Advance a VOL. XXXII ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening May 26, 1915. Number: 21 PEACE Rv tJi- J"1111 vjiici iiiuucu, Road Work To Be- Improvements at the: Baptist Church. The ladies of the Baptist church 1"' gin In Two Weeks. The Highway Commission, ac- Presmem 01 rnuwcum, ociore compatned by Dr. E. J. Tucker arehaving the building paiated lake Mohonk Conference, j and Mr. R. H. Gates spent yes- and the Sunday School has been May 19- terday in Raleigh, and the Com- at work oh the grounds, all 'of gy :ill means let us pay any mission was highly pleased with ; which makes it present a verj; Id1 Him." it-j uwi ihjj. tjwtc umcfi cuu appeal auuci J.110 uiiaua tnlu, ... r...M ..:hV.,i 1 materia, vvph. hh long sufferinff. or of From Allensville. t, On last Tuesday, May 18th, at about 8 o'clock, p. m., 'ro. Bil- lie Slaughter, who has been con fined to his home so long, died. Id his death Allensville church loses one of its strongest members fiWd notwithstanding he told me 'several times before he died that Engineer promised that he would for the new Sunday School roods send his chief engineer, Mr. Fallis , have arrived and are how in use: che'-vvas willing to fro vet I feel " ' I ,-J,' .77 - . . ' o ' 1 1111.11. 1 vel- personal convenience ana prooaoiy tue best roaa engineer )inf,u t. Let us sacrifice it all, in the State, here to begin making verv thiny which can buy peace, the preliminary survey within the gut Jet us not rorgei mat mere next two weeus. ine stat? nign- uesome things which cannot buy way Commission has promised all jeace. If we sacrifice them in of the help possible and will keep )rjer to secure peace, trie peace an eye on tue work as it progress- Us sought comes before us the es to see that the resident engi- veriest torment of a living hell, neer will allow nothing shoddy to dare not trade honor for to slip through. peace: we dare not betray duty in order that we may bargain for AVe dare not indulge our- "FT! Rni .elves in the enjoyment or the '"y' u1" lessings ot peace while we turn Thursdav niffht at o Dr. leaf ears to the cry of distress or Briggs is an -old- Person Ciunty the .suminons of a righteous boy and is a preacherof renown, will hear him with pleasure, lhe public is cordially invited. Dr. Briggs At Baptist Church Thursday Night Durham School Building Burned Dariiaai. iay 21. Fire which ijo-iit i i :;" f the Mpper st -ris f the Mo"iviu-ad chooi building the )rimary grades vili4begin at Closing Exercises riie exercises by the children of Mrs. Bullock Entertains Friday afternoon was marked in social circles by one pf 'the most enjoyable parties ot the season when Mrs. W. C. Bullock entertained the Twice Eight Clufrpi and a number of other friends in compliment to her house guest; Miss Dillard of Lynchburg. Mrs, Bullocks home was made most attractive by quantities of beau tiful cut flowers. Delightful punch was the guests as they assembled at the tables for the game of rook. ; The hostess; assisted by Miss Breta Noell, served an ice course at the close of the game. ;l fihat our church has sustained a igreat loss. Bro. Boone being off 'from home Bro. Yearby conduct- i the burial services. There was 'jjcrnaiJa tuts laryest uruwu m at- itlodance ever seen at a burial at ensvllle church. Bro. R. A. Spencer furnished one of those 1$85 vaults and caskets to bury jiim in so you may know it was Hone in the best of order. So goes another one of our best men. Our sympathy goes out to each of r.A-Ai bereaved family, served , ,r vn ounaay the lbth Mrs. pXchard and I paid a visit to Mt. Tirzah.in the morning and Helena iijHhe afternoon. The church of Mt; Tirzah had a very small at- ance; it seems for; some cause How Is Your Fayorite Running? Contestant Which One of The Prizes Will She Win? Time Is Rapidly Passing Now is the Time To Do The Best Work Get in the Lead Win the Prize You Want. 4. w t r- it ;in e:iny noar mis morning so ar got nheiid of the fire depart- 10 o'clock Thursday morning. Class Day exercises will begin ment that the whole of this, the at 11 o'clock Friday morning. jiggest school building in the Final exercises will begin city, was completely destroyed. 8:15 Friday night. at ow the Tide "When ypureinRbme'do Romans; do." Ladies Palm -Beafeh suits will Ke ex tensively worn this season. We have on some special bargains this week. We call your especial attention to our Ladies Hand Embroidered Muslin Under wear, Misses Middy Blouses and Rompers for children. Special Prices Made on Gents Furnishings Shipment of men's Palm Beach suits just received, prices $4.00 and $5.00. Morton & Satterfields New Stores In Post Office Building. T DON 'T yott) J 1 aNicb Ice Kf . - i"u:u r i7 ;ithis' church is not what it used to ...-v., flno On next Snday at 11 o'clockfennH uhniTpthpr a APV9nt the Children's Day Exercises wUife u. t tA be held in the Methodist, chuwfeiv.- n-, v s,hooi with a These exercises are always inter- attendance and a esting and doubtless will be dou- il 1 u blyson this occaS1on, as ; the f& treated us so kind teachers have been dulling them y rnmiSed to Wk for some time. The public is ccfr-ft-&- tllm inst, as sonn as h dially invited. '. 'foa ak i t ... m Old Soldiers THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATUR DAY REMAIN OF BIG CLUB OFFER There remains only three more days of the Big Club Offer of 200, 00tf Extra Votes for every club of $10 turned in for sub scriptions. This big offqr closes next Saturday night. WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO YOU? Let's see. If you secure ten Some of the contestants have been working leisurely along waiting for the big offers. Let us impress upon each of you that the Big Offers are now being made and that you should take advantage of them. THE CAMPAIGN MANAGER'S ADVICE. , f dollars in subscriptions during j Our advice to every contestant this offer closing Saturday, May desiring to win one of the valua 29th, you will receive a Special ble prizes in this contest is: Do coupon good for 200,000 votes. If not let this Club Offer pass away you secure two clubs, which until you have Secured enough 'took dinner with Bro. Pratt Bowles. He is a young married Will note that in going to Ricltnlan just starting out in life. He mond, you will take the nortlvMmsa most excellent wife and she bound train and go to South Boisilfave us sjicli a dinner as Richard ton Va, you then can ' f IK -. ii round trip; ticket' ilTdlimond I am advised that the Norfolk' ' get'5a;Weldpm'ts;VTafife Altogether.. Western R. R. will not sell round tickets from North Carolina points. John H. Burch. Com. Camp Jones. Tuesday June 1st At Roxboro. Dr. N. Rosenstein, the Op tometrist of Durham, will be in Roxboro Tuesday, June 1st, stop ping at the Hotel Jones for the purpose of examining eyes and fitting glasses. Don't fail to see the doctor if you are in need of glasses. DID YOU EVE$ HAVE ENOUGH ICE CREAM WHEN YOU WERE A LITTLE KID? DONT YOU LIKE IT EVEN NOW? WELL, BUY A FREEZER FROM US AND HAVE ALL YOU WANT WHEN YOU WANT IT FOR YOVR CHILDREN AND YOURSELF. . n AND ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT WE ARE THE PEOPLE FO ICE BOXES AND REFRIGERATORS: fOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS WE ARE GOING TO 0FER SPECIAL VALUES IN REFRIGERATORS. rfflff'it Long, Bradsher & Co.; Mr. Burch Killed In Texas. On Saturday morning Mr. Jno. H. Burch received the sad intellir gence that on Friday the 21st, his brother, Hugh Burch of Bren ham, Texas, had been shot and killed. No particulars have reach ed us yet. Mr. Burch went from this County just after the war and had accumulated quite & lot of property. , Card of Thanks. We take this method to thank all the kind people of the neigh borhood and surrounding country and also the physicians for their untiring visits and kindnesses shown to our dear beloved father W. T. Slaughter during his long illness und death we do appreciate every deed of kindness shown him to the highest degree their mem ory we hold dear. His wife and children. Wekly Weather Forecast Issued by the U. S.-Wea ther Bureau, Washington D. C, for the week begin ning Wed.,' May 26, 1915. For South Atlantic and East Gulf States: Fair weather will prevail except -2 that occasional day thunder storms are probable . in , the Florida peninsular; tempera tures will.be1 normal or Rightly above. ; t Richards.' " 4 " Yesterday morning, May 23rd, I was in attendance at Allensville Sunda3r School and to the credit of Bro. T. B.. Davis, our superin tendent will say he is building up a school that not only he but the entire community should be proud of. I was at Rock Grove in the early afternoon, Bro. Vann Slaughter is superintendent of this school, one of the best men Rock Grove could have gotten for this school and I arn looking for great results. At3 o'clock, p. in., I was at Brooksdale to hear Bro. Boone preach to the Juniors and see what the Juniors looked like, but found it to be only a lot of Methodist brethren with a few sashes, ribbons and spears added. However, Bro. Boone started out with the Juniors and finished up with the women and ladies and what he said was a plenty. It was a powerful sermon according to the understanding of Poor Richtrd. We have very flattering pros? peels for all crops down this way and the farmers are working as perhaps they have never worked before. Poor Richard. means twenty dollars in sub scriptions, you will receive a spe cial coupon good for 400,000 vot es. Three clubs making thirty dollars will give you 600,000 ex tra votes, etc. Two Hundred Thousand extra votes for every teh dollars in subscriptions that you send in on this offer. Re member, that these extra votes are in addition to the regular scale of votes. HAVE YOU BEfiN DOING YOUR BEST? . Let every contestant ask her- '-'"""..f.---v self thi question right now': 'Have I secured every snbscrip tion that I could this week"? If you Have n&Cyon still have suf- t$6usatfdsf ' foi '"pfesVyesi; dreds'bf thousands. 2 This big club offer does not close until Saturday night, May 29th, so you have three more days in which to work on this offer. Make every minute the balance of this week count for votes every friend who hos promised votes so as to enable you to feel reasonably sure that you are going to be the winner of the prize you desire. You now have an opportunity whereby you can secure as many votes as you desire.- Now during this club offer closing Saturday night is the time. DO NOT HAVE TO REPROACH .YOURSELF. There are several of the best prizes that money could buy One $350 Upright Grand Piano-1 $75.00 in Gold-$25.00,in. Gold, and a commission Vof ten . per, cent, to all contestants failing. ta V win one of the . large, prizes;.,- It Is better to have'"a"v few votes . too ' ficieittimeto thousands" of votes r-yes,; nun- having enough? t. win the prize. V you want. Don't have r to -fe ;'y ' 4; iA'. . ' . proach yourself. Now while ' t" you have the opportunity is the ; j time to act. .''! NOT A SINGLE PRIZE IS ; NAILED DOWN.. By this we mean that ho one -J ,: 1 of the contestants has sufficient- . :'K;rr k you a subscription, get him or number o votes as to insure.- -v;vVy her to "cash" in those promises, thend winning any certain prize.;Cy ' 1 now while they will give you so No contestant has so many votes ft :J' ! - many votes. that they can't be overtaken' ' "f ? ' DON'T WAIT UNTIL THE easily by a little work. Several - " V', LAST WEEK. (Continued on Page 8) ' ; ' Neptunes Daughter The photo-play, "Neptune's Daughter'' was shown at the Princess last Friday afternoon and evening s to a large crowd. This play was considered by all who saw it as the greatest moving picture ever shown here. There is no better place to spend your evenings than at the Princess, more especially these h6t ones, as there is no better ventilated place in town, and with the large electric fans, there is no cooler plhce to be found. The management of this theatre are showing exceptionally good pictures, and the people of Rox boro should consider themselves fortunate in. having such a place to spend a part of their evenings. "WHITE GQbpS j 1 " W GALORE ; '' . OUR STORE IS NOW PILED FULL OF ENTICING WHITE GOODS. BOTH IN PIECE GOODS AND READY-, TO-WEAR. THERE IS A "SNAP TO ,OUR UNDER MUSLINS AND WAISTS WHICH WILL PLEASE YOU. WE HAUE WHITE THINGS FOR EUERYONE FROM LITTLE TOTS UP TO GRANDMA. ' NOW IS THE TIME TO GOME IN AND BUY YOUR WHITE GOODS. .OUR LINE OF THEM IS BIG. WE ARE MAKING LITTLE PRICES ON WHITE GOODS TO MAKE THEM MOUE OUT FAST. ,v ' RDXBORO'S BESH STORE v I i S Ik 1. , ; John Cash will t repair you shoes.. . ' 1 . . t - ' - - v ''?; J ' -1 h Is S t' t.

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