f ' ) ' V X Noell Bros., Proprietors Home FirsfeAbrpad JNext $1,00 Per - Year In Advance VOL. XXXII ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening November 3; 1915 Number 44 4 II II M s: . V. J . . n : H;K;: . " ' : A Sunday Evening Series of Sermons. Nov. T.-Teter found and brought to Jesus, John 1:41-2. Xov. 14, Peters Call and Mis sion. Math., 4:19. Xov. 21 1'eters Confession and the Church, Math., 16:16-18. Xov. 28, Peter and the Keys, Math., 16:19 and John 20:28. Dec. 5, Peters denial and Res xoration. Or the devils sister, Math. 26:74 and Mark 16:7. Dec. 12, Peter, "Prayer and Myricles, Acts 12:7. Service at 7;30 p.m. (rood mus ic, a cordial welcome will be ex tended to all. ' - v ( "Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together, as the- man ner of some is," Heb. 10:25. X; Your Servant for Christ sakev D, F, Putnam, Pastor, - 1 4 the Birth of a Nation. Mess. E. G. and C. WV Longv L. f. Carlton, E. M. Davis an Jno. H. Harvie motored over to Danville yesterday evening to see .the "Birth of A Nation." " The Garden of Lies" at f the Princess Theatre Friday night. N A TIT! You may not fifpl) rhatkind of fur, init if you are v : ; : The - r Jv 7 t we will save ydu money on your purchases. I Morton &S NEW STORES IX POSTOFFICE BUILDIXG1-' 9 vmuuuutmiViUiuntwiwvmnnmwvvHUUvm 0 ass H Sp ortmg for he n luiaier When are H K A1) 0:U a R - T E R a All lands of Guns, any lbiid in Shells the U.M. Lon5- IRrdsKer Three Stills Captured.' Monday Deputy Marshal Mor ris and J. F.,, Lifsey and. Mess, Gates, Cash and Barnett went out and captured three stills and two men. The first two stills were found over on Hyco and in the afternoon they made a second raid and captured one.. overt, near the Lake. At the third" capture were three men, but one ofWthe men succeeded in getting away. Depu ty Morris out ran and took in the two men Tom Chatham and Brud Duncan. They were carried to Durham and had a hearing bound over to Federal Court in the sum of one thousand Hollars . each, which being unable to give they were placed in jail. After awhile these moonshiners will learn that tempt while Bob Morris ison du ty. If you want this business broken up just give him a tip and soon you will see men and still brought in. Just to See The Animals. Dr. E. J. Tucker spent last Thursday in Danville. Of course the Dr. just went to see the ani mals, as the big circus was in Danville on that day.. iNTI vydr ft woman, you iikc w w in siyie. i correct in Coats ahdMCoat Suits IWVUUCJfe Wf,5UlUU iaUv- vance, our prices remain the same. Ready-to-Wear The nicest stock o Ready-to-Wear garments to be found in town and for the same quality ipf '..goods, we sell as cheap or cheaperrthan others. Come and be your orn jud ge. We have the most popular and most uptodate store in town, ; ..and atterfields it comes . ' t' V", : .1 uoods We Brand No Opposition Over Thi Wayi Maj. Chas..M.. Stedman sreht la few days here during the past week and was delighted wiphis visit. The Maj. said he hadho business and was hot looking-for business, but he thought it Ihe duty of every representative! to niingle With his people andsee if they had anything special which they wanted attended?, to at Washington - His health as never better and if all of the d$ trict gives him as little worry as Person county he. will neven'ye j j t -i 1 1 , V way irom troume, as Were JJ practically no opposition to hi renomination here. fe Union SongN Service Rarely have the people v of J Roxborobeen! more entertained than they were on last Sunday evening by the song serve given by' the ladies of tho town at 'ie Methodist Church ere wer solos, duet, , qui&ttesTftrid songs by the entire, choir. ,The selections, were of high order and therendiuon, was imotherj unmis takably . raucal .enwhich&wn .boasts. We; . sincerely hopi:.these &io& people ..will repeat- this servicer early and often. . i Autcmotila Accident The:or,j.i3. a party of youngi ie;ced.oMr, ana Misses : Aim uwen SlM WIs6n arid BretarKoeil werigie ineoiu; jyiey air say mey were ingnien- ed almost to death; Sole of Personal Property! On Tuesday Nov. 16th, 1915, I will sell at public auction" for cash at my home place a lot of household and kitchen furniture, farming utensils, farm machin ery, wagon, buggy, cow and some hogs. Sale begins at l6 o'clock, A. M. Mrs. Bettie Clay. JaLong News. Rev. D. F. ' Putnam preached at Longhurst Baptist Church last Sunday. He will conduct a series of meetings here the week after the second Sunday in No vember. Mr. Hunter Cozart closed his singing here last Sunday. Miss Bertha Cozart of Roxboro and Mr. C. S. Cozart received the prizes for answering the most questions during the singing. The moonlight school was or ganized November the 1st. I think this is a good opportunity for those who cant read or write. Mr. William Morrell will teach j and I trust he may have a larger ! c ass in nis scnooi man ivir. co zart did in his- singing. Just think as many people as there are here and not a dozen in the singing class; Had it not been for part of Mr; Shotwell's class helping I am sure there would not' have been much of a 'sing ings - v ; :. , ; v Mr. and Mrs. E. B. ; Zimmer man visited Mrs. J. T. Long and M&l:Wjjah .Sunday : Mrs. J: R. Hamlin visited Here Sunday; 5 Mr. J. H. Winn don't seem to improve very fast. " :Mrk 'J.;T:Long can get about very well with her cane. Mr. and Mrs. :- Wm. Morrell spent. Sundaf iwith Mrs. Morrells parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. 'As Walker v - "a - . . r There is riptfvery; much news so I'll ring off.-4 'Freckles".: V ForSale4New Model Under wood' Typewf iter for : sale at a" bargain:- Seror write G." J. The Tobacco Market. - x .Tobacco has been doing very much better for the past - week, in 1 . ' 1 A' l ! ! Ifact the farmers are feeling very inuch better over tlie prices. Last Thursday; the Hyco Wareh ause made an average of something more than twelve dollars for the entire sale, and they had a very good break, too. Sales Monday and Tuesday at all of the houses werev good, and indeed, some of them may have made better aver ages than the one quoted above,"" but we did not have an opportuni ty to see them about their sales. We believe the sales here are just as satisfactory as on any of the markets and you will make no mistake to get your tobacco in gbodVshape for handling and sell ing it on this market Runaway Accident. I Monday evening while outdriv ing Miss Esther Winstead, accom panied by Misses Featherstone abd;Woods, experienced an acci dent which came near being seri- Ous. In going down a very steep hill just ori the outskirts of town something about the harness broke arid the horse began to run, throwr ing the occupant? out of the bugn gy. While all were considerably shaken up no one was seriously Jriirt'1' . Farmers' Union. ' AH are cordially invited ; to at tend lectures on the Fahneni' tlniori aecbrding to the following jmnoxmcemratslSalwe ROTeiti years business wiili bt'ptaned These meetings are very tant and everybody concerned should take advantage of these opportunities. Each appoint ment will be at 7 p. m". Brooksdale Nov. - - 6 Wilkerson ' " - - 8 Cameron Oak Hill Long's Hester's Bushy Fork Brooksdale 9 10 11 12 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 1 2 4 Hurdle Mills " Warren Grove " Ceffo Bethel Hill 44 -Olive Branch " Trilby " - Providence " Allensville " -Center Grove Dec. Mt. Hominy " Brooksdale W. T. Swanson. Thanksgiving Day at Trinity. Thanksgiving Day will be cele- b rated by Trinity and Allensville churches at Trinity on Nov. 25th, 1915. The following 'program has been prepared: 10: Song Service. Prayer by W. B. Davis, Song. Welcome Address, by R. P. Early.- Re sponse by T. B. Davis. Song. t 11: Thanksgiving Sermon by Rev. J. J. Boone. Dinner. v j 1 :3p , Song by Allensville Class. Song: by Trinity Class. Address: -The Duty of the Church Mem ber to the Sunday School,'' by J. Q, v Yarbrough. Song, by Al lensville Class. - Address: What is expected of 'Our Nation in the- Present Crisis?" by J. W. Noell. Song, by Trinity Class. Closing Song. ; Benediction. f We extend a cordial invitation to all of the members of both churclies, and the public in gen eral, to meet with us and proper ly celebrate the day. Everbbdy is invited to come and bring , bas-ket..- . . . . . .; C.T.Davis,, ; , R. PEarUy;- j ' " Laura Edwards,; . Social - News. v Mrs. A. M. Burns - was the charming hostess to the Pleasure ni ..L . J - - - . A . 1 1 . t ' ' Club and other guests at her home on South . Main Street, Friday afternoon. For the.- occasion the home was converted into - a scene of autumnal loveliness with quan tities of gorgeous and bright col ored autumn leaves which were tastily arranged in. the parlor, li brary and hall, where tables w,ere arranged for rook. Mrs, W. D Merritt won the club prize, while to' Mrs. T. F. Cheatham fell oe visitors prize, and to Miss Mabel Harris, a bride of next week, was given avbpn-bondish. At the close of the afternoon, the hostess serv ed a; delicious salad course followed-by" hot chocolate and cake, - One of the most enjoyable and delightful events of the week oc cured Tuesday evening, when MissjElma Featherstone entertainT ed the . .members of the ' Bridge i club and other guests at the Com- mercial club rooms.. Tfie game was played at a number of tables, and was thoroughly enjoyed. A tempt ing collation consisting of chicken 1. 1 vuwun, f"w followed by home made, candies,' was served by the bostes assisted by Mesdatnes J. J. W ltead, H. instead and R. Btephens Those enjoying the hogUjlijty the evening were Mr,- and fii; Av. M. Burns Mr, and Mrs. G. W. Thomas Dr. and Mrs. B. E: Love, i)r.nd;Hr& teiR;4!Lonff. Mr,1 derV LuciletJmsjd,1Emily Jfone9 JohnHarvteE. Bradsher E. G. Long, B. G. Clayton, V R. Wbodyi and Chas. W. Long. Notice To Tax Listers. This is. to notify all tax payers who, Jjave not listed their taxes for 1915 to come forward and list same AT ONCE. All persons not doing this will be reported to the t next grand jury, and indicted for failing toiist. Done by order of Board of County Commissioners This Nov. 1st, 1915. est You'Fortfet Let Us Gently That bills for fall and winter purchas- are daily falling due and that we have to mek them with payment on the' day they are due. You will do us a great favor to pay ns what you ewe us promptly. If yoii can't pay. alt then pay all you can. Many. who will read this have not even paid us thejr account for lastyeary If you are one of these, we especially want to urge you to pay at once, Our; Store "Everythmg - To hish theHomei . -i"' S i. our traders solicdteOimply the merits of our goods, we; are always pieasea 10 serve you. Mams Person County and . ' T ' . Cattle Raising. One day last week it was, our' I " pleasure to see the farm 'of Mri Alex, Bass; in Cuningham town-. v. ' ship. This a splendid farm, with a '' magnificent old mansion adbraingV V ? the place. But it was not the beau- ; c v. tiful home which attracted our at tentioq. It was a herd of some- .C thirty'or forty nice, sleek year lings which wer grazing on a.'-.. field of grass. Mr. Bass has solved V : v the question oi farming and in a ; s" few years his neighbors will note' ;- his prosperity and will' get into; ' -the cattle raising business. I . , , . ' This is a fine farming communi ty, for hard'b.ris the farm of Mr. ' E. W. Carters and adjoirbg this-" is the farm of Mr. Judson ' Greeny7 and this trip of good farmers can' not be excelled in this or any pth- er county. They are all wide awake , farmers and everythiniBrcluromid'' them shows prosperity, evep it to-- y bacco is not bringing . f al?uloo$ 1 , . prices. Durham Party Spend ' n A Few Hours HcV; On InQi: TKniav AVAflflMP'rfo and Mrs. J. . LnnsfoM and Mr. " and Mrs. R.: P. JRea4e46t;D6r : 1 r 1 i i ! " ' nam spiib a xcw uuurs , in uiwn. On their return they were "s- rhpanied - by " Maj.-' Chas. II. tedman, who had been spend- ng.acouple.ofdaysjiere. v PcnnDucnffa?? Roberta Dunn became the -lmn lot Mr. Tfios., 'Buchanan; fciz Roberta is a' charming young la- y dy. Neither the,', bride or1 the groom' have either i father ' or mother. Miss Roberta is the ' granddaughter of Mrs Beckie Easter, a well known old lady of Person county. ' ; We all gladly welcome themu and wish tbem much success and happiness in their future life. S.v Notice. For cabbage plants, ready to' set, see S. A. Oliver, Roseville, N. C, Rontel. Remind You r terFullt-; Wear i and Fur- . Pt? i 't -'1 3 . r . 1 1 prices "and efvice ; 4 ! I r ?Y j) ; .... r : . f .- i. f? ,-v-v. - t 1 vj ... 4- r y. Committee., r It- ' IT.. . e '.'' ' ' . . uu,snya, noxooi? i. .

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