, ' f r " , . . f ' 3 V 7 J V. lit'- U . i. ; Noell Bros., Proprifetors Home First Abroad Next - $1.00 Per Year in Advance ' j " " 1 VOL. XXXIII ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening Aug. 9, 1916 Number ,35 Hi 1 t f 1 II 1 I ' - I I . I I I I V . 1 I J On NOW THE Til T0 BEGII1 FIGHT ON MOSQUITOES; "With the advent of August the malarial-bearing mosquito be comes more active than ever. All that section of North Carolina from Rowan County to the sea is more or less menaced by this easi est of preventable diseases. The degree of danger dependsjBntirely upon the intelligence andvigilancQ of the individual communities in their efforts at prevention. Xow that the heavy summer rains are probably for the most part over, the hot days and nights of the next two months mean that anopheles mosquitoes will breed by the billion. The State Board of Health sug gests that the people in every vil lage, community and small town (and city where there is no live health department), take a day off and see that every ditch, filled-up branch or other place where a mos quito delights to live, is thorough ly drained and all the grass and vegetation cleaned off. If this simple procedure, coupled with the daily small dose of quinine in infected localities, were begun now and repeated a few tiraesun- BAf-TIS til frost, thousands and thousands of dollars could be saved ariii much suffering could be easily prevented, to make no mention of the lives saved , OrcranifcP and fit-Art thfl fiurh . ri crkt now. A life saved in North Caro- Three Day Se?on At Flat T " .i ASH lina is worth as much as a life saved on the Mexican border. Harness and Shoe Repairing. We wish to call your attention to the fact that we have just in stalled electric shoe repairing ma chinery and we are now in posi tion to give you the best grade re pair work f r shoes to be found in Roxboro. Give us a trial and you will be convinced. Also don't forget about our repair depart ment for Harness. Mrs. R. J. Hall. There will be preaching at the Presbyterian church by the pastor on Sunday night, Tne Heulah Batptist Association is in session at Rock Grove Bap tist church today A full account will be given in next week's issue. Judge J. G. Pass, Mrs. R. N. Featherstone and son, Robert, left this morning for Hiddenite Springs where they will spend sometime. River Largest Crowd In History of Association. ' The Lower CountyLine Primii tive Baptist Church held thei, Association at Flat River begin ning last Friday and continuing . ty' Oonln. GET IT FROM Morton & Satterfield Haven't you heard them say, "Get it from .Morton & Satter field." Gome in and let us show you and you will learn w.hy they no, worn goods, no outof date stock, we keep them turning all the time and keep before you always Brand New Stock and uptodate Styles. Quality is our first considera tion, legitimate profits our next aim. Try us. Morton & Satterfield New Stores in P. 0. Building 99 "Tobacco Jrliies Our flues are or the fsnrne hih rade as we have had niisr. The same Jf ; COMMISSIONERS I 8600 APPROPRIATED FOR DEMONSTRATION In All Day Session Monday J. M. Pass Elected Road Super ;, .visor- H. A. Xientry JRe-elect- ed County Home Superihtend r ent Lively Meeting. COURT JjEXT WEEK. Person Countyj Sunerior court convenas in Roxboro next Monday morning. Both the criminal and civil dockets are crowded for this term of court and it is expected that court will be in session afl next week. This of course, is due to not having the April term of court. through Sunday. One of the largest crowds ever witnessed! by many was in attendance Sun, day. All three days large crowds were present. Automobiles after automobiles! carried large crowds from Roxj boro and trains reaching here morning and night brought numbers of people. The three-day session came to an end Sunday night. Wheeler's church, was selected as the meet ing place for 1917. Officers o: ! the association are: W. A. Warren Prospect Hill, re-elected raodera tor; Joseph H. Gooch, StemJ clerk; G. C. Farthing, Durham assistant clerk. Estimates place the attendance of the, gathering! from Person, Durham and Gran ville counties at 6,00Q RounteouS meals sprean on tables under oak groves and prechingfrom an arboi presented a background of rustic simplicity that combined to attract? huge crowds from the countryside around. Among the Baptist eldersf preaching sermons during the sesf sions were; P. D. Gold, Wiison Isaac Jones, Duplin; J. P. Tihglef Tarboro; J. W. Wyatt, Selma; J E. Adams, Angier; T. C. Hartf LaG range; J. W. Gardner, Golds- - ' K .... b(iro;, ,B. F. Jf pgenzie;. v Shaw; -Eltititetirmy; W.?m Monsess, Wilson; E. C. Stone, Tarboro; Dr. C. B. Hall, Golds- boro; R. L. Dodson, New York, and J. J. Hall, Roxboro. ussioners met in their regular monthly meeting Monday morning at ten o'clock with all members present. The usual routine of work, au diting and paying bills, was taken pp in the morning session. Jlegistef of Deeds Montague served his first time as clerk to the board. A full settlement was made with Mr. & Webb m the morning session. 3 The following resolution was unamimously. ado-pted by the poard and a copy ordered to be spread upon the minutes of the ineeting and one1 sent to the family : 4 'Whereas Mr. W illiam E. Webb Has resigned as Register of Deeds qf Person county,. Be it resolved: By the board of Oommissioners in meeting assembled that we wish to express td Mr. Webb our tljanKs afid appreciationt a well as the thanks and appreciation of the people of the county for his faith ful and efficient service as Register pf Deeds and Clerk to the board." ,Tt! "s J . L.-li's: Li: i xiis services iiuve iways oeen Meeting Postponed, We have been requested by Rev. J. J. Boone to announce that the meeting at Allensviile next week has been postponed. ANOTHER HAD TOO HUGH ; ; : OF THE FIRE WATER ' Last night Officer Gates had in- . formation a team was headed to- ward Roxboro with too much. . whiskey in the buggy. He im mediately left for the road upon which he expected the team to come and about eight thirty he spied the buggy and came out; and halted the driver. But the' driver realizing his serious posi tion jumpednd escaped the offP cer. Mr. Gates brought the teams, in and found eight and one-half gallons of whiskey in the buggy. ; The team belongs to Mr. A. P. Misses Lula Burns. Mabel O'Briant and Lelia Glenn of Clayton's Livery stables. It Is : Durham are spending sometime said that a negro Pettiford was with Misses Annie and Ina driving the team. v - Jr: Brooks at Brooksdale. ' , ' - W7 NOTICE! We beg to announce to the farmers that we have connected ourselves with The Planters Warehouse for the coming sea son and we wish to state to our friends that we will be glad to see you at our place of business at any time. And . promise you if you bring us your tobacco we will see that you get the highest market price and that you re ceive the best possible treat ment. K. C. WagstafT, Theo. T. Hester, J. J. Winstead. material in '.'-if the work . .i 4-1 Vf ht And they fit man manes uiwu that made them eig years ago We can load youprompt 1v. vou won't have to wait. We bought ear and the i t . Gome to us for your Flues. Sllg ly advances ni are Best Ma- terial. Good Fit and Prompt Service. WE WANT YOUF FLUE BUSINESS - - Long, Bradsher Co. The following returned home Monday and Tuesday after spending sometime at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Brooks at Brooksdale: Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Gold of Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Wilson and little daugh ter. Eula of Durham, Mr. and Mrs. Overby Boaze and little daughter, Elizabeth of Danville, Va., Mr. Bernice Lunsford and Miss Lena Buitcher of Danville, Va., Misses Bertha and Mary Glenn of Durham. Miss Mallie Brooks, accompanied Miss Mary Glenn home where shewill visit for some time. . Solid Cars OF x . BeildiiigMateria INSURANCE f BUSINESS;--That sentence covers the earth at Satterfield Agency. AWe write Fire, Life, Accident and Health Insurance for man and beast. Beast that means horses, mules, cows and sheep; BONDS all kinds of bonds written" in the best Companies." Automobile in surance also wntten. See? SAT TERFIELD, Why Wait? Mr. B. G. Clayton, assistant Cathier of Bank of Roxboro, left Saturday morning for Lexington, Ky.t where ne will 'spend a few days with his brother. From there he will go to Cincinatti and other northern points. of the best, he has always been yery kind and courteous to the people of the county and while we Hid -to accept his resignation it was with a feeling ofi' regret and twehope and trust th&t he will be Ordered that the above be spread oh the minutes of the board." Signed: E. B. Reade, Chairman, CiJ. H. Hunter and J. E. Montague, (jommissioners. " The commissioners adjourned at 12 o'clock and convened again at 1:30 p. m. The afternoon session Mr. W. D. Merritt appeared before the commissioners with a letter fiom a Mr. Holloway of Rtowan county; applying for the position of Stan dard weight keeper for the county. It was decided by the commission ers it was unnecessary to create such an office in this county. Mr. T. D. McLean, District Demonstration Agent who has charge of twenty-six counties of Demonstration work irnel tiding this county, addressed the commission ers for about twenty minutes in the interest of continuing Farm Demonstration work in this coun ty. Mr. McLean '& talk clearly showed the value of Demonstra tion work and how much it would mean for Person county. There were several talks- made before the commissioners on this subject, and after hearing all sides of the ques tion, the commissioners adjourned to another room and held a private consultation with Mr. McLean. In a few minutes the board returned to the Clerk's nice and announced that they had decided to make an appropriation of $50 par month for Farm Demonstration, which is $10 a month more than the last appropriation. As to the Demon strator it is 'generally understood that a suitable man, A. & M. Col lege graduate probably, will be sent here later in the fall. There were sevien " applicants for Road Supervisor and . after due consideration being gi ven all, Mr. Jl M . Pass was appointed by the board at the same salary of $75 uef month. f " " There were also' a number of candidates for County Home Sup erintendent; the number beinghve. Mr; H. A: Gentry was re-elected ffitr the coming year at the salary -of $25 per month. , ' V This concluded the : business of the board for the day. . ' "v, We will unload nine solid cars ot build ing material within the next few days, in cluding flooring, ceiling, siding, shingles and l lime. This material was bought below the ; present market price and people say: "You can get for less from Roxboro Lumber Company." Kiln Dried Lumber our Specialty Roxboro Lummber Co. rHbmer of Quality Lumber." - riihjoiijri ' bA 1 1 rjKr 1LLD, Sect'y. & Manager; f J We are Selling Goods At Mighty Law Prices Prices Are Going To Be Higher MUCH v HIGHER Our large stock consists largely of merchan- f dise contracted for some time ago when prices were much lower than they are to day and we are selling them on the same basis that they were bought on not on to day's wholesale prices. It will, pay you to do some shopping right along now -and pay you handsomely. You will not find every thing quite as low priced as it was a yeai ago but when the present stocks are ex- ? hausted you will find that there has been tremendous advances in prices oyer what they are now. So again we warn you that it will pay you well to buy: as many of the , necessities as you can conveniently pay foh This is not a cry of " wolf 'f but a fact that stares us in the face that we want to pre pare our friends to meet. Buy now. Our. stock is in goocl shapes pWe; are prepared to save you mon USi -w 'i: We are oflfering lots of shoes, shirts,. straw hats, dry-goods and notions 1 at cut prices to 'i "Roxboro's Best Store". t v.. V V ' J t 4 fir

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