Home First -Xbroad Next $1.00 Per Year in Advance VOL. XXXIII 2z: ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening N6v. 8, 1916 Number 48 Noell Bros., Proprietors -1 EDI BT THE BUND MUSICIAN ( )n next Monday the 13th Mr. Edgar Hickam, the blind musici an will give an entertainment m the violin and piano at the Auditorium. Mr. Hickam has nudied under some of the best German instructors and his en tertainments have been received whereever given wifch trrvht tm plause. All who love music, and who does not, will be ricjily re paid for an evening spent .with Mr. Hickam. Dont forget the date, Monday, November 13th, at 8;00 p. m. The price of admission is 25 and 15c. SchoorChildren 10c. GOUN IT COMMIS SIONERS IN SESSION LooMallille on ison I The County Commissioners Met XSmoKoS Mr- Wilson Ha56 Electoral Votes T 1L1 -.1 11 w i - and Mr. Hugties 238, With a Few Western States.to Hear From. A Correction. In reporting the splendid crop '.f Mr. F. L. Moore we made a slight mistake in giving the aver age received for his crop of tobac co. His crop weighed 1390 pounds and brought him, clear check $519.60, being an average of $37. f0. Mr. Moore is one of the prom ising young farmers' of Hurdle Mills and if any man, young or old, sells acrop for a larger aver se, clear check, we would be glad to hetr of it. Ten o'clock with all Members Present The usual routine of business was gone through and very little important matter being taken up. The commissioners adjourned :it 11 eleven o'clock to hear Mr. W. W. Kitchin speak. The commissioners voted to in struct the county road supervisor not to allow prisoners the privil ege of coming home, while serv ing, term of road, unless sickness demanded it. A good deal of com plaint has been registered against this and the commissioners acted wisely in instructing their road foreman as to this matter. It is a complete violation of the law for prisoners to be allowed this privilege. Teachers Association. The Association for the colored teachers will meet in Roxboro on next Saturday, and on nextSatur day week the Association for the white teachers will meet. Super intendent Beam insists that all 1 teachers attend. The final result seems to hinge pn the result of three western states, Minnesota, California and North Dakota. M looks as if Mr. Wilson has carried Minnesota: and California but the result is so close that t will take the official count to decide and itfmay be a day or two be fore this is known. President Wilson is conff dent of his re-election; The betting on Wall Street this, Thursday morning, is ten to one on Wilson. We held The Courier back making it a day late hoping that we might announce the final result, but this is the best we can give. To sum it all up it seems certain that Mr. Wilson has won. t? Something New Coming Watch Tloihr nm f T I Our rauows 3; V "That Is the prettiest lot of 'Gollafs I have seen anywhere" a lady of taste remarked the other day.:- We just received them a few days ago and they are a departure. Gome and see for yourself. Also re ceived a shipment of BUTTONS and can almost match the matchless. ANYTHING IN READY-TO-WEAR WE ' HAVE IT and when you get it from us it is always new and in season. Another shipment of DRESSES expected next week. Shirt waists from 50c to $6.50, waists from $2.50 to $10.00. Dresses from $1 to $35. Goat Suits from $10 to $35. If you have not already done so it will pay you to tie to us. TRY US. Morton & Satterf ield "The Most Up-to-Date Store in Town" FROM ALLENSVILLE. Bra. Fate Allen is building him- Quite A Number have Join'f ice duelling Mrs. R.ch- tHe Five Hundred andWeTar tbl' WI" Tn fe are Lookin for You very nicest houses m Auensville .'ll township. Hurrah for Fate, guess It has been very gratifying the -hft ffi-mQ to w married. way our friends have responded, , .Tucker-i AllensVill to, the call for ftve Immi '&f$MmmmJe to at Gasoline Service Station For Roxboro and Person Co. We wish to announce to all our people, that in a few days we will have our tank and gasoline pump installed and ready for busi ness and will furnish Gasoline at Dealers prices. We hope to make this station a saving as well as a convenience to the public and we will thank you for your Gasoline and Oil business. The terms on Gasoline will be strictly cash to everybo adsher e at. - Mm . - IM f It Mtt E W M LT MmJ UIU II 1 IlA. "UiI7 C. M VUt VXLIU V fal menus wno wouia am us in, progress of t0nship in fte trying to pay for our typesetting Coantv and in the words of Bl.0- uittciiine. xiib notices imye ool Beam don,fc that SQimd gQod been out a week yet, and still we A1!ensvi,e I)eopie. t there has been a goodly number ; A brother from the church who have responded, and many, ' Sur, te)ls me that they have ceiJed many have told us that they would U)eir churd) ,lud have mom.y to either bring in their initiation fee paint same. Richard is lad indeed or send it in within a few days. of this and feels like telling his Friends, we are counting on you Primitlve Bai,tist brethren like for two dollars, which will pay , they have been te,ling the Metho. your subscription for two years 'djs ajj the while, that their eyes Don't put it off but bring: or send are beirffe opened? at east to the it in right away. ! better things of this life. Very Not alone have we appreciated j g,ad thafc these 'brethren have seen the money but the kind words i proper tQ make tMs iinprovement, which accompany the letters are which wiH make this l beIieve highly appreciated, and makes us I about fche nicest country church feel proud that we live and labor in the County belonging to Primi among a people who are so true' - RjnHaf anH nnnt.hp.r honor to Allensville township. While Kich ard is a Methodist he believes in and kind. The following have their names on the honor roll: Walter Bradsher, J. H. Rogers, M. M. Tapp, Z. V. Gwynn, Jno. Q. Yarbrpugh, N. C. Newbold, Maj. J. T. Yancey, W. L. Folh shee, B. S. Royster, J. W. Brad sher, R. L. Wilborn, Green Dix on, H. J. Hester, A. R. Foushee, C. P. Wilson, Richmond Day, Ben Regan, Mrs. R. A. Yancey, Isaac Owen, T. W.t Henderson, and H. S. Thaxton. letting everybody worship God ac cording to the dictates of their own conscience, and I am very glad that I live in a free country where 1 can listen to the preachers of all the different faiths and hold fast to that which is good. Poor Richard. A HEW INTEREST. Person County now has a Home Demonstration agent,. iMiss Mary E. Spurgeon. She is -employed by the Department of -Agriculture addre&unty' Boardif Educa- children have visited, and we are Orphanage Concert. TO THE EDITOR: ' ' Please state in your columns that the Singing Class of Oxford Orphanage will ive a concert in Auditorium, Saturday night at 8 o'clock P. M. "Nov, 18th 1916. You, no doubt, know something as to tha good that has heretofore resulted to the various places these tion. Her work will i)e to organ ize our girls into v canning clubs, wlio will learn, to can some vege tables and fruits, of the farm un der the 414 Brand label; and to or ganize our women into Home De monstration Clubs, who-will study some of the home problems. She will visit our schools to enlist the sympathy and 5q-operatibn of both pupils and teachers. She will, also make friends with our home makers. , v ' - ' Person is the forty sixth county to take up this work which we be lieve profitable to the progress of the county. We are glad : for bur people to have the -advantage,; of Hhis healthful, wholesome and pro- confident that the effort to make. their fprtlicoming visit a success, as well as a blessmsr to our com munity, will enlist you hearty 'co operation. . -If you can use any of thk en closed paragraphs to help adver tise theohcert, or it; you prefer to write someting original, we shall he glad for you to do so. We jdeplappreciate your aid in this worthy-cause. Sincerely, . C. H. Hunter, Com. The follo wing is the Honor Roll for first month of High ; View school ri Person county; Second Grade: f :Maimie 1 Harris,; Odell VVhitGblcfieSeate. Fifth Grade: GertrudeWhitW 3 Mrs. ; Brooks, A PUBLIC DEBATE. Therp will be a public joint de- ' bat3 in the Auditorium at Rox-,. boro, N. O, Friday night, Nov; V 17th, at 8 o'clock. Query; Resolv ENTERTAINMENT Mr. Edgar Hickam, the fa mous Blind Musician and enter tainer will be at Warren's Grove school House next Friday night NovprnhAr IntVi at ftno n'o? ' " w a A v Will VV W W W VIVVIV ' , f p.m. If you are a lover of good ed, That North Carolina hould-;. music don't fail to hear him. Mr. 1 adopt Woman Suffrage. Alffirma-; Hickam is one of the very best tive: Aw P. Daniel andS. P.Jones? Musicians of today. If you miss Negative: L. B. McFarlandr and' this entertainment . you will be zadocfc Slaughter. Z: the loser. Admission Adults 1 5c, Everybody is cordially invited- Children 10c. Remember the to come out and hear this question' date and place. discussed.-S. P. Jones. ' X ' Everythki ' Under the sun has advanced in price most things making the sky the limit yet you are buying BUILDING MATERIAL in Roxboro today cheaper than you have in the past. There must be a reason. LET US SHOW YOU Roxboro Lumber Co "Horje of Quality Lumber." PRESTON SATTERFIELD, Sect'y. & Manager. ir3 uiiraiiiraire' And House Furnishings On account of remodelling our build ing we have run our stock of Furniture and House Furnishings very loy for the past year. In fact we closed vit out as near a$ we possibly could. One of our reasons for changing our store was that we might arrange to handle this end of our business more easily. (This depart ment is now being given special attention and from now on will be kept up to a high mark and vigorously pushed. V We Are Now Ready to Show J": " 1 " ...(' You A New and Large Stock ; : of the very best in staple and new style furniture. While we are carrying some ; extra fine Furniture, Rugs, etc., not overlooked the lower priced end of a the line and pan furnish the most humble cottage with good furniture at a price that will please you and your pMse. Qur i spacious second floor is deyotea almost entirely to the; display of tliis- line. We: will show you something new awdisaye you iqoney. Compare our gpods, com-, pare our prices with any you please and ;: We will get your business e are d-:; ways pleased to show bqr goods and serve you. ; v "Roxborc's Best Store" f r 2 - J Jc- e Teacher,

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