v i V- jsjoell Bros., Proprietors Home First Abroad Next $1M Per Year in Advance VOL. XXXII ROXBORO, NORTH GAROtlNi, Wednesday Evening June 16, 1915. Number 24 r T tv-1 i -Yi fi tr rim .rti v -- - , XT', " i " r t - -r , i . ' TV- ':ri x.,'"': --yi 5 Revival Services at Mr Crumptori Goes Mr. vr GREAT BRITAIN WILL ' The Baptist Church. Brooks One Better. ALTER HER BLOCKADE For more than a week Rev. R. In our last issue we spoke of a V' (. Kendrick of Greensboro has cabbage head which weighed nine New Plan Provides borvAmeri been conducting a series.of meet- and a half pounds, and now Mr. can Shipping to Holland, Den ings at the Baptist Church, preaching twice daily. The ser- weighing ten pounds, ; with thej Washington, June HThe. an vices hive been largely attended bottom leaves clipped'fi;It is nouncement in the American press and the community has been' much built up. Rev. Mr. Ken drick came here a stranger, hard- y a single person in the town having ever heard him preach; but he will leave here the friend of every one. We say it without disparagement to any one who has preached here before him, that he is one of the ablest men who have ever filled a pulpit in this section. His preaching is t"nluZll Td,has brought light to many who have been wandering in darkness. j TTVTVVVTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT ... , , xir . 3 jf f Issued by the U. S. Weath- er Bureau, Washington, D. n 4-U 1. i : : M Wednesday, June 16, 1915. t For South Atlantic and 3 East Gulf States: Showers Arednesday, Saturday and t Sunday, with temperatures 4 above the seasonal average. AAA A A A A A AAA AA AA AA AAAA AAAA We do notsay tlfat the: American! dy Corset is the best ever made, but if you have never tried one let it be your next. 'The Correct In Gorsetry". You cannot get at any eld time just. the exact style you like best in a Palm Beach, better get yours now while we have on hand the hsst sfvles. Thev are oin Fast. j Dress Goods . Laces Plenty of them and beautiful too. . Special Prices Made on Gents' Furnishings. Reduction on all straw hats. New Stores In Post Office Building. Morton & WHEN YOU "TRY" O WILL ALWAYS "RUY" IT THAT OUR HARDWARE STANDS HARD WEAR. THE RULE OF OUR 3USINESS IS TO ALWAYS V C AN UPRJGd r Q JAL1TX AND KEEP THE PRIC GIVE DOWNRIGHT LOW. AND WE CARRY THE Long, Bmdmer. R. W. Crumpton comesV witH one now up to Mr. Brooks. However, Mr. Crumpton gives a bit of the glory to Mr. Brooks, for he says he bought the plants from the Brooks' Plant Farm, of which Mr. J. W. Brooks is the proprietor. Clean Up. Mr. Editor: our back lots and yards are in a bad, unsanitary condition. And if others will co-operate with m and have all. trash, tin cans, and . . . , - ' . . . , ' f 11 other klD(k of rubbish packed in boxes and barrells, I will furn- ish one wagon and driver Friday June 18th to haul att day ..or; those who have no wagonvTpyn officers please take notice awa look after the back lots of the stores, ware houses and more . especially the public houses. All persons desfr ing my wagon on this dale please let me know. Yours for a clean town, C. H, Hunter. CHAUTAUQUA June 28th, 29th and 30th; i ady j CJ iJ and Embroideries? Satterfields i HAKUWAKL Unut, iww.f, AGAIN. YOU WILL FIND Mi , , STOCK mark, Sweden. that President Wilson was prepafci ing to send a new note to Greal; 'ritian demadinff that Enfflandre- tram f l'om interfering with,, Am erican shipping to neutral - count-' ries has had a salutaryef feet ' -in London. . It was learned today that, Sir Cecil Spring-Rice? the British am bassador, has given Secretory. Jof State Lansing what might be call ed informal assurances that 4jhis government soon-will4ite,rjtsjppgf range blockade in so far as it'itV plies to American commerce,' The decision; by President ;Wil- son to make futher demands uponir' -According to Petrograd, the Great Britain was reached a;,fe,w days ago after Representative Webb, chairman of the house jud iciary committee, had made strong representations to Presieentl WiK son as to the injustice of the Brit-J ish interference with American shipping to neutral ports. Itis'iin derstood that Mr. Webb told the President that the Americans peo ple were demanding a square, deal from Germany and England. HeJ intimated that they would not be satisfied unless England was ; alsa forced to observe international law. - - - Ambassador Rice is said to have strongly intimated to Secretary Lansing today that under the "few .land, Denmark, Norway aud Sweden will be given safe transit and will not be held up or detrain ed in British ports. If this is done it will have a good effect oa cot ton prices. The unwarrantable detention oj American cargoes, it is claimed, has seriously depressed the price of cotton and practically made it impossible for our cargoes to reach a market. Another Hupmobile Captured. On Wednesday morning Sheriff Thompson, R. W. Morris and R. H- Gates went out and took a look for the automobile which broke down a few miles west of town. This machine was reported to have been loaded with liquor and by some one was unloaded, the liquor being captured the ev ening before. During the night, Tuesday the machine was hauled off with horses, but the posse took up the trail Wednesday morning and found it in the woods in the rear of an old colored man's house, Jordan Bailey. The owners evi dently were making an effort to get it back to Virgilina, Va., but found the towing too difficult, hence had to give up the job. ; It was brought to town and lodged in the FreelaLd-Bradsher ' Motor garage, along with the two- other machines. . ' Can't Come Too Often 1 . : Or Stay Too Long. : Mr! W. Y. Carver of Farmers ville, Tex, arrived last Friday night and will spend some time here visiting his kinsman, Mr. Joe H. Carver. Mr. Carver is. a man of affairs but he loves this his native County, and c yearly makes an annual pilgrimage. this way. , He is easily one of the best informed men of our acquaintance and it is with pleasure 4we2' listen to hear, him discuss matters in general.. ; - :Off For The Summer School. Quite a number' of young ladies from ; Roxboro and J the fJoiinty will attend the Summer School at Chapei:Hill. The,; following left ' yesterday mormng; JIisses-Hame Jacksoh,; ,Bessie Winstead r-and TEUTONS TAKE POSI- 1 TIONS OF RUSSIANS Decided Success is Claimed by Gernians Along Eastern Line. ACJver 16,000 Prisoners Fall u Into Their Hands. ;r'&ndon June 14. GermanV to (ia; blaitiied:ahother decided sue- esS: Hloife the- eastern line. North- re.oiuoscjsKa, m jDneregion or ienia waj" the Gernaan reiibrt said thav;;4firigH a line ' extending oveVt 43 miles the entire positions 6 f ine i Russians were ;takenand thit I6,p00 prisoners fell inta tliei tawls. The. Russian official report, hps7eVenjVily;m the lo: c Ji ty -where . this action is said to hVc ;takei place in a paragraph . ;c::isItaFriday - and Saturday did not resume the offensive. Austrb-Germans have again cross ed'the Dniester where a brilliant caalrharge at Zale Szczyky, rcsultedad Mocal Russian success, but ho claim is" made that the in VadSrs were pushed back across the riyer.' A crossi ng of the river at this':place may not be a serious affair for. the Russians, as it is re hiote from Leinberg and an ad yanckf m it might expose the Atro-Germaii flank. t lln thest the French continue Iheir battering tactics against for- iindable Germ'ati positions, with pm assistance from the Belgia is, "whohavy.thro'wha battalion a ctoss .the Yser .to.- the-rj eastbank, tfhere sgth of tlie faxmtiffi'-raO mair blockhouse. They claim to have retained this position against German counter-attacks. Berlin claims the French suffer ed a severe defeat on the frontier north of Souch-ez, and Paris ad mits the loss of German trenches previously captu red in that seci ion. German submarines accounted for another big British freight steamer today the Hopemount, of 3,300 tons, being torpedoed off Saint Ives, England. The crew was saved. Another British steam er, the Arndale, of 3,583 tons, struck a mine in the White sea and sank, while bound for Arch angel. The French schooner Dia mant also has been torpedoed by a German submarine off Pendine, Wales. The full returns of the Greek elections are not yet available, but the triumph certain. The continu ed illness ot the Greek king may prevent the victory of M. Venize- los,f ormer premier, seems the war party from having any immediate results. Great Britain, which had brac ed itself for the shock of the an nouncement of the issue" of anoth er 1,250,000,000 war budget, must wait another day, as the house of commons rose this even ing without Reginald McKenna, chancellor of the exchequer, hav ing made the expected announce ment. Hiking Club. Brooksdale, the live suburban part of Roxboro, comes to the front with a "Hiking Club, " com posedof Misses Bana and Vera Garrett, Amelia Noell and Rachel Goodwin. They took their first hike last Thursday, going out to the Laker a distance of five miles each way. They report a pleasant experience, but we doubt if it was so pleasant that they will under take it again. .... i Off For Conference. Revs. N. C. Tearjbyi CR, Ross andj. 4. Boone-are attending the: District. Conference which meets in Burlingtbh todayp: . v. i Jcclarinsrlthe Austro-Germans, af heavy losses in the region of SThEEOSES Just Seven More Working Days of This Contest-Three Big Vote t Offers for the next Seven Days If You Expect to Win Now Is the Time to Get Busy. There remains but seven more working days of the contest when the handsome prizes will be awarded the contestants having received the greatest number of votes's-? - . , ' While there remains but a few more days of the contest, a tre mendous amount pf work can be done in that time and thousands of votes secured LAST AND FINAL OFFERS. The last and final vote offers of the contest are as follows : Reg votes Extra votes Total votes 1 yrsub. 5,000 10,000 15,000 2 " " 12,000 21,000 33,000 3 " " 18,000 37,000 55,000 4 " " 25,000 53,000 78,000 5 - " 30,000 70.000 100.000 FOR EVERY TEN DOLLAR CLUB. ber of votes for each and every subscription, a special coupon good for 150,000- extra votes" will be awarded- to each contestant for eyery ten .dollars m .subsenp rtioris turned; in": from ' now IvUntil June 25thCf -tv -ONE , BIG COMPETITIVE COUPON. As a further inducement , for the contestants to exert every effort during the remaining days of the contest, we are offering one competitive coupon good for 200,000 votes. The contestant turning in the. largest amount of money for subscriptions from to day till twelve o'clock noon Fri day, June 25, will be awarded a special coupon good for 200,000 vtes. , CONTEST CLOSES AT THREE , ..O'CLOCK. .. :&mmj$Ft:; PRICED LOW? "SNAP" IS A THING WE HUNT FOR WHEN WE SELECT OUR SUMMER GOODS: "SNAP" IS THE THING WOMEN AND MEN WANT WHEN "THEY BUY THEM''WiP U-': THE PRICE MUST BE LOW WHEN WE BUY; AND THE PRICE IS LOW WHEN WE SELL ; : WE BID FOR BUSINESS WITH SNAPPIER. : BET TER GOODS FOR LESS MONEY. THAT'S WHY WE GET THE BUSINESS.- ;": ." r , ROXBORO'S NEXT WEFK We desire to call the attention of every contestant' and their friends and relatives that i this contest -will rClose at three o' clock, P. M., Friday, June. 25th and we will accept subscriptions up to that time, lrat sall tthe ex tra vote offers above will close at twelve o'clock p m., three hours before the contest - closes. It is to your interest to get ev ery subscription possible to , this office before the extra vote offers close, v After 12 o'clock noon, the regular scale of votes will prevail for all subscriptions. CONTESTANTS , WERE AC TIVE LAST WEEK , Last week was a busy one with the contestants and their friends it was the busiest week they have, had since the' contest . , vrnora w no enmo nncrnnor pv ery day from now. until the. close of the contest J- ,.t V In the-- largfe".page. advertise mentprinted ih.this paper it vis - ,,; V statihihe ''Srr test wiirb'ewo" 'o'clock ip;. m.i, V! June -25th. ' This should have ' .-V' stated that the contest would close at three o'clock. All con testants and friends will kindly take notice. A Welcome Visitor It was a real pleasure to see our good friend Mr. H. S. Thax- ton of Prospect Hill in town last week. He is one of the most prominent men of his section and has Jived to a ripe old age, which age has been filled, wi5h good deeds. BEST STORE WiM It t ',V '.!, 1,. ''f ft Ik ... " n f f ' 'A. I- f - x - 4.J' 1 J J. - f V.(t . Willie bpencer.' - V , - Buy PEASircm Hugh oods: 'If I i'.