1 Noell Bros., Proprietors VOL. XXXIII PROGRAM THIS SS PRINCE TONIGHT A Red Feather feature Production in five reels. "THE IRON HAND" is the title of this strong drama featuring Hobart Bosworth. It is " a story of a crooked politician and gang leader. A play with a moral but so en tertaining, the moral is not suspected until the end. Don't m'ss this fine Picture. THURSDAY -WHO PULLED THE TRIGGER". A two-reel drama of mystery. This story is not complete and the answer to it will be given in n third reel to be shown Saturday. Come out and see if you can solve it and see the cor rect sequal Saturday, "ANIMATED WEEKLY" a topical review in one reel. "A SOCIETY SHERLOCK" a Victor Comedy which you will surely enjoy. FRIDAY A two-reel L-KO Comedy, "WHERE IS MY HUSBAND' comedy that will make you split your sides with laughter. A single-reel Imp Drama, "THE LUCKY GOLD PIECE". This is a simple little story of .a man who had a good luck piece and what it brought him. Also a J-reel educational picture, "Rough Riders in India". SATURDAY "MY LADY'S MILLIONS" a two-reel society drama showing that fate sometimes turns against us through performance of a good deed. The third of "WHO PULLED THE TRIGGER"' the solution of mystery story shown Thursday. Don't miss it. "BEER MUST GO DOWN", a one-reel Nestor Comedy with EDDIE LYONS and LEE MORAN. Full of clef n, wholesome fun. A Good Show Every Come They are It is huinan-tb make a fuss over some- thing good and to radi&te pride at the rec- I ognitiod ; ot others f werjUQotjsdme m ENriTMS T 6 rSHOES WE FEEL LIKE TAKING THE FLOOR, we know that we have the QUALITY, we know that it is generally recognized. JUST RECEIVED APART SHIP MENT A FEW DAYS AGO. When it comes to snap with the SERVICE there and the PRICES right, we have it. Try a pair and you will become one of our boost ers. Morton & Satterf ield "The Most Up-to-Date Store in Town" Gasoline Service Station F or Roxboro and Person Co. We wish to announce to all our people, that in a few days we will have our tank and gasoline pump installed and ready for busi ness and will furnish Gasoline at Dealers prices. We hope to make this station a saving as well as a convenience to the public and we will thank you for your Gasoline and Oil business. The terms on Gasoline will be strictly cash to everybody. Long, labeSS WEEK AT THE THEATRE A screaming Night Don't fail to Out. Good. Hoijae Fiyst AbroadijSlext ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA Wednesday Evening; 18, 1916 HWPMHMMPHM . a, . . - -t ml n - ,:" - ...... .. ; y m''' , t ."'V- .- '.....;-;: h .' -v - "" - .-... ".:-.. .. OF CHANTS BUSINESS What They and How T. S. CLAY'S MARKET Fresh Meats Fish Oyster. Of those who are catering in most satisfactory way in Roxbjoro to supplying the table and larder in uie various ioou commoaiues. We mention in ? Ten Pictures' the popular a'udbusy Meat Mar- ket conducted by T. S. CIayt as one that is fulfilling its tafcks well, and to the liking of hdstslof - commercial prosperity. In of pleased and satisfied ' patrons.; ffioiboro her citizens and best The management buys the ystbusihess iuterests are justly native Cattle,. Veal, Lambs ldprqud of the wholesome condi Hogs on the hoof that are dreWjb'on and strength of the old reli ed by skilled help with a view table Peoples Bank in itssubstan- to furnishing their many patroisnM and pleasing bank -building choice fresh and cured meatsv and the by-products overcleii counters every day in the wefekg And should one at any time want a toothsome Rost,' Pork, Lamb Chop, Tenderloin, Porterhouet Round : or Chuck Steak; iresx Fish, Oysters :pt l'Cm0t. duce this Market is ready to sup ply, you "on the '; spot' '-t liv) aadJelLveipTi.Jl)et and emftWs every tacility to' af-1 rora promptness ana 10 men t nor in upmv anu uetcerment 01 your- patronage. Everything 7 is Roxboro and Person County and noticeably clean , an sanitary it is noteworthy that this insti about the premises, and nothing tution has always, been support but the most wholesome products , ed by a hearty arid healthy sen are ever offered for sale. ! timent from the people, while its A message or phone order will growth and usefulness has like bring you the same Quality, ! wise increased accordingly. One Quantity and Promptness. This example, a few years back dur is the way they have built .up ing the panic when most banks their business. i were paying checks with script, this bank paid all checks.in cash HARRIS & BURNS Big Department Store This widely known concern is now in a partically new and strictly modern store house with 46 feet frontage and a depth of 100 feet. The two story buff brick front with large recess plate glass show windows and tile en trance is about the most attractive in Roxboro. While within is new shelving and smart new show cas es and counters a prettily design, ed metal ceiling, steam heat where every comfort and a most agreeable environment greets you, making it a pleasant place in which to trade. Hence the house of Harris &Burns is more than ev er conceded to be one of the coun t.vs best conducted and appointed stores that is held high in the es teem and confidence of its legion of patrons and the people at large, for the- exceptional advantages it is rendering the buying public. It is now replete with the seasons best offerings. Truly a depart ment store. A natural evolution or transition of the once general store. The business of this es tablishment is classified into the departments of Dry Goods, No tions, Millinery, Ready.-to-Wear Garments and Tu rriishing Goods for the ladies and misses. And as caterers for the masculine -sex, there are the departments of -mens Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats and Shoes, while the entire second floor is devoted to furniture,- car pets and house furnishings, all to gether the stock is one" of the lar gest handled in Northern Carolina and in every way tp to a 'high standard of quality and variet.v for the better class ; of trade to which this house caters. This business was established half a century ago the firm (succeeded Jl A. Long, Son & Co 'in 1905), the members of the firm individually are W. H. Harris'-and" A;' M. Burns, gentlemen who - are con versant with the modern vn?ays of merchandising and whose, trade comes from over a large jspe of Country. ' , -y MER- S AND MEN ,e Doing ioiev Do It THE PEOPLES BANK ?A Roll of Honor Bank" ivSojind banking is the backbone of a "town and community like an Artery it permeates through xat? -enure commercial ana dusi ness system of a section. And without a good bank any com- Wunity is seriously handicapped lover the one that has, in this aere that has served the people faith- utfoaud well since 1891. alwav& standing by its customers, hav-J ing all the while given its large clientelle and the public an effici- entvjJajns-iaKing ana courteous cervrce in every detail of a gen ctrking -business in7theiuli. tsirice As, it oificersXare with sucb moves that areirneatit in every instance. The Capital stock is $40,000.00, Surplus $45,000.00, with total re sources totaling $400,000.00. Its officers are A. R. Foushee, Presi dent; E. G Long, Cashier; and D. S Brooks, Assistant Cashier, gentlemen whose integrity and resourcefulness as bankers are unquestioned. WINSTEAD WAREHOUSE Thaxton & Burch, Owners The Winstead Warehouse has been conducted in Roxboro since 19Q9, and has fulfilled its mission highly satisfactory to the best welfare of the grower and the tobacco industry just this long. And today stands as one of the peers throughout the tobacco re gion, being among the better known and better facilitated warehouses of several counties from which it draws trade, so well known is the "sincere inter ests of its managers to patrons in giving everyone who brings his tobacco to the floors of this warehouse a square- deal white the personal attention in every instance; assures the very best prevailing prices which means that Roxboro invaribly pays the , maximum high prices on all grades of the weed a . fact that perceptibly augments the volume of business to this market each season from 'over a large scope of country. Messrs. G. T Thax ton and R. A. Purch are gentle men familiar with every de tail of growing, marketing and handling tobacco which is a de cided advantage to the patron, Also they employ a gifted auc- tioneer, and: an experienced and nroficientfeclerical force for every Assignment The large, well . Y i ; i r iaa rorv ngiitea. warenouse is iuu x km feetMn;3imentions, making it the largest floor, space in - Roxboro with icqmfole quarters for teamstej&ancl teams: ... - " Coati?med on pagd -.at. -1 .-. e - progressive, rairi anaapreasr 01 trtlme.thoaern'tmethMk fcf ROXBORO TOBACCO MARKET Largest Brakes For Entire Week -tWs&ason Prices Continue High Full Report Below! Our sales for the past week have been the largest for any week for several years past, sales lasting until late in the afternoon every day. Notwithstanding that fact the market made the highest average for any week so far this year. Prices have been maintained on all grades throughout the week, the last pile Friday afternoon sell ing as high and readily as the first pile Monday morning, at no time during the week did. the buyers show any disposition to slack, up on their purchases all showing an eagerness for the weed. Very lit tle tobacco in high order was offer ed and it is earnestly hoped by our buyers that our patrons will watch the order very closely as wet to bacco does not bring market price at any time. Our Average for the week was $19.12 and $19.03. for October 1916, against 18.80 for 1913. k i ; r 100 Per Cent. Increase Our September business shows a 100 per cent, increase. SERVICE, QUALI TY, PRICE, all contributed their part in making, thitfhowin. ; . We are after your business with a high class top CILN DRIED building ma-;. ujidtd sold at a REAS- ONART.R nrntit. touch wjth us, - , 1 r , .; ; 1 , Kiln Dried Lumber Our Specialty Roxboro Lumber Co. "Home of Quality Lumber.' PRESTON SATTERFIELD, Sect'y. & Manager. f -t I .Back Horn We are now back in our old stand , with a new atore that is well arranged, well equipped and well stocked with a class ot merchandise suited to the needs and wishes of the people of this communi ty. We moved almost before the public knew we had started to. There was no interruption in our business and we served our customers with almost the same efficiency as if nothing unusual was going on and had good sales each day. It was a big job but so quickly and feasily was it done, all by our regular force, that even we were surprised at the efficiency of our force aqd their willingness to d o e x t r a w or k a n d extra hours. We have an excellent force ot, experienced and, Capable salespeople who arealways pleased to give yoir ttie best) possible service as well as haying such a splendid building to sei-ve you in. ;;l - Come to see us, inspect our stock, compare the quality, prices and service yrith any you yish and you, will learn the ; reasbn vKy we are always busy, , - ; There are "RoxboroV $1.00 Per Year in Advance Number 45 SUPERIOR COURT III SESSION Criminal Docket Completed ! Tuesday Afternoon Few Cases Jo Be Tried At This Court. 4 1 Person County Superior Court for October convened Monday ; morning with Judge Cooke of' Franklinton presiding and Solici tor Sam i Gattis representing the;', state. r The criminal docket was com pleted by Tuesday afternoon. On ly a few cases of minor impor tance coming up at this term. The civil docket will be com pleted before the end of the week. The visiting lawyers are: Messrs. Walser, of Lexington, M C. Winstead of Milton and Gov.' W. W. Kitchin of Raleigh. Acquire the cold-curing habits Use our Penslar Laxative Cold' Breakers, and it will be easy to : free yourself from colds , no mat- ter what the cause. 25c. Ham-;4 brick & Austin, Druggists. l- ; I- reasons. Jesttorer good . . v