' ' . I, m " ' ) - - .' ' . ' 1 - . ' 1 ' ' : L 1- ' - - ' . - t. . ; . -k - 1 't " - , ; mw mil Noell tros., Ptoprietors v , Home First ABroa $1.00 Per , Year in Advance ROXBORO, NORTH GAROMNA, Wednesday Evening January 12, 1916 Number 2 VOE. XXXIII L-J ' ' ' - . - .- - HUABU U viUBAUUUi I YOUNG IN WAS MKEK SERVICE BUSINESS MEN mnuMb i i:liilki i u i uii uv l'uii ilii i . ' . ,v mniiiiLi ui ii mil iiii in 1 1 i ii ii . J I III! ft I Willi Ifealll i . gratifying to nbtei this rriar- of DurinL' s . . I'S I0R THEMONTH OF DECEMBER ROXBORO SOLD 1,305,574 POUNDS. It ii gratifying to nbtei :salesor December plaesj ket Vack in the neighborhood where it rightly belonfes. the konth it sold l,-305'j37i pounds, givng it seventh place inlthe State 4-U TC t h i iu umfc uiuum. n yop Kept up with the notices pubhspieil in these columns you observedlthat during te month the averagef ' ias possi bly a little more thajn I fourteen ents for; everything sfldf includ ing serkp, trash and ajl. The sales this montq. have start ed off nicely and we are glad to know that prices are prbbjably bet ter than they were during Decem ber. On yesterday therfc Were good .sales at the houses and lh smallest lot of dissatisfied seller :seen, and this of courle. a METH0IH5T EPISCOPAL CHM'rjTH TAKES OH NEW LIFE- NEW PRO':'! CHURCH, AND GENERAL PUBLIC INVITED. The outline below is general,:; not meant to be comprehensive; ASSDCIA ASSOC II DECEASED WAS SON OF PERSON COUNTY FARMER BUT LIVED IN OXFORD. J. W. Mangum, of Oxford was struck and. almost instantly ki'd i The readers will please noteJa ACCOMPLISHED III PAST FOUR MONTHS by a Southern shifting engine a ! mQYQ exhaustive outline ' v.--BEGINNING NEXT FRIDAY NIGHT IN CLUB few minutes before three o'clock funTw Kw aa; flK.S;i - BOOM. . Monday mornmg the ace-, tQ thege general themes dent occurred a short distance mental exercise will b e stiniulatl r.- 4! l-K A Lu J ..... casu ui me aisiuii uveuue uuuer-r. v ' i i 'i I nig lu yvui siuuy. uui pmxii& , jjiuuiuting tiie social, moral ana for every one who will join us in business welfare of Roxboro and our services to read seven cbap: Person Co. ters per week, reading one cliap- ; At the meting last Friday night, ter a day. Come to our prayer while the attendance was small .the services on Wednesday nights (meeting was one of great, interest, tridge. To Miss Jane Harvey ! fell the guests prize, while a bon bon dish was given Mrs. Roberts. At the close o f the afternoon a salad course followed, coffee, cake and mints were served. The Business Men's Association was organized for the purpose of we nave is due to the fact that the buyers are push ing one another for wliatlis yet to be sold. Get your tobabco in good shape, handle it. well aid) brine it to this market and von! will or r 11 Jiame satisfied with yofir jp rices. . i ; We have on hand plenty plant oed fertilizer. J. L. Garrett. pass. According to members of the train crew Mr. Mangum breathed but once or twice after being struck. The remains were taken to the Hall & Wynne un- Idertaking establishment and there prepared for burial. They were shipped to Person County today where interment will be made at the family burying grounds. Just why Mr. Mangum was in that section of the city at that time of day is one of the ques tions that will have to go unan swered as he was alone and he was never conscious after the ac cident occurred. "Honney" Mangum, as he was known to his friends, was the son of Mr. Will Mangum of Person County and was well liked by all who knew him. Durham Herald. ! J ! uriiiK bringing your Bibles with ouf; Read for next week Mitt. 844, you will in this reading cover most of Christ's Great Gallileah Ministry, the pastor will talk ,15 minutes upon some vital topics of this great period. We expect to see our mid-week service grow to 100 by Easter, and in spiritual power also. We shall tryi'Jtf vary the opening 1 or closinglex ercises occasionally. We Want to have now and then SDecial music, to hear a visiting brother speak or one of our laymen ad dress our meeting. Dr. Burton Analysis of the Gospel of Mat thew. " (I) The Birth and Infancyif Jesus. The advent of the i Mes siah in accordance with ipltt phecy, Chaps. 1-2. ,h"X i (II) Preparation j for the pulv lie wrork,.of ; Jesus.Evehts pre- '7f.'jt.!.'.'.f.iai I mg c 1 v. m the world? Our bottles are cleaned and sterilized before being refilled. If the crown has our name on t,l we bottled it. Rdrfor) Bottling Works We invite yqu to inspect our plant at any kingdom, M-4:ll: ir r r Long JBradsher & Co. We naive a good stock of Oliver Chilled, Bay ! land Farmer s i 5 I Friend Plows and cast ings. Dixie the report of the sec rotary shows, that there has been, more than thirty five thousand sheets of ad vertising matter sent out, that a great many inquiries in regard to the town and county have been re ceived, and answered. That the association has been instrumental in getting work begun on the Lee Memorial Highway; that it seems certain that in the near future Rxoboro will have new manufac turing industries. We were told by the tohacco men that the asso ciation had already been a help in the tobacco trade. Several other business men report that it has al ready been a help to their busi ness. If the Association in a short time, four months, with only a Terfetnembers has accomplish ed these thingsj,wef eel confident thrt if every business man, f of .the then sticK'vbyjtKe ofganittion that in the near future itwould do great good to the town and coun ty. We urge all men that are inter ested in the progress of the coun ty and town to join, and when you have joined then stick by the or ganization, and in a short time you will see the results. The following is the program as arranged for Next Friday nighty Jan. I5th. Meet in the Club Rooms at 7:30 P. M. sharp. J Address Our Organization W. D. Merritt. F. O. Carver. : CENSUS OF WHITE CHILDREN Below we give a census of the white children for this Coun ty, showing the enrollment and attendance in the public schools for the years 1914 and 1915. 1914 1915 2923 Census ' 2806 1802 Enrollment 2471 1235 Daily Attendance 1333 Percentage 62 Census enrolled' 88 42 Census daily at. 47 68 Enrolled daily at. 54 An increse of 1915 , over 1914 of 26 per cent, census enrolled, 5 per cent of census daily attendance, and a decrease of 14 per cent enrolled daily at tendance. J. A. Beam, Supt. THE fiLD MAN PRESENTED t WITH A JUlit ,1 V' --"5.' The Editor is undei obligations to our good friend Mr. A.'r Lip- shitz for a handsome cane, which was presented during; the;; holi days. The .donor said he did not present the cane because 'wewere '-j getting old but simply on account of our 4 'sporting" f proclivities Anyway we appreciate., the gift and herewith return our best wishes. NOTICE-SALE. ; By virtue of authority vested in ? me, I will , offer for sale . to the highest bidder for cash at , public auction at the OourkHouse' door, in Roxboro, N.,C on . . SATURDAY, JAN. 22ND 1916, at 12 o'clock M. fifty-six shares of the capital stock of the Durham Notion Co., Durham,: N. C. This Jan. 10th, 1916. . " , ':.V. . E. G. Longi ' Cashier ofPeoples Bank." 1 (III) The Ministry in. Galilee, The kingdom founded, and; is fundamental principles set for;h 4:12-18:3&. (IV) The journey through Perea to Jerusalem. Jesus con tinues the instruction of his dis ciples, especially in the latter part concerning his death, Chap ters 19-20. (V) The .closing ministry in Jerusalem, (passion week), Jesus' last offer of himself to the nation as the Messiah and his final rejection, Chapters 21-27. (VI) The Appearances of Jesus after the resurection. The triumph of the Messiah over his I Better system of Tenant Farming. MEETING OF TEACHERS ASSOCIATION. The Teachers Association will meet in Roxboro on next Satur day January 15th. It is very important for every teacher in the County to be present J. A. Beam, Supt. s Mr. and Mrs. John E. Gregory of Smithfield visited; relatives in Roxboro the first of the week. - We want to be accommodating: but you must pay your account. J. L.' Garrett. Mr. A.'M Burns spent , three days in Baltimore last week buy ing bargains for the- big sale at Harris & Burns'. , v.' -- - 3 F o r d Si enemies and the commission of the disciples to win all the na tions to him, Chapter 28. -O. W. Dowd. Thi f I ' t bias is of goods, the chances are will advance and wl believe it will be ibusiness and thl f krmers to sAiiiilv i ood will pay lay in their jtrimediate ly at the Lon: i i H old price, Moving There have been several on the move the past week, some among the residence population and some in business circles. Dr. G. C. Vickers has purchased the residence on Virginia Ave. be longing to Mr. M. C. Winstead and will move in this week, while Mr. G. A. Poole, who has been living in this residence has rent ed and moved into the cottage belonging to Mr. W. A. Ser geant on Academy Street. Mr. C. O Thomas has purchas ed from Mess. Faucette & , Loy the City- Cafe and has taken charge of same. Mr. E. L. Me- Broom has moved his electric shoe shop from the corner of Main and Reams Ave. to the basement in the Postoffice building. Mr. F. A Brown. Contributed. SOCIETY NEWS. Mrs. Wr. D. Merritt entertain ed the Friday - afternoon Rook Club and other friends at her at tractive home "Wildemer" Fri day afternoon between the hours of 3:30 and 5 o'clock. In the liv ing room and parlor where the guest assembled, the decorations consisted of bowls of narcisus and hyacinths, mingled with ferns and. potted plants. Five tables were placed for rook, and at the close of the game the prizes were awarded to Mesdames R. W. Stephens ad Nath Lunsford, both being lovely Crepe de Chine handkerchiefs. Assisted by her sister, Mrs. B. E. Love, the hos tess served a delightful three course luncheon, consisting of grapefruit, salad course coffee and wafers. : THE UNIVERSAL CRR '' You want to know what your motor car will do. The million car Ford Performance answers your question. Suplying the mo tor car needs of all classes, the Ford is operated and maintained in city or country for about two cents a mile with universal Ford Service behind it. Touring Gar $440, Runabout $390, Coupete $590, Town Car $640, Sedan $740,' i. o: b. Uetroit. Un displav . and h Roxboro, sale at Crowell AutoCo NC. c I radsher & Go Miss Breta Noell was hostess oaiuraay aueruoou wj tue ujcu r ..... . . i PROMINENT 50. CAROLINA TOBACCONIST HERE ".bers of the Sans bouci Uob and V 1 other quests, with Mrs. Clifton r mr, vjeo. n. xaruoro, one oil , , . the largest and Wst successful to- Roberts' 8 recent bride and charm bacco men of Mullins, S. C'. spent1 acquisition - Roxboro socie lt l )m. icu.fn raif;DC,!t.v, as honor-guest. -On arriving, and friends. . Mr. Yar-boro was the "e g fiy ""f rkl in tbk f!,,nnt.r nH nt l,w Elizabeth Noell, and shown to the ; 7 V feW . .... . . . -mgSr t first lessons-in the tobacco busi-. "brar'V ana par,,'r Z Tto.r ness on this market. , and his- Lillian Baird and Elizabeth, Mor- friends are glad hear of hisj' wnere I success. . " : J . . r was won by Miss bue ljong, wno . . ' 1 y J . . V . ' ! - For Serivce and the best of Fire and Life Insurance r retention '"-'SEE . jr.. 'i, " ' Cunningham & Lon Jas H. Whitt, Represenatiye 9 rxu XVlliUO VJ1 A HO UI Ull V W V Roxboro, - ANorth Carolina 1 Read you sad J Ls. Garrett's ad. and if , very, gracefully - presented ; it; to haven't paid up," do so, - 'her guest. Miss Clydev Dangh-r. ..... . -.y - . . . -1 iK i 1 1