A" 4- A V -0 (fit i V.-! J. s. Noell Bros., Proprietors Home First AbrbkeXt $1.00 Per Year in Advance VOL. XXXIII ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening Aug. 2, 1916 i Number 34 is:;- 1,--:-::. . ,r. TT-Ai'-". ":'v Splits it rif - 'v' - - - 1 . , . AtBKKKttKKKttt - -'..v 7 . ' " . i i ., . . , ., . 1 .. IllGHLAi DEPARTS ON CAR RANZA RETURN VQYAG E WILL RETIR AS CHIEF I MEN WHO WE WORKED AROUND VIRGINIA Mexican De Facto Head to Quit CAPES FOR TWENTY YEARS SAY THAT SHE But Only To Run For HAS A GOOD CHANCE TO ESGAPE. PASSED j , 10 Kun or AlAPf LIS AT 8:45 LAST NIGHT. ' " j President, , iiaitimore, Md., August 1 On Laredo' Texas' July O.-Ven-the second anniversary of Ger- ustiano Carrailza is to retire as man.v's declaration of war against first chief of the de facto 'govern Knssia, the German submarine nient of Mexico at an early date merchant man Detschland set out 'and will be succeeded by General from Baltimore on a return voy--fpki w' i i v. inn i iiii i in. i rr." . it. ft. ti ti i-' i iii CRAFTY BLOGltADER TAKEN ICO ajre to Germany with a declara tion of confidence from her com mander, Capt. Paul Koenig, that he would take her home in spite of the heavy odds she would face when the three mile limit , in the Atlantic ocean is reached. The submersible was towed Out of the slip where she was berthed 23 days ago at 5:40 o'clock this after noon and it is expected that she will put into Newport News be tween 8 and 9 o'cIock tomorrow morning; Summer Vacation. The methodist Church here has granted their pastor, Rev. Q. W. Dowd a month's vacation. Pastor Dowd had intended to leave, this week but owing to the serious condition of some of his members he does not know just when he will get away. formation given out by Mexican administrative circles in Nuevo Laredo tonight. General Carranza will enter the field as a presidential candi date at the fort coming general elections, it was said today, ap parently confirming recent un official advices from Mexico City, which intimated that the First Chief would seek elevation to the presidency at the'arids of the voters. '"tiikt- Frank Wilson. Victim of the Revenue Men, Captured at His Still. Messrs. Stell and Richardson, t)f Raleigh, United States revenue men, spent thirty minutes heyi? yesterday morning, having in thejr custoday Frank Wilson,", a middle aged white man, who for years has been regarded as one of th$ most intrepid and foxy blocka in this section of the LOST Cameo about the size of half dollar, between Roxboro and Loch Lily. Lost about 4 weeks ago. Finder return to Mrs. P. T. FREELNfr and re ceive reward. Get leni Now You hear some people pe- bejwearin wooden soles on our shoes it the war continues much longer. That may be true, but as long as they last we are giving some great bar gains in our high class Low Quar ter Shoes. Get them now if you have not already done so, it will pay you to tie to us. Try US! Morton & Satterfield New Stores in P. O. Building 1 ;'.li'' 11 country; Wilson was captured at a pointin the woods near Helena, his liquor manufacturing operations beifig rudely disturbed by the officers: ,r Messrs. Stell and Richardsoi, accompanied by R. W. Morris and Chief of Police Cash, of RoX-. boro, Friday night went to ' tfe spot where they believed Wilson's still was located. They discored the still in operation and Wil son. The latter was found in an unguarded moment, being with out his trusty gun. He fled pre clpitately, but was overtaken and captured by Chief Cash. The still was "cut down" and the booze del stroyejif. The revenue men arrived yester day morning at 11 o'clock oa tli Norfolk and Western with thei crafty prisoner and feft atII;2$j on the Southern ebound train for Raleigh where Wilson -was lodged in the Wake county J4iL? On a charg of 'thje0illic1t ; Ma& t acture of ardent spirits he wi ri vew-hear iri srWheitladera convenes in itaieigh. a Sheriff John F. Harward is of the opinion that the still recently captured by him and his deputies near Rougemont was the property of Wilson and that the latter, di vining the approach of the officers, succeeded in making his getaway. Wilson, it will be recalled, escaped from the Orange county jail at Hillsboro about three years ago where he was held on a charge of blockading.' Since the moonshiner's escape, according to general reports, he prices. C01IDITIQN OF j; THE TOBACCO CHOP. rOf course there are difference of opinion as to the tobacco crop, because the crops on plantations differ, but taking it as a whole we believe the tobacco crop in this section is going to be a very good one, with the present prospects good for a bright crop. In some secrions there has been too much rain, while in others the last ten days rain has wonderfully helped the crop. In the Concord section, proba bly all things considered the most progressive section of the County, they will have the best crops they have had in., several years, yet their crop is nothing to be com pared to the crop in the section south of Hurdle Mills. In that section it is said they have the finest crop ever, and it will be re called that there they have had good crops the past two yeers. . Altogether, with the prospects for a fair crop and evidences that the price is going to be high will cause many a John Henry to be sold during the fall, and especially since the sweeping reductions in Attended National j Shoe and Harness Repairing , Dental Associatronj Dr. A.T. Russell, accompanied i that we have just added-new -by Mrs. A. Y.' Russell, arrived and more uptodae macWnery ti; Monday night and are' visiting 'at'our sniv and that we are now in r' the home of Dr. Russell's parents better position than ever to serve:1;; near town. They were returni ig .Vu in Snoe and Harness , repair from Louisville, Ky., - where Dr. ' work. Come to see us when yoa; Russell attended the meeting of need anything in the Harness liner ( Mr. Stanfield Goes With Armour & Co. AMr. L. G. Stanfield, who has seen associated in business here With Mr. J. L. Garrett under the Style of Garrett & Stanfield, has accepted a position with Armour & lCo, with headquarters in De wiH.oe: Greensboro, i Mrv Stanfield .wil make many trips over hi? territory before his customers will be glad to see: him drop in, for he is a man of pleasing address and splen did ways. We hope and expect to see him make good in his new job, but trust that his success will not mean that we shall Iosq him as a citizen. has lived in the woods scorning about $8o reduction. jusfchow Mr. Ford's Reduced In Price. While everything is steadily climbing up along comes the an nouncement that the prices on Ford's have been cut, and cut deep, OUR. AIM ucceedm We are giving our best efforts in the lumber business to raise the quality ' and lower the price and a nice increase in our business warrants the statement: We Are ... It you are not a customer of the Roxboro Lumber Company it might f pay you to get in touch with us. Roxboro Lumber Co. "Home of Quality Lumber." PRESTON. SATTERFIfiLD, Sect,y. & Manager. - f!" 10 Jl . LB . - -t ' . t & '7 r- 1 A v ,7i ., -? j tit V ? un seasonauie ajoous f v 1 66Tobaeeo Flees" c aterial the work Our flues are of the same high grade m as we have nao in past. The same man makes them that made them eight And they fit, We now, years ago can you won t load you prompt wait and . . . slight. have to We bought early the advances are Gome to us : f or your Flues.;; Best - Ma terial: ; dood Fit and Prohipt Servide. WE WANT ty'QW'F Lonk,;:Btsher:;:&jgp.: such prosaic evidences of civiliza tion as beds. A loaded shotgun was his constant companion' and he is said to have boasted that he would never be captured alive. The officers have always conceded his bravery and secretly admired his unrelaxing vigilance and abili ty to elude them. However, the fates have been unkind and the doughty. blockader who was once so greatly reared is now entering a period of subjugation behind the bars. Ad, to add further to his ignominy, he ingloriously ran from the revenue men. Durham Herald. - Offers To Make Strippling Chief of Police Again. Macon, Ga., July 31. Thomas Edgar Strippling, Who for near ly 14 ears was an escaped con vict from Georgia, served as chief of police at Danville, Va., under the name of "R. -E. Mor ris, passed tdrough here today en route to join his rfamijy " at JColumbus, Ga., and announced 4hat his pardon by Governor Harris had been followed by an .officer' rpni the presidenf the board of ldermen at Danville for him to resume his pdsitlori as police chief there. Ford can reduce the price on his cars while every other manufac turer says they will have to raise the price, in fact have raised the prices during the season, is a mys tery. Mr. Crowell, the manager of the Crowell Auto Co. tells us that there will not be any change in the models, only the change in the price. Already there have been more, yes many more, iord's sold from this point than buggies this year and with this sweeping re duction, actually making an auto mobile cheaper than a horse and bug?.y we expect to seethe Crow ell, Auto Co. do a land office business,- Too Late For This Issue. There are several articles intend ed for the school page which is carried over to next week. These articles were received Monday and Tuesday, but as the page used by the School Board is printed on Saturday it is necessary for copy for this pajcfr vo be in hand not latter than Friday night. We hope those writing for this page will kindly bear this in mind. We are anxious to see this page brim fail of Bright school hews and matters pertaining: to the school work, but he wanted to rest for a short time arid 'would; rlecide.t later what he would do. - :' ' - r 7 N,- Sergeant & Clayton are adver ! tising this week for chickens: esrsrs t an,hamsv They, will pay"you: good prlce-forrsame...; ? ,V; VV : it will bV necessary' toget it at the The former Danville chief saldl W tim V .Oiir market js open again. We want toseEyDU, your meat ,We have erected; som$, young cattle, and yoii will get the. bestof meat when yduf buy from us we will treafyour:nght" in quality and price. r , Walker & Lby. - r f; ; , ' ; We have arranged a lot of tables and racks which we have covered witn rea bargains in summer goods for men, women and children. These offerings are not a lot of junk but largely new and desirable 5 merchandise. In view of the great ad- 1 vances recently made in prices these goods are great values. A few are mentioned below: $6.50 dresses for $3.98 $11 to $15 dresses $7.48 $2.50 mixed skirts for 1.98 $4.00 Cool Cloth skirts 2.48 $7.50 and 8.50 fancy skirts for 4.98 $4.50 and 5.00 blue serge skirts for' 3.98 : 50c fancy voiles and tub silk 39c 25c fancy organdies and voiles 19c 12 l-2c fancy voiles and lawns 10c $3.50 low shoes for 2.50 for boys $3 low shoes for 2.25 for boys $2 low; shoes for L25 for boys : $2.50 men's low shoes for 1.75 $3.50 men's low shoes for.' 2. 50 $1 sport shirts for 78c 5; 50c sport shirts for 39c AH men's and boy's straw hats half priced $7.50 Palm Beach suites 4.98 r $7.50 Cool Cloth suits for 4.98.1 - There are: many items offered not; enumerated here. It will be well- worth' your time to come promptly dftd look them over. - , . J, v: These prices .are, strictly cash. : : AH opdharged will be at regular prices; Gome let us show, yoiu ri We are " al- ways pieasea 10 -.survo , . i - . V 1 "Roxboro's Best, Store'?. 4 1 f ' " X r 1