- ' A' H -12C brings appmcss SIMPLE HEHEDT PB09CTFS T Li Y tVEB COKING TENDENCY TO GEUhrild'. Advancing years iir, ii tir hc tion of the vital org m . Oki ajrf should be the perio I f twitst happiness, but good n ; ;li is nec essary. Constipation h(Miid not he tolerated it is often the direct cause of ill health. Headache, belch inv. V.J, w It fv . SCHOOL TEACHER Wards off Nervous Break Dow . Alburtis, Pa. " I am a teacher in the public schools and I got into a very ner vous run-down condition I could not sleep and had 'no appetite. I was tired all the time. My sister asked me to try Vinol. I did so, and within a week my ap-" petite 1 improved and I could sleep all night and now I feel well and strong." Rosa M. Keller, Alburtis, Pa. ' - We guarantee Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonicrfor all weakened run-down conditions and for chronic coughs, colds and bronchitis. bold b.r Hambrick & Austin . : FlEHil SERVICES HELD AT f.!.LE?'S?iLLF. Sirs. Lucy Slaughter was a wo man of high chartustt'r.- The funeral services ovt'rtju' - mains of Mrs. Lie? Slan'yhi.v, v-N conducted by EMer ,1. M. Peed of Surl, N. C. From Aliensville churl-li the 1'aui bearers were: E. G. Adcock, bloat, drowsiness al't.-r raii.ii!" and other symptoms of, I'onstiu.tiion can be readily relies rj lv tl). us of a simple laxatt compound sold in drugstores ut.d m bourne jL of Di. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. mr. j. h. Bristol Mr. J. H. Bristol, It! u-ddes natura!v willl,nit rip;n5r or othftr Ave., Ann Arbor, Midi., .who is nrtin m. Hi..,..w, v. v...., 83 years old, says 'Ir. U.Mwdl's quarter of a rent-rv it has be-J- Gentry, Walk ins Gentry, oyrup repbinis .oui.n tie stond-.rd !,...,schold n-n.o.h is, j " ilock, J.,hn Puiinmi and,; Ieverusedforcoui.aj Mi :;.d 1 thouauds ui uome,. Orudis, cm- v'- iiipoit. always have a bottle of it m the erywhere sell it for fiftv cent Th death of Mrs. Slaughter re house to use when I 1e,i the need bottle. A U iui bottle of Dr. Cu..- -'ved from Un, soctiou a womai. of it; it never disappoints we,g 8vruj) pepsi ( hr uf extra-ordinary character and a Dr. Caldwell's S.vru,. i'epsm is ed, free of charge, t)V xrritin.r to W nnd useful Jife. She issurviv a mild laxative prepar. lion, posi- Dr VV. B. C ilduvll, 454 Whm,- 'h' three sons and u o da .h tive in its effect, acting ecs.l.v and inton St MoniiIIo, Illinois ! the sons are Mr. C. C. Siaijh- u-r of Orangeburg, S. U., Mr. R. G. Shiughler of Roxboro, roulc 4 card cf miia. an mm si:?j. We take this method (o express' A few days ago a very fine our sincere thanks to o,u kind milch cow In-lonoLo- and Mr. G. Slaughterf of Brooks ale. The daughters ai-a Mr VV 1 . ! - 'J A. 'A. I Oi 1 . friends and neighbors ,mst.,r Walkor, r M,i, ,,!,,, dd which ! T i ""vT- ' A Rev. C. K. R,ss, d ,,,r most caused tln l,!lo'.. iny unusual am! ! " 7 T' S'C- faithful physician IT. .V. A. 'mysterious storv U be told con-! "' f If 0h Bradsher, who so kindly -.iMod ceminy he,-. It is allied by Mr. I ' i"'" f m0n.tl,S 18 ,!i-vs i 1 . A nrecious odo f us during the sickness and death Walker, that the con- was Wm of our dear father and uncle. You sick during last sin. mer showing' irone, ji voice ve loved is stilled. mav rest assured ih.t. x .... , I inH 0,,. , . . 1 M'e :s vacf.nMn our ho :ie th. t . vm u spa.siinxiic nature, , , i fiii i ness will over be remeinb -,vJ b.v especially evident while beinr ' , :, us -Ruth Garrett ana Minnie milked. As the cow was standing' ,7 , !, "' '' f .WfdoB1 ''aS reCil"- fV .V!ll ,1 1 11 11 1 uiiihfti sue wo i in snriiipn v - , . . .4. . i and though the bodr ' slumbers start running and would run for , ,. - Mum'K,s nuitP q , iQfRrp iw.f .... : h the soul ,s safe ,n lieaven.--quite a oistance before (stopping. ! T , i, ., You occasionally s,e it stated ZJ " , , Kri . , . . . . decided to in vestiatft the tJ Rank Foolishness. .1.111 mat colds do not result from cold " , , , . i nn. f nM - .. ,. , cc ji uuvuimg con a o ascertain- w weather. Thatisnuik foo harness. j i - , .. , , M1" n r i x . Wprpirtmo nu u . edwhich W Mild throw, light on Dnifts feel best when we are Were it true colaa would le as 4.1 , . , . j ... , nwVQ. .nt . -A . , fche strange conduct of the row . ,im and Inspiring, just when they prevalent in mid&ttumier as in mid- v. . . . I . .1 , . ,T winter Ti,Am,vjtt " when Ilvln the result beiiiir a rnost dangerous and the result ST: flcmi r t j CaU5f! occasia snake about the size of , ieurlgia, Stiff Neck, Soib Mus- coias nourishes a damp, co d n k , , , ' weather. To get rid of , ,',;d take T"' T ,fTJ l1 in an m '" mt'm n attack of rtx.. . , . , . . intestine, the body of thft siiki Rheumatism. In such cases annlr villain oeria in s uougn Ketuei v. It . n T. . -.- is effectual and is i.hlv 10 Precondition, and judg- s Lmiment. It stimu'.s mende.1 by people who I,, ... used 10g 18 perfct state of c"7'! nd painful it formanv veaias oe,a,io re- .vas supposed that it !-t The blood flows freely and quired, and know its'iv.i value iad h;ed thfre ite a num- " a ..short t, me the stiffness and Obtainnblp Pvprrwho... ' r f months alld when the cow ,' 'oaves,. Those suffering from died that the snake died also. Gen. Thomas Person. It may be of interest to the people of Person County to know Neuralgia or Neuralgic Headache will find one or two applications When to Take Chamberlain's nf ioan's Liniment will give grat Tablets. i fu! re,ief The agonizing pain gives Whpn vnn faal ,jii j ' L0 a tmmg sensatnn of r v AVi. whom the county was nampH after eating. was one of the largest land own- ' When constipated or bilious ; ers m the btate, owning- 83,000 acres. He was appointed briga dier geueral by the state Con gress and was the founder of the State University. Persia Hall at Chapel Hill bears his ,-ame. Colds Quickly Relieved. Many people cough and cough . from the beginning of Fall right " through to Spring. Others get nfA aftew n.A rT..l, T t- . ,wiu ui uci wiu. xaue 11. Iving S " New Discovery and you -u ill get almost immediate relief, it check; your cold, stops the racking, rasp ing, tissue-tearing cough, heals the inflammation, soother die raw tubes. Easy to take, Antiseptic -and Healing. Get a 50c. battle of Dr. King's New TKc . rp)T ancj t-Dnrk it in fl,r. 1 ... ,. , ir jnnj-n-.. x L- 1 , Cei - tainly a great medicine -md f keep a bottle of it contiimall;, u.4 JK.i)Cl" writes Vv . C. Jesseman, Vvnnia, . . H; Money back if rui ...islied ' ,t)ut it nearly always helps." When you have a sick headaclu . When you have a sour stomach. When you belch after eating. When you have indigestion. When nervous or despondent. comfort and warmth and quiet rsst and sleep is possible. Good for Teuritis too. Price 25c. at your Druggist. Expert Says Ga(ine and Bcnzino .Vapor is an invisible and Pt'w rifui Uedk;i Agent. A lai-feo liuiut'tr of lives wer lost by Ui exyloiioE of a 2C0-uarrel tank cti.r of u60.ine near the Santa Fe freight cifiecs in Arilmor e, Okla. Ac curring in the afternoon of Septeiaabftr 27, the explosion shook down many buildings and threw burning gasoline in every direction.. By 6:30 p. m. the fires were under control. The prop erty, damage is estimated at $500,000: It was necessary to place the city un der martial law, owing to the excite meat caused. A spark4rom & hammer is said to have caused the explosion, as two workmen were repairing the leaking tan: car. Both were killed. "It i safer to handle dynamite than it is to keep gasoline or benzine in a dwellinghcuse or factory," said C. Al bert Gaseer, chief of the Bureau of Combustibles of Newark, N. J., in Safe ty Engineering for August. These in- flasim&ble fluids are equally danger ous, wherever handled or stored, un less handled properly. "The vapor of benzine and gasoline is not visible ordinarily, and herein lies the danger," Captain Gasser added: "If it were a cloud of dust you could see it and get out of the way ; but it is a part of the very atmosphere arid you cannot see it Depend upon it, however, the va por is all about you, a danger which threatens death, although an invisible agent." Charles E. Worthington, of Boston, discussing the dangers of gasoline, in Safety Engineering for September, ob served: "It is in the 'migrating qual ity that the greatest hazard of gaso line or naphtha lies. Most explosives require fire to be brought to them, but naphtha searches out the fire. It will run in a stream alont the rround. fnl low dWn a stairway, seek out a crack in a floor at a considerable distance, and finding the fire flash it back until It reaches the point where the mixture of air and vapor is explosive (that point always exists somewhere) and ignite the vapor upon the surface (the equivalent of ignitiig the material). Instances are Trrr mvmerous of this ecurriig at distaiees exceding 50 feet, in saaay cases apprexiaiatiag 2fi0 fett, aid as concerns those unctr 50 feet, .almost innumerable." Owing to the characteristic of raso- llne vapor just meationed, it may be that the Ardmore eiplosioa wasi oaui ed by the striking of a match, or by a flame from some other caused some distance from the tank ear. The prin eipal comment at the moment is that gasoline is as dangerous as dynamite, under, certain conditions.-Minnl Bui letin. '3m i GOUfON FOR i MtJ t 1 191... Date. C . I ARLOTTE OBSERVER vCharlotte, N. C. , Find enclosed $ , for which send THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, Daily and Sunday by mail to the undersigned for...... : months BARGAIN RATE Name St. or R. F. D Town.. ' DAILY DAILY AND ONLY SUNDAY 3 Months $1.25 $1.50 6Morths 2.50 3.00 1 Year x 5.00 6.00 Remit by check or Postal Order. Money gets lost in the mails. Orders accepted under this special -rate only during Special Bargain Period. A FEW HINTS FOE BUSI NESS HOUSES Low Round-Trip Fares -VIA- SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of the South $26.75 Durham, N. C. to New Orleans, La., and return, account Mardi Cras Celebration March 2nd to 7th, 1916. Tickets on sale Feb. 38th to March 6th, , inclusive with final limit March 27th. Stop-overs permitted on either going or return trip, or both. 22.80 Durham, IS. ( to Pensacola,; Fla. and return, account Mardi Cras Celebration March 2nd to 7th, 1916. Tickets cn sale Feb. 28th to March 6th, inclusive with fin al limit March 17th. Stop-overs permitted. Low Round trip fares from all other points on all other points on same basis.. ?or further information, Pullman reservations, tc, call on any Southern Railway Agent, or vrite The recent census of Charlotte gives the city a population of HH When yiu have no relisli for Wlt"m the corPorate limits of your meals. j When your liver is torpid. Obtainable everywhere. The price for escallops has In-, n high this season. Morehead City has shipped l0,00u gallons to north ern markets. the city. How to Prevent Croup. When the child is subject to at tacks of crou;, see to it that he eats a light evening meal, as an overloaded stomach may bring on an attack, s.l.so walch for the nisi symptom -hodr.se ness, and give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy us soon as the child becomes hoarse Obtainable everywhere. ANNOUNCEMj'T! -rl!h! Vei!o Person County: burgh, is a candidate for clmnluiii Rev..T(,s.L. Alexnnder, a North Oarolmiitii, who is nw in Pitts Sign of Good Digestion. When you see a cheerful and happy- (dd lady you mav know- that she has good digestion. If your digestion is impaired or if you do not relish your meals take a dose of Chamberlain's Tablets. They strengthen the stomach, im prove the digestion and cause a gentle movement of the bowels. Obtainable every where. North Carolina wHI have twelu more boys at Annapolis because of the bill recently pastil by Congress. -T arm a : J .. i. f aiJuiuai,e 1 or in e ! omiiia tion for ,'Stiite.jSetitttor for i V rson ;and Granville Counties, subject to l?e Democratic' Primaries. '-V - ' Kespectfuily. in the navy. For Your Child s Cough. If your child -has a cold Hoxbdro, N. C. Feb. 22, 1916. F I Tfli'lvFR 1 c;a,' noe - U or coughs, much get n-small To The Voters of Pfero a County shall be a candidate , in the primary to be held in June for the v Democratic'; nominate n for the House of - Representau ves of NorthXarolnia.. l , Respectfully, ' , C. A. 13 A r,Ti, ' .opdc:ak,.va bottle of Dr. Jill's Pine-TRr-Hn,i ey. Its a pleasant Pi iie-Tar-Hony syrup, just whiitcUifuren like arid just the medieimi to soothe the cough and check the cold. After taking, children, stop fretting', sleep good arid are loon entirely well. Insist on Dr. Hell's Pine ,Ta Honey. 2;)c. at your Drug- An Ideal Spring Laxative. A good "and-time tried reined v is Dr,KHigsNew Life Pills. The fi t losf will move t' sluggish bo n fix, .stim date liver and clear the system of waste and lood impurities. You owe it to yourself to clear , the s st in of body poisons, accutrulated during the winter. Dr. Kin-' New Life Pills will do it. 25c. at your Drug gist. 1 1. Have you taken due precaution for the handling of gasoline, naphtha, punpowder, explosives and dangeroui oils? 2. Do not alloyr an open flame for lighting in the barcment. which may set fire to combustible material 01 may ignite gas. 3. Have you' provided a metal rt- ceptacle for rubbish and do you sm that it is emptied each day. 4. Have you provided reliable chemical extinsruiskers and water pails? 5. Do not allow waste paper,. ex celsior, packing boxes, etcetera, in your .basement. 6. Examine your furnace or stove reeularly to ascertain if it be safe and if the surrounding woodwork b6 pro tected therefrom. 7. Have you provided a metal can cor ashe3? 8. Do you realize that in lessen ing the fire waste you lessen your in jurance taxation, also your taxation! for public fire protection? I wish . also to appeal to you for jrour individual help and thereby re duce, if possible, this great loss of property and also the loss of a great many lives in our province. O.F. YORK, T. P. A. Raleigh, N. G. The Farmers Hardware Gombanv want to sell you your axes and maddclcs. We have a big shipment just received. Look atour window for display of axes and matocks. We also carry a full line of Hardware. Hardware for the Home & Farm Farmers -'Hdwe' Go. We will allow $4.00 per bbl for corn Bt once MATCHES. AT? of -:- iThfre i more Catarrh in thin section of th tMitnurj- ti.au ail wther dieeafr put tiether u3 Vul the last few jeara was atipposed t'0 Ur p.ivnu;icetf it a local disease and prescribed Iwai icmmicf, uu wimwuu I minis to euie wit' Kcal treatment, pronounced It luinii-nhiu ui aat'OT.n Catarrh. t be a coustiiui ud therefore require coustitutiouil tr-f-Mi,r Cjai's Ca trrh r Cure,4 mum fa ctur4 by f j ihtney k Co.. Toledo. Ohio, is the only Constitw tiwal t'Hre on t!ie markr t. It Is tken l.riialiV M tlows from 10 drora to a teaspoonfnl u Th M-eptlr om the blood aid . mtieona anrfarv. V v!tfin. Theyffr on hnmlrod &vir f ' llJcVTl Vs flla l CUr" a'ei,d fr elrci,1 :'ii.Mrw: I J. CHEXST CO.v Toledo. -f ' ' " rt - ' ' TaaJljr I'ilJa fvr' eonsiipuytt. - 1. Matches, for instance, are ne cessary as well as useful, but care- essly handled cause much trouble and destruction. Children should nev er be allowed to play with matches. 2. Matches should not be kept so that mice and rats can gnaw at them until they become ignited, but should be kept in a securely covered tin box. 3. Careless smokers lighting mat ches and thoughtlessly throwing them n carpet, clothing or rubbish cause fires which can fe greatly reduced by vsing a little care.; CERTAINLY RIGHT. A disaster which caused the blowing up of a hotel is Macdun, Eask., and the loss of ten lives, has caused Jlr Commissioner R. J. MeLean of j thf province to ? go strongly, on record Against the installation of any gase line or acetyleme plants in the base ments of buildings, but" to point; out that they should be located in struc tures outside f the main buildings. : ( '''aBSSBSBaBjaSBMaiMMSBBl For Serivce and the best of Fire artd Life iction SEE :':'v Insurance Prote i Lunmh 3 . f ? ha Jas. H. Whitt, Represenative . All Kinds of Insurance, Roxboro, North Carolina