4 1 ' ' T - ' ' l - ' - f ' - i ' - ' , . ..--MMiMMMMMBMaMMMMMM t I 1 s ; ! i ' I i 4 i ill Never Be V This Simple Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepnr Re . iieved Her Baby When Nothing Else Would. Little Max Pendergrnst is now four years old, and Hue healthy boy. When but a tiny b;l , in fact almost from birth, lie s ilin d a great deal from constipatio . His mother, Mrs. Carl VV. Pender grast. Red Key, Ind.s heard of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, '. obtain ed a bottle of it from the drug store, and with it was able to quick ly correct this condition. Mrs. Pen derprast says Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin has saved tnem rrom caning ine doctor many ; . A 1 I .11 i . . - . I times, and that she will never be without a bottle of it in the house to use when needed. She found it equally effective as a laxative for herself and other members of the famif.v Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin, pleasant t tin taste, mild in action and positive in effect. It does not gripe or strain, and contains no opiate, or Cary expects to have her new depot by the first of the year. Sufferpr From Indigestion Re lieved. "Before taking Chamberlain's Tablets my husband suffered for several years from indigestion, causing him to have pains in the stomach and distress after eating. Chamberlain's Tablets relieved him of these spells right away," writes Mrs. Thomas Casey, Gene va N. Y. Obtainable everywhere. A Mr. Winstead Tell His Experi ence. The following briet account of an interview with a Roxboro man over seven .years ago, and its se quel, will be read with keen inter est by every citizen. W. J. Winstead, justice of peace, Court St., Roxboro, says: 4My kidneys were weak and 1 had to pass the kidney secretions too INTERVIEW often. I was also afflicted with en. Mrs. Anna Byrd, Tuslm m backache and iuins through my -bia, Ala., writes: tkI was down loins. I began taking Doan's Kid- with my back so I could not stand ney Pills and they relieved the up more thai half yf the time. Eol backache and pains, strengthened ey Kidney Pills took all of ihe my kidneys and helped me in ev- hurt out. They are the best kid ery way." (Statement given Feb- "e.v pills I ever took." Rheumatic ruary 15, 1908.) ( pains, swollen ankles, .backache, On January 28, 19,15 Mr. Win- stiff joints, sore muscles, and sleep . stead said: "I have not had any : disturbing bladder ailments indi need of Doan's Kidney Pills in a cate disordered kidneys. Foley long time. I still hold a high opin-. Kidney Pills act promptly, ion of them. When I hear anyone ! complaining of backache or other kidney disorders, I always sug gest Doan's Kidney Pills." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Justice Winstead has twice publicly recommended. Foster- ' Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, X. Y. ! Rheumatism Follows Exposure. ,y. In the rain all day is generally I followed b.y painful .twinges of : rheumatism or neuralgia. - Sloan's . Liniment will give you quick re lief and prevent the twinges from . becoming toit ire. It quickly pene- trates without rubbingai.d soothes ", the sore .and aching joints. For sore, stiff, exhausted muscles that f , ache and tlirob from overwork, Sloan's Liniment affords quick Ve ' lief. Bruises, sprains, strains and other minor injuries to children ; ire quickly soothed by Sloan's VLinjment.. Get a bottle to-da.v at ' iyour Druggists, 25c. . Mmm. Giiiiis&Jevsr Prescription No. 666 is prepared eipecially pot MALARIA or CHILLS 6t FEVER. Fire or tlx dotes will break any case, and if taken then as a tonic the Fever will not return. : It acts onthe liver better than Calomel and does not gripe or sicken, 25c ; The Best Hot Weather Tonic Without Laxatn ; - ,:VW(;i!!;liiJ I "ii'il't; :.; ? ; mi P it 'III ii in: narcotic dm jr. It is the ideal f mii ly laxative, mih: arid pleasant for )ab vt q:lMy on the. strongest constitution. To avoid imitations an I ineffec tive substitutes be sure to ask for Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. See that a facsimile of Dr. Caldwell's signature und his portrait appear on th;j yello v carton in which the bottle is packed. A trial bottle, free of charge, can be obtained by hwriting to Dr. W. H. Caldwell, 455 Washington sC, Monticello. ! Illinois. The next Governor of orth Carolina, Hon. T. VV. BicU tt, led the ticket in Wake county, re ceiving a majority of 2,421. Baby Had Whooping Cough. Mothers who have .used Foley's Honey and Tar would not be with out it. Mrs. Sim C. S;nall, Clay ton, N. M.t writes: "My grandson had whooping cough when he whs llirec m()Mtils We used Ful eys Honey and Tar and I believe it saved his life. He is now big and fat." It is a fine thing to have in the house in case of whooping cough, croup, coughs, colds. Tin' first doses help, loosens phlegm, heal inflammation, clear air pas sages, stop racking coughs. Charlotte is said to be the sec ond largest motion picture film distributing centre in the South, ranking next to Atlanta, Ga. Took the Hart Out of Her Back, Physicians report more cases of kidney troublejjliiKMig women than Raleigh is to have a' five-story apartment, house to be known as the Capital Apartments on the cor ner of New Bern Avenue and North Hlount street. According to the report hinded in by Register W. T. Davis, two sets of twins were bom in Rileigh in October. Sixty-five births were reported, 45 white and 20 colored. This And Five Cents: DONT MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose five cents to Fol ey & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111,, writing your name and address clearly. You will re 'ceive in return atrial prckagecon- taining Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for bronchial coughs colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for pain in sides aad back, rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley Ca thartic Tablets, -t wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathaHic. es pecially comforting to stout per sons. Dr. J. Y, Joy tie i? head of "the teaching forces of the State, . x pects the largest Teachers' Assem bly ever held before in the Statf when the conference opens in Ral eigh on Fovember 29. Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up System The Old Standard general strengthening! tonic, GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives oot MaUria,erxriches the blood, and builds up the ys tern. Avtxae tonic Pox adults and children' 50c. : 7 nrsuiii::cs STATE OF NORTH W RALEIGH FIRE PREVENTION DA T The Citlzant of North Carollaa: Th General Assembly of your State has done well in naming October 9th of each year as "Fire Prevention Dy,' and as required by law, Governor Craig ha issued a proclamation setting aside Monday, October ptn, 1916, as MFire Prevention Day" in this State. It Will, I trusthelp the campaign of educa tion being conducted by this Department to arouse the people tf our state to their individual responsibility in reducing this tremendous lire waste. An nually approximately three million dollars worth of property is destroyed by fires in this state. When it is recognized that two-thirds of this loss is preventable, and can be avoided with even ordinary care, it.. would seem to call not only for "Fire Prevention Day" but that the people o! the state, especially in our, cities and town, should not only observe this day but use the whole week in inspecting, cleaning up and doing everything possible to save their property. In fact, I am determined that this campaign shall not be stopped until not only "Fire Prevention Day," followed by inspection week, shall be observed in North Carolina, but that the citizens of this state shall realize that this work is one thst calls for their active services on each and every day of the year. The loss of this property to the state and her citizens is appalling but it cannot be considered when it is remembered that uot only property but many lives are lost each year by th carelessness of our people in regard to fires. The people persist in starting fires with kerosene oil, in handling matches carelessly, in using gasolipe without regard to its, danger and doing many other things that start and feed fires, to say nothing of the character of buildings being erected und the manner in which they are kept with trash, oily rags and many other things that produee fires. It is hoped the Chiefs of Fire Departments and their men of each city ard town will undertaVe a pre per preparation for the observance of this ay and that they will hve active aid not only of the municipal authorities but a!o of the superintendents and teachers of our schools, of fire insurance agents, of business men, the women's clubs, and in fact of a!l citizens as each and every one is affected by this annual loss of life and property. Let every one enter into the full spirit of the day, and coatinue this work of inspection through the week with a determination that every day of the vear shall be in his town and home Fire Prevention Day. I will take pleasure in famishing programme, posters and any dta that will aid in a proper obervaitne of the day. Very truly yeurs, S A RUBBER STAMP SIGNATURE VALID? IMPORTANT QUESTION CONCERN ING USE OF LITTLE LABOR SAVING DEVICE. WHERE DIFFICULTY ARRISES Any One Who Signs Any Document in Any Way is Bound By His Signature. Is a rubber stamp signature valid? .Considering how many of them ar oing out of insurance offices daily, how many agents affix them to poli ies and riders, and the almost gen oral use made of this labor-saving, luthority-delegatiiii,' device; it is well to attend the reply recently made by the Journal of Commerce to the in quiry of a subscriber on the point. "Any one," says our contemporary, "who indorses a check or signs any other document is bound by his sig nature, whether it is made with pen L or pencil, a rubber stamp, or in any other way. The difficulty arises only when an attempt is made to show that the signature is his. If he ad mits it, he is bound without further controversy. If ha declares that he did not append the signature to the document, it will be necessary to prove that he did make it, and tUf is the point ai which the whole diffi culty arises. A written signature can be compared with others known or acknowledged to have ben made by a certain person, and the 'respond ents of that person or hvt I writing experts can testify with r Vusider able degree of a'ssurance a :o he genuineness of the signature in ques tion. No one can say with assurance, however, whether a rubber stamp i this state embezzles or fraudulently was in the hands of one person or of 1 converts to his own use, or. with in another, when it was in use for the tent t0 use or- embezzle, takes, se making of a disputed signature. For cretes or otherwise disposes of, or this reasonno one can reasonably be fraudulently withholds, appropriates, asked to adopt a signature so difficult lends' lnvests or otherwise uses or to prove as that made with a rubber a?Plies an money or substitute for etamn-'TnanrrA and OnmAfiHnaJ money received by him as such agent Magazine. SIGNS OF THE TIME. One of the important indications pointing to a general awakening in the direction of fire protection and prevention was the recent action of the International Association of Fire Chiefs and Engineers, advocating a more extensive use of automatic sprinklers and urging the passagei of ordiances requiring automatic sprink lers to be installed in buildings where conditions favor the inception and spread of fire, especially where the safety of life is menaced The resolutions of the fire chief s included the appointment' of committees "to consider the compulsory require- ments fo rinstallations ; of automatic sprinkler systems and to investigate ays and means whereby automatic sprinkler systems may be used ttf best advantage by fire departments as fire defense auxiliaries.", Surely the work o! fire protection, ami pre- vention is growing in popular esteem. Fire,Faus; ' Z - ' department CAROLINA !H:cVF-;"vyiB Btpt. 22, 1911. Insuranet Coamissioaar. ASK TO SEE HIS LICENSE Ne Reason Why Any Citizen Should Be imposed Upon by Anyone Claiming to be an Agent. There is ne reason why any citizev should be imposed upon by anyone representing himself as an agent of &a insurance company. The law pro vides that every agent shall carry his license with him and exhibit it on de mand. Read the law: Section 470(j. Agents must procure license. Every agent of any insur ance company authorized to do busi ness in this State shall be required to obtain annually from the Insurance Commissioner a license under the seal of this officer, showing that the cmpany for which he is agent is li censed to do business in this State, and that he is an agent of such com oany and duly authorized to do busi ness for it. And every such agent, on demand, shall exhibit his license tc any officer or to any person from whom he snail 'solicit insurance. :jcc. 3485. Afcsnt to exhibit license If any agent of any insurance com pany shall, on demand of any pe?vn from whom he shall solicit insurance, fail to exhibit a certificate from u' Insurance Commissioner bearing tto$ seal of his office, dated within on year from such demand, he shall be fined five dollars or imprisoned tr days for each offense. AGENTS GUILTY OF LARCENY Our Insurance Law Holds Insurance Agent to Strict Account For All Moneys. 1 Our Insurance lar holds an insur ance agent to a strict account for all moneys received by him tor his com pany, and reads as follows: Section 3489. Agent guilty of lar ceny. If any insurance agent or broker who acts in negotiating a con tract of insurance by an insurance company lawfully doing business in or broker contrary to the instructions or without the consent of the com pany for or on account of which the same was received by him, he shall be deemed guilty ofTarceny. Rubbish heaps are fire breeders. Fires start in them and are fed by tm. A clean city will have few fires. Attics and cellars should be k?pt free from comburtib'e accumulations. LIFE HAZARD. The Indiana hiv marshal receive reports of deaths by fire, and Ihese reports show that during the, year. 50 adults and 21 children, a total of 71 persons, lost their lives. Gasoline explosions were responsible -for a to- tal of 15 deaths; kerosene explosions for 17; clothing in contact with' fire, 17; lodging arid dwelling house fires, 8 ; children playing with matches, 4; 1 and the rest BcaUering. It Is note- ... ' . " ' " ' , . - 1 mm fHear out the concr breathing and weakened, your digestion, and rZ invigorate aU the bodily processes to do their full share in cold weather, and thus build yourself nr! to perfect health. . . p PERUN A IS INVIGOR ATIfiM It is a tdnJc taat rtstorw the oala&ea to yoar bodily f uhcdoni. dsim At - ..X. - 1 ...... Jt 1 " ill ed effort and better health. For nearly half a century th bare found it a Valuable aid In all catarrhal eoaditkma. ' experience points the way for you. PEBUNA has stood that tinnvai ( vnltiaA Tnhlat 'farm mmhmk:b I quick administration. Pleasant V Manalin Tablets are the Ideal the nabit of consupation, arouse toe uver ana neip the kidneys. Your druggist has them. The Peruna Company, Walls and children .Little hands are often soiled and sticky careless of spotless walls. Walls of Velour Finish can be washed but you can't wash wall paper. We guar antee satisfaction to users of VEBOIJK'IFIWDSIHl We lenow that it has always givv . our customers satisfaction. It is sanitary. Soap and water will easily remove grease' and 4irt from walls, ceil ings and woodwork painted with Velour JH Finish. It is easy to apply and it is eco . nomical and artistic. We recommend it above all others as a durable finish for new and old walls. Eigh teen attractive tints to select from. LONG, BRADSHER & CO. Hardware, Stoves, Ranges and Sporting Goods ROXBORO, N. C oooooooeooooeoo9eooe900f)oooooooofjtttt THE MOST o 0 o o e o o o o o 9 o o o o o 9 o o in America today is individual preparedness; not indivi dual preparedness for war, hut individual preparedness for anything that may come 'individual preparedness to live usefi 1, steadfast lives for the benefit of humanity and ptosperit.t . " If you are not carrying -sufficient life insurance for the benefit of humanity and prosjierity, it miht be well for you to talk it over with Cunningham & Long, -OFFICES IN MERR1TT BUILDING Jas. H. Whitt, Represenative Roxboro, - - North Carolina o o o o 8 o o o o o o o o o ooeeoot)oooooeeoojooooo -. " ' 1 1 " " ' it i. n.i i .i i i. hi - i - i .... 1. 1 i i i " i , The Piedmont Warehouse is yet averaging from $25.00 to $30.00 for entire sale every day. Bring us your next load and get some of the good prices. Yours to serve, Terrell & Carter J' Meb ene, - .vs.- estion that has dififnj ... to take and easy to carry' laxative. They correct Columbus, Ohio VITAL QUESTION ooooooooooootoooooea .C. .f Aft &SjPk 1 fa W 1 - in K LJ i N v i: