4.-.; - 4 a; v. '.V BLUEJAY. HAS MANY- FAULTS Garrulous Bird Is Charged "With Long Elderly Series of Crimes, but Never . Called Coward. . Splerictiiii liaxatife - - 1 ' ' '-"?" " ' -;. reopieh Has Been Prescribed by; Well , . Known Physician for Many Years. ! v. The infirmities; of age are espec . ially manifest iji a , tendency to . constipation, and call for treat A meut that will afford ; relief in an ,. easy, natural manner. The rapid action of cathartic Remedies and purgatives that jshock the system should be avoidejd, more especially . as the relief thdy affer ig only temporary andjis usually) more f ,xi,v.vJ5.-.s. f MRS. RACHEL ALLEN. than offset by disturbance j to the! vital organs caused by their vio-' lent action. ! V 1 i . Nearly thirty years ago Dr. W. j , . B. Caldwell, Monticello, Iljl., pre- wrote that it had done her a world scribed a compound of simple lax- ( of good and that site intends to ative herbs that has since become keep it in the house always, the 'standard household remedy in Druggists sell Dr. Caldwell's thousands of homes.ljt acts easily Syrup Pepsin for fifty cents a bot ' and gently, yet - with positive ef-jtle. It is a -splendid remedy and feet, without griping or other pain should be in every home. A trial or discomfort. Mrs. Rachel Allen, bottle, free of charge, can be ob Galesbnrg, Kans., is. seventy-one tained by writing to Dr. W. H. years old, and after using a bottle Caldwell, 454 Washington St., of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup pepsin, Monticello, 111. ALONG THE ISS WHOLE FRONT IS DIE ! n iif riir iiinTniEim H ht AUi) PE TROGRAO REPORTS (MORE 6,000 IRE PRISONERS Petrograd Says This is Evidenc ed bp The Capture of 17,000 Austrian Prisoners in Com paratively Small Sector. Petrograd, via ' London. In , their advance upon Czernowitz, the capture Of Bukowina, the r Russians have! occupied j,he vil liage of Sniatyh, 20! milesj north-east of the city, the war office an nounced today. f In addition ;to their previous -captures, the Russians have taken 20 officers, 8,000 men, 6 guns and 10 machine guns. The announce ment says: "Western Front Aloiig the . whole front from the southward - ;of Polesia to the Rumanian front , ier our troops; continue to drive back the enemy. During -yestei- " day 20 officers and! about 6,000 men were taken prisoners. We have taken six cannon, 20 ma- chine guns and many artillery and ammunition wagons. The y total of prisoners and trophies captured during the Operations - amount to nearly 120,1)00 men, 1,780 officers, 130 cannonfand 260 machine guns. j1 : v ''Reports which have -been re ( ceived say the enemy abandoned 'at certain points quantities of " war materials of such bulk as to , make it impossible to give an ex act 'description at such short no tice; as an instance, we found abandoned sufficient rails! for field railways to cover SO versts (.ibout 20 miles.) ; j ; ; VMany of the enemy units are completely disorganized judging by:the fact that in the ' fighting from June 6 io 11, General Stch erbatchoff, inia comparatively in significant sector, icaptured 414 ' officers, 17,000 soldiers, 29 guns, 34 machine guns, 56 caissons be-- sides other ooty. j , , j .'-On the VaTdirnir-Vpl.viiski road the enemy displays! stubborn in sistence; the battles continue west pfj the village of Zalu rze, hilf way between Lutsk ktid TOdfoiH Volynski., yesterday our troops drove the enemy back and occupfed the heights on the westbank of the stripa. ''South of the Dniestir we oc cupied the town of Sniatyn (west of Czernowitz.) Fighting for the possession of the Czernowitz bridgehead continues. "On the Divina front the Gei mans violently bombarded the Ik skull bridgehead. South of Som ergn we repulsed an enemy at tempt to approach our positions. In the region of Baranevichi and southward to the Polessie region there were several engagements yesterday with considerable en emy forces. "Caucasian front. In the di rection of Bagdad we stopped an offensive by important eneniy forces.' Bad To Have a Cold Hang Cn Doru't let your cold hang on, rack your system and become chronic when Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar Honey will help you. It heals the inflammation, soothes the cough and loosens the phlegm. You breathe easier at once. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey is a laxative Tar Syrup, the pine tar balsam heals the raw spots, loosens the mucous and prevents irritation of the bron chial tubes. Just get a bottle of Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey to-day,, its guaranteed to help you. At druggists. " The bluejay . Js . again , asserting himself with , all - his ; audacity and raucous turbulence. ; What a' : hold andy independent fellow he is, asking no favors, brusque and self-suhicienti7 a swashbuckler, and a robber ! -Yet what a trim and , handsome bit of feathers and how graceful in, his ev ery movement ! The bluejay is about twelve inches long, and every inch an "American. His plumage is light, purplish blue above and grayish below; the 'collar and frontlet are black and the wings and tail ultramarine barred, the outer tail feathers tipped -withwhite. He is called the "garrulous" jay, Y designation that belongs first to the European jay, which is not at all like the American bird. -Our jay breeds from Newfoundland to Florida, and often remains in the North through the winter. The "jay is accused of many bad qualities, but never of cowardice. He is as full of mischief as the proverbial magpie, he robs the farmer's corn crib, he mur ders young bird in the nest, he sucks the eggs of other birds. He lias con siderable imitative power, and by im itating the cry of a hawk will'. fright-' en other "birds and send them f o cover. He is classed in .the crow family, and bears the scientific name of Cyanocitta crista ta. The first name is Greek for bluejay and cris tata Latin for crested. Theodore Roosevelt's strength was in his voice. Bowel Complaints in India. In a lecture at one of the Des Moines, Iowa, churches a mission ary from India told of going into the' interior of India, where he was taken sick, that he had a bot tle of Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy with him and believed that it saved his life. This remedy, is used success fully in India both as a preventive and cure for cholera. You may know from this that it can be de pended updfr for the milder forms of bowel complaint that occur ip thisountry. Obtainable every where. . ; : WARS THAT CREATED WORDS "Forlorn Hope" Is: a Military Phrase That Was Borrowed From the Dutch. "Kultur" is a word which has found its way into the English lan guage. Everybody seems to know that there is a difference between "culture" and "kultur" and a dif ference not merely of spelling. Our sixteenth-century war with Spain was responsible for several new words being added to', the lan guage. "Embargo" and "contra hand" are two of them, .while-to our campaigns in the low countries we, are indebted for such words as "free booter," "furlough," "cashier," "leagues," "drill," "onslaught," "sconce" and "domineer." "Forlorn hope" is a, military phrase borrowed from the Dutch "verloren hoop," hoop meaning troop; and although "comrade" is a Spanish word, it ' came to us through the soldiers who fought in the low countries. Tho word "khaki" was not used in the way it is today until the Boer war. The tcrnf "die-hards" came' from the battle of Albuera in 1811, when Colonel Ingiis, addressing his men, cried, "Die liard, my lads ; die hard!".. The term "free lance," now mean ing a literary man who is in no one's employ, is a relic of the Crusades, when companies of knights roved fromplace : to ' pi ace offering their services to anyone who would pay for them. Answers, London. NOT SO BAD. CorporalsThis is a terrible busi ness. t , SergeamWOh, I don't know. Pve lived with my wife's relatives for the last four years. Philadelphia Bulle tin. JUST SO. In, the region of j Zatrze the CbssacH.:ma For a gent who was not thinking of the ribuiination anCwho pidnt want it, Charles Evans " Hughes shows abnormal amount of pre paredness! f; " squadron K ; 7 a ; ; ; k . ; &nd reacneJ'Sypp yillage 6i Iemidovka, and! s(thw Babfiia"ptuieithe2 KoanefnorthflBiiji region on me ngut v. uatijiv r iu; uic People ar learninirthat a little itotijrnt;! $f ten c iesithemlfl hig expense ?Hee Is, ao tnstatice: in Wri family has'eUvou)i Chuhqber lam's CoiiCftoler oea Remedy since we commenced Keeping house years ago. : pen we go on an extended v isi t we tahe it Mtte vi Obtainable eve wnere. : Stripa,vtheneinlM counattacks;f-In&tl ah, Biggs Law is certainly a dry study. " .. Diggs Yes ; but a prettywoman's tears frequently wash away all doubtVin the minds of the jury. RIGHTS OF MAN. - "Every man," said the moralizer, 'has a right to do as he'j)leases.w (He has," rejoined the demorali zer, ?in case he pleases to do right' j ;.; -: - .V-. ? '.--..- ' ; HIS DRAWBACK. - '. . .' ,1 v' - "Why did you refuse, to give that young man employment?" . JT"T? 'Vell, he hadn't any; refining prison inliuences in his: past life." - t Kt y r" . AN XPERT'S OPINION. - - uJ)fy yoii drive n Automobile replied Mr: Chuggins, f'yon must nevr; ; drivt an.1, atitomohile. You've got to coax it." r 1 ; A ... - -you WU1 read:. er... I 41rM--,fe' M (in? 1 1 y as you i never thought could be is jrours to command quick as you buy some Prince Albert and fire-up a pipe or-a home-made cigarette ! . Prince Albert gives you every, tobacco sat isfaction your -smoke-appetite ever hankered for. ; That's because if s made by a patented process that cute out bite and parch 1 Prince Albert has always soth. ipo?." wwCh, 17 "l V ha m&dt fftre men Deen sola witnout coupons or premiums. S'bSorTI We prefer to give quality ! - JrtfiAOFTTR 'Vnu rr.- the national joy: smbke has a flavor as different as it is delightful. You never tasted the like of i ft And that isn't strange, either. ( v Men who rur? they can't- smoke ,a pips or. rpll a ciga rette can smoke and will smoke if they rise Prince Albert. And smokers who hve not yet given PA. a tiy out ce.rtaidy,hve: l)ig "surprise ana alot of enjoyment coming .tljeiay.-as sp6n as theysiiivest ina supply; Prince Albert tobacco will tell its own story ! ; Bay Prince Albert every where tobacco it told in toppy red bagt, Sc; tidy red tine, 10c; hand tome pound and half-pound tin humi dor andthat corking fine pound crystal- glatt humi dor with sponge-noistener top that keep the tobacco in each clever trim always t R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO1 CO, Winston-Salem, N. C g Jj . , " ;. 'T'v. ..a':. .. ..-,!. i Just look at that illustration a Second tirne; Lobkatthe roominess of thi3 new Studebaker SERIES 17 FOUR tho individualized COMFORT that's built into the car for every onaxf tfyy SEVEN passcngets it carries. Not a detail L j been overlooked that will make th's car easier-riding. The front seats, for example, are divided and they are also adjustable that is. they can be moved fore craft to fit; the passenger's wishes. In t!ie tonneau, roominess is especially evidentlots of room fjr five full-grown people. The rear seat ia wide atid deep and luxuriously upholstered with the finest straight-grain semi-glazed leather. And every where roominess,: convenience and a host of COMFORT3 have been built into the car; : ' " Thii new Studebaker ia the most, powerful 4-clinder ' " hft PCO RntAP car onihe market within hundreds of dollars of its price X TtH11 , PrWrr -tho biaestjor any u ( mSSQMQ? bov-ht but on. COMFORT alone it stands as the 1 W GREAT value of the year. Come in and see for your self what Studebaker COMFORT mesns. THE REASON. . -effler -enemies regard .Russia , as a W"$yetil&P3. -ata :Woiild like to be J. W. JOELE , Distributor F. O. O; Oetretr .1 AairiinistHtb ISfbticeH; jExecutori Notice!?; a Having this day. qualified as the Ad- Having to day qualified as. the Ex- ministrator of-the estate of Mr. 2; AJ-5cut?c-5 fte estate of J b' Wnan, Carver; deceased of T Person County,: deceased,; ate oJ: - ? r a o n N. CVthia is to notify all, persona iU ;Njaih ' Carolina this i4ted or holding claims against -said notify all r persons indebted or deceased, to present thm to Vthe; un . holding claims against said decease to overy,, i y . ( - - " cucir recovery. - V ."AH persons indebted to said Restate ? A Ptrsons indebted to . said estat will please mane lmmetnate paynent. , 'i1. rc.eac inuneaiate r payments ,TbisMav.311916V' ' ; IMS May 1916.- ' U' ; x , V- wo- . v ;: rvvJ; -N. tumford, Att'y. , yst':m- DIAMOND B a: 1 1 X a yf iV y.'J'rJA'niirsJitt for CHI-fcHEVrtS S Gou metallic boxes, sealed with BlueU?. Draffvtaft vnT Pur.T B A V PIAilOND nuANH PILIA 'forfVentiw . tears regarde4a iJest; Safest',' AtwayfBelwWe. SOLDkDYALKDRUGGISTS S EVEflYlVH EfiE-S ' ';: ' , oa iv -' Vva Turkey gobbler.-'