in ;v Noell Bros., Proprietors SLOOTr Year in1 Advance VOL. XXXIII ROXBORO, NORTH i Wednesday Evening Sept 13, 1916 Number 40 CAROLINA BOARD OF EDUCATION MET IN CALLED SESSION WEDNESDAY To Build School at Caltolina Also at Trilby Lady Demon strator Secured For Person County. At a meeting of the Board of Education last Wednesday the Board decided to join in with Granville county and establisH a two teacher school at Caltolina near the Granville county line. It was also decided to build a three teacher school near A. H I Gentry 's. 1 he building to cost around $3,000 which will be made up by the patrons of the school. At this meeting it was decided to pay half the salary of a lady demonstrator for this county, the government paying the other half. This year a bonus of 25 percent of teacher's salary is offered by the board to 10 teachers who do the best work in this county. The boara was in session quite a while and a ood many people from all over the county were' present. Much interest is being manifested in the schools of the county this year. It Doesn't AnytMnjjv' r It is a Come arid inspect our goods compare our prices before you buy elsewhere SAV ING MONEY is easier than MAKING MONEY. Try Us. New goods coming in every day. Just received a nice shipment of Silks, a lot of Plush and other Coats, some Woolens and serges. We will be in better position than ever to take care of your wants this fall. Morton & Satterf ield "The Most Up-to-Date Store in Town" "Oliver Fall plowing is on hand, an "OLIVER CHILLED" will do the work. We also have Spike and Disc Harrows at low prices. And, in the fifty tooth peg harrow we ha:ve a rare bargain. Gome to see us for this line of stuff, for we serve you to tage. . The Long, 4 Deenn .FROM MT. HOMINY SECTION. There was an ice-cream supper at Mr. Ollie Eake's Saturday night; very large crowd attend ed, mostly children . Messrs. Henry Newton, and k, B.,D' Briant gave the instructions as to the making and serving of the cream. I am glad ' to say that everybody bothold and young seemed to enjoy the cream. If nothing happens to prevent there will be another in the neighborhood next Saturday night. Mr. A. B. O'Briant went to Durham last week and secured a typewriter for thevptfose of gaining the speed that he has lost during the summer so that he may be able to accept a posi tion some time sobnVOntribut ed. M- GROVE. Born to Mr. and Mrs;' A. J. Harris Monday morning, a daughter, mother 'and baby do- m nicely, Rev. C. R. Ross will begin a series of meetings at Warren's Grove on next Thursday night, Public, cordially invited. -7 "C". Cost You To Look OIU T199 umueo can certain the best advan- Mowers Bradsher Wf Whs COUNIY INSTITUTE Our County Teachers Institute . . It was a great soccess from sev-. jjje farmerg are getting on era standpomts. Inicely with their crops, the most n "r duc re ce11 ofAhem have finished curing to Prof. Bell ofcEockmgham was - , mfr' - wun us ine nrst weeit ana lerc m j n r - t 1 1 : n fine piece of work to bless us. He is a fine gentleman indeed, possess es a great spirit, a big heart and excellent equipment for schoolf work. His people believe him, hej has been fourteen years at his pres-i ent place as Supk of schools andjl it seems that the work he has done is only an earnest of what is to' follow. He was compelled to re turn to his work on Friday and; Prof. S. L. Sheep took up the work of the second week. He also is a great school man and for twenty-nine years led the educa tional forces of Elizabeth City and the surrounding, county witli his excellent private school which for years ranked among-the veryJ best schools of our state. He is now Supt. of the schools of -Mar- ion, N. C. He did not come to us as a stranger as many of our teacher! had taken mathematics under hiftr in the summer school at Chapel Hill. He rendered us excellent service. ; Miss Bettie Land of Greensboro was our assistant conductor. S$6 had charge of the Primary D partment. She was with us.te two weeks and has given our eduf cational work a great uplift.-Surely there are but few ; in NrOfNter eaual in her line oLwork JShffil&s her subject matterweit ' m nana and knows how to present. She possesses the faculty, in unique style, of deeply interesting those whom she teaches and leaves them with that healthy enthusiasm that maKes ttfem determined to put in to practice what they have learned. Her services are in great de mand, but I learn that she is too much devoted to her work in Greensboro to accept any of the attractive propositions offered her. Mrs. Beam conducted the Insti tute for the colored people It was held in the colored graded school building. Judging from the enthusiasm created, the deep interest aroused, the high ideals set, the strong determinations fixed for better service and for better citizenship, her work must have been a great success. Ail these conductors and teach ers were greatly delighted with Roxboro -and her noble people as shown in so many ways during the two weeks. They say in all their Institute work qf years they have never been more cordially received, nor more kindly treated, nor more royally entertained than they were by the people of Roxboro. Both conductors and teachers left praising Roxboro people for the pleasant and profitable time spent among them. J I do not know how much it cost to add so much to the pleasure of the teachers, but I" feel sure that Roxboro people have never made an investment of like amount of money that proved as great a ble&sing as the amount spent in en tertaining the teacliers will bring as the years go by. From the depths of my heart I say "blessings oh Roxboro and her people' Sincerely" uj. A. Beam. SELLING HIGH. Tobacco is selling high at ; Planters Warehouse, Durham. Bring us your next load and watch Bill Umstead sell it. , r W. L; Umstead, : W, J. Monk, v .R; Ac Allen, ROSEVILLE fJEl'15 I have not seen anything is section in some; time, n ury xo give a lew items ot 'interest. -.rz-.zr-::- o ' ttee jyho did not pull their fod deriihstead. r4lrr'W. H. Moore had the mis fortune to lose a barn of tobacco by fire on last Monday morning JVfr Jack Smith who has been Qite sick is now able to be up again, and he really seems to be feeling good. irs. Fannie vGlenn is right feeble, being confined to her home. We hope that she may Sj5on be able td be up again. .Tjie little son Robert of Mr. George O' Brian t, who has had fever is now rapidly improving, we ;are glad to say. ' Miss Mattie Morton of Rox boro visited in this section last week. Miss Mattie is a noble young woman and was, when she lived in this her old neigh borhood a favorite with all. She always receives a hearty welcome when she comes. Mrs. Jennie Naylor, who has sen visiting her sisters, Mrs. tRI W. Crumpton and Mrs. J. R. Yanhook has returned to her name in Winston-Salem. . i I'll close now for fear I may gb'to the waste basket. &x. "Selah". TEACHERS ENTER- - 7 TA1NE0 ATVTHE-LAICE On last Thursday evening the citizens of the town invited the teachers attending the Instituteto be their guests at a six o'clock dinner at the Lake. Promptly at five o'clock automobiles were in waiting at the graded school build ing and were quickly filled and speeding on their way to the Lake. A committee of ladies had preceded them and had made pre parations for the dinner. After spending an hour about the club house, and listening to music, etc. j dinner was announced and the crowd was weil cared for by the committee mentioned. There were about one hundred in the party and it looked as if every minute was greatly enjoyed by all present. After dinner there was more music and the party returned to town.. Evidently A Violation. By request we are publishing the order below: North Carolina, Person County. SUPERIOR COURT August Term, 1916. IN RE ROAD CONVICTS. ORDER. It is ordered by the Court that the Clerk notify the Chairman of the Board of County Commission ers and the Superintendent of Roads that the law does not per mit persons- sentenced to iaii and assigned to the road force to leave their places of confinement except for purposes of road duty$; and that permitting prisoners to leave their places of confinement except for purposes of road duty will subject the officials in. charge of said nrisoners to indictment for escape. DEATH OF 1. SOL D. Mr. Sol D. Clayton died at his home in Danville on last Saturday at the-aere of 68 years. Mr. Claj ton was a native of this county, a bother:pf our: worthy County-; mrarjMK-SJAOIaytoB, THt Elected Governor, Two Senators ; anvd:JFpur Congressmen. xAuijStaIe.1Sept.ll.-The re pu bl icans today made a clean sweep in Maine. They elected Carl E. Milligen governor "by up- wnrds of 11 000 elected two senators. Frederick elected:frur congressmen.: .Louis B. s Woodall, in the first district; Wallace H. White, in the second; John l.'Peters, in the third,.and Ira G. Hersy, in the fodrth. The returns show a republican gain of about thirty-five per cent over the vote of 1914, and a demo cratic gain of about seven per cent. The republicans apparently ! captured about eighty per cent of the progressive votes. Indications are that the entire! state ticket has gone through in the landslide, thus giving the re publicans a majority in both branches of the legislature. HavenH you heard them say, "Get it from Morton & Satter field"? Try it. r PI " You c get it fpr less from Roxboro Lumber Co.,v(f tkke their word for it but make us prove that we can save you money on anything in TOILDING KILN DRIED LUMBER FROM MILL TO J if Roxboro Lumber Co. "Home of Quality Lumber." PRESTON SATTERFIELD, Sect'y. & Manager. MANY NEW GOODS . e.3j ARE ALREADY HERE Big Shipments Arriving Daily; We have received big shipments of Silks, Dress Goods, Trimmings, Millin nery, Coat Suits, Goats, Middies, Dress-, es and other goods that make up a Fall stock. We are putting these on sale as ' fast as they arrive. You are urged to come often and inspect these arrivals The New Milliner MISS MYRTLE PEED i is here and ready to show you the new e8and--best. in millihefy. She spent:; liie weeks in . Baltimore; New York : anPhiladerphia- just'beforeepming here.; Tliis; time was spent in studying the nevw styles, trimming pattern hats, making se-; lections and purchases. Miss Peed is a -1 milliner witlilarge experience good judg- --nient and fine taste. Be sure to yisit this (iepaftment soon. You will like: Miss Peed as well as the hats she will show yquo Roxboro 's REV. T. It IVEY 111 ROXBORO Y-vOn laJunday mriimg . . Rev. , 's T. NIveyfof 'Nashville, Tehn.t preached the opening sermon afc 1 Grace Methodist . Church, and in?' the evening at 7 :30 o'clock , he . preached at the Edgar Long; , Memorial church. Dr. Ivey was ,'' greeted by a large congregation, , in fact the house was literally: ;.; )aceL The sermon was ; are hunger after righteousness, for they shall be .filled", and was easily ) . one . the fi,nest th's . ha? ever usienea 10. nis engusu was ; beautiful and at times his flights of oratory were beyond ' descrip- tion. - :'VH Few men have been loved by ; our people as has Dr. Ivey, and this was evidenced by the factor that in his congregation Sunday night were to be seen many of If the leading members of all the r ' various churches of the townp. ! The one universal regret of the 5 1 town is that Dr. Ivey comes this -t . t way so seldom. ) r Buy shoes from Hugh Woods and save money. :fy '?A'f: X Best Store" i i o i MATERIAL fi"J J if it tf 'L .-if - -