1 3. K f 4 r'4 V. s V f, Noell Bros Proprietors Home First rpad Next 3 in Advance VOL. XXXIII ROXBORO, NQRTH XMBtlNA; Weilhekday iEvehing Jahukry26; -191. ' iNumber 4 ) ' . J. ; 5-r: ivt u sfc A- . ' - Two Weeks Lon ger Our sale will be on for about two weeks longer and during that time we are going to offer bargains you cannot afford to turn down. We have left a few coats and Goat Suits that We are going to close out, if you think you will need one this or ndkt winter, it will pay you to come and see. , OUR LINE OF SHOES IS SECOND TO NONE and for quality and prices we cannot be beat. We have cut them to the core ajnd can fit and supply the whole family EVERYTHING IN DRESS GOODS i at a bargain. Come in and let us show you. "Saving money is easier than mak ing money. MORTON & SATTERFIELDS New Stores in Post Office Building ,1P,S. BRADSHEB TAKES EXGEPTIO li ffillOTOFTSIS 7r SELECTED ' ' iMTd 0.1DS 'nfc: '"wfe,- Wa- "aid tme it to tb' P Hth I1FWT all the tosses th&a week arid at' no ' one. sister, MrW; T) Slaughter; . An editorial appearing in te Qf orthCafoIina Agricuitoal Person County Courier of JaVU: ! Society. " ' ' 19th, in which the editor takes oc 1 ; ' i - - t t u KfJJ Kaleigh, Jan. ; 20 Leonard casion to criticise the Daughters1 - x i - .1r" u r i j , 4; iuftSj of rinehurst, was elected of the Confederacy because the y kJ ... -'r? DroDose to erect an Arch at lher " w -ww Vu,wm X A A-. I Ths original cost no more than an ' Vr. imitation v- Get ifein ibottles i Jackson lraining bchool was no .1.. .''i-i. - . i i-i-- t tLL-? (iouoi a surprise w ine uauguusrs and to all who were familiar with their work. In the first part 6fT the article the statement is made that the "Daughters of the Cop federacy" are to erect an Arch t the Jackson Training School io cost S1000.00, and then the editqp takes occasion to state that to hSk.. way of thinking "these daugh ters" would do better to take thjs money and use it in a different way, and he further states that lie believes in monuments but in tfe living monument. ' Now, for the information of the editor of the Courier and any ott er who 9 re of his opinion atten tion is respectfully called to arte- cle II of the constitution of ths organization, in which it is plains ly stated and set forth that the, work of erecting monuments and lurches and to seek to honor ,the memcry of those who fell in, the service of the Confederate States is a part of their great work and so in erecting this; Arch at the Jackson Training School they arej only acting in obecience to :'thf demands of the Constitution. ;iisi State Agricultural ' Society it a' 'nieetirig here-today, of. ihe board oi,uirecurs oi me .organization; Mrr Tufts was elected, t6 . the po sition inr place of J. S. iHill of Durham, who declined to serve after his election last fall. ' ' ' t; Col: J. E. Pogue, . secretary of j the North. Carolina Fairp: recom mended, that the : executive com mittee be "authorized to Negotiate a bond issue for the, purpose of making' improvements coptem plated consist of a new exhibi tion building and, trie- construc tion ; of " better facilities for the accommodation of the : visiting pubjic. time during the tobacco : year hss a wife besides iVgood ; nua- The Friday afternoon -club met wno tne.eaitor meant, ferric wiW m tttt Gall for it by name Coca-Cola and see that you get the genuine. Our name on te crown insures you that it is good. Roiboro Bottling Works 1 We have a Sanitary plant, open at all times for your inspection. prices been so good. : This istu-e1 of all grades; - and ".the; averages have bee. very, satisfactory ' at all of the , heusesV-.; Contrary - to the unutual run of things sfnce'Vthe" holilaysjthe f; prices -have' ; been moving up almost every day until nbvv prices , are v enimently ? satis- f HYCO ; HEflMES - $17.00; J ; 1 One Jduydast week :: the H.co averaged $17-OoVfoi ;evbry pi(e of. tobacco ohthe floor, this included her of ;. friends and, relatives in Person;Countyio jnourn his de-' parture'.He was born and "rear ed ;in; Person County but , hr.d been iwayjfor i24: years., Ho moved to Pitt County .and;-' lived for some years and; then moved to Wilson ;N0.':, where .te re- mained" until V his death, i His ' j ' ). body ,was laid; to.; rest : in the cemetery,' at ; Wilson, beside his brother,' T.;H fi&texJ;wo pre- fceededhinu-Heprofessed faith in unnst lit tne ageoi i - ana trash, 'tips and everything: This joined .Grassy; . Creek . church of; - was norpicked'saleuivas'on tGrdhville; County until he.moyed Fannie ClarW abou4Q years age. He was, the son of 'Mr. r . s- . sociETl news: ; . Dr.rand ilrs.'.B. R. , Long in a most delightful manner enter tained the Bridge Club -Tuesday night from eight-V, eleven o' clock. . The home was attractive for-the occasion with a quantity of fragrant white? hyacinths and other potted plants" After play ing auction until a late hour the hostess served a salad ' course with salted huts., ,..7. ' , ' ,On; Dec.23, 4915,5 thai cold. Hesten ; ';::rviAv.:v r hand of death ' ' laid hold 'of -ari'd.t May the'tord blessand' corn claimed forjts;. own :,tbe sweet ' f ort hisdear; ife.: apd loved pirirof-MrVw;- Q; Hester oiZ. Ldiig, Bradsher & Go. W$ hae a good stock of Oliver Chilled, Bay and Farmers Plows and cast Dixie ing. This class of goods, the i chdh6es are will advance j and wBbelieve it will be i good business and will i pay the farmers to lym their su ly at the pp'y old immediate- price, Is suipik)sea 'that reference was made to the honorable 6ganzat tion of "The North Carolina Di vision of .the United Daughters of the Confederacy". It h is but fit ting to say that it is composed of some of . the brightest, brainiest and most cultured women of our South land, and wherever they put a plan into execution it is us ually one which they have given their besr thought and considera tion, and one that should be com mended and not criticised. If any one will take the pains to in vestigate j ust what work z the Daughters are doing it will be found that they assist in various causes, perhaps it is knowii to very few that the .North Carolina Chapters are educating several young ladies' at the Normal and Industrial College in Greensboro, as soon as one is graduated anoth er is placed there in her stead and in this way the -work is -made continuous, the Daughters , make this possible by voluntary contri butions from the members, and it may not be out of place to state in this connection that the. Person County Chapter pays annually its proportional part and is helping in this -way to give education to these descendats of Confederate Veterans who could not receive a college - education in any other way. They also do a great deal of good in their local work in pre senting crosses to the soldier's giving'aid to families of veterans who are dead, and observing, me mo rial day May 10 th, and Jeffer, son Pa vis Birthday June 3rd, as "Confederate Veteran Day,7.' these 'are great days for the old soldier, and the Daughters serve sumptuous dinners on these ' days and thus at least once a year they meet and enjoy a real live reunion and who has made this possible save the Daughters? These things if you please are some of your living monuments ana oe as- su red that the Daughters are do ' t onAcdemy ; Street llrsfJogli Wmstead was the winner of the club' prize, while the guests tro phy was won by Mrs. H. 5 Mor ton. 'At th close of the after noon a three dourse luncheon was served. :,y: . AUTOS OR Wtf ar.e glad to know that the Freeland Motor Company has de cided to put on .some automobile lor hire,' and you will be able to secure the services of a machine any time you want one. This has been something the town hasne'ed ed for some time, for it has been impossible to secure such service anything like regularly. Now if you want to go any where quick it will only be necessary to call up the Freeland Motor Co. and you will be accommodated. V Long, Bradsher & Co. f...f' v ' . ' 'A V ' V J - " i dtff'f M .' , f "J , J ' ..-- White Goods Sale. The annual white good sale at the store of Mr. A. Lipshitz vhas become a matter of more than or dinary interest to the ladies of this town and County. Yearly Mr. Lipshitz makes avisitto the north ern markets and spend about two weeks in making purchases for this sale; and the ladies know that when he puts on a sale that; there is something doing. This is.a money-saver and it will pay you to call and see the many . beautiful things he is showing and showing at such wonderful low prices. This sale he assures lis far surpasses anything of the kind ever offered by him. ,h . - ONION SERVICES: ! . r : " On Sunday night' there-i will be Union Services.; at the Methodist church, Rev. D. F. Putnam preach ing the sermon. There will be spe cial music by thejchoirs i of all bf the churches.vTh public is cordi ally invited to-,attend, this seivice. We understand thisls to.be a per: manent arrarigement;-theiservices' .rotating from. oney church ;to the other every fifth Sunday. ' -i Been stayed to js patrohs. J hou sands of dollars worth 6f jg5odi hdve been sold at extremely low prices; many of them at less than wholesale cost. i -J ; r ; We will offer a new loj: of. materials, this . week bou ght ; es-;; pecially for this sale; We will alsomake further price reduce tions on lots that have not mov ed out quickly. So on Friday and Saturday Of this week you yyill; find some of the best bargains' that we haye offered. : The sale will continue until Saturday, Feb. 12th. f JVe made, this a lehgthly sale so that every; one would have a chance to at-, tend and' get their share, of the low priced goods that we offer.; Alsofthat those who owed us might have time to get the money together income andpay; i.s: and get their share of chahces V at the Grand Prize of $200.00 in cash; Remember . that for every dollar spent, with PAID O AGGOTiJNT you are given - achahce at this prize. Yours for more :busih'ess, ing much work of this kind,7 but ' A Cird bf Thanks. V ''' 1 it is also a part of their: work to - Wo wish to thank' .'our .mends: erect monuments to the : dead, toland neighbors fortheirkmdness honorthosewho fell whiB:orfthe- es shown us during the sicknes battle-fieidvrhoihaesince -4 .r, .sr. ? ' ! 1' 9 - a.'r' 5?. 0 --" - "Roxboro's Best Store'? i r ii h it - i 3CU 18 worn. be remembered 'by us.tMrs. A. ' ' (Continued cn Pa-e 4) - j -Vt Clr.vtm rnd chiHrcn. " 1 ' ' '