-; ' . (f ""' 1 - j"" '-,'1 y j 'ySJ M'WciH.',,,",y ' nl!m Til ffei Noell Bros,Prbpnet6rs - Home .First bfbadt;?, f4t: : vrX LOPer 'Year in. Advance VOL. XXXIII RbXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening : July 26,1916 Niimber33 l4 A t'ASM UTlflWKrR.-5tX 111 cGTCcfor-t -bo krv-ow I)cilis i Roxboro Bottling a-sS1 Works 1 ROMANTIC MARRIAGE : AT HOUSTOH filOIJOflf, Get It Cheaper WE HAVE MADE A GENERAL RDUCTIQN I; LADIES ANt KiEfNS THEV ARE QUALITY SHOES TOO. A GENERAL REDUCTION ON LAWNS AND SUMMER GOODS. ALL STRAW HATS AT HALF PRICE. IN FACT WE CAN GIVE YOU BARGAINS IN MANY ITEMS NOW. IT WILL PAY YOU TO LOOK HERE BEFORE YOU BUY. IT WILL, PAY; YOU TQ TRADE WITH US. TRY IT. " Poor Richard Expresses His Views As To County Demon stration Agent. Seldom has the Editor ever written an article that so many farmers were ready to say Amen to as the one last week headed "A Misfit". It is a well known fact that The Courier and Richard were both anxiou-for a County Demonstrator, for regardless of what the farmers think of us we want the farmers to prosper, and Richard was hoping and believ ing that a County Demonstrator would be of great service in en lightening the farmers, but like Bro; Noell, I have been sadly dis a ppdin ted from the fi rst. M r. Brown.may be a good man and one well capacitated to do some thing, but most certainly he is not giving satisfaction in tjie office which he now holds. At Allens ville on the 20th when the farm ers had been called together by 'the State lecturers Mr. Brown us ed up much valuable time in try ing to lower the standard (of our County paper, which is doing more real good- to. the County each week perhaps than Mr. Brown would, do in a lifetime. Just as The Courier says, we need a young, man of our State and a man who will visit the poor farm er as we.ll as the one higher up. Mr. Brown from the best infor- Lma fnom Tlh foomo nloI I UiaUOU,UUMMUUIC, .VWXW UUIJ ed good ball and not - until Ufc 'frSr ?,f fourth Inni .g did Eoxboro selah I the most oft their runs:GcK)4,m&3; The culmination of quite a ro man tic courtship took place jm Houston, Va., when Miss Dorothy i Culver of Blanche, N. C. became 3 the bride of Mr. Will Morton, of Milton. The young couple, accom-f pahied by Miss Annie Daly Con nally and Mr. . George Cunning ham left Milton Monday morning, presumably to go to the lake where they were going on a picnic, but instead, went to Houston, where the marriage vows were said be fore the Rev. Wallace G. Rrbble, pastor of the Episcopal church at that place. ' Immediately following the cere mony, the young couple motored to South Boston, from which place they were said to be going to Wrightsville Beach and' Wilming ton to spend their honeymoon. After August 10th Mr. and Mrs. Morton will be at home at White ville, N. C. ROXBORO DEFEATS THE GIANTS. Roxboro met and defeated the Cunningham Giants in a six infrr ing game of ball Saturday at tie Fair Grounds. f The game was started later thaq advertised and at the beginning oi the sixth inning rain began, but ..Umpire Harris did not call the ' game until the last half of this inning. . The score was 9 to 3 in favor of FROi.1 11EHLLE will now get together and grade this road, as we are rry poor peo- ple'but know a good thing when we see it and. ? want to see this road. Ioois Richard; ' . ; : qminm tw umrn . r The election held; yesterday in . portions of Flat . Riyer , and ML Tirzah for a school tax was carried l l.hv a crnn nriAinrifv: jThis" - tax,, will- Come to us for your .flues, the . ; . ; J , s . " ' ' ' . . .5 .... anon a tnie nnn 1 1 : n ibtpipt. ir opmion is inac - looacco wiu oe , , ; 7', v higlifdb'not take chances with bad jtablish a high school and we want' Flues but come to us.. -Wa wnntr. ; -7iv 'l;ix:i t -ri 1 j i o w congraiuiate me ciuzens ior your business. Long Bradsier & 1 , - - N -Co.- K:r , V J this advanced step. ? r r in this "inning; Morton & Satterfield New Stores in P. O. Building w 1 . a 66Tobacco Pllii99 rade material had m tne work the Our flues are ofetlie same high as we have nast. The same man makes that years ago. . And they fit. We can load you prompt ly, you won't wait. We bought ea an A ffift advances are made the now, eight have to rly 1'2et.4. Gome to.us -.ror-yuui.riuo. a,. , Sllgllt. terial.: Good Kit and Prompt Service. WE WANT YOUR FLUE BUSINESS ; Lon;dser:;&iiQ Tent Meeting At Helena. The tent meeting at Helena which has been in progress for some time conducted by Revs. H. M. North and J. J. Boone, have been productive of much good. We hear that community has not been so stirred for many years, and many have professed faith in the Savioi. Two more eloquent, able ministers rarely get together in a meeting and any community which has the privilege of hearing either of them for that length of time is fortunate indeed. Revival at Clements Baptist Church. During the , past week Rev. John Briggs conducted a revival at Clements Baptist Church, preaching twice daily. It was our pleasure to be present one day and we heard two of the fin est sermons we have heard in a long time. Mr. Briggs is a preacherpf rare power, stirring the soul and causing almost every one under his power, to determine to be better and lead a-more cor rect' life,, living for- something worth while.. On Friday he bap tized several in the pool near the church. ' ; 1 We are giving our best efforts iii the: I; lumber business to raise 7 the quality -,,1 and lower the price and a nice iricreas6; 1 in our business warrantsthe statement: It you are not a customer ot the Roxboro timer Company it. might riav vnn tnet ih tniirh with lis. Roxboirb -LuiiiKeip: Go r, "Home of Quality- Lxniiber.' si it ' v. JPRESTON SATTERFIELD, Secty. & Manafeen u.- ri-V- 41' c:.'.v vt " f " - r Revival At MU1 Creek. jLast week Rev. Mr. Redwine preached at Mill Creek Baptist Church, the J'astorlMe I l3Fi Putnam -.being. withhiin4?lh6 meeting. We are ;iglad to i hear that several professions were made and that the members oihe different churches of v that com munity were grealy ttiltup through the effort if ese good men.;. . ,:r;;-',e4.i:, .. Fund for Flood Sufferers. Through the , efforts ofiMaybrj O'Briant and Chief of Police, Cash, something more than .$100 was raised yesterday: and forward ed to the . proper authorities at Raleigh.-- irig good - at :f armjng r while the and humLity, notknowihg which way to turn .0 better his condi tion is never given the least of at tention by Mr. Brown. He is en tirely too much on the run to be worth much to the farmers of Person County, and the sooner the County Commissioners get a young man and a better mixer the sooner they will be relieving us of a tax now imposed 1 which we feel that we are getting very little bene'fit from. Sinca my last letter 1 have, been trying out -. my new Ford, and while she may not be the best there is Pneedher in my bis, for I find her a mclst excellent car and Mr. Fox and the Crowell people fair to deal with During this timel I have been on a visit around Hurdle Mills; the home of my nativity, but like Rip Van Winkle I find but few men or wrmen that were there 40 years ago. Many are dead while others have moved away and given room to a more progressive class of citizenship. This place had 'but one store in my boyhood days and only two dwelling houses of any, note and one mill, the whole business being owned by Richmond and Coopers It has since grown to' quite a little village, with two large stores, dug owned by R. L. Wilburn and the other by A. M. Long & Son, also an up to date roller Mill, owned b&uncfo Mark Garrett. At this place-lhecd my first Presbyteri an preach, on .Bro.". WKfe of Roxbonv He seemst be. mai ing a favorable impressibtt4nong these prosperous people; I bra also been in attendance three days at the great tent meeting being held by Brothersr North and Boone at Helena- Brother North has been ! doing great preaching at this placaliovHn? Richard' and Mrs.-Richard feitther tojbe the gudge. Some tfiaeagof?. two gentlemen of Roxboro asked me to try:; to get a riglitof ?waF. through -the different farms-leading to Aliens- vflle. I havebesn successful in doing this-and '.hope., yot ,town it We have arranged a lot of tabbs and; racks which we have covered with real : bargains in summer goods for men, women ; I and children. These offerings are not a lot oi junK out largely new anu aesiraoie ; merchandise. In view of the great adf vances recently made in prices these goods ; are ireat values. A few are mentioned1 below: $6.50 dresses for $3.98 $11 to $15 dresses $7.48 $2.50 mixed skirts for 198 $4.00 Cool Cloth skirts 2.48 $7.50 and 8.50 fancy skirts for 4.98 $4.50 and 5.00 blue sgrge skirts for 3.98 50c fancy voiles and tub 5ilk 39c -25c fancy organdies and voiles 19c i2l-2c fancy voiles and lawns 10c $3.50 low shoes for 2.50 for boys ' $$ low shoes for 2.25 for boys .? v $2 low shoes for 1.25 for boys 1$2.50 men's low shoes for 1.75 fl $3-50 men?s low shoes for 2.50 $l sport shirts for 78c 50c sport shirts for 39c AlfTOn'suid boy's straw hats half pricel $7.50 PalmBeach suits 4.98 $7.50 Cool CToth;uits for 4.98. There,; not henumeratedhere. Itwill.be ;wellv;orth YQur OTie td come prpmptly cod look them Jhc; prices ore strictly cach All gobd hadd willbe at regular price3t IvvaVs pleased to serve you. r-A 7 ; ? V WW - - t f J - - i( . V -r in, V IT -