lllglROX EyeninJanuary 5, 1916 j: '3 MEETS II 1 1 ' Sedthriame? It i ii M -: - ? to b suy;Oroceriesr and Fruits. & here is iriore in bottles Jchan any other drink in mer.wbrld. 1 byius bears croyra. :-.-n?':L:-: Every etlthe genuine. Gall for I it by name, RoxDoiJo Bottliii I We.ipyite ,you to inspect our plant at any time. 5- . - ;;:vWe;aref' going throughour-stock taking t inventory arid cleaning up. As soon as this is completed we are going to lay out all odds ana end in laces, silks, and all i kinds of drjbss goods bargains to you. We hope to have these arranged by FRIDAY. Pome early and get first choice, I If yoalaven't bought tfyat coat or coat I suit yet, wej have a few nice and snappy j ones left. STo occasion to mention price, we guarantee to make that right. If you i have not alreadv done so, line up with us j this year it will be good tor both ot us. MORION & SATTERFIELDS New Stores in Post Office Building w iL, wish to thank the peo i H ple of a ; .... ..f : ' .1 ! , aridriPerson Co. fb!r their agevduririgl91; t ,'Akid our '; and V vou wish a . , v .i - - 1 1916; II ' II A i t stands for tfie best ZtJJ drunk; ! bbttle put out our name dh See that you Goco-Cola. . V , , "'I'M " at prices that mean i "tai 3BS3i Works radsher & Co. Roxborb patroo- Weliibw so- trade for Happy prosperous Bradsher ..;&'Cq. t ' ' I ALL-DAYl SESSION MONDAY DECIDE TO ASIt FOR SURVEYOR FOR HT!0.AL ' HIGHWAY SURVET THROUGH THIS COUNTY- FULL REPOBT JDF MEETING.""- '' The count commissioners int in regular monthly " session - Mon day morning at ten o'clockrith all members present. . The. uual routine, of business was taicen and passed upon. The Question as to whether the county should pay $30.00. the amount asked for by officers for capturing stills," or - $20.00, the amounftK dered by law' brought forth quil a lengthy argument, rlt , was,? e cided jfinally to pay the amount orilyi allowed by law. 'Xjr The commissioners decided' to ask the state for a surveyor-to survey the proposed highway from. Roxboro township - line; jo theyirgmia line. It is the infeh- tldti of the Board to the out- line of this road and. cost, and if possible, to begin work' on sa&e directly after the survey is maae. It is also the intentions of xilie Board to build a good, permanent roadf perhaps sand-clay. Mr. Stephen Gentry; stated that Jhe would begin at ; once to solicit contributions toward the building of this road, and . to secure She signatures necessary -for the nght of, way, - The- board .ordered the , County Home superintendent to clear hr 5 acres of pines on the ICpunt, rv,-4,:tn o6 iJianteq in tin spaee-as a,m monstratibn. The commissioners were in ses' sion from 10 o'clock until late in the afternoon, one of the longest sessions held in many months. The Board will meet in a call ses sion next Monday to settle with the sheriff for state taxes. A list of the jurors for the Feb ruary term of court was drawn, and are as follows: E T. Day, Xat Warren, J. A. Day, W. A. Wrenn, W. W. Wrenn, J.- K. B radsher, E. A. Hester, M. L. Powell, K. G. Slaughter, I. T. Wrenn, S. M. Neal, Walter Brad- s'icr, Wesley Oakley, C. S. Lof - Slaughter, Geo. W Walker, Z. T. Gentry, I. T. Stanfield, C G. Rrtde, J. M. Brewer, J. L. Moore, Weldon G. Clayton, J. W. Montague, H. S. Gray, L. M. Turner, H. J. Miles, Al Shot well, J. S. Qorner, F. F. Pleas ants, J. Y. Humphries, G. A. Taylor, W. K. Moore, C. G. Long, E. B. Rudder and J. H. Whitt. ' ' B. T. L WILKERSON DIES. On Monday evening at his home near town Mr. T. E. Wilkerson died. He had been in bad1 health for a long .time. IVr. Wilkerson was one of the best farmers in the County, though for a number of years he had not been able to give much attention to farming. His death will bring sorrow to a large number of relatives and friends. Woodsdale Post Office Robbed. On last Wednesday night yege- men visited -the postofiice at Woodsdale and bio wed the safe getting away with about-one hun dred dollars in cash and stamps. . .. They also paid a visit to Dennis- ton and made a raid on the depot at tliat place, but we Have notj heard what they found at "this nnint,: ' Tt. war thought bV'some that they were .traveling jna hand car and did not leave tne raiiroaa track, though this may be ,alto- v - getner an error. :,;y ' - ' ! . - t r v , ' ISIiss Bessie Paylor returned to 10 MAKE NEW PEACE PLANS 'I'VE JUST BEGUN TO FIGHT FOR SETTLEMENT OF WAR," DECLARES INVENTOR AS HE LEAS.SHSP. ,1 AM WILLING TO DEVOTE ALL MY MONEY TO PUTTING AN END TO . EUROPEAN STRIFE. Jan. 3. Henry Ford and Wil liam Jennings Bryan last night laid new plans for restoring peace in Europe. Reaching New York on the steamship Bergensf jord in the early morning, Mr. Pord was joined at the Waldorf last night by Mr. Bran. The latter made a hurried trip from Washington to meet the Detroit philanthropist, returning to the Capital City -at midnight. They did not discuss the na ture of their plans, but following their conference, Mrv Bryan said: "Mr. Ford had heard a report in mid-ocean tht I was going to The Hague on Tuesday. He was anxious to talk with me be fore my departure if it was true that I was going. But it is not true that I am going on Tuesday. Indeed it is not certain if I am going at all. But at all events I shall not go immediately. Learned Much On Trip. '' Earlier in the day Mr. Ford had said: "I have just begun to fight for peace. I have learned much during my trip abroad, and I am willing to make any sacri fice of time or fortune tnat will -me to do what is. possible to achieve the peace that, we all desire. I feel that these men who are falling at the rate' of 30,000 a day on the European battlefields played a large part in enabling me to accumulate the money I have got together, and I am merely a custodian of that money now to do what good I can with it In this spirit and without any attempt at self glorification or advertisement, I am ready to devote all or that money towards putting an end to the strife. "I have several new plans and it is these plans that I wish to discuss with Mr. ) B to-night. , CARRIAGES. On last Thursday morning Mr. R. M, Spencer and Miss Lizzie Yancey surprised their friends by slipping away to Lynchburg and getting married. There was no parental objection but the young couple just preferred this plan. They returned on the evening train and are at home at Mr. R. A. Spencer's, the home of the groom's father. Mr. James Foushee and Miss Lucy Whitt were married on last Thursday at "the home of the bride's father, Mr. J. T. Whitt. b. On last Thursday evening at the home of the bride's mother Mrs. J. L. Wilkerson, Mr. Xey Carver and Miss Sadie Wilker son were married. MORE BOOZE ESTABLISHMENTS BROKEN UP- On lastFriday Deputy Morris; J. F. Lifsey. H. G. Gulley and R. H, Gates went out near Helena and broke up another booze fac tory capturing. a small still of 20 gallons capacity and. quite a lot of beer. On the same trip they went aown near monau auu cut ,uF u outfit: though at neither of these places ws any r one :found who icu w mw, , - T T . Ar. and Mrs.; W. L.; Lewis, 1 Mrs;Xula Baird and daughter, t :ii;ort vofnrnpd Afondav after a - -f nf cpvpri ;n ; Oxford. l ' - - V; ) On Frio We Will UiniuiSTuiall SaE. A sale that will mean a bigger sav-, ing to this community thaa any sale that has ever been held here. It will te M THIS IIH IS BIERfSEEII The largest and best stock ofTgoods in the county will be sold at rallyreat bargaiii prices. Besides the bargains that will be offered we WILL ABSO LUTELY GIVE AWAY ! Every one who a dpllar ; at this Sale one chance for each dollar and as many chances as there are dollars spent. : V - Our Reason f orchis Salev We expect to make an extensive -; improvement in our building this sum-Jr: mer which will make it necessary for :! us to move out all or the greater ipart of :.v our stock while the remodeling isbfeing ; done. Our stock must he reduced to a ; minimum by that time. We will ther- v-1 fore close out all Winter weight OodsV Suits, Goats, Dresses, Furniture nd ' House Furnishings and all articles that , will not move quickly in Spring at ndi culously low prices. We will also offer unusual values in all other lines, 4 espe cially White Goods, Shoes,. Hosiery, : ( Underwear, Hats, etc. - Saye Ybiir Pollars and Wait for this Safe and You Will Save More Bbllas . ; f ' i j ' 1 than you ever have by buying goods cheap. At the same time you will haye : a chance to get the grand prize of ;( $200tlri. GEp-; ; Some brieis sure to get ; it. 'Tqu5, are just as aptto be the lucky one as anybody.; : : o.V t Full and detailed anhpuncement of ; offerings; and Ipribes, ;will be tmarde in next weekpaper. o foBo 14 Launch An BARGAIN 61V1UG EIIEIIT spends as much as willgjet a , c tiance at: willc'be L V';' j W atch fpr it ') r r-r- I -. 7TD ' ;" Z i Ja i eigu Da m ruay . . i. H 1