Noell Bros., Proprietors Home First Abroad Next $1.00 Per Year in Advance; VOL. XXXII ROXBORO, NORTH . Wednesday Evening July ,21, .1915." Number 29 4 '1 I CAROLINA FARM DEMONSTRATOR TAXABLES PERSON COUNTY BUSI- To Be Here August 2nd Wants Valuations as Returned r By NESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION All Farmers .to Meet Him Here on That Date. Mr. F. A. Brown, Person Coun ty's Farm Demenstrator will ar rive in Roxboro on Monday Au gust the 2nd, and will immediate lv begin his work. Mr. Brown wishes all farmers that can possibly do so here on Monday, it being the first Mon day in August and the regular monthly meeting of the commis sioners being in session. He in tends to organize the Farmers Clubs on this date, and will be to the interest of all who can to at tend this meeting. Mr. Brown will move his fami ly here and will live bn North Main street. Weekly Weather Forecast Issued by the U.Vs Weatn- er Bureau, Washington, D. :C, for the week beginning Wednesday, July. 21 1915. East Gulf States: The week will be one of normal temperatures and generally fair weather ex- For South Atlantic and cept that local thuridershow- ers are probable along the f coast and in Florida. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJh County Assessor, J. S. Noell. This Association Was Organiz Mr. J. S. Noell, the County As- ed at Meeting on Last FridayJ sessor, has favored us with the; Night. y ... following summary of thetaxables At a meeting of the citizens last of Person county: j Friday night the Person County! 245,838 acres of land; valued at Business Men's Association- was? $1,871,910, average $7.61 percent, organized. The meetinjg was 456 town lots valued at $541,- called to order by Chairman R, A 230, average $1187.00. Total value of real estate $2,413,140. 2641 horses valued at $233,355, average per horse, $88.00. 1919 FIGHTING I V THE EAST NOW IN FULL SWING. What is the Natural Gate It is natural for some horses to; walk, natural dor some . to trot and running away is a"4iat3f al gafe for'sdme. . So it is in merchandising. It is natural for some to give you bargains at all times, others have to get out of ' their natural stride to attract attention. We try to save you money all along. The Following Reduction Made on Ladies Shoes $4.00 Shoes Reduced to $2.98 3.50 " " 11 2.58 3.00 44 " " 2.28 2.50 44 4 4 4 4 1.98 REDUCTION MADE ON ALL SUMMER GOODS American Lady Corsets are giving satisfaction. Try one. SPECIAL PRICES MADE ON GENTS FURNISHINGS. All Straw hats at half price. The following reductions on Gents Shoes. Howard & Foster. $5.00 Shoes Reduced to $3.90 4.50 44 " " 3.60 4-00 44 44 " 3.30 t 1 Morton & Satterfields New Stores In Post Office Building. Burch. The report of the committee ap- pointed at a previous meeting tof make recommendations as to plans! mules valued at $178,911, average j of permanent organization report! value $93.00. 8 jacks at $78 per ed as follows: ?i head. 4009 cattle valued at $72,- We the Committee beg leave to 020, average $17.11. 6051 hogs make the following report and re valued at" $28,31, average $4.69. commendations for your . constd-' 372 sheep valued at. $658.00. 54 eration. v;... J - I . . . . . - . goats valued at $8400. 35 dogsl 1. That the business and pro- valued at $393.00. fessional men of Roxboro be, in; f If arm untensils, valued at $52,- vited and urge4 to form a Chamj lor. jurua&veiiu., vttiucai9iu, uci yi vAjmmerue, wiiose purposes 505. Office "furniture valued at it -shall betovance the basil $5694. Tools of mechanics $2589. nessi nterests and welfare of the1 Household goods $159,79. Libra- town and County. . That a small ries $8300. Money on hand $16,-1 monthly fee ,. be charged . each 140. Solvent credits- $445,270. member in order to create a f unci Shares of stock in incorporated to cover the incidental expenses companies not incorporated in this for which the organization is State, $32020. Seins, boats etc., formed. ? $15.00. Jewelry, etc. $180,108. 2. That the Chamber of Com; Total value personal property, merce appoint several committee ,494,244. Aggregate value real to look after the different phased and personal property $3,907,384. of the work for which the organs ttain of $90,000 over m. ization is intended. 3. That for publicity and adl vertising purposes there be placecj on all the pubjic roads leading t$ Roxboro from the adjoining Counties suitable and attractive signs, drawing the attention of persons to. Roxboro and its tobac- co markets: 4. That a suitable printed fol der setting out the advantages and resources of Roxboro be pre pared and furnished to all busi ness and professional men of the town, who shall be urged to dis tribute the same through their letters and at each favorite oppor tunity. 5. That we appropriate reso lutions to assure the Farmers Un- i ion of Person County of our( hearty support and encourage ment to its undertaking and re spectfully request the officers of said Union throughout the Coun ty to urge upon the members of said Union the importance of sup porting our home enterprises and especially their home tobacco market, assuring them, at all times of our hearty co-operation and help. 6. That we recommend to the County Commissioners the ap pointment of a whole time health officer for Person County, as is al ready established in most of the best and progressive Counties of the State. ' 7. That we recommend to the County Commissioners that a suitable appropriation be made to enable all citizens of the County to take the typhoid vaccine treat ment, if they so desire, and that said Board consult with the Coun ty Health officers as to the best 1 plans to pursue. 8. We recommend to the town Commissioners of Roxboro that they repeal as early as possible the license tax recently placed up on drays in said town. 9. That one of the requisites to membership in the Chamber of Commerce is that each member pledge himself as a patriotic citi zen for the welfare and success of our town and County and be ever watchful and zealous both in public and in private to combat any and all influences to the con trary. ' f 10. That the warehousemen consider furnishing to their pat rons coffee and good places ' to sleep while here and other tangi- r (Continued on, Page 8) - ; Attention Centered On Gigantic Operations. London, July 18. Attention "'2'-' i . 1 i 1 . now. is .centered on xne gigantic Operations in the east, with fighting in full swing in nearly yery section of the Russian line from the Baltic to the Dinester. General von Buelow is pushing the German advance toward Ri ga, on the north end of the line. The movement is being conduct ed by calvary on a scale exceed ing anything heretofore under taken during the war. Berlin claims a steady advance and Pe trograd conceede the Russians have f alleir back'!; after a stub torn contest. On. von Buelow's right is Gen feral von Eichborn, who is being Eeld up by , the great Russian Fortress Ossowetz. Upon von Bichborri's right is General Gall 71t2, who captured Przasmysz l&nchis now pressing the attack Oiarew and its tributaries. On the Rawka and Bzura line there comparative quiet, which also" is. reflected on the south western side of Warsaw up to southeastern. The move ment on Eublin which was tem porarily checked is again in full sway :TheJRussians must fight de cisive battles for the possession of -Warsaw or abandon all of Po Iana and military observers be- JieyeLthat Nicholas very likely .wilJ-adopt the latter course and L withdraw his army intact xiiese urcmeiiuuus ucrmaii'ac- tivities in the east suggest the Teutons have little reserve to devote to the western campaign, Oiienng tne entente Allies re spite either for completion of munition supplies or a concerted attempt to recapture Lille. Another view holds that the best aid the Allies could give Russia at this time would be forcing the Dardanelles. It is possible the Allies may combine both suggested attempts, but for the time the war's center of gravity has shifted to east Eu rope. The Italians report some pro gress in the province east of Trencina, where the invaders now are striking toward one of tYo railroads serving the Aus trian province. i LEO M FRANK LIES IN PRISON WITH FIGHTING CHANCE TO GET WELL Green's Attack on Frank Made While Prisoner Slept. An Ug ly, Jagged Wound, Assailant Declares He Planned And Ex ecuted the Attack On Frank Alone. Milledgeviile, Ga., July 18.-- Leo M. trank lay in the state prison hospital here tonight with what-attendants said was a fight ing chance for recovery Physi cians had succeeded in stopping the flow of blood f rpm a jagged wound in his throat made with an improvised knife in the hands of William Green, .a fellow convict, also serving a life, term for mur der. The blow was struck as Frank slept in his bunk in a dormitory late last night. This last and most spectacular phase of the two-year fight for Frank's life may be the subject of an" investigation by the Georgia prison commission, which refused to recommend that Frank's death sentence for the murder of Mary Phagan be commuted to life im prisonment. Reports from Atlanta were that Governor Harris inti mated today he would start such an investigation to ascertain if Green acted entirely of his- own volition. Green said today, when taken from solitary confinement long enough to be questioned, that lie planned and executed, the attack alone. He w&s not communicative today and gave as his only excuse that "he thought it should , be donetHesaia?:hVwever,rthath regre itted hisacfo WANTS LABORATORY TO DEVELOP NAVY - w Secretary Daniels Expects: To Ask Congress For "Something Big". , "v ; i-;;V : Washington, July 16.- A defi- . nite plan for navy experimental . work on a broader scale than ever , before attempted will be laid be-, fore Congress in December byv Secretary Daniels. Its adoption, Mr. Daniels believes, ultimately ' will place the United States far ahead of the remainder of the ', world in the machinery of sea. 1 warfare. r Preparations for the plan, which will include provisions for a great ifeutral laboratory, of experimen-. tationf mroe;proposear as one. oi ibe first tasks to be undertaken by the new civilian advisory board in,, conference with naval officers and ' department officials. Mr. Daniels said that Congress ; probably would, be asked for something big" in the way of1 appropriations to establish' and ( operate the laboratory in connec-," tion with a bureau of invention and experimentation. ; . . i - '4 , t ' 'Ma -Tobacco Flees Tobacco Knives Thermometers and Lanterns Paris Green Sprays and Powder Guns- Especially will it pay you to invesfiVfitp nnr Pnwder Guns. It is a dandy and we want to you. Long, Bradsner : Go Week at Loch Lily. The following party from Rox boro spent last week at Roxboro's famous resort, Loch Lily: Sheriff and Mrs. N. S. Thompson, Mrs. Mamie Merritt, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. K. Richmond and children, and Misses Sue Bradsher, Sue Merritt, Ed-ia Bradsher, Maude Satterfield, Mildred Bradsher and the Misses Satterfield from near Roxboro and Mess. Roy Cates, Conner and Sam Merritt. They were all out for a jolly good time and they had it, greatly enjoying the bathing and fishing. A Letter From Mr. Hunter. . The Roxboro Courier, Gentlemen: You have heard of, ''hand crankers" but I will tell" vou Joe H. Caryer is a regular self starter. The work on the Fair grounds already looks good i ; and in a very short time the - fence and buildings will be com-.; pleted, and in a day or so you , ; I can; see ' pRionS-ifltKU pnxneiAp1oi , - rrt Now friends let us co-operate ": together for a BIG bounty Fair, help the County Demonstrator; T:. help the road superintendent all you can while he is in your sec tion. I -think'-by December 1st ' our main roads will be in good condition and we will all feel good. There are three things let us strive for: Good Roads; Better Schools; and Diversified Farming. -C. H. Hunter. . Mrs. W. R. James and child- -Mrs. Stanfield Dead. Mrs. Ira T. Stanfield, who has been ill for several weeks died on last Friday. She was stricken with typhoid fever, and while her friends continued to hope for the best it was known for several days that tftere was little hope for her recovery. She was a most loveable woman and consecrated Christian, being a member of the Roxboro Baptist Church, which she joined nnlv n. shnrt, f.imp. hpfnrft her last, illness, ghe leaves a husband and ren of Winston-Salem are visit; several small children. inS at D- S Brooks- Anent The Governorship. Onft of the canaidates for. Gov ernor is little known in thisCoun ty, never, we believe, having vis iting in this section. However, his chances up this way have greatly improved in the past few days, as his daughter visitedour little town and now every young man,, re gardless of politics, who came un der her charming graces are loud ly proclaiming their allegiance to his cause. The old adage "like father like son" is generally ad mitted and if we may be allowed to paraphrase that just a little and say "like father like daughter, " then we can cheerfully say to the I young; men that they will make no j mistake in sticking to the father Summer Bargains We have placed on ourJBargain Counters some of our most desirable Sum mer goods and marked them at prices which make them rare bargains. Genuine Ripplette worth 15 cents at 10c -Nice printed lawns for 4c Beautiful printed lwns 15c quality for 10c Thin white waistings 15c quality for 10c Best grade 10 and 12 l-2c ginghams for 8c Good Percals for 8c 50 prs. Ladies Patent Pumps worth $3.50 to $4.00 for $1.00 pr. Men's Straw hats at Half price. Men's Panama hats at cost. It will pay you to look thbse offerings. They are bargains and money savers. y over rare 'TUT ROXBORO'S BEST STORE 1 1 f 4 H I i. - I V J' ior any imng; ne may warn, f --t