Home Firs'tAbrbaci Next' $1.00 Per Year in Advance, I II 1,1 VOL. XXXIII ROXB0RO, GARfMNA, -Wednesday Evehmgtip30f 1916 Number 38 - - - Noell Bros., Proprietors' Corner Stone Laying. j fMr. and irs. Victor Kaplon On next Saturday evening at V ner and sisterMiss Ethel Al- Mr th pnrnAr cfnA Vsw i - u" ueo ana Mr. nym- M. E. Church inEast -Rpxboro will be laid. The exercises will b under the auspices of i the Ma sonic Lodge, and the public' is cordially invited. ; en Cantor are touring the country in that world beating Overland of Mrs. Victor Kaplpn's: On their tour they will visit Richmond, Washington, Baltimore, Phila., New York and Chicago,, They are expected to return in .about four weeks. ' v MiJlaMYcimi With one of the best equipped wood working plants in this section, With "r the most modern machinery driven by electric power and makinglhat power oilvSt a minimum cost places us in a position to save yoii the "Middle Mail?s,, profit Kill nPIHfl IIIMDCD DflM Mill Tfl niLii uiiilu LU11IULII. IIIUIll HULL lU.rlll Can t you see why we save you money 02i your building material. ;v MAM IHI1 Roxboird Immh&r Co "Home of Quality Lumber;'5; COUNTY IEftGHERSlflSTITOTE FROM; MT. HARFHOUY SECTION. j,ely gh?lff' ilOLSlQ.iSr ' ' , ,:J;t rin: tiu'-1 ' ,i 'J u While this county has' never, ' - ' ' tyfV JThe Well kilowh und much re- M . . ; . ... "- !r .1- " 1 v- - Itiin nnv orrAnr. ct.rpca nrvtn hPinon rrot. BeUimcflxsi Land um spected-' merchant 6! Glenn . ; .lt.UH Wvl wftrA married on ducfangiWith More Than Une, Foreman, Mr. H. C. Fogleman Hundred in Attendance. 4 was buried atMt Harmony church The Coraityrfeachers Instiute! on the J7th itist ' opened Monday morning - With I The I Mt. Harmony " Sunday Prof. Bell, oti Rockingham,' and School participated in the Sunday miss Bettie Land of (jreensbOrp, in charge, Mrs. J. A. Beam1 is conducting the Institute for the' colored teachers at the colored! graded school building. On Jes terday morning Mrs. Jno. S. rCun: mghum of Durham spoke reprei senting the Fire Insurance Depart ment of Raleigh, being sent1 out for this work under the supervis ion of Fire Insurance Qomniisioa-i t ? V' PRESTON SATTERFIELD; Sect'y.& Manager. ' 1 1 Thank Yoe We do not feel like passing up this season without extending to yotf a :word:of4hanks for the liberal patron- . for all the business, because you. aswell as we, Nfiilly ;; realize the force of that old adage, "Competition is the . life of trade," and we might add, 'the death of high prices." While it is unpleasant and unprofitable to us all at times, it is a mighty good regulator. We ask you for that share of your business that we merit through SERVIGE, QUALITY OF GOODS, AND LEGITIMATE PROFIT. OUR FALL GOODS ARE. BEGINNING .TO ARRIVE and before you buy, look our goods dyer. Our buyers are highly pieased with their purchases ' We will be in fetter shape than ever to take care of your wants. Gonnect with us, it wiljl prove profitable ' to both. Morton & Satterfield New Stores in P. O. Building ef Young, At the second days session there were regisiered seventy seven "white teachers' and thirty' two colored. This is way beyond the mark which Supermtenderit'Beam' had hoped for, and of course lie is happy over such a large enrolli ment. " ' ' ''yjC We doubt if a County inthe State can show more enthusiasm or more advancement along eooS - -ft" - " -its''?'-'- tional linesthan Ion,-aril;t9 the worthy Superinteii len i Rir; J. A. Beam, alybace ali School rally at Bethany on the 19tb inst. A very small crowd at tended owing to the fact that the farmers were so very busy hous ing their crops. The Woodmen of the World un veiled a monument to their deceas ed brother, W. G. Mangum, at the old Mangum graveyard about three and a half miles north east of Moriah on last Sunday after noon. A large crowd attended. . Miss Mabel Callisand her broth er has been visiting at Mr. Ran Meadows. They returned home on last Sunday afternoon. O'B. " Mn CL O.f Thomas and! Miss raising Jarge .watermelons, stilh Auusc ? we have onV'raiser whd is hard' to! bnde s PareDts' an beat. Mr J. E. Daniel, -one of W. Woody in Kingsport,Tenn the really good farmers who lives iThe haPP ,cou?le arnv? i i .t .. 1 - . I Kara Mnnav OVPTMnfT ftnd Will jusiaiew miles nortn ot town,.ulw "v"VAl-' v rru K'oc rotc enma va' fina nnae ' DQake, tWS their home. lheiF this year, his largest weighing 62 ,f fiends extend congratulations and pounds. Aside froni -?lhe size of wish for them anappy mjiw these- melons they are of extra Pous journey inrougu uic. ; fine quality. We know because , ' . , .H ' . f 'i we har tried them, ' Miss a.Bradsher.. left ?atar- -l-' - ' -- . ,- ' 'day for Fuquay Springs to spend E;im'evilng of entertain-'a week the west of her sister, tairiment, see Jumbo Jum and1 Mrs. JD. K. , Kichmpnd, after n ' 1 ' j. .1 a - Jii. i !tttV.iU oho wi 0"f CO lVlOFVCII. Xl Thursday, August 31st, 1916 at C, where she has -accepted a q.ik'uv i nna Hon in the trraded school. ,. WEEK-END AT THE LAKE . - . - .!. .... Mrs. R. L. Mitchell, her daughters, and their house guests spent the week end at Loch Lily Glub, where they were delight fully entertained by the follow ing young men l. Messrs. Clyde Crowell, Joe Blanks, Willie Piss, ported in his'efforts by the(feprch Jones, Will Burton, Victor "Oliver OH 11 Fall plowing is on hand, an "OLIVER CHILLED" will do the work. We also have Spike and Disc Harrowsifat low prices. And in tooth peg harrow we rare bargain. Board of Eddeation composljof Messrs. J. W. Noel I, J. AfibM and W. R. Wilkerson, is due'tM credit for this condition Of affair The citizens , or Roxbord ; are glad to have these good l&pH with us and at the last meein, Oi the Business Men,s.r':;AssocifltiDii& committee was appointed vfovidoJi atierenieriam The -committee program which will be carried tut whereby the teachers will all be made welcome and a jolly good time assured while tbey are doing their work. JIJ MJlfr :ieaCii2rl liU4kw5UrlWUSJ! filWf ; ha'appecFout?! WiHis;. rHaliie'1 Jo1ies,4 School Time Is Almost Here. Don't send the little ones off to school handicapped with poor eyesight. Clear sight means quick thought, and the ability to think quickly means success. Parents who realize this responsibility for the future as well as for the pre- r Burch and Crisp Barnett. On Wednesday evening Mess. Jones, Burch and Crowell motor ed from Roxboro to Yancey ville and early Thursday morning the party set out for the lake. ; Those enjoying the hospitality of. the young gentlemen were: -Misses Ila, . Ruby and , Emma Elizabeth Mary; Lee Crowell, Roxboro; Ethel and Myrtle Woods, Purley, N. C ; Mary Wade, Chattanooga, Tenn. ; and Frances Jones, Chatham, Va. About seven o'clock, p. m. Friday the chaperone, Mrs. R. L. Mitchell announced to the sorrow of all, that the party must return. Messrs. Willie Pass, Joe Blanks, Arch Jones, Will Burton and Jim Murray accompanied the ladies back to( Yanceyville, where they served a most deli- it sent success of their children will not delay in having this very im- cious midnight supper at the portant question decided. Dr. N. Rosenstein, the Optome trist of Durham will be in Rox boro Tuesday, , September 5th, stopping at the Jones Hotel for purpose of examining eyes and fitting glasses. i ? a Come to,see us for m - tamly of stdfF, for we can ceri serve you to, the best i advan tage; The Oeering Mowers . Long, Bradsher fcjGo. Business Men's Association Elects New Officers. At a meeting of the Business Men's Association held in the court house last Thursday even ing the following officers were elected: President, F 0. Carver, Vice-Presidents, W. L. Lewis, Secty, andTreas. N. Lunsford. The former President, J. A. Long, de clined a re-election, stating he could not serve for another term. Mr. John Tingen Drowned. On Sunday evening just before sunset Mr. J ohn Tingen and Speck Long started across the lake in an old leaky boati : wliich ibecame fall of water andisank fewhen they were about half wiy across the lake. The young' man, Speck Long, managed itb -ing . to the boat but Mr. Tingen failed to catel hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Mitchell. Tuesday September 5th At Roxboro. Dr. N. Rosenstein, the Optome trist of Durham will be in Rox boro Tuesday, September 5th, stopping at the Hotel Jones, for the purpose of examining eyes. and fitting glasses. If you need the services of a Specialist, be sure and see Dr. Rosenstein. We Balk at Poems. We appreciate our -t correspond ents' and try to take good care of their news items, but when it comes to long poems we balk. Please send us all of the news, but you will have to excuse us for not publishing long poems or essays on "how to raise children," etc." J -t 4-S .. . i.i 14 An Evening, of Entertainment. "Under theVdirection f Mrs Lillian ForemknV two plays ''Fam ous Summer (Hrlki Minstrel and Jumbo Jum" iwilh be given at the Auditorium bi) Thursday evening, Aug. 31st 1916r at 8:15 Vclock. the boat and - was drowned. AGeheral admission 25cts. children uider fourteerif J&cts. Both play$ are humorous i and it promises to party immediately attempted to find the body but did not succeed until early yesterday- momingM?? eyeningxf laughters Pro mk Tincrftn li vefl npar thp. laW ceeds, for the benefit of the M; E. and leaves a family of four chil- church parsonage; i JUUOl OUHULSBDi gum vvabu . .NOTICE-I will; let the; con tract for cleaning ; off cemetery next Friday, , ; September., 1st,- at lost between Bushy Fork and Rox boro or between' -my -house and Hycq War?house Finder return - ,' i ' ''J - -r rn "Roxbbro's' Best Store" iv u.ciocK, ai oine cemeiery. w. i.tomeana receive rewaru. . x. rr R, Hambrickl ;,;--v; rPassv K 'yr AV;W i - ---j -; -v-v -r V- 5.7 Work on our store building is now progressing rapidly and tt the contractor assures us that it will be ready for us to occupy it hv Sentemher 15th. When. com pleted afld we are back in everythiifaniiged and iii : place we will be prepared to serve you as. we never have. You will find :" splendid light. And as we :have ; improved our building we shaU also greatly improve our stocli and have it in keeping with the ; surroundings. We have been fortunate in securing Miss to take charge of our Millinery ! department. She is a native North Carolinian, I having reared in our neighbor Granville, and comes recom mended by high and reliable . -authority as being one of best milliners that goes out Baltimore and also a lady. , She and Mr. Burns are now in the Northern market making purchases to complete oitf stocks, and we feel that all of our previous will be su Myrtle Peed County splendid ft: efforts rpassed ft;' meantime we are nun goods which we; move; Give us your: busiriess' lt;pays to trade witn G-.. lilt - . I, -'1 t - , ' fvv .