4 4 nw mm IP Noell Bros., Proprietors Home First Abroad Next $1.00 Per Year in Advance - VOL. XXXII ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA; Wednesday Evening July 28, 1915. 1 i , k" i t i " tm , i i JL , , i : ' Number 30 please Turn My Papa Touring Western Caro- Loose, A Child Begs. Una In Automobiles. Milledgeville, Ga., July 24. I On last Sunday morning the The plea of a six-year-old child following party left here for the s XT . 1 I ' 1 It TIT ' ' ' ' ' , t , t to governor narns toaay won a APPALLING TRAGEDY IN CHCAGO RIVER promise of freedom for Thomas Edgar Stripling, who was arrest ed in Danville, Va., in 1911, where he was chief of police, and return ed here to spend his life in prison for murder after he had escaped rfroin jail, 14 years before, while awaiting transfer to to the Georgia prison farm. Hay Ride To Loch Lily.x 4 On last Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. McBroom and the following young ladies went on a hay ride to the Lake on Mr. Mc Broom's Coca-Cola truck:' Misses Nellie Swartz, Rubie Day, Alma Hall, Ruby Hall, Annie Pleasant, Lillie Woody, EflSe Burton, Mary Clay, Velma McBroom, Annie Brooks and Mr. Gtvither McBroom. mountains of Western North Carolina: Dr. W. A. Bradsher, Dr. B. R. Long and Mess., J. A. Long, W. F. Long, E.. E. Brad sher, L. M. Carlton, W. D. Mer ritt and L. V. Gwynn, and Lock hart Barnett, colored, who is to do the cooking for the gentle men. They propose to make the journey to Blowing Rock, Lin ville and Grandfather mountain, climbing old Grandfather. They will make the trip on easy stag es, making the trip in two cars, Mr.J.A. Long's Hudson and Mr. W. F. Long's Reo. The trip will take about ten days or two weeks. AUTOMOBILE CAPTURED At The Lake. Last week Mr. W. A. Sergeant and his class of Methodist Sun day School boys spent the week at the Lake. It was a jolly crowd of young men and theyj greatly enjoyed' the week, The following composed the campers: Victor Satterfield, Charlie Har ris, Robt. Lunsford, Lawrence Woods, Cledith Oakley, Walter Jones, Fred Long, Harrell Thax- Tuesday August 3rd at Roxboro Dr. N. Rosenstein, the Optome trist of Durham, will be in Rox boro, Tuesday August 3rd, stop ping at the Hotel Jones, for the ton, Frank Capps, Traughn Kir ipurpose of examining eves and i by, William Stewart, Boyd fitting glasses. If you need the ! oody, Wallra Woofe Wallace , 0 . ... . , Harris, Wheeler Newell, Russell services of a Specialist, be sure Newell, Clyde Swartz and Foun- andsee Dr. Rosenstein. tain Mills. Hottest To Come Yet i When you think of jhe npnth of August vther suggest itself to you: If you could carry an e!ec- trie fan around on your person we: would not advise you that we have left just three Ladies Palm Beach Suits, good quality, snappy and stylish. Somebody will get some bar gains. The Following Reduction Made on Ladies Shoes $4.00 Shoes Reduced to $2.98 3.50 " " " 2.58 3.00 " 41 " 2.28 2.50 " 4 4 4 4 1.98 Let us match it in Ladies Hose. Lookiner for stvla and comfort? Try an American Lady Corset. SPECIAL PRICES MADE ON GENTS FURNISHINGS. All Straw hats at half prise. The following reductions on Gents Shoes. Howard & Foster ' $5.00 Shoes Reduced to S3.90 4 5 0 44 44 4 3.60 4-00 44 44 44 3.30 We represent tli3 Ed V. Price Tailoring Co. Ycu know what that means. Will save you money on that fall suit. Morton & Satterf ields , New Stores In Post Office Building. o wnx Heit bv Do J. A 1 MR. CARPENTER: IF YOU WAN T "FERTER" TOOLS. COME TO US. WE NOT ONLY KEEP BETTER TOOLS BUT WE SHAVED THE PRICE RIGHT DOWN LOW WHEN WE MARKED OUR GOODS, ' ; ' '- ' ALL THROUGH OUR STORE WE KEEPTHE BET TER GRADE OF HARDWARE AND WE MAKETHE PRICE LOW. BECAUSE WE WANT T6 EEtOU, VERYTIME YOU NED HARDWARE. ;y! Claimed Over a Thousand Lives Hundreds En Route Op Festive Trip Are DrownecL t ' j-v Chicago, July 24. More thah 1,000 persons, possibly l,30q,, most of them women and childre were drowned today within a,fe feet of land by the capsizing cf tne steel steamer Eastland-, as it was about to leave its ' wharf in the Chicego river with 2,500 relaj tives and friends of the employ1- ees of the Western Electric Oom imny, for an excursion .across Lake Michigan. The ship. roIleU over on its side in 25 feet of water within five minutes after it! fje'g&h to list. cr I Coroner's physician Springer tonight declared that thirteen ? ...... , . , j hundred persons were Wlleq, while other estimates ran as hight as 2,000 but these did not agrejj with the statement that hot more than 2,500 passengers were' on board the vessel. During the day more than Y0O bodies' were taken from the river and from the hull of the overturned steamer, whosj3 sides were cut open with g$s flames to admit divers. Several persons were taken alive from the cabins of the ship after it had lain on its side in the river four hours but the 300 others said to be in the hulk are all dead. , 1 Under the glare of searchlights tonight, scores of men worked in the hull of the vessel to remove ie bodies. Thesleamer ' lay ori thebotlonirdf the rivelv'esiSe protruding like a monument to the hundreds it had drowned as it turned over. The cause of the capsizing had not been determined tonight but Federal, city and State officers were conducting investigations to determine whether the ship was topheavy from faulty designing, was improperly ballasted or was poorly handled in warping from the wharf. Marine architects asserted that the Eastland was faulty in design, that the top deck had been remov ed because of the tendency of the ship to list and also pointed to the possibility that the ship had been unevenly, or insufficiently ballast ed. The Eastland used water ballast so that it could pump out some on entering shallow lake harbors, so some investigators are working on a theory that the ballast tanks were not filled and the rushing of passengers to one side of the decks caused it to roll over. Under misty skies, 7,000 men, women and children wended their way to the Clark street dock early today to fill five large lake steam ers with holiday mirth in a trip to Michigan City. The steamer Eastland, brought to Chicago from Lake Erie, after an unsatis factory career, was the first to be loaded. With 45 Gallons of Whiskey t and Two Men Making Total of 150 Gallons of Whiskey ' vand Four Automobiles Cap- , , tured in The Past Monfh By Officers. X Jjast Thursday afternoon Sher iff " Thompson Deputy Sheriff Morris, Chief Cash and R. H.i Gates, brought in 45 gallons of whiskey in one gallon glass jugs, one Ford automobile and two men as the result of their latest capture. : Wednesday evening the sheriff ?asjBuspicious of something go ing 'on near Roxboro and his of- ficerswere sent out about four nd half miles near John Satter- 'b place to investigate. They found the machine broken down aid theiiien were working on it. According to reports the whis- kejywas evidently taken out of the machine and hidden in the woods. It was 'found about half mile from the public road cover ed up with a robe, and a man named Eli Fields found near the whiskey. 'Eli Fields and Bob Wade, both Pf High Point were arrested and brought to the county jail. The machine was also brought in lat r in the evening. It was dis covered the fellows evidently were prepared, for almost any .emergency as the tires all around were found to have two sets of casings. ... : sThe.mea were tried Saturday Sale at A. , IJpshitz. The July Clearance Sale at Mr. A. Lipshitz store will close Satur day night as announced in his ad. This is an pnnual sale with this store and every year they give you good bargainss. This sale has been a decided success. Mr, Lipshitz leaves in a few days to purchase his fall stock. Roxboro . Lumber Co. In another columo the new ad of Roxboro Lumber Company will be found. Mr. Tobe Tapp has pur chased the interest of Mr. J. C. Pass and will become the manager of the concern. They will also put in a complete line building material etc. Their place of business in near the depot. U Long, Bradsher &' Co. An Appeal From The Per son Co. Chapter U. D. C. Again, the Person County Chapter U. D. C, wish to say thajt they are making every effort to raise funds for the Confederate Monument and during these long summer days, do not want the ladies and girls of the County to forget the appeal made to them some time ago asking for contri butions to the Bazar, which will be held in December. Anything plain, or fancy will be greatly ap preciated. Contributions may be sent, to the President or any mem ber pf the Chapter. You are urg ed to' help in this worthy, cause, Which should be .dear.to every heart.:; 'r--Vri ; -f: ;,MrsV J. A. Long, I: Presidents Mrs. Mamie Merritt,s ; Mrs. 1 j. . Austin morning Before Justice of th,e Peace J. M. O'Briant, and both were bound over to court. Bob Wade under $250 bond, which he gave, and Eli Fields under a $400 bond, which up to this writ ing had not been given. This makes a total of 150 gal lons of the fire water, four auto mobiles and five men captured . 1 A . 1 1 m tne past tew weeks Dy our officers, and it will not be long before the men dealing in this illegal trade will find it is safer to try a road that does not lead, into Person County if they wish to continue in their business. Featherston Clifton Featherston, son of George and Elizabeth Feather ston, was born December 28th 1869 and died July 18th 1915. He was a great sufferer but he bore his affliction patiently unto the end. He was converted and joined the Methodist Church about five years ago. Accoraing to his own statement he was ready to die and welcomed the Death Angel. He married Miss Elma Stephens April 9th 1904, who has labored faithfully at his side. He leaves a wife, three sisters, a brother, a father and many friends to mourn their loss. To the grief-stricken and sor rowing wife a whole community tendeis a deep and abiding sympa thy and sorrow in her sad be reavement. May the God of comfort bless and care for her and the bereaved friends. J. A. Martin. Weekly Weather f orecast. ' . . ' -: : - Issued by the U. S. Weath er Bureau, Washington, D. C, for the week beginning Wednesday, July 28, 1915. For South Atlantic and East Gulf States: .. Geneially fair weather and normal temperature possibly 3 d u ring the week except that scattered showers will likely , occur, in Florida and alonsr r i2 the South Atlantic Coast. ; AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA FLUES FLUES JJL 1 1 v v J 1 1 A vkj) When you want Tobacco Flues come to see us. We have a large stock already made in the Planters Warehouse; When you want them we aii.ihein .readyiiolfiail you at any time, as we have them ready at all times. We carry a full line of Hard ware at all times. Come to see us when in need of anything in the Hardware line. "Hardware For the Home and Farm" Farmers Hardware Co. Summer Bargains We have placed on our Bargain Counters some of our most desirable Sum mer goods and, marked them at prices which make them rare bargains. Genuine Ripplette worth 15 cn ts at 10c Nice printed lawns for 4c Beautiful printed lawns 15c quality for 10c Thin white waistings 15c quality for 10c Best grade 10 and 12 l-2c ginghams for 8c Good Percals for 8c 50 prs. Ladies Patent Pumps worth $3.50 to $4.00 for $1.00 pr. Men's Strawhats at half price. Men's Panama hats at cost. It will pay you to look over, these offerings. They . are rare bargains and money savers. J. M. O'Briant wants "to sell you your tobacco flues" at the m AW - i 1 ' ' -, v A - I -7 ROXBORO'S BEST STORE Bering ' r 1 v - 4 f 4 I 4 y - t " .' t ..iii r.