Noell Bros., Proprietors Home First Abroad Next: $1.00 Per Year in Advance VOL. XXXII ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening July 14, 1915. Number 28 SERIOUSLY SHOT Kobt. Dunn of Hurdles Mill Ser iously Shot Tuesday night by Engrim Wilson. Last night Robt. Dunn of Hur dles MiH was seriously shot by Engrim Wilson, of Hurdles Mill. The ball taking effect in . Dunn's arm and lung, which is thought to be serious, if not fatal. Dunn was taken to the hospital in .Durham last night. , Wilson was brought to Roxboro last night by Deputy Sheriff Mor ris and is now in jail. Few parti culars can be gotten as io the real cause of the shooting. It seems that Wilson has obstructed the road near his house with some trash, etc. and that Dunn, who has an automobile was removing the trash, when he was ordered by Wilson not to do so, Dunn refus ing to stop and then Wilson shot. Both men are respected in their community and both have fatm7 lies. Wilson will, be held in jail until the preliminary trial, which date is not yet known. Notice I hereby notify all pet sons that my son AccCullock Goode, minor, has left me without my consent, and that any one hir ing or harboring said McCullock Goode, will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Tom Goode. - . . . .7 . i -. - v.'- - - For 4 days, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday arid Saturday we will give you some special bargains in Ready-to-Wear Dresses $6.00 to $7.00 Dresses foi-$3.48 $3.00 to $5.00 Dresses for $1.98 Ladies Palm Beach Suits $7.50 Suits Reduced to $5.98 $6.00 Suits Reduced to $4.98 A General reductionon all summer lawns. Others are trying the American Lady Corset. Are you? They smile. Do you? SPECIAL PRICES MADE ON GENTS FURNISHINGS. We represent the Ed. V. Price Tailoring Company, the lar gest Tailoring Company in the world. We will save you money on your fall suit. Morton & Satterf ields New Stores In Post Office Building. T-l.r;', COME, LAY IN A SUPPLY OF HARDWARE YOU WILL NEED FOR HARVEST TIME WHILE YO HAVE TIME. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ON HAND - A SUPPLY YOU MAY KEEP A WHOLE CREW WAITIp AND LOSE BOTH TIME AND MONEY. tV our h a r nw arf. wil l. STAND THE HARD WEAR OF HARVEST TIME. Big Day At Hurdle Mills. We hope that every :: man and woman in the County, and near by communities that; possibly can do so to be at Hurdle Mills Wednesday July 21st and help make it a Red Letter Day for this community. . The ladies both old and young . are especi ally invited to come out and hear the lady speakers discuss the latest and best methods of doing their house work how to keep the home more sanitary and pleasant for the whole family ex plaining the use of the latest and best labor saving utensils. How to care for the children, to. keep them healthy and:-strpng. Tobacco farmerare especially invited to attend as we expect to hafe an., pert-from. . .the De partment of Agriculture from the United States Department to deliver an address on the culti vation of the weed, u We are also requested to say jth&t a handvtaintel picture will be given as a premium to the lady who brings and exhibits the best loaf of home 1 made bread and six biscuits. J. I.vHawkins. A gloom has fallen over the Bethel Hill community over the death of Rev. James K. Humphries. He died last night from typhoid fever. May our Father bless and comfort his wife and children. 'it ii Co TO A Better BtssinesaTown and A E&x&er Tobac- CO Pursuant to the call of Col. - ffi'l L. Lewist Chairman of the Tob co Board of Trade, a large and en thusiastic meeting was held in the. Commercial Club Rooms onr last Friday night This was the larg est gathering we have ever ) seen here composed of the business and professional men. u f 1 ;" The meeting was called to order by Col. W. L.. Lewis, Chairman of the Tobacco Board; of . Ttade? and after stating the object of the meeting he called Mr. R. A. Burth l to the chair. T. C. B radsheir ) and J. W. Noell were requested to act as Secretaries. The Chairman up on taking the chair stated in few well chosen words what he thought the meeting should mean to Eox- boro and Person County, andclos ed by calinjg upon every one pteV ent to speak out and tell whatfie; thought the town needed to start it on a more lively gait. ;; The following were called upon and responded: L. M. Carlton, W; T. Swanson, W. D. Merrittr Col. W. L. Lewis, J. A. Long, J. W Noell, Col. R. L Featherstone, Dn W. A'. Bradsher, Jno; B. Harviei. W. K. Medernack, - H.V. mWW steadnd;;R.; Jiushee:; :i .The remarks by each oi the! speakers were timely and brought to light some things which will evidently mean much to the future of the town. It was hown that this town, easily ranking among the best in this section, was try ing to go along and , do business and let the outside world know nothing about what was taking place in its borders. This was shown to. be a suicidal policy, even if it was modest, and the sense of the meeting was that we should let our light shine, and then help it to shine a little more. It is an acknowledged fact that Roxboro is the highest market in the State for tobacco. This is prov en by the figures furnished by tbe tobacco journals, which show that this market averaged more in both 1913 and 1914 than any other market around us. Yet, with these facts known by many of our good farmers they will insist on run ning off to nearby markets with some of their tobacco. Now, it is all right to travel, but what is the use of throwing away money when you do so. Sell your tobacco in Roxboro and get the HIGHEST price, then take a part of that money and go off for a real vaca tion and good time. This was the high note of the meeting. We wish every farmer in the County could have heard all that was said at this meeting, for it would have shown to them that there is not, and never has been, the slightest excuse for : any one to feel that the citizens of Roxboro were not interested in their wel fare. Not only do they crave your business, but they more - strongly crave your good will. Roxboro is the capital of Person county, it is your town, and you are invited to feel this way about . it. Come to town, come often, get better ac- ouainted. and then you will find 3 out just how clever the people of i.u. 4-. rru- - M nf mm ijiwi' i i K" w r. .-i iiiin tii t the sentiments expressed, at this meeting. , . , ; . After two hours or more of this I- general and free discussion Dr. E. d llicker moved tnat a commiir 'tee be aoDointed to . prepare and present plans for a permanent or-; ROXBORO ganization at a meeting to be held oh Friday night, July 16, in the Commercial club rooms The . Chairman appointed the followiag'committee: W. H. Har ris, 0 H. Hunter, J. A, Long, J. TdkerV W D. Merritt, L. M. Carlton, JDr. JR. J. Teague, W.T. Daniel, J. G. Pass, E M. Davis, Dr;W. A. Bradsher, J. W. Noell land W. F Long, This was really and truly a great meeting, there being something like one hundred , business men present, and each and every one present expressed a-desire to see something done which would bring about a stronger tie with the farmers and the citizens of the town. It was deplored . that good I citizens of the County would Ia bor to help build up other towns at the'expense 1 of Roxboro and Person CiJunty, simply for the sake of a few paltry dollars, and most of this paid for by their neighbors who received nothing in the way of profit for their help in the mat Iter.- ' , V . : At the next meeting, which is .open; to every :man in the County andllVre!cordiallytinyited . to be prespna permanent .organization of some kind will be "effectedand committees appointed for theyari ous things looking to the better ment of conditions both for the farmer and the town. These things auger well for all and we sincere ly hope now that such a good start has been made that it will not be allowed to die'aborning. Leasburg News. Mrs. J. S. Johnston and chil dren of Durham, are spending a while with Mrs. Johnston's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Newman. Mr. J. M. Featherstone of John ston City, Tenn. and Z T. Feath erstone of Lynchburg were in town a few days last week. Miss Isabelle Morton, of Hick ory is visiting relatives here. Mrs. Addie Stephens has just returned from a visit in Danville. Master Howard Bradsher came home last Thursday from a weeks stay in Danville. His cousin, Mas ter Roger Lee accompanied him. Miss Eva Walker spent last week in the home of Mr. T. P. Featherstone. Miss Edna Watkins has return ed to her home at Blanch after visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Martin have returned from a visit with relatives in the eastern part of the State". They made the trip of about 175 miles in one day in Mr. Martins Maxwell. Miss Ismay Draper, a niece of Mrs. Martin's returned with them for a visit here. , , The ball game between Semora and Leasburg last Saturday came out 11 to 9 in Semora's favor. The tennis match was hard fought and well played, this was also won by Semora. Mrs. W. E. Connally ahd chil dren have just returned from a visit of several weeks with, rela tives in the eastern part of the State. k The Farmers' Institute is to be , neia nere rriaav o uiy id. ims should be a great day with - the farmers and their wives. We trust it wiU be well attended and much profit and pleasure gained. X. , ' ' - : Commercial. Club for Rox boro; Community PicNic -At Carolina Farm. There will be a ; Community Picnic" at Cartolina" Farm on Saturday, July 17th., There will be several addresses on commun? ity co-operations , The program will be found elsewhere, in this ' FOR SOUTH ATLAN baner. A larse'crowd is exnect- I TIC AND EAST: GULF ed and a general " good .iime jg promised, with things of interest to the county at large.;, Chiqua Hill Camp Club . 4 The Chiqua Hill Camp ; Clufr coniposeoj of the fqllowingoung gentlemen, spent. . last, week, at Chiqua Hill Camp. near. Loch Lily; ; Messrs. EV g. Clayton, J. H. Saunders, Jr., H.'; G. Clayton, Jr., ' ! Chas. -G. 'Nichols, -Willie Nichols and Geo. J,Cushwa. Lockhart Barnett (colored) serv ed as cook. It -. v Notice of Application for Pardon or B. L Tuck. The public is hereby notified that on or aboutpthe 7th day of August; 1915, application will be made to the Governor of North Carolina for the pardon , of B. L. Tuck, sentenced at August termi 1911, of the Superior Court pf Person County for killing Frank 'Montgomery, This July 7, 1915. . ; BL. Tuck. .Mrs. Pallie Yancejrfass wish! es to ask those who - owther to come and settle in the next ten daysvv- . (-- ; LOST A srold pm shape, of knot with AiamondJnserted.Re:lC thejast of this month; . . ; war&tonnde G. Long. The Editor is spending the week at Loch Lily with his Sun day School class this week; he& ce the lack of editorial matter. Mr. T. C. Brooks has purchas ed a new Overland car from Brooks & Chambers, agents for the Overland here. Misses Hattie and Sadie May Couch returned to Durham Mon day, after a visit of two weeks to Miss Effie Burton. Mr. W. I. Newton left Mon day morning for South Carolina, where-he will be will be engaged in. the tobacco business for the next three months. -caec. TO MAKE SHOPPING EASY . MAKE A LIST OF WHAT VOU NEED. SHOPPING IS EASY IN OUR STORE. BECAUSE YOU NEWER HAUE TO EXAMINE THE QUALITY OF OUR GOODS; IT. IS ALWAYS FIRST CLASS. NOR DO YOU NEED .TO TROUBLE ABOUT THE PRICE: IT IS ALWAYS AS LOW AS HIGH QUALITY GOODS CAN BE SOLD FOR. AND. OUR GOODS ARE ALWAYS RIGHT IN STYLE. TRADE AT OUR STORE AND BUYING WILL BE A PLEASURE; IT WILLPAY YOU TOO.. ! ROXBORO'S Tf TTTTVTTVTVVTTTyTVTTTT Weekly Weather Forecast;. , : Jssued by the U.i S. - Weath er Bureau, Washington . D. Cr for the week - beffinniniar fc: Wednesday, July 14, 1915i For South Atlantic arid jf East Gulf States: STATES: The ; week ; will -be one of generally . fair and: warm weather 'except that scattered thuhdershdwersare probable. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkt Person County Fair : ; , I wish to calL- the attention of r; thjpIe'oif'theVouhty- to, 'the -work being done bythe omcersV of the Person County , Fair Asso ciation. - ., " The lots have been put in good " condition; the fence'is practically' completed; the exhibit building is nearing completion and ere the J timeepmes around for our second Annual Fair, , we will have a Fair ground owned by the association, anda "much more convenient place altogether. ;-V '. l Every. conceivable means -Of ec-' onbmy Is being put' into practice '. by the bnicers of this' association; Let every farmer begin now and prepare for some,; kind of ex hibit to bring to the Fair in ' Oc tober, And let people know 1 just what Person County Farmers Can do, J. T. Jordan. , Notice. Examinations will be given at. g giyferi the examinations. I want all Per- son County teachers take this ex amination there if possible.. They can enter at any time from now until the close. This is far better; than being examined here. I de sire to urge all committeeman to take time and care to secure the best teachers possible. J. A. j Beam. ' ' ; Mess. J. D. and M. D. M. Calton, proprietors of the Cal- tolina farms, situated about twelve miles West of here, spent last Friday in town. They fav- ored us with a pleasant call which was greatly enjoyed. MAKE A LIST OF UTfLE THINGS YOU NEED . COME TO US FOR THEM BEST STORE 1A , M