ISPIW ' i''" V r, (inn's - i' 4; . iX, f Jt . ' A. H , ' " 4 i7i i i , II. r i v.-vi i i i v- I I I : 1 III I-1 I- 'V' -a I !- I I1 P f. i trw ill i i i i I--- ill i-", i irv- -t.V i 1 3 . f--r-.- Noell Bros., Proprietors Home Fjrsjroal $1.00 Per Yem Advance VOL. XXXIII lOhlLliSSIOilEBS III SESSiOt) '''.-. Ji Niimber;i7 is the Day In the beginning of each season there is usually some day mid season that is looked forward to as a time to have ready your glad togs, this time it is EASTER. A new Dress, a new Suit, a new Hat means more on this one day than on any other one day in the season. Are you read'? If you are not it will not be our fault. We are receiving daily new and snappy things in Ready-To-Wear and we ire ready for you at all times. Ready-to-Wear Dresses from $1.00 to 25.00 Goat Suits 44 10.00 to 30.00 Sport Coats 6t 6.50 to 15.00 You will always find here the most up-to-date goods and merchandise of quality. MORTON & SATTERFIELDS New Stores in Post Office Building REVIVAL AT THE .-fa oods I; GHURGI .VJM Rev. Mr. Davis Doing Preaching Large And ; AK,or Flat River Township. Session Monday- Tax Assessors ; Appointed tentive Crowds Twice Dai the The revival services at Methodist Church, which begart last w eanesaay evening, nas oee meeting with much success. Them are services twice daily, at and 7:30 p. m. At each service- there are large crowds, in fact th building would not accommodate the neo Die on Sunday nierht. lii Rev. Mr. Davis is a profou thinker, an earnest worker antf the town will be much the richfeiv spiritually for his coming. ; g The interest is growing daily?,' and the meeting will continue "fdjP several days. a; County Commissioners met Ifirtheir regular monthly meeting Mojiday morning promptly at 10:30 o'clock with all members l present. $'The.-boarjJ was in session most of the day transacting business for the county. . ; The following tax assessors were appointed for the different ( town- Screen Doors, Screen Windows and screen wire If you dfn't want flies now is the time .. -yytWsi re jOLiiimg j noes, vjraruen if Rakes, j Cultivators and Rubber Hose all at the old price. i Come to see us. I i i Lonkq Bradsher (& Company, Second Fire Within A Week: Yesterday evening at five oVi clock the fire alarm was sounded, and the stables of Mr. A. If. Clayton were found to be on fire The blaze was rushiiur throuar the top and it looked as if it would be sure to burn. However the fre laddies were soon on the scene and with heroic efforts stopped the blaze before great damage was done to the building. Every-" thing was removed from the sta bles, including horses, buggies and carriages. 3 j. Just as the bell was oundjng the alarm for this fire. anoer blaze was discovered inith Hj?co Wreho use, which . - was ; itm: ffdiiihed withoutualyijR9tiJi HaTmaSe'But Jittle 1 Headway ffl a short while another fire was dis covered in the Pioneer Warehouse but was also soon put out. After the fire at the stables another lit tle blaze was discovered at the H.vco Warehouse, in another place from the first one, but it al so caused little trouble. These four fires coming so close togeth er gave the ctiizens a very uneasy feeling, for it looked as if some one was trying to burn the town. However, nothing has been dis covered to show that the fires were other than accidents of the usual kind probably started from some one smoking, dropping a match or cigarette. sa liens vi ft . onn n. iTP.nrxv.- Pushy Fork U. D, Harris, Cun ingham L, B. Scott, Flat River t&f A. Hamlin, Hollo ways J. B. Barnett, Mt. Tirzah J. W. Noell, Olive Hill E. D. Morton, Roxboro MS. Walker, Woodsdaie R H. Bailey, High School, Abner Gen- Koxboro JLu t,- ' KILN KILN DRIED, building materi al of quality, at the right prices A complete stock of DRIED flowing, ceiling,bpxiiig windows, doors, mouldiris jgles and briek. mm Urn JBuy Building Material of Quality arid Bank the Cost of Repairs; 5, v- r oxboro 11 -i- n IUpon presentation of the requir ed number of names, and upon the recommendation of the Board of Education the commissioners or-1 dered an election called for Flat ' 1 River Township for the purpose 1 bf voting upon the issuance of i bonds for a High School for that , township. The election was called for May 16th 1910. Mr. Spencer To Move In New Building. Mr. 9 A. opencer's handsome new building is nearing 'comple- jion, ana jar, opencer intenas to moveJiis undertaking and other J ently arranged,' tht first floofVill be occupied by the repair depart ment, and on the second will be the display of buggies, caskets, etc. Mr. Spencer always carries a good line in his different depart ments and when he moves in his new building, he expects to have even a better stock to select from. BASE j BALL GOODS We have a good line of Base Ball Goods on hand-Come to see us for your Base Ball Goods-We have a Big Lot of Screen Doors and Screen Wire on hand-Screen your house and don't be worried with the flies. We carry a full line of Hardware at all times. Come to ten you want hard- W3TC. I "Hardware for The Home and Farm" Farmersf Hardware Company Mayor's Residence Burned. On last Friday evening the fire 'bell was sounded and it was learned that the residence of our Mayor, M. O'Briant, was on fire. The fire Company quickly responded and after heroic work managed to extinguish the blaze, not however, before considera ble damage was done x to the building and much of the furni ture. His loss will probably reach $1,500, with about $1,000 of insurance At the time of the fire Mrs. O'Briant was ill, having just had an operation for her tonsils. Of course the fright from the fire was great, but we are glad to know that she suffered no se rious relapse. Death of Mr. James A. Carver. .. On yesterday morning at 11:30 Mr. James A. Carver died. He had had only been ill for a few day, dieing from pneumonia. Mr. Carver was pobably one of the best known and most popular men in the County. He had been a citizen of Roxboro for many years and was mucih in public life. He was postmaster here for six teen years without interruption. Then later was treasurer of the County, and then for a term or two years was sheriff. He was a faithful member of the Primitive Baptist Church. He leaves a widow and one son, Mr. F. O. . Carre r. 11 .lUuicuii vx oaiwciiiciu win save you money on Dress Goods. A CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my most sin cere thanks to all my fiiends in i Roxboro, who so cheerfully and willingly helped me win the'' Ford Car in the recent Durham Sun subscripaion contest, and again thank each and every one who helped me to be one of the win ners. Very sincerely, Mrs. E. Lloyd Tilley, Durham, N. C. Pe r f e c t i 0 n The shadow of exaggeration is v-aoi. aju mi au vvuvaa 4 the appellation "Per- r . . v : ." V .. . fectionJ,; is , applied tb ! the product ; r at least s-k So when' we tell you of HIGH ART CLOTHES, we will say what . is our sincere conviction that they are as near perfect as modern manufactur ing methods, alert designing and fair-play business policy can make them. Young -men will find a host of good-looking models to select from and their seniors will be sure to find their suit made in a model in con formity with their dignity and correct in every detail. Their price is moderate when their value is considered. MADE BY STROtfSE & BROTHERS, BALTIMORE, MD. HARRIS & BURNS "Roxboro's Best Store" I I " gMMMI':..' ' ' - y, - " 1 - t j ' , J Av. ... : On'-, v- t