X KSDRSSiXIVta iMamwurTmjmBagBiaig dm THERE MAY BE IMITATORS BUT TURNER'S AlMuAC , :roa Tsj mis 1913 TIMES WUUUMiUK COMPANY There's Only One Turner's Almanac The 191G ecVtion is ready now. It contains all the best features that have made the look "an au thority since 128," along with a mass of new data that you can't nfienl to do without. If you can't t it from your bookseller or drusjj'st, send a dime and a copy will be mailed promptly by TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY Raleigh, N. C. Times Bldg., . A Few Hours Real Pleasure in the Evening HE bright light of the " Rayo lamp makes reading and sewing real pleas ures these evenings. amps The Rayo gives a steady light that can't hurt the eyes. It requires almost no attention. Its simplicity of design makes it easy to keep clean. You ave to re move the shade to light it just lift the gallery and touch a match. Most con venient most efficient most economical. Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond White Oil to obtain best results in Oil Stoves, Lamps and Heaters. The Rayo is only one . of our many products especially suitable for use oh the farm. Standard Household Lubricant Standard Hand Separator Oil Parowax . ' Mica Axle Grease Eureka Harness Oil Matchless Liquid Gloss If your dealer does not carry them, write to ' our nearest station. STANDARD OIL COMPANY , (New Jersey) BALTIMORE , WuhirltMi. D. C. ; Charlotte. N. C. " isinrlnik. V. Charleaton, W. Va. - Richmond, Va. .'. Charleston,' S. C. I HOPEWELL IS TO BE REBUILT V A' More Substantial City Is to Be Constructed. Cleaning Up Debris. There Was Practicall No Insurance on Burned Build ings, - Hopewell, Va., Dec. 10. Via Courier to Petersburg. Hopewell so called wizard city, a victim of wind swept flames, was already rising from its ashes today, work men being busy clearing away the debris incident to rebuilding. In the isolated area brick struct ures will rise in many blocks where frame buildings .stood be fore. This was asserted by those who have undertaken the erection of a new town on the site of the old one, despite the fact that com paratively little insurance was carried on the destroyed property. One man at least in Hopewell looked well ahead in protecting his property, a two-story brick office building, which cost him 5 uuu to erect and wuicn was bringing in $1,000 a month rental. This man was M. A. Finn, former ly of Petersburg. He not only saw to it that the building was fully covered by insurance, but also insured the rental. Conservative estimates today place the total loss at $1200,000. The story is told that when the fire was first discovered in the I Greek restaurant persons in the I neighborhood began firing their j pistols in the air hoping to bring WHY IT SUCCEEDS v . . Because It's For One Thing On : ly 'and Roxboro People Ap- , V reciate 'This. v Nothing can be good for- every thing. v " -Doing one thing ivell. brings sue . Doan's Kidney .Pills are for one thing only. " r: y Fo'r weak or disordered kidneys. Here is Roxboro evidence to prove their worth. James H. Whitt, life insurance agent, i epot St., Roxboro, says: kly experience with Doan's Kid neys Pills-has been very satisfac tory, and I can recommend them as u hue medicine for kidney dis orders. Others of my family have also taken Doan's Kidney Pills and have found them to be all that is claimed for them. Doan's Kidney Piils cannot be equalled fjr curing backache." Price" 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy jjei Dean's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Whitt hail. Foster-Mil-burn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. LESSONS ; FOR 18E tN THE MOONLIGHT SCHOOLS IN NOHTH CAROLINA 1 lesson number: one. READING AND WRITING. I wait to rad CAB you teei me wiil . -1 want to read. Will you teach me to read? Cai you teach me to read? Will you read to me? I will read to you. Titeh mt t$ read. i mi vrrrYV m FOR Christmas Holidays GREATLY REDUCED ROUND -TRIP FARE TICKETS VIA s SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of the :South The Southern Railway will sell from all points low Round trip Hopewell's only fire fighting - Ulmslmas naay uciieis uecem- paratus all the more quicker to per.uui. 10 zona, u elusive wnn SOUNDS, EAR TRAINING. NOTE Let the teacher spell by sound the following words pausing at the end of each word for its pro aounciation by the class. no low see bt may go row Le bay lay Jot bow we day nay so mow ye gay pay hce me fee jay say . toe he tea bay ray in ii" WE ARE1 GONVINGED that v T ' -- if ' n " 11 - -- a rfturirtleiomftfeimiVtft1 n,oi,-.. e U1.n the : ,,7V 'T " r1 ""u oi- paving bills in cash, if you bnce form M.A l.ui.u 5 iho novir ciifoi' nwow m,.,..:. . Miiy 'o will ne re lJ Davincr ""ft the never safer, more convenient check. . . X'i-: ' - WE ARETPOSITI VE that .Vour waV of paying by check book. yott will SHva money b.y cun-yii a VnT I PAM DTD ri7Tl ...i , lyu-VAi'i lYU'VU umn or our assertion " . y,'" - ' a ' r without the sacrifice of one cent. We are ready to hand you the check - book, and clear up any doubtful points ia von,, vinind regarding its use,, whenever you are ready fur it, , - . TRY IT AND SAVE MOEY First National Bank South Boston, Va. F. R. Edmondson, Pres. J.lD. Tucker, Cashier. G. H. Tucker and R. E. Ingram, Assistants. the scene, but the department fail ed to recognize the signals in time to check the flames. The appara tusa motor-driven chemical wag on that only arrived from the fac tory the night before got there late. All was quiet today with the militia still in charge of the situa tion. Relief committees were busy at work providing for the home iess and others. The Du Pont powdei plant was operating as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened in its vicinity. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (n (7) (S) (9) ARITHMETIC. Writing numbers from zero to 9. Writing the number 10. Writing numbers by lp's to 90. Writing numbers from 1 to 99. Writing the number 100. Writing numbers by 10's to 900. Notatien and itineration of Dnkri to Ml. Writing luabeit frtns 100 to m. .Writing 1,001. snOBBMnM Cuningham News. final limit midnight of January 10th liUb Tickets will also be soldDecrm- ber 15th., 17th., 18th, 23rd., 24th j 25th. With finul limit midnight of January luth. 191fi to certain points in Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas. Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, 8outh Dakota and Wis consin. Spend your Christmas Holidays with your friends and loved ones enjoy your trip on the South n Railway's fast through train. Through cars to all points. Let us arrange your pullman soon and sell you tickets by the select route. Foreomniete information, fares. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Bass and schedules, pullman reservations, children have returned to Irontonjotc c;l on any Southern Railway O'.iio after having spent the week i .1(riM,r ,. .vr;r(1 end with '.Mr. Bass's mother at Glendorc farm. Mrs. Sam Pointer who had a j stroke of paralysis a few weeks back is slowly improving. Mr. W- O. Sydnor and wife of Charleston West Virginia and Mr. B. H. Sydnor of Disputanta Va. are the guest of their sister Mrs. R. B. Bass 'it Glendorc Farm. Quite a "happy go lucky ' bunch of .enn) mites walked down to jCm.ingham Sunday, C. M. return ling on three thirty train. In the party were: Messrs. C-ift, Sv;;n nie Taylor, Larlie Taylor, Fnd Pointer and Mrs. Maud Scott, Messrs. Adams, J. B. Pointer. John Pointer, G. H. Oliver anu Cl.de Allen. Mrs. C. C. Armstrong returned to her home in Gastoaia Sunday, C. M. after having spent Thauks iving with her mother Mrs. R. B. Bass. Mrs. E. W. Carter and daugh ter spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. JohnTulJah. Miss Louise Sydnor of Dispu tanta who has been the guest of Miss Lois Bass returned home Sunday a. m. , Mr. Sam Nelson and family of this neighborhood expect to move to Semora where Mr. Nelson will go into the merchandise business. We hate to give up these good people. . Miss Lois Bass leaves for Rox boro Tuesday a. m. to visit her sister Mrs. H. 'S. Morton. Mrs. M., , J. Sydnor who has been in feeble health for some time continues about the same. (). F. YORK, Traveling Passenger Agent, 3u5 Fayeitvi 11 Street, Raliiri, N. C- tHI PARTIAt. JUDGI. Iki. ceyyrirbt lit axrf 19W r ana C. Uierrkus. Rprinte4 br arrangwnt wth the AMritan Bk mpay, jote- lishr8.) s A farmer saiue ! & ieigkbring lawyer, e-xpMsei&g grt ern lor an aceMet wbiek he sid ha4 just happened. "Ooe tt year eien," con tinued kc, "lias beem gored by an un lucky bun ef mine, and I should be glad to knew kow I am, to make yon reparation" "Tkou art a Tery hon- i ii - ii v: J ll. l . - J wilt not think it ud reasonable that I; exueft one of thy oxen in return.. "It i is no mere than Justice," quoth the farmer, "to be sure; but what did I Bay? I mistake k is your bull that has killed one of my oxen." "Indeed!' says the lawyer, "that alters the case: I must inquire inte the affair; and if " "And ifl" said the fanner; "the business I find would hare been con cluded witkout an if, kad you been as ready to do justice to others as to ex act it from them." Made in the old-fashioned way, by hand dipping, one at a time. .As the Galvanizing is done after the shingles are completely stamped to shape, there are no exposed or cracked edges. The heavy coating means hmg life without attention. , For Sale by IT Ldng, Bradsher . & Co. Automobile O LESSON NUMBER TWO "SAFETY FIRST" FOR PUPILS. The public school children of the State of Michigan are being introduc ed to "Safety Firr.t" placards being placed on the buj'etin boards of all schools in the State, with these rules printed on them: "Do not walk. on railroad bridges or; tracks." "Do not walk around the end of ! lowered gates." "Do not loiter about railroad sta tions or cars." "Do not jump on or off trains, cars or engines." "Do not crawl under, over or be tween cars." "Do not cross tracks without stop ping, looking and listening to' see whether a train is coming." "Do not play on or around turn ttibles." . "Never take chances. Thesafe course is always the best, and it is the quickest in the long run." '"Be. on the alert." "Get the safety habit." "Practice it every minute." READING AND WRITING. write I want to write. Can you teach me to writef Will you teach me to writ?' Will you write to me? I will write to you. Teach vie to write. SOUNDS, EAR TRAINING. high by pie few new he sigh rye hew" pew" my die tie Jew view nigh guy dew mew cat 1 Foolish Question No. 41p Why did the United .States ask for the recall pf. Boy -Ed and v.onFapen? Cabbage plants for sare-10c a hundred, $1.00 a thousand. Geo. Harris. ; (1) (2) (3) (4) TEACH THE CHILDREN. By teaching -the children, some of whom will in a few years administer the laws, a.long stride toward fire pre vention will be taken, and the children while being taught, will interest par ents, who, will, as never b'efore, recog nize the importance of ; the question, and, rather than plead ignorance on such an -lmpertant and self-interesting subject, will lend their aidin the cam paign for fire prevention. One individual in aUet of individ-' uals can do only little, but if the 'sen timent for the saving of life and prop erty is spread , (and it can be though "': education) the interest "must increase, ' .And .a vast army, -fighting against fire , waste, will ,soon Dnng results. Fire (5) D (7) (8) ARITHMETIC. Review and drill on the points that seemed difficult for class tL understand the first night. Writing numbers by 1,000's to 9,000. Writing numbers from 1,000 to 9,999. Write the population of the fol lowing cities as given in the cen sus of 1910: Elizabeth -City;. 8,142; Fayettevilhe, 7,045, v Gas tonia, 5,759; KinSwOn, 6,995; Mount Airy, 3,844; New Bern, 9,961; Salisbury, 7,153; States vilie, 4,599; Tarboro, 4,129; Washington .(N. C), 6.2H; Bur lington, 4,808; Goldsboro, 6,107; Writing the ifiunber 10.000. Writing numbers by 10,0008 to 100,000. Writing numibers from 10,000 to lOO.ocor WTrite the population of the fol lowing large cities as given in the census of 1910; Greensboro, 15,895; Charlotte, 34,014; t DUr ham, 18,241; Asheville, "18,762 Winstoa-Salem, 22,700; Wilming ton, "25,748; Raleigh, 19,218. J FIRST IN THE. UNJTED, STATES. North Carolina, leads t'he Union in he number of .cotton .mills and. fac tories ; in the fexneunt f raw ' cotton consumed; amd in teemanufactuxe o chewing and smoking tobacco.' She ranks l)elow Massaehusetti alone 'n the ' value - of manufaetured Crttton products. ' In tht i number of prevention means the saving of life' ' producing:, spindles",- tht state; is out and prcjorty,.and;it should appeal to' naked .,,b7j:-Massi:settt,and:.;Soutk ftwrv . t ft: : else : somethln fir is ia.fvins tarolini. - 1 v - 1 - What li it?- -Safety .EnsiuGcrin; -f Net! j Carolina raaksf seeond in lum ber,' timber and .wod-wtrkiag estab- UshTBsnts." " 1 " . ' When your automobile becomes dis abled, whether it be a Ford or the cost liest car, bring it to us. We do honest repair work and guarantee all our work. What more .could be said of our repair depratment. We carry in stock Ford parts as well as all other equipment for automobiles. When in trouble -Or diubt. "ASK FREELAND.' x Freeland Motor Co. ROXBORO, N. C. We;wish toariribunce; that we have purchasfedith!eiMince business of Mr. James H. Whitt . and that Mr. Whitt will hereafter represent our 'agency in writing all Kinds; of insuran.ee. Mr. Whitt has haJrseven years experience in the insurance business and, with his assistance Wp?ar-bfeter able than ... eyer. to solicit ydurbunes on the basis of courteous treatment and accuracy m : every detaiL": '-:; V Gun nmghiffl & Long 9 Roxb . All Kinds btlrisurance; pro, , . o . - Norto Carolina FOLEY KIDNEY PHIS fOR BACKACHE KIDNEYS A..3 8LAUQE 7

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