Says Mother of Leo M. Frank. New York, Aug. 18. After hearing of the hanging of her son, Leo M. Frank, at Marietta, Ga., today, Mrs. Rudolph Frank, his mother, made this statement at her home in Brooklyn: "I am glad that my boy is dead, that they have killed him at last, that the long torture which thos people down there have proved themselves capable of inflicting mercilessly is at an end. My boy will sleep untroubled tonight. For the first time, I too, will sleep, for my boy is at rest. " Getting Ready for Work. The Highwry Commission will soon be throwing dirt. On last Saturday they purchased twenty head of fine mules and orders have been placed for the neces sary machinery, tools, etc. En gineer A. F. Brown is expected about the middle of the week, while Mr. C. Ac". Colvin, who will superintend the work, is already on the ground. These men both come highly recommended, hav ing been actively engaged in building sand clay roads, and by the middle of next week they will have everything in shape and you will see things begin to hum. "I Am Glad My Boy Is Dead, Yes, We Sell Them Every lady knew what Butterick Pat terns are. We sell them. Any pattern free with every Fashion book. Try an American Lady Corset and note the improvement in your figure. Let us match it in Ladies and Child rens Hose. Special Prices on Gents Furnish- - ings Our expert can take your measure any day in the week. We represent the Ed. V. Price & Co. Will save you money on that fall suit. Morton & Satterfields New Stores In Post Office Building. kitcv4 Tir v "Polish I 'II AT 1 -l IiMT TICTDljiF" TAD .unrn CESS IN OUR HARDWARE BUSINESS BY ATTEND ING STRICTLY TO BUSINESS. , J M WE KEEP UP OUR STOCKS, ALL OF .THE MANY LITTLE THINOS YOU ARE CONSTANTLY NEEDING. YOU CAN "FIND" IN OUR STORE. , , iiVow DOES NOT THIS KIND OF A STOES?;:S YOUR TRADE-ESPECIALLY WHEN WE NOT .ONLY KEEP A BIG STOCK, BUT ALSO GIVE THE LITTLE KEMEMBER, OUR HARDWARE STASIS HARD WEAR. - 'Vr:t - .y Long, Bradsher Notice of Application for Pardon of D. M. Andrews. The public is hereby notified that on or before 23rd day of September 1915, application will be made to Governor Craig of North Carolina for the pardon of D. M. .. Andrews, sentenced at August term of the Superior Court, to the county jail t)f Per son County, for handling whis key. This Aug; 23rd, 1915. D. M. Andrews. Big Still Captured. On last Friday night Mess. R. W. Morris and R. H. Gates got Lwind of the fact that there was some moonshining going on down in Flat Woods, and they preced ed to go after them. They cap tured a large still, eighty gallon capacity, and destroyed about one thousand gallons of beer, but the operatives managed to escape. These gentlemen' are making quite a reputation for working on "old booze" and if there be others who are indulg ing in this business, they had just as well make up their mind to quit, or Bob Morris will get them. Plenty Clover and seed Oats at Hugh Woods this week. TWIT LADDER OF SUC EVERYBODY COMING I J To The County Picnic Given ty The Citizens of Roxboro On Thursday. September 16th. - ; .'.V '1T, Every man, woman and child In 5- 4 Person County is invited :o attenv. . a1 - "! i ' -n: ' mi ' ' ' i . 1 r the County Picnic on Thursday September 16th, and' from. itill that can be heard a goodly , naih ber of them expect to be present on that day. This occasion-has no strings to it, you . are not'exf pected to buy a thing or spen penny, but you are to be the guests of the town and tc spend the day having a good time. . The citizens want you to come and get acquainted with the town and ee wha,t a good town you have, at your County seat. " f. This picnic was gotten up b? the Business Mens' Associated and is helped and backed by every citizen in the town and ititi earnestly hoped you will take ttie day off and come and comean spend the day in Roxboro- Th will be speaking, music, etcand best of all, a dinner will bepfe J jf .. . r vi-i: pareu joryou. - :-: k Let nothing prevent you freml spending this day in Roxboro, the citizens are expecting you and will be sadly disappointed if yon do not come. - Remember-the date, Thursdad beptember 16th. ? ' r Ford, Factory Man Here. It- Mr. G. C. Tull, Jr., of Detroit; Mich., factory representative of the Ford Motor Co. spent last Thursday here;" He was looking over the field and was so much impressed that he stated .the factory would build a large b&ild ing tObe" tfsedas" a - garage and would very materially add to the equipment for doing repair work. Their rerresentative for this section, Mr. A. M. Henderson, has shown his ability as a sales man and the factory making these additions are simply re cognizing his ability. Mexico Setting Stage For A Decisive Battle. Washington, Aug. 22. While the Pan American conferees await further replies to their peace ap peal to Mexican leaders, the stage apparently is being set for a decis ive battle between Carranza and Villa in central Mexico. Villa's agency here announced tonight that the "flying column" recently operating in the south had reached Torreon to reinforce the army opposing the northward march of Carranza forces under Obregon. The. Villa dispatches also said Raoul Madero had begun an attack on Monterey. The Carranza agency issued a statement saying that ''further, declaiations of adherence to the constitutionalists' government of Mexico" had been dispatched to Washington by. General Salvado Ajvarndo, governor of Yucatan and commander of the army, corps of the southeast, and Gen. Martin Triana, governor and military commander of Ago as Calientes. Watch These Columns. The merchants have started their pilgrimage to the north for supplies and when these goods begin to arrive you will be well repaid to watch these columns, for-when any one' has something a little out-of the ordinary he is sure to tell about it. . No better index to what is going on than the advertising, columns. Save money by watching 1 our adver- Ltising; columns! - w Barn Burned. On last Saturday evening Mr. T. W. Pass had the misfortune to lose one of his tobacco barns by fire. ; This is quite?a ; loss on our good friend as it was a cut POCEEDINGS OF COURT Ingrini Wilson Gets Six Months Andrews : oix . montns m County Jail Criminal Docket Completed Thursday Noon. The August term pf Person . . , . r . . i Qounty SupeVior Court continued throughout the week, and only a few civil cases were tried, owing to the largeness of the criminal docket. The following is complete pro ceedings of the court: Criminal Docket. State vs John Cha vis. Indictment assault with deadly weapon. Ver dict not guilty. State vs Thurston Humphries and Earnest Green. Indictment Assault with deadly weapon. Plead guilty. Judgement suspended on payment of cost. r State vs Polk Pulliam. Indict ment larcency. Defendant pleads guilty. Judgement suspended on payment of post. State vs Henry and Lucy East wood. Verdict not guilty. - State ys Will Clayton. The de- fendant .was charged with stealing money from a man named Hicks at the Hyco Warehouse early in the spring. The case went to the Jury and a verdict of guilty was found. f Clay tonwas also charged with retailing liquor. To this charge the defendant plead guilty. He was sentenced for both charges to two years in jail, with power to commissioners to hire out defend ant to J. S. Rhew for said term. State vs D. M. Andrews Indictment transporting liquor. To this charge the' defendant entered a plea of guilty. Itr" as sometime later 'during the-'? week that Judge Allen pronounced sen tence. During the time an effort was made for clemency for the de fendant, owing to the prominence of Mr. Andrews and his age. A sentence of six months in Person county jail was imposed by Judge Allen. Sometime later during the week a plea by Gov. W. W. Kitchin, attorney for Mr. Andrews, was made to have the sentence chang ed to a fine. Judge Allen did not change his former sentence. State vs Thos. Leonard and Burton Charles. Indictment trans porting liquor. Plead guilty. Pray er for judgement continued until October term of court. Evidence ! developed as to the. "man higher up," and the Judge held these men under $500 bond each for the next term of court. State vs Ingram Wilson and iCddie Wilson. Indictment assault with deadly weapon. This case created a great deal of interest and the court house was packed during the trial. The de fendant shot and seriously wound ed Mr. Bob Dunn -of the Hurdles Mill section, sometime last month. ! It was thought at the time of the shooting that Mr. Dunn's wounds would prove fatal, but he was hurried to the hospital for treat ment, and recovered. ! Mr. Wilson had blocked a road which ran through his plantation. While the road was an old one and had been used for yearS past, it seems the. defendant understood that it was a private road and not public property. For this reason he thought he1 had the right to bloctit Mr. Dunn started to drive an automobile through the road and when he came to that portion which had been blocked, he got out of the machine and proceeded to throw the obstruction out of the way of his machine. When he did this Wilson ran up and let him have a load from a shot gun. The jury - found a verdict of - guilty as to Ingram Wilson. t As r 10,000,000 POUNDS Rozboro Tobacco Market Op- enS OepiemOSr 4Utn 1 en Million Pounds The Goal 'ya ir . i ' I I T I At a meeting of : the Tobacco ! Board of Trade last week it was decided to postpone the opening date of the Roxboro Tobacco market until Monday. September the 20th. ' ' As the usual rule the market here opens about the first of September, but owing : to the lateness of the crop this year, it was decided to postpone the open ing date until the 20th. - The warehousemen with the assistance of the Business Men's Association and tobacco buyers' are.making great plans, for the' handling of this year's crop. f A committee has r been appoint ed by the Association, to cooperate with the Tobacco Bard of Trade for the purpose of securing'addi- tional orders and buyers,' ; . The market will be equipped to handle all the tobacco grown m Person .County. It. will be to your advantage to sell on the nome market. ; With! five warehouses and two .redrying plants, and a corps of guwu mujwo; iiwwuug ou Hic.'Uxueci) tHe largest attenaance 01 U- 1 .i t . ' - uig louacco concerns, ana wnn j good prices assured from the very - beginning, it is the aim of this '' market to sell during the coming Season 10,000,000 pounds of the wee( i Every effort will bp; put forti by the town as a whole to mdke special inducements for tlie farm- er to sell his tobacco here, where ha is assured the unces wi 1 be aS , nf tnnpca vara 1-toira nr nVnonflAn ; high as. any other market in this '.his" having an assistant but so'fary: s&ctionV", As eveVgetting-abetter prjeaeh-f 1 " er I don't believe we will ever do T Buys The First it. The following missionary com- Bale of New Cotton. mittee was appointed yesterday at Monroe, Aug. 18. J. E. Stack our Sunday School to get a list of & Co. today purchased the first all unconverted people around Al new bale of the cotton season from lensville church and repeat to the J. A. Arant, of Chesterfield coun- Lay leader next Sunday: J. Q. ty, S. C. It weighed 517 pounds Yarbrongh, B. G. Crumpton, T. and brought nine cents. So far as B. Davis, Butler Gentry, A. 0. known, this is the first bale of the Allen, Miss Annie Gentry, Miss new crop sold in the State. Esther Burch. Poor Richard. Dr. T. E. Austin spent last Saturday in Durham. BUY OUR STRONG, STYLISH FOR ' THE LEATHER WHIGH GOES INTO OUR SHOES IS SO TANED THAT IT NOT ONLY FEELS COMFOR TABLE BUT WEARS A LONG TIMEr THE SOLES' ARE MADE OF STRONG LEATHER THAT, WON'T SOON WEAR OUT. STYLE, FIT, COMFORT. AND, THE LOW PRICE ARE WEAT WE GIVE YOU WHEN WE SELL YOU SHOES. OUR HOSE WILL STAND THE STRAIN Of BUSY FEET. TRY IT ONCE: YOU'LL BUY IT AGAIN. ' ROXBORO'S - . From 7 Aliens viile; The prayer service at Col. Jack j Wilkersons last . Saturay night i woe IqivtoItt ottonaJ f VtavA rirxt Kn. , ' ii;1''. i I I U " I lllllll III. ' MIM'IIIIITIII IIIUI M l.fflU M .l m. S A-M.. BJV W 1 . till MW J W Ul W M Ml u. J I U I M . . crowd and -such an attendance of ladies don't think I have seen any where ai a prayer service be-M fore, flighty glacl to see you ladies : taking such iiterest in these meet-1 ings for, therein lies one safety for. ' where the morals' of the . women are bad, the morals of tHe men are also bad, foe it seems that man has alya3Ts looked for the weaker sex to set a standard of morals for him to go y; if you Jadies will continue to attend these prayer services and get all therest of the ladies to "attend with jou,, you Wll soon find that Dracticallv ail 1 ' the men are also attending. I feel that we have a prayer service 1 r worth while, the attendance-is ex-. ? I tremely large,- the "order : as good as if at ourJ best church, our speakers are God fearing law abid- ing citizens working- al! the while '.to try to better the entire county in. which they live. : ' , " tfext Saturday night Aug. 28, , PjValter Wilkerson this being at . jAlIerisviHe a central femt we shall ', the season, but Bro. Wilkerson ; has room to accommodate a great number a4dif we are too milch t crowded we can' go to Allensville f hnmh. so .h snrAnd rnmft. T nm "hi just in rect. of a letter from BroA i Boone siting thatheX expects to have another preacher, besides " 7. himself during our protracted; service commencing next Sunday, Meet your friends at the Picnic Sept. 16th. SHOES AND HOSE ALL THE FAMILY BEST STORE lZ- i ting of his very best tobacco. 1 (Continued on page eight J r