fctv j n xsfe,: t4 -r T' - iA' A-1 ' j ; '- Noell Qros,, Proprietor's Home First adJNext $I.0Q Per Year injAdvance VOL. XXXIII ROXBORO,lN0RJHm?:pLNA; Wednesday Evenibg Sept 20, 1916 : -4 vfcV tNumber: 41' i t L.. - - - ... . 0 V STEPHETJ MOORE RE TURNED FfiOH ASpiLtE, Stephen Moore returned jpeiter iay morning from Asheville" where he had been for hishektWW;re? gret that his co idition hasinot shown any improvement since hV Las been away, . , - ... The Koxboro Graded School beT gari the session Monday with an erirollmeuof 301. ..The teachers are the following: . Misses Mary Trotter, Reidsville; Eugenia Pon der, Cherokee, S. C.;V;Slildred Satterfield, Timberiake,', lrma Stephens, Smithfield; Lucille Koontz, Kinston; May Willson, Myrtle Barnelt Ethel Crowder No one else from outa&a'Pnv. UW", Bertha Newton;: Roxboro; boro can be admitted to thel1-1 hlte ?geP,of Timber eighth grade " of the Roxboro ilaHe and Miss Lucille Umstead of Graded Schools -at nrpaanf t Bahama as teacher of music. mm HOTIGE SCHOOL BEGINS May 18, 1916. ; A, B. Stalvey, Supt. , See Hugh Woodsline of shoes. i 1 Go 'terit It may have a self centered sound to you when we tell you to buy early, but we believe we are giv ing you good advice. The prices are steadily rising and the feeling seems to be prevalent that on the best merchan dise it is not a question of price but of getting it. When you find something you like at a reasonable price, buy it, or ' else you will likely be disappointdd. .,- Our line of Cloaks and Coat Suits is complete and they do not fail to bring forth admiration. Shirt Waist and Skirts we haye in abundance, their beautydtyl?e unexcelled. Our price; on wilre very reasonable. Get them now. ROXBOOff ; TOBACCO SUES r Have Been Good for the Pait Weelr&i Satisfactory Pricei.? Tliere was more tobacco spld jjfx f i .. w . " . nrnrtAit AAiumi I'tKiiUil UUUiJIY r AUD EDUCATION r forward Strides Being Made- Roxboro .on last; Eriday; alone Seen-At Teachers; than was sold during the entire month of September 1915 and;tj e sales were universally satisfactor h averaging for- the week $15.5(.' This average was lower -thanvth y opening butr tjhere is a krgerrgeP centage $lm i:omm9n& showing now than n the opening The tone of the market is fTfif& ot all grades. " One ne w concern oh the market th is: week has had a . , , . .. 1 A teDdency to advance the prices on common tobacco. Very fowling tobacco's have been sold as ' yei. DEMOCRATIC RALLEY AT Last Saturday was a big day a Breese School House in Orange county. They had prepared a ba becue and brunswick tew andh?e people were there to enjoy it. Hon. A. L. Brooks and Gov. Wf. W. Kitchin were the sj eakei'4 and both were heard with deefj interest. Institute. 4' by 8. L. -SHBKP.) j Among the many counties that are making unusuat educational . there is probably none in which ; runs higher than in Person county. On a recent visit to Roxboro we) found the Teachers' Institute in; session with an attendance of eighty-two teachers. Superintend ent Bell; of Rockingham, had been in charge the first -week, and lift VawtnV aavc tn nnan ViiC schools, t-B'e writer was-' called' in l to finish .-ithe work, Miss Bettie Land coBtffiuinflTas' ioint conduc- BREESE SCHOOL HOOSEM blast and mre was an atmosphere of enthusiasin and professional zeal that was most gratifying, a.id means much for the future, of ed ucation in Person county. 'The interest1 of the teachers seemed to have taken possession, lf the ci izeris of the town, and ibis interest manifested itself in That is why you hear people sayi v Get it from Roxboro LumberGompany!the' i: reasdn you see so man lwiqns with i qualit ylumber from our stbrage-Tthe one reason wiiy we are succeeding, ; , It you are L riot a! customer of the Rox-;' boro Lumber Gov, it will pay you to get in: touch, with us. 4 -'."..' n EILN-DRIED LUMBER OUR SPECIALTY 66 announced and son.ething lilie fifteen hundred were served. i. It: was our first visit to this sec tion of Orange and we were glad to see so many sings of progress all along the way ltrisja splendiq; farming section, the farmers large ly patronizing this market whibh as also a sure sign that they know . f nrwnere cooacco seas oest -- "The Most Up-to-Date Store in Town" Strong Additions for this Market It is with much pleasure we note that Messrs. 0. E. and . John D. Winstead and George E. Harris have purchased an interest in the Pion?er Warehouse and are giv ing their time and, good judgment to the interest of this popular house. These inare all large to bacco raisers and know what it is worth. They will look carefully after the interest of their friends and will be the means of thous ands of pounds coming to this market which has not been sold here befcre. The market is to be' congratulated upon this move and we know all will hail the news with delight. Now let .us etbusy for that twelve million pounds which the market should sell. m o t r nrOiTc amnncf nrli i r Vi mora .fi.ii6r.Mm speecues ainner wasiv Oliver led9 Fall plowing is on hand, an "OLIVER CHILLED" will do the work. We also have Spike and Disc Harrows, at low prices. And in the fifty tooth peg harrow we have a rare bargain. Gome to see us for this line of stuff, for we can certainly serve you to the best advantage. The Bearing Mowers v Long; ; ; BMsli;t J Co 1LU oer .;.""''. yAMid n' ,.(!,i(wt.,jw "Home of Quality Lumber.H PRESTON SATTERFIELD, Sect'y. &'ifanage?. 'r:r"'j - To Charlotte for New Cars. Messrs. Clyde Crowell and Em ery Winstead lefr this morning for Charlotte and will bring home with them another lot of the pop ular Ford cars. The Crowell Auto Company have been selling these cars faster than they could get them, in fact they have, been go- ing like hot ginger cakes at an old ' time political, rally, when a glass of cider was thrown in for good measure. an automobile ride given the f teachers during the first week over Some of the excellent -roads that have been and are being construct ed in the. county; free tickets "to the picture shows for be th weeks; and on Thursday of lasjjeek a slifo'clock dinner . was 'fendered tnefteachers at Roxb jro'ssplendid Country 431 ub, s. located, on; !Loch Somt wo hu rj dred; acfe7 situated some five miles distant from Rox boro. .: f Roxboro is one of the few towns of its size that can boast of a coun try club with such a splendid build ing and so delightfully located, and this speaks well for the pro gressive spirit of business men who were so enterprising as to es-j tablish this place of recreation for its citizens. ! Person county, is consolidating its schools as rapidly as possible - and voting local taxes for longer! school terms, better houses, andj more pay for teachers, and backj of all this advance and enthusiasm' on the part of teachers and people for better educational advantages, stands Rev. J. A. Beam, county, superintendent, who though he has been in office less than two years, is beginning to show most" gratifying results. j Superinter.dent Beam is an ex perienced teacher and he brings to his work an expert knowledge of what is required in the schools, and then his enthusiasm for the work, and his zeal and enthusiasm for the uplift of his fellowman makes him a mighty factpr in in-! spiring his teachers and the citi-j zens to strenuous effort to ;place Terson county in the front ranks of the educational advance that in Did vou see that pile of tobacco goi ig on in the State, at the Pioneer which sold for Fifty With the splendid te im work of Dollars? Will B.- McCullock of superintendent, teachers; anditi Orange county was theowner and zens, much may be hoped for and he was a happy man-and so was' realized in Person county's educa Harry Winstead. ' tional progress in the near future. Millmery open Wig New Pattern Hats Will Be Displayed Friday & Saturday 22nd & 23rd Every latSisinvited to attend this ! - display. rComeapd ize what is correct y iandiiew in ladies KeCie anH ; ;;l vsee what ainiceAhafeyqu Uur store will; oe open at nignt ooui .uays. ,; Liadies Meady -to wear Like Old "Times, The greater part of our fall stock of ladies ready-to-wear has arrived and is now on display. There has been very little advance in this clasa of goods. We : have a splendid selection and a bijg stocky of Dresses, Coat Suits, Coats, Skirts, . Shirtwaists, Sweaters, etc. In fact we have a most complete stock and you will 'find almost anything you wish either ready made or the materials for making. Our New Store or rather our old store made new is not qdite ready for us yet. Owing to delay; in delivery of some of the material for ; front we will probably not be able to move back until after the Fair. We ae well prepared, however, in our tempor- ary quarters to serve you. So come to see us at Clayton & Long's old stand. JVVe arq always pleaei tpsee nd serve ) you. " ' ' ' '' 'Harris & Bmras , Roxboro's Best Store'.' ii ft : PEGT ABSOLUTELY SANITARY JN- EVERY-ES When you drink Coca-Cola bottled by Roxboro Bottling Works: you may rest .assured that jt oKcWpIv mire arid wholesome. We have recently installed the best bottletenhzing Machirie ade and each bottle run through this machine comes out absolutely clean.. We invite you at time to visit us ana oe convmuqu ror yourseu. any O' : - I VvTTO TTTi v TTT) t it