4 .' '7-.- 4 . .i 1 I; -I f; k'. V r The CO0R1ER Published Every Wednesday Evening NO ELL BROS., PUBLISHERS J. A. NOELL. JR.. Manager SUBSCRIPTION TERMS One Dollar a Year. Fifty Cents For Six Months. Twenty-five Cents For 3 Months. The Editor is in no way responsible for Flews expressed by correspondents. ONLY BLUFFING; Entered at the Post Office at Roxboro, N. G. , as second-class matter. Roxboro, N. C, Dec. 15, 1915 For a long time we have been trying to. figure out why so many real good farmers were opposed to bonds for the purpose of building good roads, but until recently we could not solve the question satis factorily. However, since seeing a sample of real good roads and talking with some who were class ed among those as being opposed to. good roads we have finally con cluded that they really are not op posed to the question at all, but' P05 such issues Now we can eli ty to ieel the effects of 'this mover mentand it can be done without serious hurt to atty" man or any man's pocketbook.' That it is only a very few years, until the County is going to yote bpnds for this work is a foregone conclusion ? to any. one who has given the matter any thought. But why an elec tion? We all know that elections are expensive, aside from the fapt that every bond election creates bitterness, for there are and al ways will be some who will op- $100 Reward, $100: Is th$ only poeltlve cure. npw kuowiMo tUt med ical ifraterhity; Catarrh rbeiug A constitutional disease, require I a? constitutional ; treatment Halt's Catarrh Cure is taken ltrtcrnally, acting, directly upon the blood andmueons surfaces of the system.: thereby destroying the foundation it the disease, and giving tba patient strength by building upthe constitution and assisting na ture in. dolg its vork. The proprietors ha, re so much faith in its curatlye, powers that they offer t One Hundred Dollars : fur any cnse that Jt fails'.to cum Send for list of, testimonials. Address F.- CHENEY CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by all ' Druggists, Tuc. . Y;-" Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Congress is in session but there will be nothing of note transacted before the Holidays. However, after the session assembles uary you will probably see the livest session you have witnessed in some time. As usual, everything seems to snow me wisuom oi i were simply "bluffing." Now. minate all ot this expense and bit neighbor, since this township has1 terness by simply having both called your hand and it is seen ' psrties at their coming convention that you were only bluffing let's in the Spring declare for a bond quit this foolishness and all pull issue of three hundred thousand together for County-wide good dollars, said bond issue to be made roads. There is no longer any by an act of the Legislature. With injan.i doubt about this township having both parties committed to this good roads, for the worst piece of .there will be no politics in it, tor road in the County has been built 'no matter which party is succss and it is a beauty. Almost every ful in electing its candidate he will man in the County, certainly every be instructed to pass such an issue. tw;,i...., wiUn rnmll pm tnn from the south side of the N ith these three hund red thous , ' v' x flountv. knows whnr. 'rllvC and dollars take up the issue of he railing over memseives to sec - o - . , i hill" llMC Kapii clnrt sp.vent.v five . thousand how quick they can pass tnemeas-, , . jike (() , . , tne memory or man runneth not me noxnoro wmiuw mm il-l tu and want the miner longer we snff- today will show you what it is af-1 bonds will sell at a premium ana it t,.lt you c.ln nt once ter being in the hands of road i there will be no trouble in dispos builders. If vou'liave not sppn it I ing of them, and with this issue r Jt 1 ,yil muimajr luv&miig v"4i l.m thut then, is at feast one dreaded dlsea Thnmnenn W9Q ' n'ntifipd' hv ; thft that i$ience has been 'Ubl?; to cure in . all itt l"OmPSOn WdS IlOlllieu uy. UlC tagC8ivand tnat Catarrh HairsXatarrh Cure. othcers oiJUurnam Atnat-: one Wagoner nad been seen in Dur haht:andthlt they particularly wanted him, advising the Sher iff to look out for him, and, he did, .With the result that Monday j evening he had him ' in eustody and delivered him to the Sheriff of Durham County that night. It seems that wagoner naa oeen outlawed from Durham county for blockading, but had come back in the County and was run ning a still in the Lebanon sec tion. The Sheriff of Durham county expressed much satisfac tion at Sheriff Thompson's good work and thinks when Judge Al len finishes with him at this term of pourt, now in session at Durham, that the said Wagoner will get all that is coming to him. FOR SAT T? , ... kja.x jl4A2j UOOfl A' room suit, Bed room suit UW All in g00d condit, ,d 95"te,MrS.V,Kaplon,U ni-nc cnnrcTPctpH hv him th.'lt is. foe?v.v ..." j . . -I ...... 4i - 4.. n iru,.!.;.. nA 'tardier back, and a drive ovpp r, issue oe a county uiauer. county l cooiiJau ivi lui in, iiuu w- all save he will only passively oppose his measure of Preparedness.' Ghristmas Entertainment. You are ordiallyj invited to at tend a Christmas entertainment consisting of. drill , pantomime, play, etc., at Bethel Church, RidgeVille, N. C., Friday night Dec. 17th beginning'at 7:30. Admission, Adults 25c, Chil dren 12 years of ageand under 15c. .' Remember all subscribers not paid in advance after January 1st, dollars of' wiH De discontinued. ' We do not It is gratifying to us to see so many of the papers of the State making war on those who about this time of the year insist on writing it "Xmas" in place of properly writing it Christmas. Just why so many wise men, ed ucated men, adopt this fool way of writing a day which is to com memorate the birth of our Lord and Saviour has always been a mystery to us. In this print shop it is not allowed, save among ad vertisements, and advertisers have a way of saying almost anything they want to, inasmuch as they pay for the space in which it oc curs. Spell it out ink and pencils are cheap and to the average man the extra time consumed over the job would not buy n any shares of steel stock. since it was completed just take the time when youc-onie to town and look it over. But we are not willing for this good work to stop within the con-! fines of Roxboro township, we the entire County will be eared for, and'every man in the County will be so near a good road that everyone will receive the benefits. Why not adopt this method, for good roads we must have, good want every township in the Coun-'roa(is we are m to have. Always Progressive Again the correspondent of the Greensboro News, independent, has discovered a mighty mares nest among the politicians and would be candidates down at Ral eigh. This time it has figured out beyond a certainty that Dr. Clar ence Poe and a few other mighty good farmers, among them Hon. J. W. Bailey, Collector of the Eastern District, are on the war path for the various officers, with Dr. Poe slated for Governor. Oh, no, not for next year, but for 1920. This prophet of the Greens boro News, independent, has fig ured out an awful fight among the Democrats over this matter in 1 920, but inasmuch as he has giv en a little more than four years of j grace the average Democrat will j not lose much sleep over it just at this time. However, in passing we will say that the good people of North Carolina might go a good deal farther and do much worse 1 1 an to make Dr. Poe Governor. The first week in January we open our Christmas Savings Club with ONE HUNDRED enrolled. Start now to save for next year. Join our Christmas Savings Club and have money for Christmas. For further particulars, see us we will be glad to explain. Announcement later giving details. The Peoples Bank Capital $40,000 Surplus $45,000 A ROLL OF HONOR BANK. A Box Party. There will be a box party at Warren's Grove Monday night Dec. 20th for the benefit of the Sunday School. Everybody is cordially invited to come and bring a "box. . Rev. J. A. Martin of Leasburg, was a Roxboro visitor last' Thursday. flf 'Think A, H 0f Tl5is mIS For a Minute is is fh "Moneybak" . Store. It Means That if Ydu Buy Any. thinj Here Th4t Is Misrepresented In Any Way That is Not Satb. factory You Ge Your Money Back Without d Argument. We Could- Not Make This Broad Proposition Unless We Were Sure of Our Service C. H. Hunter A EM Our at COST SALE has been a great success. We are more than pleased with results so far, and have decided to run the sale awhile longer. z If von have not bought a Sui Overcoat, Suits for the boys of Coat Suit for the wife or daughter you can not afford to pass this sale by. Get your winter shoes here and save the profit. Many other things you need can be bought here at COST, for awhile longer Come early! CLAYTON, LONG LONG ROXBORO, N. G. I g f I 7. 7V1 f l ff f J A Ji ?T""m yt, piAc 52 i i2 II x x r x t x t x 1 i 3lLlL- KeoeMeg At Yoer Door Mil 1 MM MM MM MM MM OppOFtaBity I If you ever expect to get your suits, overcoats, skirts, dry-goods and shoes CHEAP now is your opportunityOur Clean-Up Sale is in full swing Look at some of our bargains. i " $3 and $3.50 Shoes going at $3 and $3.50 Boy's Suits One Lot Ladies Skirts $2.19 $1.95 98c Men's Work Shirts Men's Fleeced Underwear 37c 34c $1.50 and $3 Men's Pants $2 and $2.50 Ladie's Shoes 1 98c $1.57 One Table Calicos and Outings 10c Ginghams and Percales , i$lRltp'$25 Ladies Suits 4 l-2c 7 l-2c $12.49 LOOK OVER OUR LINE ORQQATfe V : We have a fine line of dress goods greatly reduced: $1.50 value Broadcloth going at 92c yd. 50c value Serge oing at 39c yd. $1,00 value Velvet Corduroy going at 69c yd. in Navy Blue, Green and WJiite. We are giving away Rogers Silver vVare Thurs., Fri. and Sat. with every purchase of $2.50 or over -' COME TO THE STORE YOU HEAR SO MUCH ABOUT .Departmeinit Store OPPOSITE vCOURT HOUSE Where $ Works Wonders ROXBORO. N. C. I V- H4 4