Noell Bros., Proprietors VOL. XXXIII ! Hdme irsf! iibr64ext 7 $1;00 Year iii "Advance ROXBORQ, NORTH CAROLINA,, , Wednesday Evening March 1, 1916 Number 12; .3. Try An 'Ariierican Lady ' . i i . Did it ever occur to you the great effect a cor set has Ion the appearance of a dress. Try an Amer ican Lady Corset and learn the advantages. There is a. style for every figure, j Find it at MORTON New Stores in Post Each 5c bottle-of COCA-COLA in purity and real refreshing satisfaction, re presents a value that is not excell ed by vany dtlier drink on the market.. . - is a pleasure to drink, -'xl refreshing arid INVIGORATING quality. is made from the most careful ly selected materials, and has been sold to the public for more than 27 years. Bottled by ROXBORO BOT TLING WORKS, in clean sani tary bottles. The crown has our name on it. See that you get the genuine and refuse substitutes. TO We want to be your HEADQUARTERS for HARDWARE AND TO DO THIS WE HAVE PUT SPECIAL EFFORT AND STRESS "ON BUYING OUR SPRING STOCK NOW HAVE AS GOOD AS CAN BE HAD-AND WE WANT YOUR . & Goiiipapyo ; j & SATTERF1ELDS Office Building D because of its X WE slier I 1L I BP I AND BUSINESS PERSON CBUMTY1G IICEIE PRIZES tO BE Iflllp SON COUNTY SCiiiP AT THE COUNTY (NOTENCUEKT TftBElHEU; t ROXBORO , NORTH CABBLiNA, fKfllH . MARCH, 24TH; 1916. J OPEN TO ALL SCHOOLS.; 1. Best appearance in parade. 2. 100 per cent of attendance in parade. 3. School ranking highest . in the A 1 Class. Lv 4. Best exhibits of writing from each grade Three ipecf mens from each grade suficteritZ 5. Best written spellingfe son not more than ten wfecls from one of the first tfiree grades. 6. Best exhibit of seat worjc from primary grades, to not? in v Citide more than two of each kind. specimens 7. Best map of United States. 8. Best map of lrth Garo Una. , 9. Best map of Person Couri- ty. I;:? 10. Best essay on Agricultural Condition in Person County; V 11. Best doll, dress by .child under twelve years dld lsta)i$l 2nd prizes. . i " 12. Best hand-made aproif'tl)y girl over twelve years of ag.' .13. Best specimen ofTatung, 14. :Best specimen of unusual labor. 15. Best Speller. 1 16. Best Declamation. ; 17. Best Story-telling. 18. Best Singing. 19. Best Four Egg Cake. 20. Best Lemon Custard. 21. Best Chocolate Fudge. 22. Best Sea Foam. 23. Best Taffy. 24. Best Ax Helve, box or basket. 25, Best Industrial map. 26. Best loaf of bread. 21. Best Composition. 28. Best Copying. 29. Best Letter from beginners. 30 Best all-round exhibit. ATHLETIC CONTEST. Open to those boys of ;he Per son County Public Schools, who have been in continuous attend ance for at least one third of the current .year. , EVENTS , 100 yard dash; standing high jump; running nigher jumps; standing broad jumps; putting the 12-pound shot. All events are to be contested undeV Spald: ing's Official Athletic Rules. Any school investing the fol lowing conditions is classed as A-l: 1. A pointed. School. 2. An enrollment of 90 per cent of Census. 3. An average attendance of 75 per cent of your enrollment. 4. Observance of two or more special days. 5. Two or more parent's in vitings or debates during the year. 6. Special funds of not less than ten dollars must be raised. 7. Some improvements of buildings and grounds. 8. Pupils enrolled in Corn Clubs or Tomato Clubs. 9. A library ordered or in use. 10. An exhibit of County Com mencement. ; Other prizes will be offered, also Blue Ribbon and Seals. Mesdames Sallie 'Morris, ,Lula Baird and P.-T. Freeland were Oxford visitors- Monday. - ' - ' CRESS TO VOTE I AMERICANS OFF CANNOT PROCEED WITH SOB T DISSENSION IN BODY ADMINISTRATION LEADERS SURE OUTCOME WILL BE VOTE OF CONFIDENCE IN EXECU TIVE. COURSE DECIDED ON AFTER CABINET MEETIN6 AND AFTER WEEK OF QUIET AT CAPITOL v Yrashington, Feb. 29. Presi dent Wilson decided today that he cannot proceed with the GcTman submarine negotiations while dis sension in Congress weakens his position before the world, 'so he called for a showdown on the pend ing proposals to warn Americans off merchant ships of the Euro pean belligerents armed for de fense. . . Making clear that he "considers the Piesident, and not Congress charged with the conduct of for eign relations of the United States, he" wrote a letter to Representa tive Pou, acting chairman of the HStise rules committee, asking lnn; ' to provide parliamentary meanscfor bringing the agitation oul into the open on the floor of liVHouse for full discussion an4 Hvbte. Later he summoned! Sena to affairs committees and' Senatdf Kern, majority leaderin the Sen ate, for a conference at the White House tomorrow morning at which he will request that one of the various pending resolutions be act ed upon in both Houses. Administration leaders,, work ing steadily for the last week strengthening their lines and counting on the support of the Re- l publicans, now are so sure of their position that they phm to end all agitation with a vote of confidence in the President. REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION. The Republican County Con vention was held in Roxboro last Saturday afternoon in the court house. A good crowd was in at tendance when the meeting was called to order by Chairman J. T. Woody, R. N. Featherstone was made secretary. The business of naming delegates to the District convention, which met in Greens boro Tuesday, and also '.naming, delegated for Jie State Conven tion being held in Raleigh today, was taken up and the following were named: Messrs. J. C. Pass, A. P. Clayton, W. D. Merritt, H. J. Whitt, T. A. Noell, and Tom Woody. Most of the dele gates left the rst of the week to attend these conventions. Charley Chaplin Pleases Them. On last Friday night the Prin cess Theatre Management an nounced that once each week pictures featuring dharley Chap-, lin, the great movie comedian, would be shown at this theatre, nnrt tbA first nicture was shown Friday night to the largest crowd of the season. - This was the first time Chaplin had teen shown in Roxboro, and the pak rons were evidently well pleased. with him, judging from the roar; of laughter during the entire two reels. I The pictures being shown ev ery day at the Princess are : of , ON RESOLUTIONS OH 1 SHIPS' i MARINE NEGO IATI0NS WITH the.yery best and the people are- iV ...MjiMfmn S'Vktr.' snowing uieir pic j large attendance practically. ev: COL CUNNINGHAM GETS PROMOTION. The following dispatch from Washington will be of much inter est to the friends of CoL Jm. S. Cunningham, who for the past few years has held the position as Crop Reporter, has been promot ed to much higher position, ow ing to the great credit which he has filled .the former: , Washington, Feb. 23. M. L. Holloway, of, Greensboro, has been awarded the contract for the construction of the Surgeons' and attendants' quarters and morgue at Key West, Florida. The build ings are to cot $22,120. Representative Godwin has in troduced a bill appropriating $850,000 to improve the Fort Johnson premises at Fouthport and turn the property into a na tional park. - Frank Parker, of Raleigh, has' been appointed crop reporter for he state of North Carolina. Mr. Parker will succeed Col. John S, Cunningham, of Durham who has held the position for a number of i years. Col. Cunningham is assigned to more important tasks. n n u -a . 1 ,t Col. Cunningham is said to have filled the position with greater credit than any of his predecessors The, lumber and material is being placed on the ground for S. C, bpeht several days in town building a parsonage for the last week visiting relrtives and -Methodist Church.Tje buiW- friends. He was raised. Jiere, ing will occupy the vacant4jot moving ,td Florence several years just NortJtof the Ghorch m ago Main StrMi &Wvtihirhas prospered ; m y - - i i p m 1 ' . 1,1 r u 'v; : . - v -r- . '? T'''' rl- fas We have finished taking inventory and have placed on our bargain counters all remnants of dry goods, odd lots of shoes, notions and novelties and marked them at the lowest prices yet seen. We are ' doing to clean up everything , of this kind if low prices will do it. & when it paid better to take advantage of such offerings. Come in and let us show you. You will be sure to find something that you t need and you to buy. i .. : We have lots of new spring goods that have recently been received; aiid they are all on sale less of the tact that advanced and are merchandise; IT WILL . , ; p TEN GH;.:o..utis. Lastunday night' Rev1.' JD. F. V Putnam, pastor of fhe Baptist . ' Church, began a series of sermons on the Ten Commandments, tak ing for his first study the first commandment. These services promise to be very interesting and ? helpful and the public is cordially , invited to attend. This series of " sermons will be given at the night , , service, T:30 o'clock. ' ' ; TO WHOM IT MAY GONCERK. In regard to my brother Willie f Davis going to the County Hom& ;l I ,wi-h to make the following state- ment: , We had some mone.V left " ij us from our mother's estate lie spent his part and I frave help ed him myself. In his sickness 1; have tried to get a place for him, and pay for it myself, but I coalite not get any one to- care for him, and I am boarding and looking; for a yisit from the stork, and; have no place ' for him. He has ; some insurance I have been pay- insr on and I guaranteed his ex- ' inniAn 4-y- n n it r in nA nrAii 11 layA . r , . mt J , , t,' for him The public can now real- ,, . . . JT v , , ize my position, and I truly hope . no one will think hard of me. AT R. Davis. Mr. James Terry of Florence, Off aaopxea nome. that it will pay ' at old prices regard.; pricey have recently V soaring on this -clafis.jof v -: j !' PA YOU: l: f t. . If IJ i ) if t- 1 f.i 1 it 'j. 4 . J . i. 'ery night - f r - ; : i,f V - . 1 4 r a

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