A 2sm 9 9 9 0 0 0 0 6 G e t e 0 0 0 6 fl G d 4 000Me00?00W000O0J0 3 . If" " ' .... ':.! ' "" oootoo9toooooocoo9O3oooooeoo90oooooodooococo e o Closes X f , Decemb HolidaysiH the mas. tobacco, and be yoar next load. er 22iid for urry and Sell your sure to try us with WEAK, SORE LUIIGS Bestored To, Health By Vinbl . Camden: NJ.-" I had a deep sealed cough, was nm-down, and my lungs werei . weak and sore, I had tried everything; suggested without help. One Ve i ning I read about Vinol and decided I to try it Soon noticed .on improve ment I kept on taking it and today I am a well man. -1 The soreness 5 is all ' gone from my lungs, I do not have any cough and have gained fifteen pounds. - 5 r- Frank Hillman. . j We guarantee V i n o 1 for chronic 2 .coughs, colds and bronchitis and for all .' J., weak, run-down conditions. For Sale hv HamhriVk & Austin 0 -tt 9 e o PERSON COUNTY By A. R. Be in o rea. Courier our prices m k o e 0 O i o O tout tobacco -With u 0 Reminisences No. 13 Foushee. Editor Courier: , Having been requested by a granddaughter of one of. the old Pioneer preachers of this County, to give the preachers of my early life a ''writing", this I will at tempt to do only,in part, by giv- 0 jing a list of their names as. I re- j member. Them as well as the dem onstrations to ylnch they . belong ed, also those of a later $ate, and as the Primitive Baptists were the first' preachers whose services I attended, will give their names 3j first, Viz Eiders. Ingram Chan- jdler, John Stadler, Wm. Burn?, Elder Wells, (a blind preacher) Elder Hensley, Andrew N. Hall, ! Durham Hall (his father), David R. Moore, Jas. J. Scoggin, Geo. T. Coggin, R. D. Hart, Jno. H. Daniel, Elder Ross, D re wry Seit, iseeoeaooeeooieoooeoceejeocdtoooeeecoAOooooesieeoooedoooeoodeoGoeoocQecoeocoGde i Elder Daineron, P. D. Gold, Elder j Bell, L. I. Bodenheimer, C. B. ! Hassell and others whose names I do not now recall, Elder Jno. Stadler was considered by hispeo one of the greatest preachers of a 1 his time and had a large following, also Elder A. X. Hall, who was pastbr of churches in this County ; ior more man miy years was also a great preacher, highly esteemed j not only by' his ow.n churches and 'people, but by the people in gen- I era, lie also Planters J. J. Winstead R. .B Terrell e e o o o o o 9 o Q o have heard was : at old. i Wheelers church near Gordohtori, though a small boy, I recall many circum stances connected , with my trip there, and what I saw on thV,way? The. greatest thing was , the sight of the Gordon residence . which was new and had just been painteo! Showy white. This being the first white house I had seen, made a great and lasting impression on my young mind. I thought then that this must be a heaven below, and that no care or trouble could enter its white walls. The preach er on this occasion, was Elder In gram Chandler, (then a popular Primitive Baptist pastor). " I still remember some of the people whom I saw there, and the man ner of tlie preaching singing and the good attention to the services by the congregation. I thought then that all church members had a passport to the Glory land, but my miud has undergone a consid erable change in all these years and now think it .safer to judge people rather by their acts, than by theirfprofessions. 7 1 will close right here and write again soon, if you think my letters worth the space in your valuable paper. Roxboro, N. C, Dec. 15th 1915. . ' PROFESSIONAL.' CARDS V5 Practicing Physician ) Offers his professioal service to ' the people of Roxboro and Person ttouftly. '' r Wi R! GATES or Survev - Oliee in Court House Roxboro. N. C. ie903OG900939999eeO0000 0909900ft 0000009000000000900 E0000090000e0000000009000 o 0 will Uose on b nday tii I.- f. ecem v. t'. i ' try n (!9 to acco with 11s HI .ember that the Hyco is - the place forbest prices.' - Hyeo Wa 1! o o e o s Q O O O (J o d o 4 (S S O o o e o o o o 9 o 9 a S 9 0 9 9 9 O hi; ii'crs i:j ad a large .number tins and other -1, W. T. PASS & CO. ! $MOO0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOtOOOOOOOOOOOIIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO eoeooeooooooooooo joooooooooaooooooooooooooa col tooooooooooooooooooooooot 9 Th TD2 It 9 9 9 9 9 h op will lo om D tor ' . t 0 Good Lights-Good Floor Space Polite and Courteous Floor Force - . ,..'-.., - WAREHOUEE Ha 9 9 9 9 9 O 0 9 O o 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 e 9 9 O THE PI0NE " - - . I Featherstone and Winstead, Props. or coii:ti;es. several or tnese oreacu ers lived in the eastern part of the State, but often made preaching1 tours up the country as far as this, and other sections west of us. I will now give the names of the Missionary Baptist preachers whom I remember in the "long ago" Elds. Jas. King, Stephen Pleasant, Elder Brown, Jno. E. Montague, Elias Dodson, F. M. Jordan, Elder Waitte, J. J. James, Elder Poindexter (of Va.), Robert Jones, Dr. Jno. Mitchell, Dr. J. D. Huff ham. Some of these were considered great preachers, one of fihem El der F. M. Jordan has been preach ing more than sixty years. EWer Dodson was and eccentric brother, and traveled most of his life as agent for missions, especially "In dian Missions,'' which was his great hobby. Many of the older people remember him well at this late day. ' i : I will now name some of the Methodist Ministers whom , I re member in early and middle life, Viz. Revs. Ira T. Wyche Alford Norman, Jas. Jamieson, Benj. M. Williams, J. P. Moore,' T. W. Moore, Jas. Reid,- FletcheJ Reid, Wm. M. Jordan, P, W. Archer, Rev. Lewis, S. Sv Bryant, T. A. Boone, Jas. H. Brent, W. R. Webb, H. H. Gibbons, W. E. Pell, Rev. Tillett, A. W., Man gum, Jef see Page and others. Many of these men were eminent preachers well and favorably known in this and other states. The next in point of numbers are the Presbyterians who had but a small folio wing in the Coun ty and still have only one tr two churches. Rev. Addison Stanheld who lived in the county, Rev;, Hines of Milton, and Rev: T. U. Faucett of Orange County, held services in the court house or in the M. E. church in Roxboro at stated times. This was before the Presbyterian church was built. The Episcopalians have never had but one church iry the county (Cuninghams Chapel) that I am aware of, therefore a small fol lowing, as our early training and environments, have very, much to do with our choice of churches. The. first sermon I remember to CALOMEL TODAY, SICK TOMORROW Dose of nasty calomel makes you sick and you lose a days work. Calomel salivates'. It's mercury. Calomel acts like dynamite on a sluggish liver. When calomel comes into contact with sour bile it crashes into it, causing cramp ing and nausea . If you feel bilious, headachy, constipated and all knocked out, just go' to your druggist and get a oO (vnt bottle of Dodson V Liver Tone, which is a harmless vegettV ble substitute for dangerous calo mel. Take. a spoonful and if it dnosirt start your liver and straighten you up better and quicker than nasty calomel, and. without making you sick, you just go back and get your money. If you take calomel today you'll be sick and nauseated tomorrow; besides, it may salivate you, while if you take Dodson's Liver Tone, you will wake . up feeling great, full of ambition and ready for work or play. It's harmless, pleas ant and safe to give to children; they like it. S. S. MONTAGUE. MD; Offers his professional service to the people of Roxboro and sur- j. rounding community.. , v Office .aVer Sergeant &. Clayton's store. ' " ROXBORO, N. .C N. LUNSFORD Attorney at law, Office over Garrett's Store Roxboro, N. C. Captains Boy-Ed and von Papen were appointed by Emperor Wil liam and disappointed by Presi dent Wilson. F. 0. Carvei S. G. W instead. .CARVER & 'WINSTEAD Attorneys and Counsellors at law. Offi ce over ank of Roxboro. dr. b: r. Long - DENTIST Office over the Ba'ik of Roxboro. ROX BOEO n. c. - I . Dr. R. J. Teague "Physician and Surgeon. Of fice over The Davis Drug Co. ROXBORO, N. C. W. A. B.MDSHEE, M.D. . PRACTICING PHYSICIAN. Offers his services to the people of Roxboro and surrounding community. B. E. LOME, M. D. Offers' his services to the people of Roxb. fo and surrounding community. Office in Pass & Carver Building Dr. C. G. Nichols DrCT. Nichol NICHOLS NICHOLS Offer their professional service to the people of Roxboro and surrounding community. Dr. E. Tucker DEN TIT . Office New Hotel Jones over old Drug Store. NOTICE OF LAND SALE!! Under and by- virtue of the powers vested in me by the terms of a certain Deed of Trust, execute ed on the 13th day of; November J 1913, by G. W. Woody and wife, and duly registered in the office of Register of Deeds for Person County, I will on , MONDAY JAM UARX 3, 191 6, at 12 o'clock M., at the Court House door in Roxboro, N. C, sell at public auction, to the high est bidder for cash; the , following land, to-wit: Situated in the towfr of Roxboro, Roxboro Township, Person County, North Carolina. Lots number 11 and 12, in Block A, on plat of property formerly owned by Jefferson Farley; place, as surveyed arid platted by James A. Clark, which said plat or map is ot record in Book 22, at page 392, office of Register of Deeds, Person County. Said lot having been conveyed to G, W. voody by Jeffersrn Farley and wife. Also one frame house, standing in First Street (above plat), sold as a part of the Farley property, and purchased by said G. W. Woody. This December 3, 1915. F. 0. Carver, Trustee. Executors Notice! Haying this day qualified as the Ex ecutors of JV 'J. ' Broods, deceased, this is to notify all persons indebted or holding claims against said deceased, to present them to the , undersigned Ex ecutors, on or before the 24th i day of Nov. 1916, or'this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This Nov. 24, 1915. .T.-C. BROOKS, . , . ' "R. P. BROOKS, -' - r- Executors. DR. G. C. VICKERS -rDENH T "i Office? in Newell Building on Nof th Main Street, next door to Roxboro Grocery Co. Roxboro, N. C. E. H.COPLEY SURVEYOR. Office next door to Dr. Vickers Roxboro, N. C. NORFOLKa WESTERN. NOV. 22nd 1914. Ex un Daily Ex Sun Daily v- pm. a. m. ' p.m. a.m. , 5;30 7.-00LV Darham.Ar 11:00 9:15 7:06 8:J3 Lv Roxboro Ar 9:23 1M 7:55 8:45 LvDennniston Ar 8:4 7:19 . 8:25 9:07 Lv So. Boston Ar 8:12 6:56 8:40 9:20 Lv Houston Ar 7:48 6:43 ; 11:35 11:40 Ar Lynchburg Lv 5:15 4:15 p. m. a. m. p. m. a. m i , ' Connections"at Lynchurg with trains east and westbound. - . Pullm an leepers' and Dining'ar If you are thinking of taking a trip : YOU want quotations, cheapest fares; , reliable and correct information as to routes anb! schedules jthe most Icomor mation is yours for thelasking with one, our complete Map Folders. , - Write for rate maps, time- tables' to v agent or . to . ' r W. B. BEVILL, '-, Pass. Traffic, Mgr. . W; C. SAUNDERS. 1 General Pass.' Agent. ..... Roanoke,, Va 3 A , V- 5 : - V :