Grip Left Me With a Cough If during the winter you had the grip and are still suffering from the after effects, now is the time to get r7id of it. Peruna is your Remedy. A Very Bad Cough. Mrs. S. ,J. K.ountz, 1015 Scovel St., Nashville. Tenn., writes: "I have had a very bad cough nearly all my "life. I havif taken almost eery kind cf cough medicine, but none did me much pood. I would have spells of coughing that I thought I would cough myself to death. I took Pe runa, and last winter and this winter I have had no cough and I know that peruna cured me. "I was always thin and delicate, very easy to catch cold, but I am well n0Ar and enjoying good health. I feel that I owe it all to Peruna." runa.' STOMACH TROUBLE Majority of Friends Thought Mr. Hughes Would Die, But One Helped Him to Recoyery. i Pomeroyton, Ky. In interesting ad vices frorrt this pIace,"Mr. A. J. Hughes writes as follows : "I was down with stomach trouble for five (5) years, and would have sick headache so bad, at times, that I thought surely I would die. I tried di.'ferent treatments, but they did not seem to do me any good. I got so bad, I could not eat or sleep, and all my friends, except one, thought' I would die. He advised me to try Bedford's Black-Draught, and quit MEALS ARE W'HEN you're behind with your work, with only a few x minutes in which to get supper then the handy NEW PERFECTION Oil Cookstove helps you to hurry. N It lights at the touch of a match, and cooks rapidly like a gas stove. it regulates high or low, merely by raising or lowering the wick; - It is easy to operate, easy to clean, easy to re-wick. Sold in 1, 2, 3 and 4 burner sizes by hardware, furniture and depart ment stores everywhere. NEW PERFECTION OVENS bake better because a current of fresh hot air passes continually over and under the food drying out the steam, and preventing soggi ness. This is an exclusive NEW PERFECTION advantage. ' Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond White Oil to obtain the best results in oil Stoves, Heaters and Lamps. on aboK.&b es,. . STANDARrfi?bMPANY A Severe Case of GHd. Mr. W. S. Brown, R. F. D. 4, Box 82. Rogersville, Tenn., writes: "I recommend Peruna to all sufferers catarrh orcough. In the year of 1909 I took a severe case of the ,1a grippe. I: then took a bad cough. Everybody thought I had consump tion. I had talcen all kinds of cough remedies, but got no relief. "I then decided to try Peruna. After taking, live bottles my cough stopped and my catarrh was cured. Any one suffering with catarrh in any form I will advise them to take Pe FOR FIVE YEARS taking other medicines. I decided to take his advice, although I did not have any confidence in it. 1 have now been taking Black-Draught J for three months, and it has cured me haven't had those awful sick headaches since I began using it;-'. I am so thankful' 'for what Black Draught has done for me." Thedford's Black-Draught has been found a very valuable, medicine for de rangements of the stomach and liver. It is composed of pure, vegetable herbs, contains no dangerous ingredients, and actsgently, yet surely. It can be freely used by young and old, and should be kept in every family chest. Get a package today. Only a quarter. NEVER LATE I? I X. 4 V CUiloCtItC. Bronchos are Going. The European war promises to mark the final passing of the wild horse, of the range, the disappear ance of the bucking broncoso long associated with the west.- Even now there are no wild horses such as once roamed the ranges, and wirj the inroads being made upon the west by the war, his half civil ized drother, the bronco promises to disappear. Thousands of horses have been takeh from Colorado, Wyoming and other western state s. Not only have the British and French buyers invaded t)mt sec tion, but representative jof the Italian government havecombed the country for months. During the last few weeks an Italian buyer purchased several hundred horses and so great was his liaste to get them to his country that tbey were sent by express from Denver to the east instead of by freight. There they were hurried aboard a steamer to Itlay. A Doctor's Prescription for Cough an Effective Cough Treatment. One-fon rth to one teaspoon ful of Dr. King's . New Discovery, taken as needed, will .soothe and check Coughs, Colds and the more dangerous Bronchial and Lung Ailments, You can't afford to take the risk of serious illness, when so .cheap and simple a remedy as Dr. King's New Discovery is obtain able. Go to your Druggist to-day, get a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, start the treatment at once. You will be gratified for the relief and cure obtained. Milwaukee, Wis. Louis Muel ler, born in Milwaukee njid em ploye of. ;i big factory, was dowi town one day last week for the first time in 31 years. He is 45 year's old Ouly a Few Can Go. Those who are so fortunate that expense does'not have to be con sidered are now going to "Tiealth resorts to get rid of the impurities in the system that cause rheuma tism, backache, swollen, aching jointsand stiff, painful muscles, if you are one of those who can not go, yet feel that you need re lief from such pain ;and misery, try Foley Kidney Pills. They re store the kidneys to healthful ac tivity and make you, feel well and strong. Sold Everywhere. Footduid Mouth Disease. While confident that the foot and motath disease, which has been epidemic among the live stock of the country for .the last six months virtually has been wiped out, Department of Agriculture officials declared today that they would not relax the&r (efforts to prevent a future rcwurrence of the scourge. Agriculture more than 124,Q00 animals have been killed, because of the epidemic, at a cost of between j5, 0000 and $6, OG0,'00Q, tfo expesse of which has toeen shared equally by the f federal and state goveramens. WfrtFor Men Only. Foley Cathartie Tablets are not as insistently demanded by women as by men beeause this particular cathartk is not so well known among women. Women suffer as much as men do from indigestion and constipation, and they also require this scientific remedy to keep the stomach sweet, the liver active and the bowels -regular. Foley Cathartic Tablets are whole some and thoroughly cleansing? do not gripe or cause nausea. Stout people say this is the one cathar tic that takesaway that over-full and clogged-up feeling. Sold Ev erywhere. St. Louis MO Miss Katerine EJesse, 18 years old, ate her first breakfast, dinner and supper - one day last week. When a child an accident caused f he closing of the channel to the stomach. An opera lion pemitted her4,;be fed directly, into the stomach.Lasweek1 a surgean, who had become interest ed it her case restored her 1 to ilmtnorrjmrconjdftions. She had foods until after the operation. UGH! A DOSE OF . NASTY CALOMEL It salivates! It makes you sick and you may lose a day's work. You're bilious, sluggish, consti pated and believe' yon need x vile, dangerous calomel to start your liver and clean .your bowels. , Here's my guarantee! AskQiir druggist for a 50 cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone and take a spoonful tonight. If it doesn't start yourxliver and straighten you right up better than calomel and without griping or making you sick I want you to go back to the stor and get your money. Take calomel today and tomor- row you will feel weak and sick and nauseated. Don't lose a day's work. Take a spoonful of harrx less, vegetable Dodson's. Liver Tone tonight and wake up feeling great. It's perfectly harmless, so give it toyour children any time. It can't salivate, so let them eat anything afterwards. Notice of Bond Election for Town of Roxboro. Notice is hereby given that at a special meeting of, the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Roxboro, called for that purpose by the Mayor, and held on May 20, 1915, the said Board of Com missioners, by 'virtue of an au thority conferred upon thpm by Act of the General Assembly of 1915, called an election to be held in said town for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters thereof the question of the issue and sale of the bonds of said town amounting to the sum of $15000. 00, payable thirty years after the date of issue, b'earing interest at the. rate of five per centum 'per annum, payable semi-annually, under the provisions of the said Act of The General Assembly; which said election will be held at the Court House in Roxboro on Monday the 21st day" of June, 4 1915. The money derived from the sale of said bonds will be used ex clusively for the purpose of pay ing off and discharging the out-i standing indebtedness of said town (other than bonded indebt edness) incurred and existing on account of the grading - and im provement of its streets. By order of the Board of Com missione'rs. " This May 30, 1915. . J. M (yBriairt, Mayor C. C. Cunningham, Clerk. Grand Eaids, kich.- Joseph Bendetl, of this city -celebrated his 97th feirthday last week and says he waaats to live to be an eAen 1 11 TT 1 il i 1 miiwifrecL stie wouia aiot make a very ood subject for an anti-to baoeo lecturer for he smokes like a ko'iise aifiire and has dohe so since he was 14. Moreover, much to the. regret f many igood ladies, he takes a daily im) of brandy, a habit he osiatracfjed whie an officer in the Bluish nary. He rises at 5 eaefo morning. v ; , A ROXBOI) REPORT . V Fully Corroborated and Easily Investigated. Do you need a good kidney med icine. Then read the reports in these very columns of Roxboro persons cured or benefited with Dpan's Kidney Pills. Tou won't have to go far to find out if they are true. This Roxboro case is an example. Others will follow. . Mrs. D. M. Andre ws, Depot St. , Roxboro, saysf I could hardly straighten afterstooping or sit ting on account of pains in my back. Since I have taken Doan's Kidney Pills, my back hVs not bothered me nearly so much; a few doses.of fthismedieine always gives me relief. Qldie'rs of my fam ily have also been benefiW , by Doan's Kidney Pills, and we con sider themi fine , for v kidney aiK mehts.'; x k- , ' 5Prie 50c, at'all'dealers. Don' simply ask for akidney remedy- get DoanKidney Pills-thesame tmt Mrs.tAiidrews y had. Foster- Administrators Notice! Having this day qualified as "the Ad ministrator of G.W.Barnett, deceased, thisr is to notify all persons indebted or holding plaimsr against said deceased, to preent them to the undersigned Admin istnator,:on or before the 17th (day of May 1916, or this notice-will bs plead in bar of their recovery. , AH persons indebted to said estate will 'please make immediate payment. -This May 17, 1915. , IRVINGVH. BARNETT, Administrator L M. Carlton, Att'yr ' Excutors Notice! Having this da qnalified as the Ex ecutors or the last will and testament of W. T. Slaughter, deceased, this is to notify all persons iudebted qr hold ing claims against said deceased- to present them to the undersigned Ex ecutors on or before the 26th day of May 1916, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This Ma26, 1915. W. T. Buchanan S. T. Slaughter, Executors. T. C. Brooks, Att'y, Administrators Notic. i&Having this day qualified as the ad ministrators of Mr. - J. A. Long, deceased1 this is to notify all persons indebted ,or holding claims against said deceased," to present same to the under signed administrators, on or betore the 17th day of April' 1916, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate paymeut. This the 17th day of April 1915. t J. A. Long, Jr. M. R. Long,. R. JTeague, Admrs. Wm. D. Merritt, Atty. Excutrix Notice! Having this day qualified as the Ex cutrix of the estate of P. H. Fon taine, , deceased, this is to notify all persons indebted or holding claims against said deceased, to present them to the undersigned Excutrix on ox be fore the 26th day of Apr. 1916, or this notice will be plead in bar of their re covery. Persons owing said estate will please ffome and settle at one. This Apr. 26, 1915. Annie R. Fontaine, A Executrix.' Administrators Notice! Having this day qualified as the'' Ad ministrator of J. R. Reade deceas ed, late of Person County, this is to no tify all persons, indebted or holding claims against said deceased, to present same to the undersigned Administrator Ion or before the 22nd day of April it , -111 1 1 1- mo, or tnis nonce win De pieaa in oar of their recovery. This the 22nd dav of Apr. 1915. J.'W. READE Administrator of J. R. Reade,' deceased Executors Notice! . Having this day qualified as the Ex ecutors of the last will and testa ment of Mary E. Brigg deceased, this is to notify all Dersons indebted or holding claims against said deceased, to present them to the undersigned Ex ecutors, on or before the 24th day of May 1916, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This May 24, 1915. DANIEL LONG, J. A. WHITFIELD, Executors. NOTICE OF SALE! WOTICE OF SALE! NOTIC OF SALE! Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Person County, North Carolina, made in that special proceeding entitled Richard Harris and Others vs Mary Carver and Others, I will offer for sale to the highest bidder o r cash at public auction at the Court hoaase door in Roxboro, N. C. MONDAY JUNE 21ST 1915 The following describe lots of land in Roxboro Township, in or near the corporate limits of the Town of Rox boro And boundjed as follows: Jt hednig two certainlots of land; the first of which is described as follows: Beginning at a stone corner of lot No 3 in that division of lands made by J. J. Lansdell for Mrs. Bettie L. Winstead; thence South six and one-half degrees Wst&75 chains to a rock corner of lot Ho. 3; liienoe East 1. 29 chains to a corner of lot No. 5 in said division; tiaence Uorth 3.60 chains to corner of lotMo. 5: thence West 1.25 chains to a rock conoer and the beginning. Also thaot ilot of land adjoining the above de scaibed lot arid more particularly 'de scribed as follows;' Beginning on the Sooth side ef a street, the Northwest corner of lot No.x 4, running -thence with the West line of lot No. 4 South seven and one-half degrees 242 feet to a stake, the Southwest corner of " lot No. 4; thence North eighty-three and 3-4 degrees West forty-two and one half feet to a stake; thence orth sev en and one-half degrees 244 feet to the street: thence with the street South eighty-oneand 1-4 degrees East 42 and-1-2 feet to the beginning. Th6 above dscribed tocHlots - will be sold as one lot, m . that a five room house ii sitaated upon the two jointly. Remember the day of sale, Monday 21st 1915. 12 o'clock. M. Terms CASH. This the 20th dayQtf May 1915. S. G. Winstead. Commissioner. Philadelphia7 Z Painless Dentists, (Inc) The home of Good Dentistry, fX Keasonaoie rnces.i ome ana nave YO UR TEETH 5 examined FREE , -201 W. Mkin Street,; ' ' Durham, N. C. Opposite Postoffice Building .Willctire your-H&etiinntiom tercally end externally. Price 25c. PROFJESSIONAri? CARDS . . W; R. WOLFE yeterinariaa- " ' Offfce at A.;P. Clayton's Stables ; ;PhonerKo2r , Roxbbro, N. C W. R. GATES 0lce4nX!ourt House Roxijoro, N. C." S. S. MONTAGUE. MD. Offers his professional service to the people 'of Roxboro and sur rounding community. Office over Sergeant & Clayton's store. ROXBORO, N. ,C - N.LUNSFORD Attorney at law, Office over Garrett's Stoic Roxboro, N. C.' Ff 0. Carver S. G. W instead. CARVER m. WINSTEAD Attorneys and Counsellors at law. Office over ank of Roxboro. DR. B. R. LONG DENTIST Office over the Bank of Roxboro) ROXBORO, n. c. Dr. R. J. Teague Physician and Surgeon. Of fice over The Davis Drug Co. ROXBORO, N. C. W. A. BiiADSHER, M. D. PRACTICING PHYSICIAN. . Offersjiis services to the people ' of Roxboro and surrounding community. B. . LOVE, M. D. Offers his seryices to the people , of and surrounding ; community. 'Office iin Pass & Carver Building -1 Dr. C. G. Nichols Dr. A. F. Nichols NICHOL a NICHOLS Offer their professional service to the people of Roxboro and surrounding community. Dr. E. J. Tucker DENTIST. Office New Hotel Jones over old Drug Store. , Surveyor DR. G. C. VICKERS -DENTIST-. Office VIn Newell Building on : North Main Street, next door to '; r Roxboro Grocery Co. Roxboro, N. C ;.-': DR; A. P. READE , Dentist over the Bank of Roxboro " ROXBORO, N. C. ce E H. COPLEY SURVEYOR. Office next door to Dr. Vickers Roxblpro, N. C. NORFOLK. WESTERN, NOV. 22nd 1914., Ex un Daily - Ex Sun Daily' p. m. a. m. p. m. a. m. ; 5:30 -7:00 Lv Durham Ar 11:00 9:15 '7:06 8:13 Lv Roxboro -Ar 923 7:54 7:55 8:45 Lv Depnnistdn Ar8:4 7:19' 8-26 9. -07 Lv So. Bosfim Ar 8:12 6:56 8:40 920 Lv Houston Ar 7:48 6:43 11 .OF: 11 .A( A v T tmnkUwAt T pm. a.m. - , p. m. a. m. , Connections' at Lynchur mh trains east and westbound. '. - ' ; Pullman lecpers'and Dining ara. ! if you are thinking of taking a. trip i yv want qaoiauons, cneapest lares ; reliable and correct informatiob as to.' routes and schedules; themist comfor-i '" mation is yours for the asking with one ' t pur;complete MabiFolders. r Write forate maps. . time tsble ta ; r, ? agentorto.v. W.'B.BEVILLj Air r i J-1 .V" v.- v.- V

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