jsjoell Bros., Proprietors Home First Abroad Next $l;00'Per Year in Advance VOL. XXXII ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening June 30, 1915. V H ft . I Number 26 . t I - V As To Ice. It seems as there has been a re port circulated that the ice, made in Koxboro was being made, from impure water, and we wish to call the attention of the people Rox boro to the frank statement made in the issue by the Roxboro Light Powder Co., concerning this false statement. Of course, there is no truth to such a false report Mrs. J. W. Featherstone. Mrs. J. W. Featherstone, of Person county, died yesterday. and the Power Company is willing! Concord church and interment will for you to make any examination ' be in the family burying ground, of their plant at any time if you about two miles from Roxboro. should be inclined to believe such j ;i report. Loch Lily is becoming quite a popular summer resort. Several . T r v r i , camping parties are spending the Mrp a n' faSS purcilasd i week there this week All cot irom R A Burch a new Stude- t have been rented;for prac baker Six Automobile last week. U: nw -n h mmm. w . Mr. J. W. Noell left iMonday, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Cecil of ynorning for Thomasville, where Lexington have been visiting at he goes to attend the meeting the home of Mrs. Cecil's parents, of the board of trustees of the Mr. and Mrs, C. G. Mitchell for Thomasville Baptist Orphanage, the pastfew days. Have You Been to See Us "Rome wasn't built in a day' neither did we expect to build the reputation for good service and legitimate profit in a day. We set out on a principal of good service and reasonable profit and every day ,we are gaining new custo mers. A pretty good indicator. Have you been to see us? Come and get one of those Ladies Palm Beach Suits, have it ready when you need it, they are going fast. A beautiful selection of Ladies and Children's Hose. We can match it. v , morning at 6:20, in Rex Hospital, where she had been brought sev- Herron The Prlz Winners. eral days.previous for serious I On Friday the 25th at 3 o'clock surgical operation. She cwas . 41 years old and leaves a husband, son and daughter. The body was taken home last night and the fun eral will occur this afternoon frpm COURIER CONTEST " UNITED STATES TAKES CLOSED FRIDAY. STAND ANENT MEJXICO Misses Soloman, Edwards; and Government Will Prosecute Vi gorously All Violations of Neutrality Laws. The Courier Contest came to "a -w: -v. close, Miss Ollie Solomon win ning the first prize, - the , piano; Miss Laura Edwards the second prize, Seventy Five Dollars,' and Miss Pearl Herron the thirel prize, Twenty Five Dollars; , All other contestants receiving . ten per cent for the amount sent in. The following are - the Votes received by the prize winners; i Miss Ollie Solomon 7, 293;7 Miss Laura Edwards 3, 629,200. Miss Pearl Herron 1,394, r Washington, June 2.8. The United States has determined that at . . . 1 111 st rar as it can prevent tnere snail be no more revolutionary move ments in Mexico and that Ameri can territory, anyhow, shall not fo1 used as a base for such expen ditro i.v This, it became known today, led to the arrest of Gen. Yictoriano Huerta and Gen. Pas-. Cual Oroczo at El 'Paso Sunday and forms this ground for strict surveillance now being maintain ed on' Gens. Felix Diaz, Mendra-; There was the greatest of rivMgon, Blanket and Felipe Angeles Italy and Turkey at War . , Mr. and Mrs. TXW Bradsher, Paris, June 23Announce- -N. C Newtold ani Ldon , . .i t. i Bradsher spent last Friday in ment was made at the French Oxford; making the trip r in Mr ministry of war .....today that, .ac-BradsheFs'machirib?-;-l" v' : - fc -cording to the Italian press .Italy Messrs. A. M Henderson and ; has broken diplomatic relations T q Brooks f spent Sunday in ; with Turkey. Italy, it ; is added, Raleigh visiting friends and' re- -will send troops to the Dardenal- latives. ; : esl ' j .y y " Miss Betty. Edgerton returned, ; .. 1 v. v.- . to her home in Selma Saturday Miss Rosa Bray of Cuningham "g aftr a visitj to Miss ' spent Sunday here with relatives. ' Mabel Hams. ' - ' -V . ' 1 ... -m, : - , ; '':.:-v; y ; : . v airy between 1e contestants; but good natured all the way through, and we are . glad to state that The Courier is mbxe popular today among its readers than before-the contest begah To each of the contestants wh labored so faithfully we wishlfc tender our sincere thanks, and to those who were not fortunate, enough to win: a prize we wash them better luck next time. 1 V 4 Miss Gertrude Satterfield; ot Raleigh, spent several days her$ this week visiting Mrs. S. B. W ltif stead. American Lady Corsets are giving great satisfaction. Try one. Both front and back lace. - Furnishings?; Reduction"' on all straw hats. New Stores In Post Office Building. Morton & Satterfields Rev. D. F. Putnam will preacj)' at Stories Creek School housefnex Sunday at four o'clock P, M TTTTTf f TffTTTfTTTT TVTff f Weeklv Weather rorecast. Wednesday, June 30, 191f. 3 Card ct and and , other prominent Mexicans living in the United States. . The government's intention to prosecute vigorously all violations of neutrality laws was revealed to day after a conference between Secretary Lansing and Assistant Attorney General Warren. According to information thus far gathered there are at least four distinct groups, apart from the Villa and Carranza supporters id the United States active politic cally in the Mexican situation. Whenever such activity reaches iTie point of setting on foot a mili tary expedition from the United States ai rests will follow, accord ing, to Mr, Warre-n, who is hand lipsC the cases. s Informntion gathered b.y govern mer fc ajgfcfits diait'luse that all the grpups oppose Cui'ranza fttid Villa ldependently For South Atlantic East Gulf States: A shower period" during the first three days of the week will doubtless be fol lowed by a period of gener ally fair weather with occa sional scattered showers. The temperature tendency will be upward. Thanks We do enrnestly thank all of our friends and neighbors for every kindness shown us during the illress and death of Mrs" Lessie Chandler. Be assured that we appreciate every kindness shown us, they will be ever dear to our memory. L. H. Chandler and her parents. J TO CELEBRATE I I FIX UP NOW h THE GLORIOUS FOURTH FIX UP IN OUR STORE AND YOU WILL BE FIXED RIGHT. IT'S JUST A PICNIC TO BUY GOODS IN OUR STORE. OUR LINE IS SO LARGE AND OUR GOODS ARE SO BEAUTIFUL'. ..tff.uSvyr;. " THISWHOLE PAGE SETlNrFlMErTYPrniOUCff NOT BEGIN TO DESCRIBE WHAT WE HAUEIIN OUR STORE FOR YOU. JUST COME IN AND TAKE A PEEP. PRICES ALWAYS LOW' NEW LOT OF LACES. NEW LOT THOMSON'S CLOUE FITTING CORSETS RE CEIVED THIS WEEK. arris & Mutm ROXBORO'S BEST STORE Tobacco Flees SHieet Iron .ripiing an ar e ii iJZAL With Ve -win; O'k Cbrtainxyi OK Tir ) lhermonieters Tobacco anterai s and .Pans Cjrreen We have finished making our Elbows and Tees. And can serve our custo mers on short notice with a complete set of Flues. You wont haye to ait. Qur Iron is of the BEST material; our Piping, Elbows and Tees are Tmacfe by a man who has ben making our Elues for the past eight years. TFHEY FIT! We want your Miietrade and thanking you in advance for y our otders dsf suring you pfiprbna service, we are r z

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