I 7 9 ,T. S m " d if y Adequate Protection IN every man's life there is sure to arise unfortunate conditions of some nature, and generally at a most inopportune and unexpected moment. . ;.;' . Also, in almost every man's life, opportunities present themselves which, if he is able to grasp them, lead to prosperity and contentment. Could you successfully meet either of these conditions were they to arise tomorrow? A savings account in tnis bank will protect you against misfortune and enable you to take advantage of every chance for safe and profitable investment. HQ 11 HE fpEQPLES CAPITAL STOCK $40,000 '' SURPLUS $,000 A ROLL OF HOMOR BANK THE COURIER Roxboro, C., June 9, 1915 Eerthing"t6 build with. W&t kins Sr Bullock:' , ; When it's Shoe Repairing, try The Electric Shoe Shop. E. L. McBrbom, Proprietor. j. repair you Watkins & Bullock. Lamar Street, near jail Home Builders' Supplies TUP nf '"' carry the largest stock of Building Material and Builder's Hardware in the city. Kiln dried flooring, . Ceiling, Boards, Siding, Shingles, Laths, Lime, Cement and Plaster. Sash Doors and Frames We make a specialty of nice mantels, yards and hearth tiling, Peaslee-Gaulbet's Mastic Paints best on the market, Linseed Oil, Lewis Lead, Metal Shingles, Galvanized Roofing, Nails, Locks, Hinges, Screen Doors, Screen Windows and Wire. Phone No, 94 YouiM Mem Anxious to Save Life Insurance is the only way ever devised of creating wealth by a "stroke of the pen," as it were. By paying a small sum periodically and systematically (and systematic saving is the only succesful sav ing), a person can create an estate equal to the savings of a lifetime. Furthermore, a man will pay his life insurance premium when he would not make his sayings bank deposit. The Southern Life & Trust Com pany will help you create an estate at a very low cost. Cunningham & Long Agts All Kinds of Insurance. We have what you n$ed If you need a wagon we have it. If you need Fertilizers we have it. If you need Groceries we have them. If you need Feed stuff we have it: In fact we have everything to eat for man and beast. We also have a lot of work shoes at rock bottom prices i . . .... '.!. . ..VI '? to : 4 II ft: ,y rflr3 n r - ' coming jp-j.ust 'pnune sergeant, - fT- , " --rrsV -:.:--. 1 VV' TIhTP Jy -CSlUi, -i & ClytP:ahd;yourt3 vn der.wll be on ;hand;- to;preac& ;; j )eyr I'll John "XJash will shoes.-v : ' ! '"Hi. Mhr&E. iCruchfield of Bur lington was visitor here Sunday. Mr. B. D. Haines of . Durham was in town Tuesday. Mr. Geo. Pearce of Durham wasMn town yesterday. Mr. I. T. Scoggin Sundayed at Willardville. ;'. i :- y The Chautauqua, Roxboroi June 28, 29 and 30. Come. Mr. Willie Nichols left this morning for Lenoir. Get a ticket for theChautauqau before it is too late. See notice elsewhere. Corn Wanted I will exchange Groceries and Shoes for Corn. Hugh Woods. Mrs. B. R. Long and Miss Lu cille Pass spent last Friday in Durham. Mr. L. M. Carlton spent yes terday in Durham on legal mat ters. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Harris spent several days in Durham last week visiting. If its printing you want send your orders to The Courier office. Best work at honest prices. Report of the Town of Roxboro will be,;f&.ur.d. on another page in this issue. Your'uttention is called to the ad. of C; H. Hunter in this issue on another page. Mrs. A. M. Henderson is, visitingtin ijRaleigh, where she will spend, the next few weeks. Mr. N. S. Thompson was a Danville visitor the first of the week. v Mis Emily Jones, who has been teaching at Longhurst, left! this morning for her home in Milton. Misses Sue Long and Ethel Crowder spent yesterday in Dur ham. Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Pass and Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Featherstone are spending the day in Durham, making the trip in Mr. Pass' Reo. Miss Bertha Clayton is spend ing some time in Sanford and Burlington, visiting friends and relatives. We are requested to announce that Rev. J. J. Hall will preach at Warren's Grove Sunday at 3 o'clock, p. m. Misses Bessie May Hamilton and Glenna Wood of Chase City, Va., are visitinjg at the home of Mr. J. H. Wood. Misses Grace Whitfield of Danville and Sue Kitchin of Raleigh, are the guests of Miss Eugenia. Bradsher at Hotel Jones Mr. Clarence Satterfield of Milton, visited his sister, Mrs. N. S. Thompson the first of the week, v . . Col. R. I. Featheston returned yesterday from a stay of several weeks at the springs, which has greatly improved his health. Mrs. Worth McAlister and two children of Winston-Salem are visiting at Mr. L. M. Carl ton's.' Have your koclak films develop ed and printed at home work guar anteed prompt delivery, S. D. Moore at . Sergeant & Clayton, Roxboro, N. C. 4ts. Mrs'rG; Thomas and chil dren returned last Saturday from Florence, S, C, where they have been visiting relatives for the past two week. Miss Hattie Burch, who has beehiattending Columbia Uni versity 'the, past year, arrived home on v last Thursday night, and will spend her vacation here. MrWJ. W. Chambers has " just returned from trip to Eastern Virginia;. !He reports that the crops m that section good, es pecially the wheat crop. , If yout garden is ajittleslow coming jndst hone Sergeant & Clfiyn.andyyourcts ; will Mrs. L;: Brothers of Winston- Salem, arrived Monday ; and will spend some7 time visiting: her mother, Mrs. Martha Dickens on i Route 3. f Vi Mr: and Mrs. R. B. Beazley returned Monday night from Richmond, where" they have been attending the Veterans Re union. Mr. X' M. , Henderson has moved his quarters. He can now be found t in the quarters formerly occupied by the Rox boro Motor Co., in the Critcher building on Court Street. Mr. R. J. Daniel of Jefferson Tex., arived Monday night, and will spend some time visiting relatives and friends in the County.. Mrs. Daniel and chil dren have been here several weeks. Am expecting this week 75 bushels of Black Whippowill, Mixed and Stock Peas. Also will have Soja Beans and Millet, will make" prices right. See me Hugh Woods. Mrs. R. A. Chambers, who has been spending some time here visiting at the home of her sdn, Mr. J. W. Chambers, left yesterday morning for South Boston, where she will spend some"time. In mentioning in our last issue those who had purchased Ford Automobiles, we had Mrs. W. W. Stone and should have been Mrs. Geo. W. Stone. We take pleasure in correcting this . mistake. Some Cabbage. Mr. J. W. Brooks, proprietor of Brooks Plant Farm, presented us with the cabbage head of the season yesterday morning it weighed nine and one half pounds. Tax Levy. The Board of Commissioners were in regular session last Mon day, and made the roliwinff tax levy; -State 23 2-3 cents, Pension 4, School 20, County 18 1-3, Roads 25, Special 5, School Special 4, Poll 2.12, total $.3.32. For Rox boro township add 15 cents to roads and $1.20 to poll for bond -Nssue. FRESH TOMATOES Every Day Sergeant & Clayton, I 'Phone 23" 'jti it if It -V- HAMBRICK & AUSTIN - Druggists FIRE From Allensville. On last Friday morning, June 4th, the infant child of Bro. Ed die Gentry diecl and was buried at Allensville church on Saturday. Bro. Boone performed the burial services. His talk was vey console ing, not only to Bro. Gentry and his wife but to all who have lost children in infancy, and this in cluded Poor Richard and his wife. Quite a large crowd was present considering it was only an infants burial. Father and mother and all' of the family connections who are grieved have our sympathy. On Sunday June 6th I went with Bro. Boone to Webbs Chap-' el to preaching. The attendance was small at this church and like Mf TirvoVi if. Imc nn Snndav School. However, Br(. Boone gave them quite a fine sermon. In the afternoon I attended Sunday School and preaching at Allens ville, Bro. Boone had as his text the last words of Christ as He was nailed to the cross, "It is finish ed." He pictured it so plainly why it was that Christ suffered so much and finally died in order that all His people might be saved that it seemed that all should understand. Poor Richard. Many men think they have Insur ance, when they merely have a policy FIRE Jolts a man out of complacency about his Fire Insurance. Think seriously and well when you take it, get theBteST", will cost no more than the other kind Fifteen years of llean record, tells fr you where to get it. See S. P. Satterfield "NOW." Satterfield Ins. Agency, "Old and Tried" j For quick ser vice phone 79. We always have what you want I Everything in Groceries. This is the place to buy your Gro ceries. Good line of shoes on hand. Bring me your country hams, Bacon, fat hens chickens and eggs. H. WOODS The Groceryman Administrators Notice! Having this day qualified as the Ad ministrator of Mrs. Fannie D. Barton, deceased, late of Person County, this is to notify all persons indebted or holding claims against said deceased, to present same to the undersigned Administrator on or before l the 9th day of June 1916, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This the 9th day of June 1915. V. W. A. BARTON, Administrator. Quarterly Conference The Third Quarterly Confer ence for Person Circuit will be held at Oak Grove Church next (second) Sunday. There 'will be.no services ;on Saturday, as is the usual case, but, there will be wtf seryicea onsSunday. Bra .Day Are coming, and heavy clothes are irritating. Why suffer the heat when you can get a nice, cool, comfortable GENUINE PALM BEACH Suit for the small amount of Come and get one and be comfortable. Remember, this is the GENUINE Palm Beach and not the imitatbin. . M- Up s - f V1) tf if' R i ! O v. rr;; r-:Vf iv '': jr " K ' " '''' , . i ' f , '