-t t 'tit"! 4- V" J f I ' 1 v.. I X t JM -I ' I ' IS i- 1 Noell Bros;, Eropyietofs? H6"m I?irsfesAbt-oad $li00 Per Yearindvance .- f VOL. XXXIII ROXBORO, NORTH GAROLINAi Wednesday Evening Nov. 1, 1916 er 47" , ; " C JW I .... 'l I - : . ' V . t . :,, m. I - J' , I h i r, , ,t -r -rf.1 ' ' "" t : LiGEST HG E EVER Mr. Norris Averaged $53.50 At The Pioneer for the Entire Plant. 1PQSES VERSES IN HONOR OF PRESIDENT. President WoodroW -Wilson has ;tio more earnest admirer than Mrs. T. R Robertson of Raleitih. Specialist Advises Him Not To We candidly believe the Rox- The president. is a Virginian Hnd Enter Campaign This Year )oro market a and the Pioneer so is Mrs. Robertson, -but while . He Says. arenuuse maae me larQ-est. nv. mis consiaeration 'weiy is vviui! -i -j v - O De'ar.Sirsi J01HS THE 500. The Courier, Roxboro, N. C. erage which will be made in this Robertson her main reason Slate this season for a load, in- for admiring Mr. Wilson is, U.e jiuding the entire plant which splendid record he has made as vas sold on last Thursday. Mr. the nation's chief executive. ra C. Norris, of .the Hurdle ' rs Robertson has composed Mills section, sold a load includ- e following verses expressing ing the whole plant for an ,av-t; her regard for the President: erage of $53.50. Taking the'' oodrow Wilson? Well I should say, plant just as it grew and making s the biggest man in the world iuch a wonderful average, and today' ' all of it a straight bona fide sale. ' teeaAy none bid in and boosted by the : sunk. warehouse, shows two things. Victorious? Of course Wll be, First that Roxboro IS the market With our leader such as he, for you to sell your tobaeco, and , Always ready, strong and brave, secondly that Person County is Todofor the country and her honor the home of the BEST tobacco save' produced.' - , So cheer up, workers, one and all, - " , ' Go to the polls, at an early call, On the same day at the same vote for the man with all your might house Mr. Charlie E. Long, ' of And help him win a glorious fight. Hurdle Mills sold 206 pounds for .$75 00 a hundred : Mr. Daniel Long, one of the 11 nn mAv u iUlil w . Intake pleasure in sending two .dollars, for two years subscription, Major Charles M. Stedman, re-':p$l know of but very few news- nrpspntnti vp. f mm t.Viic .-rlief.rJpf. in 'i lrl ' ; . r icia t.mv w sions of this kind congress, is not a Die to make any t the old price, in fact we are get e unpaign speeches this year. Mai. 'Hnr nrtrir0.'tW. ftvp.n i.ur Sunday . , -. rr popular candidates for County Commissioner on the Democratic NOTICE If you want your ticket favored us witha pleasant Piano Tuned. Apply to E. call yesterday morning, enrolling M. Hickam, Phone 71-U. his name among the 501). '9 0 1 W'Zm "Save the women" should be; the spirit I and a living slqgan of the day,? and asf a ..contrihiitjQn.-to iheilfeiU cause, we carry one ot the most complete . lines of "Ready-to-Wear Garments to be found. YOU iCAN BE FITTED ON SHORT NOTICE AT OUR PLACE. Shirt Waist from 50c to $6.50, Skirts from $3.00 to $10.00, Coat Suits from $10.00 to $40.00, Dresses from $1.00 to $35.00. EVERYTHING IN READY-TO-WEAR. Try us. Morton & Satterf ield "The Most Up-to-Date Store in Town" Stedman is at present 'under the care of a specialist in Washington and has been advised that it would be highly injudicious for me to a,ttempt to make any speeches during the month of October," Major Stedman's conditiort, however, is not serious, and it is expected that he will be able to return to his home here soon. A statement was issued by Major Stedman yesterday to the Daily Daily Record. It follows: "l am being detained in Wash- ! ington under the treatment of Dr. H. A. Fowler, a prominent speci alist. My trouble is due to the passage of a stone from my kid ney. He tslls me that my present condition indicates that I will be rid of the stone .and restored to my usual health at an early perir pd, but states that' it wouldi be highly injudicious for me- to at tempt to make any speeches dur-, in the month of October. ' "Believing it to be my duty to 1 1 follow his advice, I exceedingly regret uifii iuauuui spettK in uie counties of my district during this campaign. I know, however, that my fellow democrats will not al low the. cause of our party to suf- rrom every section of the district that conditions indicate democra tic gains all along the line' and that I will be relected to Congress by a majority l?rger than I re received at the last election. Foi the confidence ever manifested in me by the democrats of the fifth district I am profoundly grateful I trust I shall ever merit and de I serve it.- "CHAS. M. STEDMAN." era MBHOBpGOIPiaiTI un last Saturday tne citizens of Mo-' - - iifhr iirii riah had their first Community fair, ' UtDL ilCY and it. was a decided success. There ! IILIIL IILAI - It werea. numbei; Tot speakers, all of) . m n it" ; ' ' " ' 'a: a whbm delivered speeches worth while I ell all your friends and neigh- The exhibit-were very creditable bors that Gov. AV. W. Kitchin" w was an eviaenw of the thrift and pros- will speak in Roxboro 'on next:- perity of this wideawake community. Monday morning at 11 oloct,' 1 We regret very much that it was im- ' j Ua ;a'i 1, n i possible for u, to be with tham, for we 'and he 13 ' exPf tin& . enV: all ,tO take a great deight in attending occf- Come out an4 hear him. BeUre, to come, and bring the good wife. i with you; Bchool literature in many instances will have the, price advanced very feoon. Very often the people say The Courier is not what it should be, and I believe the Editor him self is ready to admit this, and the reason is we do not support it as we should. If you want to know what is going on in the County, or what it was that Richard said about a certain thing you have tc run over to your neighbors and borrow his paper, provided he has not already loaned it to some one Why not subscribe for it yourself and get all the news of the County. By so doing you would enable them to get out a pach better paper for the same mOney, be conscious of the fact that you have done the right thing by the Editor by paying for what yttii read, and th$ right thing by ybpr family by giving them their own County paper to read. I am not sending the two dollars because J feel able to do sq but because of the disposition of The Courier to hold the price down when practi cally everything else under high Tieaven has advanced. t Reader be sure and promptly tendon two dollars if you can, but one dollar,'letrs give the Editor all the encouragement we can and l L J.. . !J Vi!.. ..li. .!i.l. noi oe so reau.y lo mm iauib wiiu our County paper when we are do ing, so little to make it better our selves, for everythingConnected with a newspaper depends on its subscribers. Poor Richard. A. o; mm Under the sun has advanced in price most things making the sky the limit yet you are buying BUILDING MATERIAL in Roxboro today cheaper than you have in the past. There must be a reason. 7 LET US SHOW YOU Roxboro Luamber Co j "Home of Quality Lumber." PRESTON Sgp5gl, ce&Manager- Silk and Serge Dresses CRYSAN THEMUM SHOW. Gasoline Service Station For Roxboro hid P rson Co. We Wish to announce to all our people, that in a few days we will have our Tmnip ittstalled idread0;oy ness arid will furnish Gasolines at will rnaiiK Dealers prices. 1 , We hope to make this station a saving as well as a convenience to the public and we you for business. Theterms on Gasoline will be strictly cash to everybody. Gasoline and 5 The Cr.ysanthemum and Baby Show given by the ladies. ef the Methodist Church Friday after noon and evening, proved a very gratifying success to the ladies in charge. The prize for the prettiest baby was awarded to the young son of Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Vickers and the premium for the most artistically decorted carriage was given to little Miss Oveda Long. Blue Ribbons were given 'Mesdames P. I. Satter field, N. S. Thompson, R. J. Teague, W. T. Pass, and Mr. W. H. Harris for the finest Grysan-themums. THE BIGGEST AVERAGE. On Thursday the Person Union Tobacco Co. made the biggest av erage yet, receiving for every thing on the floor $27.85. And they say they will get you just as good prices if you will bring them a load of good tobacco in good condition. Among those who have made good sales during the past week we note: Henry Whitt 26, 70, N. 0. Hester 36.80, E. D. Hfergis 27.50, C. E. Long 37.50, Brooks and Tingen 30.00, Zeb Riley 25.87, W. J. Whitfield 27.40, C. P. Gra vitt.2l.00,. Jonie L. Long 2o.6o, J. H. Clayton 26.00, C. L. Boyd 24.00 and Hester & Laws 33.67. We have a nice stock of silk and serge dresses which we are going to move, quickly. These are all new dresses and the styles are absolutely correct.. We have had a nice dress business but simp ly bought too many and are going to move v them with extra low prices. Here are thp figures. Gome and see what values v the dresses are. All $6.00 to 6.50 dresses reduced to $4.98 filARRIED irfnilJRIlAril. Miss Carrie Rogers of Durham and Mr. Gaither -McBrobm of this city were inamedWednes dj.y aite.rnoori'at the home of the bridS mother on . Elizabeth Street. Immediately -after the ceioriytheyotjngj,jcouple xe tiirned (to tloboro, and will make their home here. ROXBORO PASTOR CALL-; ED TO ,CHERRYVILLE. . .Through correspondence to the Char lotte Obseryer from Cherryvflle, N. C; we learn that , a call has been extended by the first r Baptist church of Cherry- ville to Rev.,D. F'-Putnam, pastorfof the Baptist church here.:As Mrs Put nam is out of town we : have been un able to i find out whether he has the matter under, consideration, or what he intends to do wjth.the aUL . 4- 'Bargains u in shoesat Hugh u u All $7.00 to 8.50 AU$10 Alt $13.50 All $15 to $16.50 " All $18.00 All $25.00 " $5,98 " r$8.48 " $9.98 " $12.58 V $14.98 "$19i8 WHITT FREDERICK. On last Wednesday Miss Lelia Whitt became the bride of Mr. Nick Federick. The marriage took place in Durham at the home of Rey;; Herndon,; who performed the ceremony. Only a few inti mate friends witnessed the occa- sion. -.. v ., ... The bride was beautifully dressed in a suit of midnight blue with hat tb match. While the groom wore a suit of navy blue serge. . Miss Whitt is a very attractive young lady of Person County. Mr. Federick a young farmer of Person. The happy: couple left, for Ori ental, where they spent a week or ten days." , , We wislr them much happiness and-a loog life: - These dresses were marked reason- ( ably to begin k with. So these reduced (':: prices make them great bargains. These i prices are strictly cash. All .dresses charged will Be at the regular pripes. r We have at big stock 6f r :i n-1 , : . . r ; Want aniee reaiy made Silk or Serge-Dres&,Cheap? . Read Hariis- Burns' ad. and see what theF streofferihg for, cash. and are ; receiving new goods? - daily; A Solid Gar Edadl of expected this week. Vrr.-rrV, 1 1 f t ' " " 1 - if "'111' J .- z I- Rokbbrd'sLnest'Stbre?, 4 W n it tit -- . --i -: . 1 i (i - j1 - -wr V 1 7