r f -. .. -- -M "Wl.pl.- r r" - if 4 ' J5 -r t. 4 , ? ' lit . Noell Bros., Proprietors Home First A. 1 $1.00 KerYeih Advance VOL. XXXIII ROXBORO, NORTH (RGimri WeaiEiwday Evbning OcK:25 1916 " r i Number 7 k "V I SJ J V. V ' i J nnuoiiiT urn dm jjtHMmnmiiui II II WARREN j m nd BABY SHOW NEGRO SERIOUSLY WOUNDED. THF On last Wednesday October 18, On Wednesday of Fair week,, i 1916. at 2:30 o'rln the hnm Percy Dickens, colored was dan-? The ladies of the Methodist of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jackson, gerously wounded in Bradsher'sf Church are planning to hold a thpir danahr R1Ha u v.o Plumbmu- shoo on kil street.? Crysanthemum and Baby Show lunited in mArrin.(m fa Alr..T,.i Sonv words nasftd between Dick-11 Tliuwday the Best Aver- ... umv; a j Warren, Jr., of Hightower, by ens and Walter Mitchell, it being , aget Being $2 1 . 92 for Ev- med that the negro used insult-1 jery thins Offered words towards Mitchell and U I s i - . AJuroiarKet tor tne past week was rather light owing to the cir cus and it being court week. ROXBORO PUBLIC SPffili;. luunuuu iiiniiHLi U i, "w . 7 " v-',''.t. ,J;"'. Friday, Oct. 27th, at Clayton, j.ong & Long's store, beginning Rev. D. F. Putnam, the bvlh claii at 2 o'clock. - ipastor. It was a quiet counirv Jn2 11.1 IT . All tne laaies m town and com- home wedding, only brothers md Mitchell struck him with a piece siunity are invited to join them, sisters and a few sner,il fri.Mls of iron over the head-, inflicting a . . . . . , -.'ill m name nnzes wi hp muoTi u,:. a. IIT n-t prize for finest collection of; The bride was attired in . I.h.o the hospital in Durham, and is; lhef thoa& had n late,.tad thehour, 11 o'clock ! , santhemums. ! traveling suit, gray shoes, gloves said to have a good chance tore- Second prize, for next best and hat to match carrving a bou-i cover. Chief Cash went to Oxford tion. 4 Third prize, for best cat flow- -" j . Fourth prize, for largest sin jle bloom. Fitch prize, for the most vims on une plant. t'rizes will also be given to the babies age 3 months to 3 years. Firt prize, for the prettiest oaby. quet of white Cry san them im. ! hist week to arrest Mitchell, but The groom wore a conventional 'Could not find his man. black. I After the ceremony this ' Jfon.iB MQ MnnDC'C C MC PRilP llliii IIIUUHL. U I UIIUI couple left on a car for.-.-Raleigh, where they spent a couple of days before returning to their future home, Hightower, :. C. where Mr. F. L. Moore, one of the promising young farmers of the Hurdle Mills section made, us a they will begin housekeeping. call this morning and told u,s of We extend our congratulations to the happy couple and wish his splendid average made on his crop this year. His crop averag- Secend prize, for the heaviest ! them, much success in life. Con- jed him $35.33 cents for every jnder one vear old. Third prize, for best decorated carriage. For farther information call on Mrs. Mamie Merritt and Mrs. N. Thompson,. trib'uted. Join the 500. WANTED 500 to send us a Two Dollar bill for two years subscription in advance. Two dollars never will count for quite so much to us send us the $2 today. thing. It there is a farmer in this section who beats this he will get busy. While in, Mr. Moore done as all good Person farmers i should do, renewed for The Courier. I Gt7- (W.W, Kitchin Will Speak iq Box Bora on, Monday, Nov. 6thV ,ihe friends, and f that includes every ma nwoWan and .child in this CountywilleT glad kfknow that Gov; W. W. Kitchin wilf speak hVKoxboro on Monday, Nov. 6th. He will speak in the. cburt- house at IT o'clock. Remember, the day "Pen Pictures" o run in next week's rissue;! 'OMdi?6 ' to the lack of space same will not appear in this is -sue as stated last week, -v" t V, I"- Comnpug Dally While we carry qne of the largest and most complete tpjpks in town in Ladies and Gents Furnishings; we are daily getting in something new and of the. latest-styles- Cr;-; '-u'iwKr iUvH-: vvWviT' OF SHIRT W AIST and in the lot you will find some new designs and of rare beauty, WATCH OUR WINDOWS you will always find something interesting: Another shipment of Coats and Coat Suits will ar rive this week and another shipment of shoes expected daily. If you have not already allied yourself with us it will at least be wise to look and learn if you are not the loser. TRY US. Morton & Satterf ield "The Most Up-to-Date Store in Town" i RESOLUTIONS Adopted by the Tobacco Board of Trade October 6th, 1916. Whereas, God in his providence has removed by death one of our members, Mr. R. I. Featherstone. We the Board of Trade wish to put on record an expression of ouri esteem for our corworke therstoneas we-boV silbmls sTye to the will of God, we express axleep source of the loss we sustain thereby, and bear testimony to the kind and genial life of our friend and brother. (2) That we feel thankful to Him who governs all things that We have had among us, this useful life with its many good qualities. 3. That we extend to the be reaved family our warmest sym pathy in this hour of great loss and intense sorrow. (4) That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the Board of Trade, and copies be sent to the family and publish ed in the town paper. A. S. deVlaming, J. T. Walker, R. A. Pass, Committee. asoiine Gasoline Service Station For Roxboro and Person Co. We wish to announce to all our people, that in a few days we will have our tank and g rmmn installed and ready for ness and will j furnish Gasoline Dealers pricey. ;f We hope to make this station a saving fas well as a conyemence . . -UKt anH we Will thank 10 ine puuuw r , Claanhne and Ju you ior youi business. v t The terms on Gasoljne be strictly cash to everybody. at will Long, -4 ' on the buyers as "the sales were closely- watched all week and ev- ry pile had close attention. Thejmarket advanced silightly on some grades and the week closed with the highest average for . tke season, the average being $20.06 for the veek,Vyith . a . high average of $21.91 Thursday.. Judging by the comments of our farmers to baceo js bringing a satisfactory priced. t Salesthis week are expected to be lights a good deal of wheat is beinjj sowed. V Speaking at Surl. On . last Friday Mr. Thos. J. Gold lwas i billed to speak at Surl &ut;o wing to illness was unable tOJ be? present. However, the crowd," and it was a large crowd, Were not disapprinted for Mr., N. iimsford, the County Chairman aiidjMr. Cooper Hall, the Demo crae candidate Jfor- the House W$Ie on hand and made speech esv? : We have heard the speeches iofiottyery highly compliment-' eaj ana ail sav tnant was a srooa dayiforjJemocracy The Demo- rais ox' 'j3turr are-3rousea . ana Jhey say. that on.Novemberm they are going to show themv selves on the right side. , . . Mr. Brooks Shoots Himself. Yesterday evening Dr. W. A. Bradsher, County Coroner, was summoned to the home of Mr. E. S. Brooks, who lives about five miles south of town near Roseville, to investiffate the death of Mr. E. S.Brooks, whose body was found in the stable lot dead. It seems that Mr. Brooks had been ploughing and along about five o'clock un hitched hismules and came to the barn where he put up his mules and fed them, and then shot himself through the heart. No cause is known for his rash act. He was a good farmer, a kind neighbor and lived a happy life with his family. He leaves a wife and four children. Be sure to hear Gov. Kitchin for he will tell you JUST how ft is. Wise People Look Ahead. s Eye iuture depends largely upon the care 'bestowed at present- People who know avail themsel ves of our expert service, thus comfort and preservation of the eyesight follows as cause anjd effect. Dr. N. Rosehstein, the Optometrist of Durham will- be in Roxboro next Tuesday, Octo ber 31st stopping at the Jones Hotel for the purpose of exam ining eyes and fitting glasses. Republican Y Cbuntyv' . picket 51 FOR-SEXATP:iV : - Dr SikVsv - ''v 0 " , . FOR LEGISLATURK - ' ' :'C.;Pass: FOR 'SHERIFF ' ; 0.: H. Hijhter f V; FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS lT'Woody:K::;;: FOR COMMISSIONERS1 "t" , R;DJB'ai'ley - FOR . CORONER J. C. Wrenri Adv 3ts , ' ii - ' IT . 5M 7v LUM siding, Teh (10) solid cars:of BER, including 5 ceiling, flooring boxing, shingles : etc., bought On the fldw ; market and iijf!. ili.V JnwPf hv rAacnn At nncintiftr hAiirfhK il uutw juu: ,uuuv un any tiling in- KILNDJIIED lumber of quality. Roxboro Lumbet Gol "Home of Quality Lumber," Y PRESTON SATTERFIELD, Sect'y.& Manager. i 1 1 COMMUNITY FAIR. There is to be a community fair at Moriah school, next Saturday October 28th 1916. The parade will leave the school gnound at ten o'clock. Following the parade will beseveral addresses 'by some very able speakers. The public is cordially invited to attend. Refreshments are to be sold, the proceeds to be used for the benefit of the school. Honor Roll of Moriah Public School. , Firt;grade hPearle Mangum,' Cornelia Newton, Ben (handler, Ruth Bowling urd Jiewelle Clay ton. . - ; . ''. ..... , . Second grade Isaac Hill and Ethel Day.' Third grade--Pallie, Rufus and Mary Mangum; Cora and Bessie Day, Nora Hill, Lyda Arrington and Adelaide Meadows. f Fourth grade Pearle Day. Fifth rade-rBernice Mangum and Herndon Bowles. v Sixth grade -Sallie Riggs and Perviss Gray. Seventh grade Millie Day. . Eighth grade Iola Day. Free Lecture. Mr. Goodwin landscape expert of the Van Lindley Company of Greensboro will lecture in the Au ditorium Friday evening October 27th at 8:15. Stereopticon views will be shown as to the correct man ner to set out trees make your home attractive etc. We are quite sure this will prove both interesting and helpful. .rlom Tuesday, Oct. 31st, at Roxboro Dr. N. Rosenstein, the. Op" tometrist of Durham will be in Roxboro next Tuesday, October 31st; stopping at the Jones Hotel for thejpjireff es and "fitting: glasses. If your eyes need ea1tentiori, be sure to see him. i - : NOTICE. Rev. I. L. Shavfer will preach at the Fifth Sunday nigjit Union Service in the Edgar Long Mem- orial church. Alt the churches of the city and near here, are cordi ally invited to attend this service. and hear this bo.r " preach next Sunday ' night-Rev. : O. Wi Dowd. v Here's hoping Tou rilL:'join' Get youk Shoes-, from! -Morton tiasna ' ' -::;l: x, SottoU . ; ".. We are now back in our old stand with a new store that is well arranged, well equipped and well stocked with a class ot merchandise suited to the needs and w ishes of the people of this communi ty. We moved almost before the public knew we hd started to. There was no interruption in our business and we served our customers with almost the same efficiency as if nothing unusual was going on and had good sales each day. It was a big job but so quickly and easily was it done, all by our regular force, that even we were surprised at the efficiency of our force and thefc - - . . " - v r ' ' . 4, f-.if'"-- , hours. We have an excellent force bt experienced capable salespeople who arelways pleased to give you the . bestt possible service as well as having such yaj sjplendid building to serve you in. ! Comp- to see us, inspect bur stock';,', compare the quality, prices and service; withany you wish and you will learn; the Reason why we are always busy. c There are good; reasons. : :; V -1 ? 4 i i v 1 4 Roxboro 's .Best Store5 M4 4 ll 4 !( ; 1 I T t A "' ." "- 'J ' f' s v i5 '4. ' .V it, -C t 2- if I,,