4 - 'r 'i V COULD SCMCEY MT ABOUT And For Three Summers Urs. Via cent Was Unable to Attend to Ary of Her Housework. Pleasant Hill. N. C.-"I suffered for three summers," writes Mrs. Wilter Vincent, of this town, "and the third and last time, was my worst. I had dreadful nervous headaches and prostration, and was scarcely able to walk about. Could not do any of my housework. I also had dreadful pains in my back and sides and when one of those weak, sinking spells would come on me, I would have to give up and lie down, until it wore off. I was certainly in a dreadful state of health, when I finally decided to - try Cardui. the woman's tonic, and I firmly belitve 1 would have die4 if I hfidnV Uktait. 'After I began taking Cardui, I was grtatiy helped, and all thret bottlts re lieYwl me entirely. I fattened up, and grew so much stronger in three months, I felt like an other person altogether." Cardui is purely vegetable and gentle actings Its ingredients have a mild, tonic effect, on the womanly constitution. Cardui makes for increased strength, improves! the appetite, tones up the ner vous system, and helps to make pale, sallow cheeks, fresh and rosy. Cardui has helped more than a million weak women, during the past 50 years. It will surely do for you, what it has done for them. Try Cardui today. Write to: Chattanooga Medicine Co., Ladi' Ad visory Dept., Chattanooga, Tenn., for Special hir stnictiovs on your case and 64-page book, "Home Treatment for Women." sent in plain wrapper. RUfl-DOVir WOMAfl Made Strong By Our Yiuol Fort Edward, N.Y. " I was in a run down, nervoua and weak conditio, o I could not do the housework for my littl family of three. I had taken cod liver oil emulsioni and other remedies with out benefit A friend told me about Vinol. 1 tried it and it toon built up my strength and made rat a well woman so I now do all of my housework;" Mrs. Elmer Olidden. We guarantee Vimol. our delicious cod liver and iron tonic, for all run-down, weak and debilitated conditions. For Bale byNHambrick Austin CONGRESS IN SESSION IHSfjM Do your B if ore a bank can get a charter and become a Nation a Bank it must SATISFY THE U. S. GOVERNMENT at Washington that all of the provisions of the National Bank ing Laws have been complied with. The name and pacel of residence of each Director must also be given and all facts necessary to determine whether they are lawfully en titled to co nmence the business of banding must be SWORN UNDER OATH. Do YOUR banking with US. First Natinoal Bank OF DURHAM, N. G. We know your wants and want your businss. Julian S. Carr, President W. J. Holloway, Cashier Look to Your Interest and Sell Your Tobacco With Person Union Warehouse We will hold our first sale this season on Monday September 20th. Come alorjr and bring u&a load oj to bacco todav. We will see that you get the very highest, price possible. Good floor space, good' light and good accomodations. REMEMBER it is to your interest to sell your tobacco with the PERSON UNION WAREHOUSE. V IT IS OWNED AND CONTROL LED BY FARMERS! PERSON UNION WAREHOUSE T. P. Fcatherstone, Mgr. Burch Warren. On last Thursday Nov. 25, at 2 o'clock, Mr. and Mrs. Gaston Burch gave in marriage their, daughter Fannie Lee to L. Wel bon Warren of Mebane the-parlor was beautifully decorated in ferns ;nd chrysanthemums. The bride was attired in a blue co;it suit,' white gloves and hat to match. The bride came in with her brother Ephriam Burch. The groom with his brother Frank Warren. They were married by Rev. Mr. McKinney all that wit nessed the ceremony were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Burch and Mr. and Mrs. Willie Burch and Mr. and re. Budd -Tally and Mr. Dudd Dunkley and T. P. Featherstone of Roxboro, Mr. and Mrs. Johin received Warren, Mr. Frank Warren and Rosa Warren, Mr. Epriam Burch and Fannie Sue Bradsher and Mr. Conelly Long and Miss Corinna Bradsher the young people depart ed and, wish them a long and hap py life Mr and Mrs. Warren left immediately after the ceremony in an automobile for Mebane, Greensboro, Asheville on their honeymoon they will return to Mebane, their future home Sun day night wher they will begin Not Since 1812 Has Congress Faced Issues of Such Vast Im portance -Majority Leader Kitchin Favored With Gr eat Ovation. " y Washington; Dec. 6. Con gress assembled today at 'noon. It is the (?4th session of that body 'The. Democrats only have a working majority of 24 in, the house, but the party is more pleasantly situated in the senate, with a majority increased to 14, With any sort of teamwork at all it will require rare dexterity, and uncommon genius for mis chief to make trouble for the party in power on the senate side. A few days since there were those who entertained the confident hope, and others who etytertafhed fear, that Congress would break up in a row soon ar -ter the chaplain offered prayer. Such an unhappy denouement hardly seems in . prospect today. There are wars and rumors of wars, but it is too early to pro phecy what is to come of these enterprises. More may be known about this as soon as the Presi dent's message shall have been We reorganized our. business and enlarged same by adding a full line of building materi-, al and supplies about the middlepf July. ; Everywhere else the prices on building material is advancing.; On our market, SINCE THE MIDDLE OF JULY, prices have been declining steadily until now , lumber and building material is cheaper than it has been for a number of years,- ; There must be a reason why prices began to drop about the MIDDLE OF JULY. 1 ' ASK YOURSELF WHY. O TOBE TAPP, Manager. Roxbor Lumber Go 0 VlVWWVVVAW housekeeping after A Friend. Christmas. Danger Signal. If the fire bell should ring would you run and stop it or go and help to put out the firs? It is much the same way with a cough. A cough is a danger signal a much as a fire belli You should no more try to suppress it titan to stop a fire bell when it is ringing, but should cure the disease that causes the coughing. This csn nearly always be done by taking Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Many have used it with the most beneficial results. It is especially valuable for the persistent cough that so often fol lows a bad cold or an attack of the grip. Mrs. Thomas Beeching, An drews, Ind., writes: ''During the winter my husband takes' cold easily and coughs and coughs. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best medicine for breaking up these. attacks as d' you cannot get him to take any other." Qbtain able everywhere. If he has any open dates Gen eral Carranza might hire out as a Santa Claus to some American de Dartment store or social affair. Some feel that not since 1812 has the Congress faced problems so important and issues so vital. It is noteworthy that as these is sues of world import are to be brought forward, southern coun cils are to predominate. As to the personnel of the house, the fact Of interest to North Caro linians is that the -popular body will be by Mr. Kitchin, some times called the Rupert of the Democratic party. The fcitchin oriflamme is certain to fill the eye f the beholder on the front, ranks of the democracy if, per chance, the President should happen to propose something that would command his unre served approval. If there is, or ever has been, any opposition to Mr. Kitchin as majority leader of the house be cause of his failure to support the President's national defense pro gram, or because of some of Mr. Kitchin's statements with refer ence to members of the lower branch of Congress who are sup porting the President, there was no evidence of it today. When Mr. Kitchin arose in his seat to offer a resolution notify ing the senate that the house had been organized, he received an ovation equal to that given the President himself the last time he appeared in that bcdy to de liver an address to Congress, as sembled in joint session. Timely Hint On Over-Eating. Christmas, New Year's and oth er feast days cause many disturb ed digestions. The stomach and bowels should not be permitted to remain clogged up, for indigestion and constipation are often follow ed by serious disease, resulting from undigested poisonous waste matter. Foley Cathartic Tablets should be in every home,' ready for use. No griping: no unpleas ant after effect.. Relieve distress after eating, regulate bowels, sweeten stomach and tone u p the liver. i FORD THEUNIVEKSALOiK A .Ford on the road for every car of another make. More than 900,000 now in use every where. This .could not be if the Ford car had not, and was not proving its superiority every day, in all parts of the world The sturdy, lightweight, economical Ford car, useful to everybody, saving money for everybody ata price within reach of everybody Runabout $390; Touring Car $440; Town Car$640, f. o. b., Detroit. On sale at CROWELL AUTO GO; H. L. CROWELL, Mgr. Roxboro, N. C. i Do Your Trad ing 2. 3. 4. It looks like in the . Balkans it all comes to the Allies who wait.. Our Jitney Offer This and 5c. Don't miss this. Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c and mail it to Foley & Co., Chicago, UK, writ ing your name and address clearly. You will receive in return a trial package, containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup; 'Foley : Kidney Pills, for pain in sides and back, rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladder, ailments; and Foley Ca thartic Tablets, a wholesome and glily thoroui cleansing cathartic, for constipation, biliousness, head ache and sluggish bowels. i with us. We can save you money. ' Here are a few facts to show you why. 1. We have no to wn tax to pay. . We have ho draymen to p iy. Our rents are small. We have only one clerk-tu pay, so there- fore we can sell you flour, brm, reddog, shipstuff, cottonseed meal, meat, sugar, lard, coffee, shoes for old and ydung, hatsv caps, dry-goods, notions, Hardware just a little than you can buy elsewhere. Gometo see us, we have a stock on hand. Yours cheap and er full for service, The poor sometimes have some thing to be thankful for. A rich woman died the other night from eating a Welsh rabbit. Recommended for Croup. -Coughs, colds, croup, hoarse ness, inflamed throat, bronchial troubles or sore. chest are-relieved by Foley's Honey and TJar which opens stopped air passages, soothes and heals inflamed surfaces, and restores normal breathing. W. C. Allen, ,'Rbseley, Mo.r A,says: -,"1 have raised a family. of four chil dren and used Foley's Honey and Tar with all of themv I find it the best cough and croup medicine I ever ueed, I used it '-'for weight or ten years and can recommend it for croup." i? Cough Medicine tor Children. Mrs. Hugh Cook, Scottsville, N. Y., says: "About five, years ago when we were living in Garbutt, N. Y., I doctored two of . my chilr dren suffering from, colds with Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and found it just as represente " ev ery way. It promptly , checked their coughing and cured their; colds quicker thananything I ever used. V Obtainable everywhere. CARVER & FOX BROOKSDALE '-4 .Witli the wise Serbian civilian it was a case of shell1 but before the shell came in. v , - Each European cou'ntry is per fectly willing'for peace if the oth- 'er consents to' be the under dog. i Come 5 to the Farmers Hardwares when you want wood heaters,-coal heaters,; or cook stoves, we carry d full line and tKe , price is right. We carry a full line of Hard ware at all times. We carry giiii shells, hunting coats and leggins at a low-price. - Gome to see us whefi in need of any thing in. this line. " v : Hardware for the Home & Farm Fair mers Hdwe Go V. 7 4 . i

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