- - -T l y J- ' i, i.'i Noell Bros., Proprietors Home First Abroad, Next 1 $1.00 Per Year in Advance VOL. XXXIII ROXBORO, NORTHXlARpLNA Wednesday Evening : July 19,1916 4 ( NiimHer, 32 i l - 1 I II 1 1 I I i' i t- I f y n w , ' "" II " l ' ' & i 1 ' ' T - - t j i ; ," t . , . - - - -t , . -i - w - ' -t 'f ,'.i, ' . AO BiLTMOH L00OED 'The Biggest? Paint Order Ever SolMfferson Coqnty" , When peoble ! investigate -;? ' - -v -r .-i.' at 13HEUILLE STATiOIl - V V E F SEVERJlE UViES LOST Asfeevifie.? July 16. -Great . flood waters in the French BroacJ and Swanannoa rivers brought 'iSlamity to; this ' section today. There have been some f atalties ) and tremendous property losses, (Day break disclosed Biltm&re villagers under water. All the villagers naa peen compenei w flee and several feet of waler flowed through the Van4erl$t church. Very near the Bp more end of the new concrete bridge, stood the home of Capt J. C. Lipe. Captain Lipe, after leaving his home, rjeturnecj 'o save some stoc ahd lost his Irfe; Miss Charlotte- Walker nd Miss Helen Foster? trained nurs es who were spending the night j at the Lipe home "are missing. miss uatnenne upe ana ivirsv Milholland were carried down the stream, but clung to tree limbs near the entrance to the Blitmore estate and were sated this afternoon. They are now; in Baltimore hospital L Good swimmers undertook fio reach the imperilled women! &s hundreds looked on but the un&r current was too strpng and 'tjjir had to give it'''jtrs..Mi!hollaci. was finally reached by a man with' a boat, while a boy managec to get a rope about the body of Miss Lipe just as ; she had cried 6 At CLAYTON NOMINATED ' ; FOB REGISTER OF DEEDS Democratic Executive Commit ' tee Met Monday and Unami mously Nominatf d H. G. Clay ton As Democratic Nominee. h'" The Democratic Executive com mittee met in the offices of the se cretary, Mr N. Lunsford, Mon day morning pursuant to the call of the secretary made it;essary by the resignation of Democratic nominee Mr. V. E. Webb for Hegister of Deeds. - ;; Mt Henry Graven Clayton was unamimously nominated as1 candi date for Register of Deeds. The following leport of the com mittee was handed to us Monday: "At a meeting of the Democrat jc Executive Committee1 held July fcltth, 1916, Mr. H. G. Clayton was" unamimously nominated as candidate for register of deeds." Signed: J. M. 0' Brian t, D. A. Hicks, C. T. Wood, T. C. Wag staff, C. B. Brooks, J. C. Cates, J. J. Dixon, W. H. Hall, F. J. Hester, O. D. Bailey and J. W. Cash. N. Lunsford, Secretary. v ...: -si-.;-' o rati m r -;? ' rwn IT IS 6 6 .9-' -m m UL 1 . i i . DEYOE" The Two Cotton Mills and all their tenant houses will be painted with DEVOE LEAD AND ZING READY MIXED PAINTS. And we are proud of this order for it was a large one and to get it we had to go up against practically every reputable paint manufncturer in the whole country. The Mill Management went into the paint business thoroughly and when they considered THE QUALITY, DU RABILITY AND PRICE, it was Giving them away?v No. ;But if you, will come in the next few days and price: our Ladies and Merits Palm Beach Suits and Men's ;straY Hats, yu will quickly realize it is thtnext thing to gratis. Try us. We 11 Mlso Save You Money On Dress Goods. If you have not already f tied to us it will pay you to do so. Morton " & S .... . i - - - New Stores :in P. O. Building 1 '-. . , CO 15S 0 BS SESSION 0 66 75 years ago everyone wore and. likewise, everyone used Hand -mixed paint. To-day, when machine-spun cloth is so much better and cheaper, no one would think of wearing homespun. Many people are still using hand-mixed paint, however, because they do not know that 9? homespun lUSADAND ZirJC PAINT nCWKR CAU-OK . WEARS LONGER 3 '-S'K i5 r' 11:1 I ii 1 III' i . ! will save them money and5 labor. Devoe Lead and Zinc Paint is simply made of 'the , same ingredients the old-time , Dainter used: Pure White Lead, Pure White Zinc, and A Pure Linseed OiU 1 he only difference is that Devoe is mixed by machinery, 500 11 i. VTL.nfnr gallons at a time- nw-wr , - - t ? it i Jlwiyi acutely uniform n strength, -or and COTerin'gapaty.." 't; V..-: . i we euarahtee DeVoe' Lead nd Enc Paint to be, pore, v,; ; X,yLSrSLJ i whirinr,-die. or other. oh&a ; materials Stop d askr Color Urd. l- - V , !- " f, if ' Aundreafamilies-are v hbmfe-' less, all the new houses On the French Broad river front in the city have been swept away. . Men rowed boats through the passenger station and about houses and business offices, rescuing those marooned. Smith Pearson and many other bridges pre gone. The Southern has suffered enormously. All railway traffic has been can celled, bridges are washed away, the ends of the Swannanoa tunel caved in, there are great landslides on Saluda mountain. Many loaded freight cars on the Asheville yards were carried down stream by the terrifitf force of the waters, of which were not seen here even during the - disastrous flood of 1876. Kanuga and other lakes in Hen derson and perhaps other counties add their waters to the terrible flood, when the dams break and it is reported that some lives were lost in Henderson. It is - hard to confirm reports with wires down and traffic of all kinds interrupted, but it is stated that all of Marshall has been carried down stream with the exception of the Madison coun ty jail. Hot Springs and the hotel there, it is feared, Jias equally suffered. The Asheville papers are hoping to print four page, papers tomor row, in job offices, there being no power and lights. The electric company is not only ma'rd -Ait in this respect power houses being all under water, but some street ckrs in the Biversidepark section were carried waythe .current be in lost just as the men started to move their cars JromHhe -danger zone. . ' , f' ; Mrs. V&nderbiltkhd others are taking the relief work in hand at Biltmore, while Asheville citizens, in mass meeting r tonight,7 made provisions for the homeless in the depot and . cotton 'nill vsections. 'Hie , Citizens, theEnglfsh; and Jones and other lumber companies, lost plants and' lumber ad it is es- t iraated tonight that the . property damage in this city .and t Biltmore 1( ne will, amount to $1,000,000.' Tonight ;Asheville expects no I ights, no ice, no mail, no' street ats and no passengeriind freight traffic for two, or; three .days, Montague Elected by Commis- sionert to Fill Unexpired Term of Register of Deeds Office Regular Road Meet- ing. :l The County Commissioners metfinthe regular monthly road .The 2 gone through 'during' the morn ing session. The Commissioners adjourned at twelve o'clock to meet again at 1:30 to appoint Register of Deeds to fill unexpired term of Mr. W. E. Webb's. Immediately after meeting was called in the afternoon the matter of appointing the Regis ter of Deeds was taken up. Af ter a private meeting of the members of the Board a vote was taken resulting in the elec tion of Mr. J. W. Montague as Register of Deeds to fill the un- W expired term of four months. ;"... . 1 . . I -1 Roxboro vs. Cuningham Giants The Cuuingham team is com posed of a first aggregation of ball players. There are several College players, they were de feated by South Boston on the 15th of July by the score of 8 to 2, but four of Cuningham's best men were not in the game. Look out Roxboro we are coming with a big crowd of rooters and we are going to give you a close and clean game of ball. Contributed. a.1 a. id.iC. " ' " : - ..ij-j. i? v We believfe'iri giving one hundred cents value fprqvery dollar, twelve inchesrto every -foot, QUALITY V ! 7 TRY US - 3 Rbxbpro PRESTON SATTERFIELD, Sect'. & Manager. Lumber Go R. W. Morris Resigns Duputy Marshalship. Mr. R. W. Morris resigned the first of the month the office of De puty Marshall. His resignation: took effect the first of the month Bob insists that this does not mean that be has stopped getting blockade stills tho, which was provj en by the nice one captured Saiur NOTICE!; 1 . I anr writing, this notice to ask that every memner oi MAiort churciL be pre$ent at our, regular fourth -Sunday service - Sunday morning at eleven oclock r, i -,Preschinir will be ab Brooks dale -Sunday .afternoon asrxisu: i l t AKD OF THAKS Hi . Our hearts are full ;of . grati tude to: every one, for every ex; pression of Sympathy and kind ness iniouribour of sore affliction and bereavementMrs. , W; ? IL TKomas and children. ; WE HAVE MOVED 'it' We are now ready to serve you in Clayton, Long & Long's old stand. Work on our store will begin at once and be ra pidly pushed to comple tion. We expect to be back in it about Sept. 15. Tn; jdieiniitiiQiu. will find us eirprepa to fill your orders in our temporary locauon. AJur. stock wiU;he kept up and we wilhfOner mahv bar-' i-.n' ft 1 A. '.4 t i' F v -. Gome" 'to, see jtts.5 ;Ttyill ! pay yoii as well as : us; for : 7; you - to (trade with TS. - 1-.'' ( ' 1 i V. .