i - : t 5 ' -. : in tin;. . rrf". 4. t ' ''S dte ii;: -r.4v v , -' ' II ,. Noell Bros., Proprietors Home First Abroad Next $1.0Q PcriYearjn Advance 1 1 VOL. XXXIII ROXBORO, NORTH GARQMNA, Wednesday Evening Nov. 15, 1916 J-lj : Number 49 . t - f fie 1 V 1 -r 1 1 1 . -f 1 1 VJT 7 r ruin, 'f" MADUMD dtUli -. ..::;-yuuBii :bBBUUt:-HtlTOTSi-- I1 1 Tobacco Keeps Climbing Up On The Roxboro Market, Av erage Last ' Week " - Being $23.58. The school work is moving on well throughout the feou nty . I n most schools there seeuw to he; new life and excel 1 enfcj or p be i u g done. It seems thatjlie students are deeply interestea- in their . school work and are nore;deter- ( Sales for the past week -were mxm& than ever to get an educa rather light owjng to the excite-1on ur teachers too are work men t of the election. The offer- Wlfcn a vm an are briuging ings however, were" .closely watch- fcnns to PS' ed all week and every pile had at- x ; ; tention, all of the buyers buying Don't fail to attend the ;debaj asif they wanted the weed., on Woman Suffrage next Friday The market made an increase in 5 night. It will4' M held In the prices all of the weeanrjl closediC0 House, and everybody i with the highest average for the j not only invited but ured to year, the average being $23.58 for be present. We want the ladiesi; everything sold. Owing to the of Roxboro to hear this debate. x - The Teachers Association meets next Saturday at 10 A, M. All the white teachers re expected to be on hand. Our last meeting seasonable weather, for the past few days we are expecting larger breaks for the coming week. NOTICE OF SALE I will sell at public auction at j was excellent, but we hope t the C. W. Holsomback, place on Saturday, November 18, 1916, all the personal property belonging to the said Holsomback. Sale to take plaae at 10 o'clock. W. G. Rogers. have a better meeting next Saturday. Some say that hosiery and un derwear are hard to get,, you will find them at Mct6nvSa'tterfield. 4 1 ' V4- m TO-WEAR Garments. Conditions de mand it time and progress demahd it. If you once get the habit you will not be separated from it. No worn as to laces, trimmings and things to match, but the Style, the Fit, the All is there and here you will find the prices are right. YOU WILL FIND WHAT YOU WANT AT OUR STORE IN READY-TO-WEAR in the latest and best styles with prices right, but if you insist on the old trodden paths, we will save you money on Dress Goods. Try us. Morton & Satterf ie!d "The Most Up-to-Date Store in Town" .X'. It 8 pirn if) mm jfM i i ..I , I).. . E PLAN1S fl fiave ready for delivery, a nice lot of cabbage plants.. Al most every one in ihe County who raises cabbage knows, what niy piants are, an -hoy v-success-ful they have beenlbfttnil Pnce $1.50 a thousand Call ear ly and get choice of these plants. J. W; BROOKS, Roxboro, N, C. Oeour SHOES from Morton & Sateerfield. The: entertainment given hy Mr. E. M Hickam at the audi- HIGH f,' toriumbn Monday night! greatly enjoyed by ; all present, and' there, was. a large crowd jh a tendance. , He is : a musician pf , excellent parts;; in fact few "more talented have appeared here, i J;1 Who will represent the 17c!ij Senatorial Dutrict in the next State Senate, repreienting Grariville and Person Counties. Drr Tucker ably represented thu Qcnty mvtbe last session of the Legislature and was recognjzeq tbeJeadeirs as one of the most faithful and usefi 1 members; eh I Ve nredict he will take a high Fople. :T11 Us i t Every day about the quality of our lumber, that it works right; looks right and prices are right;1 tsk your neighbor he is buying; from Roxboro Lumber Co. Kiln Dried Lumber OUR, SPECIALTY Eumber Go, Home of Quality Lumber." PRESTON SATTEREIELD, Sect'y. &Manager, . -ft . i Roxboro DEMOCRATIC rr Gasoline Service Station For and Person o - gasoiin -.mm Gasoline at Roxboro Wc wish ,o announce tc a.. our people, that in a few dysjve will have our tank and pump . installed and ready ness and will furnish Dealers prices. We hope to make this station a saving as well as a convenience to; the public and we will thank you for your Gasoline and Oil business. The terms on Gasoline will be strictly cash to everybody. Democracy Wins in The County In Both State And National Tickets. In our reports last issue the vote was given before the entire County was heard from and fter getting the tail vote and same canvassed it was found that the County had u-one .Democratic for the Presidential ticket, for Gov ernor Bickett, while Major Sted man and his opponent, tied, with the County breaking even, four of the Democratic ticket and four of the Republican ticket being elect ed. So, you see, after all the Democratic party did not fare so bad. Below we give the majori ties received by each candidate: Presidential electors democra ic 953, republicae 917, democra tic majority 36; Governor -Bickett 937, Linney 929, Bickett's majority 8. Congress -'Stedman 927, Gris- som 927. Senate-Dr. Tucker 940, Dr. Sikes 924, Tucker's majority 16. House Hall 849, Pass 1001, Pass' majority 152. Register of Deeds Clay totf 91 6, Woody 952, Woody 's majority 36. Shwin-Thompson 962, Hun- Ur,9U, Thompson's majority 51. Goroner Dr. Bradsher, 955, m Wrenn 905j Bradsher's majority 50. Commissioners Whitt 985, Bailey 996, Long 1001, Montague 886, Harris 946. Whitt, Bailey and Long were elected. . . 4f vm; - OLIVE KILL DEMOCRATS $ DID EXCELLENT WORK. While the Democrats of the County did a good days work on election day we believe that old Olive Hill Township should have the banner for effective work, for ;it that precinct aft. extra effort was made owing to the fact that some of the candidates formerly lived there, but they held Demo cracy in line and came up with an increased majority. Of course, Cuningham is not to be forgotten, for she came up withn almost a unanimous vote. What a Democratic County this tvould be if there were a few more Cun ingham townships. mmmmmm t' ii ij" -.miiifrn p J New Store? ,j.j!-r jt-jmJf 'A4 Card of Thanks. We wish to extend our . heart felt thanks and appreciation to all who so kindly rendered their services to us during the ' recent illness and. death of our dear sis ter, Eliza Pointer. We appre ciate .their . many consoling words of -sympathy, , and May ,Heax& Richest Blessings i rest upon cch of ycur.' - : As our store is now completed ex cept a few finishing touches and the fur niture and fixtures are all in place, we do not think it amiss to have something to say about it. ? And Whe We Built It Mnriv nennle wondered wht we . j jf - r- - : j r-S, ?: jwould tear down such a good store as we , had and calleoflt a waste of money. Since bJ uicy liuvc &ccii vviiul mi impiuvciiiciu vvpwpi reason, but there are many. We nciay never realize as much return in dol lars and cents as we put into it. But we have a sense of pride in our business that made us want to have not only the "Best Store in Roxboro," but the best looking one. Then we have a sense of pride in our town and county that made us wan to give them as good a store as any neigh boring town or county had. tt - Again we wanted to give our loyal customers whose business has made it c possible for lis to build such a store as com; fortable and convenient place to trade as;l they could finH. Also we wanted to make : it comfortable and convenient to our loyal sales fotce as well as ourselves. In short we wanted to make it attractive to; ; everybodyl Come and see how wevhave succeeded. s; In spite, of the fact that we have had all this work - on our hands and have moved bur stock twice we have made a ; new hih record tins vear ana our traae is far ahead of any other year. , ; Mr. Burns is now in Baltimore buy- DURHAM CELEBRATES A verj7 large crowd attended the Democratic celebration which was pulled off in Durham Mondry night. Through the courtesy of our good friend Mr Joe H. Car ver we were glad to rejoice with our neighbor Democrats. Mr, J. (h Moore, Willie Carver and the Editor enjoyed the. trip in Mr. Carver's car. Durham had put on her best clothes, being decorated in a be coming manner for the occasion and it was a great sight to see the many laughable performances. Hon. R. O. Everett, and Postmas ter Otho Lunsford headed the procession riding Durham county mules, the riders sporting high silk hats, following them we should say were several thousand on foot carrying torchlights, in terspersed with brass hands, in the r?ar came hundreds and hundreds of automobiles gaily decorated; The float which attracted the most attention was one in the shape of a boat in which was several young tari'tpc ttrifVi rir! in 1 thp.ir handsJ thereof the boat being labeled ufg oods to fill in' the gaps that hiavebeen "We Wood-Row". It was a glad evening and thoroughly-enjoyed I by all no, not alf, but by every Democrat. A.'M made by the. great rush of businessThis is his fourth trip to market this year. It means business and .we wantyoitf s. 3 ' XOSTRainCba; TT r ' T' 4-