Noell Bros., Proprietors Hdime FirslAbroad Next $1.00 Per Year in Advance VOL. XXXII ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening August 4, 1915. Number 31 From AliensviIIe Death of Rev. J. B. Floyd Mrs. Marion Stanfield died sud- Rev. J. B. Floyd, an aged re denly last Friday evening July 30 tired Methodist minister, died'at just as sne was commencing to j cat supper. Another one of Al iensville's oldest and most highly respected members has gone to her reward. The prayer meeting on last Sat urday night at Mrs. Clayton's was well attended and much interest shown. Next Saturday night it is to be at Bro. John Wilborns; to begin at 7:30 o'clock. Get there early in order to get a choice seat as we expect to be crowded. The Methodist Conference is to meet at Trinity next Saturday August 7th, and protracted ser vices commencec at same place on the following day. Trinity is one of our strongest churches, and we shall expect great results from these services. Protracted service is to com mence at Allensville on August 29. Everything now points toward a great meeting at this place. Every body invited. Poor Richard. Notice. I want to furnish you a good work horse for about two months for his feed. Reuben Yarbrough, Allensville, N. C. Miss Vjvian Putnam is visiting friends in Winston-Salem. 1 ? - Saving Money is Equiva- lent to Makm Just one Palm Beach Suit left. You can get it -cheaper than we did. We can match that for you in Ladies or Children's Hose. Donttake our word for it, but if yoiji are looking for style and comfort, try an American Lady Cor set. At the prices we are selling our Ladies and Gents Shoes, they would be bargains in December. All new stocky factory line of shoes. SPECIAL PRICES MADE ON GENTS FURNISHINGS. We represent the Ed. V. Price Tailoring Co. Just re ceived our fall swatches. We take your measure at any' time at our store and guarantee a fit. Will save you money on that fall suit. Morton & Satterfields New Stores In Post Office Building. ' ,Svv 4S"i " EVERY UP-TO-DATE FARMER HAS A GASO LINE ENGINE TO DO HIS WORK; WHY? BECAUSE IT SAVES ITS COST IN TIME AND LABOR MANY TIMES EVERY YEAR. IT IS THE .BEST INVESTMENT. HE CAN MAKE. -V.-v;'"- rl YOU CAN RUN YOUR CREAM SEPARATORTEED GRINDERS. FANNING MILLS. WASHING tyA,CHINES; GRINDSTONES. PUMPS. SAWS AND OTHER BACK BREAKING WORK AT A VERY SMALL COST v COME IN AND TALK-ITOVIL'-THEYAfett PRICED BY THE HORSE-POWER, AND PRICED VERY KEASONABLY. : me nome 01 his son near lUxtord last Sunday. For several years he has been living on route No. 4 from Roxboro, but some time in May went down in Granville to visit his son and was taken sick ten the wings of their great eastern soon after reaching there. On battle front, with success at both Monday he was buried at his old extremities, including the occf pa home place near Oxford. j tion 0f Mitau in the north "and He was well known to our FnrtW :'Wnnd n readers, having been a regular contributer to these columns for a long time, though for several' months has been to feeble to keep up this work. He was a Godly man and his loving cheer ing words will be missed by all with whom he came in contract. . . - Card of Thanks. We wish to take this , method of thanking our kind friends and neighbors for the many kind acts and favors shown us during the illness and death of our wife and mother. Every act of kindness is highly appreciated and will be remembered. A. M. Stanfield and Children. WANTED A man who can furnish horse aud wagon; to sell and collect in Perjsojj county. Good proposition to right man. Apply to Singer Sewing Machine Co., Durham, N. C. ? v Money Engine) RUSSIANS FIGHT HAR0STG CHECK MACKENSEN Movement of German General Threatens Russian ' Center. Germans Tighten WingSv London, Aug. 2. While the Austro-Germans continue to tlsrh- . M . v u V V VfkJM Wy VU 1' Sl j JIU southeast Poland, the situation" be-. rore w arsaw proper remains mn- changed and obscure. Few additional details have reached London concerning f the plans for the- abandonment ofthe city, but apparently the timej not arrived for fcne Kussians tare- 1 inquish themcreasinglyjpir. ious hold on line capital, brJ at least, no wori of its evacuation has come to onlon. X':' lvangoroo. -southeast of Warsaw heretofore erroneously repo invested, is now nearing that state in fact, according to the Berlin announcements, but from . Ivat&o- rod eastwark to Chelm and beyond the Russians, who had to abandon the railway are fighting most qes? perately in an endeaver to holaf -up Field Marshal von Mackensn's advance northward into Poland, a movement which seriously threat ens the Russian center, retiring from Warsaw. :-. .;i The weastern theatre has a r nished nothing to alter the gener al situation and it remainder for the British navo to furnish , an. Un expected contribution: .to 'toaafcfe news with the sinking of a Ger man destroyer off the German coast by a submarine, and strange assortment of performances by another British undersea boat ope rating the sea of Marmora. This craft not only crept so close to Constantinople as to launch tor pedoes at lighters in the Golden Horn, presumably awaiting mu nitions foom the arsenal, but with its gans bombarded and for a time tied up the railway skirting the Asiatic coast, delaying a troop train and causing havoc among the ammunition stores. In addition, the submarine considerably dam aged Turkish shipping and sunk one. craft believed to be"a gunboat. Announcements in the duma at Petrograd and by the Russian am bassador at London indicate that Russia and England are anxious to brand as unfounded the recurrent reports that the Russian - people are disgruntled at the showing Great Britian and France have made in the west, which might create a situation unfavorable to the continued unity of the allies. No hint of a separate peac& or of dissatisfaction with England's policy comes from any authoritive source, and Count Benckendbrf made it plain that, while there may have been some sentimental popu lar feeling in his country for a di version in the west to relieve the strain in Russia, there had been no critism f rom those who under- i stood the military situation. Party Goes to Asheville The following party left Sun day morning for Asheville, mak ing the trip in their autos: Judge and Mrs. D. W. Bradsher and their sons Merritt, Landon and Guthrie. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Pass, Miss Lizzie Yancey, Gil mer and Fred fasten and James Yancey. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Webb, Misses Anna and Alene Webb, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Oak ley. - ' ' . .Mr. E. D. Cheek spent Jast Sunday in Houston, Va., Visiting . friends. Mrs. E. D. Cheek, who has been in that section for sev eral days returned ;hbme -with , -V v- - 1 : v , - . ..... . . Letter From Col. Lewis. Messrs. Editors: I read in your valuable paper an account of a meeting of your business men and farmers of Per son County. I was very much gratified to see so manyv business men and farmers mingling togeth er for the interest and welfare of old Person County. When congen iality exists between one another we will have a County all of us will be proud of, and I feel all will work for old Person. 1 think well of Mr. Hunter's communication, as we all know he is a man of energy and push. Now comes the Hon. Joe H. Carver and his secretary who has charge of the coming FamJoe4s a wheel horse and don't know failure-on-ly when any fighting is to be done he's out of town, and the secre tary and banker takes his place. Now, iet'a stand by the fair and help to make it a success, let us fight a mighty battle for old Per son and make her what she ought to be. If any prejudice exist any where m the County let us go to God and ask forgiveness and don't let us divide the house of Isreal. I am delighted to see so many working and saying so may nice things about old Person. I am sure we will forge ahead and meet with other towns and counties. While they are working hard, still, we have the brains and re sources and can be equal if not better than any county in the state. That is enough for this time t Our market is selling" .primings yet and no stipulated price, doing very well for primings. Will write later. Wm L. Lewis. Fair Bluff, N. C. . Primitive Baptist Association. The Country Line Primitive Baptist Association met with Mt. Lebanon church, about nine miles North of Durham, on last Friday, Saturday and Sunday: There was an immense throng present and one of the attendants remarked to us that it was one of the best meet ingsvof the Association he had ever attended, the order being unusual-4 ly good. The Association will meet next year with the Flat River Church near Roxboro. Individuals and Typhoid. "When a person dies from ty phoid fever these days it seems to me it's more or less a plain case of suicide, " said a citizen of Paleigh recently. "Especially sp, ' ' he continued, 'in the face of all this anti-typhoid treatment that is being put before the peo ple. I can't see why every per son in the State doesn't avail himself of this opportunity to be come immune to typhoid fever even though it hasn't been offer ed to every citizen free of charge. The State is doing all it can to get it to all the people practically without cost, but that's not the trouble. The people won't take it, free or not free. Why, right here in Raleigh where it has been of fered free for every day in the week for four weeks, not half the people have taken it not more than one-fourth have tak en it. , ; "Of course, I don't mean that when a person dies from typhoid that he prefers death to life but that he is responsible to the ex tent of his neglect or his indiffer ence and ignorance. There may also be a community responsibili ity ' that' insanitary conditions were allowed to exist asthei source of fever but when such a preventive as this vaccine is put up to individuals, I do say theyj- are to a great extent responsime COUNTY COMMIS SIONERS IN SESSION Mr. Kimery Elected Road Sup ervisor, Gentry Superintend ent County Home. , The County Commissioners met in regular session on last Monday. It was the regular time set for the election of Road Superintendent and Superintendent of the Countv farm, besides many other matters of importance which came before the Board. Mr. H. A. Gentry was re-elected Superintendent of the County Farm. The .Board visited the farm a short while since andf ound every thing inmost excellent shape,' and prospects are gobcl.for a good crop at this fine facnrSalary, $25 a month. v Whentit came to the selection of the Road Superintendent the Board found themselves confront ed with quite a number of appli cants, about eight, we believe. Mr A. Kimery was elected, Mess. Reade and Montague voting for him, while Mr. Hunter voted for Mr. Moore, the present incumbent. The salary will remain as before, $75 a month. Mr. . Kimery will not take charge until the third Monday in October, 1915. The Board settled with Mr, J. S, Noell, County List Taker, pay- ing mm $iov ior nis services; as List Taker. The Board appointed Mr. J. A. Carver Coroner, this office having beenvacanfof or some s time, v ':; rniefseVelalWd matters; etc. , the Board adjou rned, having, as one of the members said, one of the most stormy ses sions of the year. Nice Rains On Sunday evening and again on yesterday morning this sec tion was visited by fine refresh ing rains. The farmer are much rejoiced, for this section around Roxboro was getting exceedingly dry and the crops were beginning to suffer. i CHUCK YOUR OLD HAT. THE GOOD FEELING YOU GET WILL BE WORTH MORE THAN THE PRICE of a new one. :;, yr-y':. ALL HATS FOR $3 ARE NOT THE SAME QUAL ITyTRy ONE OF 'OURS" ONCE. , ; WE'UE JUST OPENED OUR NEW ONES; ; MV! HOW PRETTV THEy AREI Hariris ROXBORO'SBEST;STORE l( - TWO MEN ARE SHOT IN A MYSTERIOUS MANNER r Ed Mills, of Atlanta, and Albert Thompson, of Spartanburg, . Are Wounded at Henderson ville. HendersonviUe, July 29. Ed Mills, of Atlanta, is critically wounded and Albert Thompson, of Sparranburg, is suffering from : a pistol wound, and Thompson, Aiken Mitchell, Criss Woodfin, and S. G. Leonard,, of Asheville, are under arrest, charged with shooting with intent to kill.1 The shooting; is shrouded in mystery. No cause has been assigned : for ttie;toubler& norriftif friends of the defendants to see them. tl. .. Mitchell, t, Woodfin, Leonard and Thonipspn are said to; have gone, to the home of A. A Carter, of Newoj last night and call-' ed fQT, Mr. fJarter, who was up stairs Before he appeared, and without exchange of words, fir ing began and Mills, who" was visiting at Carter's home, - was fired upon, supposedly twice, by Thompson, and once by his asso ciates. Carter fired three shots from his window. One took ef fect in Thompson's shoulder, j Two persons, said to be Wood-, fin, and Mitchell made their es cape, while Leonard remained with Thompson. Woodfin and Mitchell were arrested late last night in Asheville and . brpiight are held without bait pend ing developments in the condi tion of Mills. Farmers Union Meeting There will be a meeting of the Farmers Union at Wilkerson School house Saturday August 14. 2:30" p. m. Mr. Brown our county Farm Demonstrater, will be with us. We want every farmer to at tend this meeting if he can possi bly do so. The public is cordially irvited. S. G. Hamlin. & MmM i t r r Long, Bradsher ; & Go when they come down with fev--. T er." : .-v- mm., r' -

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