i'l 3 ; i X" V S..- . 1 .:'' :.-' -1 I H V. i 1 if . i 4T" I, Frof . Hertzog This Perfect Jbaxat Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pejmn an Ideal Remedy fcr Con stipation. 1 In every family there is more ' er less occasion ora l xa ive rem edy. It is to meet t is need that Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is prepared, and that this comhiim-: tion of simple laxative herbs with pepsin fulfills its purpose is prov-i en by its place in thousands of America i homes. ' Prof. F. J. C.'llertzog, the well known linguist, 2341 North Orianj na St., Philadelphia, Pa., wrote to Dr. Caldwell that boras' used Dr. ' Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin in his household with excellent results and th.it he and his family coiisid- er it indeed a friend in need, and always keep a bottle, of it on hand. Constipation is the direct cause . Jo . of uiuca serious illness ana is a ... . i ,i i un eondltion that should never he i . tj f ...i-irtc. ...ri . , ' , lN 1101y-ua violeir purgatives shoulil nevei he employed to relieve constipation, because the very violence of their k w fi evefam action shocks the entire s.vstem. A mild lAvt,ive. such as Dr. Cald- well's Syrup Pepsin is far prefera- Vp. beinir mild and gentle in its action, without griuii or other DEBA1E A SUCCESS. That was a fine debate ' in the court house last Friday njght on Woman Suffrage. It was indeed rich, surely everybody greatly en joyed it. We want these speakers to come again and come soon. This kind of work is doing a great deal of good in developing, ing our men and encouraging many others to organize de'rating socie ties. ' It is hoped and urged that every school in Person county will have a debating society. Noone'can es timate the good that would come from such work. : Sufferer From Indigestion Re lieved. '"Before taking Chamberlain's Tablets my husband suffered for severa( years from indigestion, causing him to have pains in the stomach and distress after eating. Chamberlain's Tablets relieved . him of these spells right away," writes Mrs. Thomas Casey, Gene - va, N. Y, Obtainable everywhere. The Agatheridan Literary Soci ety will hold a preliminary decla- " .mation contest in the Auditorium . . Friday evening November 24th, : . beginning promptly at 7:30 o clock 1 for, the' purpose of selecting a re - preventative' from' the high school v of Roxbo.ro in the declamation con . - s test at Trinity College Friday ev- V v'ening, Dec. 1st. Public isxordial ",' ly invited to attend tlds pre imin -. ary contest. Rheumatism Follows Exposure. In the rain all day is generally r; followed by painful twinges of ;r rheumatism or neuralgia. Sloan's ; Libiment will give you quick re-J iief and. pre vent tli e twinges from ; becoming torture. It quickly pene "trajbes. without jubbinga&d soothes .vr ttie sore and aching joint. For sdre,' stiff exhausted aiuscles that ache and thrpo frosqa overwork, . Sloan's Liriimentjiffbjr iiick re f lief, t; Bruses sprains strains and . other minor injuries to children are (Jaickljj soothed by Sloan's . Irinimentv Cret a?botde to-day at ' your Drbggists, 25e. . ''v-WTvMISSTH Cut out i thisslip,-enclose five cents to Fol- j -ey & Co., :2&35 Shefficlu Ave., j hicafiro,Jlk. writing vyour name ; and addVess clearly; Yoii will re ; ceivejn return atrial prckage con taining Foley's Honey ; and ,Tar Cbmpoand, for bronchial coughs, " colds andf coup; Foley yKidney f i Pills, for pain : in sides a.id jback, : tbeamatisni; backache,' kidney and bladder Ulmwts; anjd FoIejc;;Oa- A'-kii-J -rnuU'fe . a vvhnlesome and ' fWnno-hlv c eans ner catnajucnes-j peciany comrorung i Praises . . . ;" , pam or d.Wort; i-s irml , fnnii all op,at, or uarc.uc dru, 1V . . I - x. . tP tin I. Ii .1 KAntjkil I' f k 1 1 1 1 I u"" lu fU1 " dren. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup P s & ; for nity cents a bottle. Lu avoid t . nnitatmns and inti.. i v- snbst'- tutes bv sure to Lrct Dr. Oaldwell v. Syrup IVnsin. See thai facsimile . of lh' Caldwe.l sstr tire and his, l,rfcrult r " ar I ton 1,1 wlllch tho lhiiii' is p. ck . ! w . ! A fcnal bott,e' free ot c,mri Vllt) be obtained y wriino )r, W. j . B. Caldwell. 455 Wshinirton St . Monticell , Illinois. Mag Raising. Brooksdale Ciu icil ,'uuior Ol der United American Mechanic will present a Bible and Fl.ig to Center Gmve-sdiool o Thanks giving, exercises will bin a? 11 o'clock. Public cordially invited. Took the Hurt Out of Her Baci . Physicians report more cases oi kidney trouble among omiui that men. Mrs. Anna Bvrd, Tin-' in bia, Afa., writes: "I w t. dowi with my back so I coul I not s :.p,r up more thai half of the time. Fol ey Kidney Pills took ail of t hurt out. They u re the best kif ney pills I ever took." Rheumati pains, swollen ankles, Iwk -l e Sstiff joints, sore muscles', and sleej disturbing bladder ailments indi cate disordered kidneys. Fole. Kidney Pills act promptly. Below are som" sales iniile ;t iL( W instead Warehouse.. l.Hid; November 20th:' l Ij Davis. 132 lbs at 2 VH, 2'H lbs a- :".), :, lbs "f 56, i)4 Djs ui Jl oil, ;U io-. : 17 50, Vhitt& Gane!l, 160 lbs at 18 50. 3 John it 2 50 176 lbs at 46, 218 los at j4 5J, W lbs at 16. Smith & Rice, 74 lbs at 2L 90 lbs at 32, 194 lbs at 60, 148 lbs W 35, 138 lbs ; t 27. J T Davis, 46 lbs at 20, 156 I us at 30. 1:5 lbs at 4Q, 92 lbs at 29, 26 lbs at .1.; The Average on ilm ab ve .urn. ed day for the entire floor- pf"l:-il 7: lbs being 126168, try us with your nevtload, Your friends, ThaxtoL .burch. j Now Lookout. When a cold hangs on as often happens, or when j ou:)iave tiardl.v gotten over one iuM before vt, contract another, lookout for you are liable to com tr ret some vei -serious disease. This succession of eolds weakens the system and low ers the vitality so tiiat you are much more liable U contrail chronic catarrh, pneumonia - or consumption. Cure your cold while -you can. Chamberlain V Cough Remedy has a great reputa tion. It is relied upon by tlious ands of people and never dlsap points tbem. Try it It only cosh h quarter. Obtainable -everywhere;- Dr. Bell's Pine Tar-Hone.v con tains all thft snnthiri'r elements nf I the pine forest. It heals the irri tated membrane; arid bytsanti septic) properties Io6en.s . tjie phlegm, you bterth 'eas and w hat promised to be a severe cold has beeitbrdkeri upFof tl)at stufF-ed-up feeling tight chest or sore throat take a dose of,, Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey , and prevent a weaHng, hacking cjugh ; dragging through the - .; r. M jtonr Drug 0-19 c - ; mat:. 25ft TV.i"" e - , ; , , : , 1 ; - i -: imrn mnMrir mirnn ; fi,iupuiitiir Former High-Interest Agencies Rush fo Reduce Ratek to the Farmers. : , LIGGZR LOANS AT LESS COST May Borrow Ha.lf of Land Valua at Lest Than Five Per Cenk , Effect Already Being Feit ' Strongly. The effect ot the new rural credit law, passed by the Democratic .Admin .itrution, alrer.dy Is being felt in lower interest rates although the Ian1 banks, have not yet been organized. Testi mony to this effect is -being 'giVen the hearings held by the Federal Farb Loan Board in various western cities. At the hearings in Nebrus. numer-; ous farmers stated that lute , ot rates in the homesteadiug section of that State already have been reduced from one to two per cent, by the prospec tive competition of Vthe thirty to forty year loans that the land banks soon will be making, The average loan that an insurance cmnpany or otiler ,oan aK,Ilcy wouIU "Kiukuid" claim was 51,000. The comraiion deducted from this left the farmer $850. Ue Daid interest at 'from 8 to fl) Der cent for.five yrs on m makirihf. average net Interest rate from 11 to 13 pet cent. This now is stopped by the coming competition of the new rural credits 1 Km- I nan urntB .ii'ti pnuhinfr intn Nebraska to make 'five-year tos.nx nt lower rates, to forestall the operation of the new law. Lodge Protecting Banks. This may account for the attk made on tlr Democratic rural credit measure by 'Senator Lodge, at Bever ly, Mass., on Sept. 23, when he state that money could be borrowed on Urn ter terms from regular agencies than under the rural credit act. Mr. Lodge declares that this act will endanger the present National anu co-operative banks and teud to break them down, according to the report ot his speech in the Boston Globat The farmers of the West, who have sun'ered exorbitant interest rates for years, are not worrying about the banks. Their "testimony before the Farm-Loan Board showed that they are enthusiastic over the new law, am! ready to help put it In successful oi emtiou. f Benefits to Farmers. " The new farm loan act provides means by which farmers can form co operative or joint stock associations and borrow from the regional luderal '"arm Loan 'Bank on tho security of lheir land. Tn farmers, -caft form one f tlu-se r.s -iciations. T'.iy can bor- ow up to ."!) prr ccmu. of the value of their laud, i'wf a period running up to ort.V: yesivs. 'iliv li;;n is repiiya'de in small an- -ual i.i. t jiilnu'iHs, or can be paid in '.dl ill any time. The estimated in iorest rate is 5 per cent. T'.u1 farmer 'who borrows will : hare in the. profits f the business, thereby reducing his interest rate to a still lower figure. The Pemoerntic National Commit tee has issued from its headquarters, ::t No. ,'M) East Frty-secoud street. N'ew York, a pamj hiet for' free distri bution fully explaining the rural credits lnvv. It ltiay be obtained from your Democratic- ;St. or Couuty 'ouyniltee. LA30B TIDE FL0WIN3 STEADILY TO WILSON Organized Wrk;ri of Michigan and liiinoit fntiorse Democratic -Can slat. - Knthuylasrfc offT5 of support con- Inne to jair. informal Democratic hesuiqnarters .from -'working- men and union lejuiers from every.' section cf the' ITnited States and from Ke very trade and industry. Not only will Presi dent Wilson 'et hundreds of thou sands of rotes from working men hith erto members of the Republican' party, Jvut thousands of wage-earriersf who Imve voted the Socialist ticket will this time mark their ballots or him.- y The .latest indorsement of President ' Wllsm by a labor leader comes from jolm. H.' Wakep.; president, of. tlie Uli . n)is State Federation of Labor. t "A wtM'lcinj; Man who would vote for Hujrhes,. in the fce of his acts and declarations against labor, and in the face 'of the great accomplishments of Mr. Wilson for labor," said Mr. Walk er; "must he uninformed. miRinformed, blinded bv .prejudice, or carried away 1& party arnthnent." - 1 -No. word said for President Wiisoui -will fissyi? greater effect than a stated icentjjy Andrew Purusth, .president of the Seamen's Unjon, declariQg: : ?tin of. Wnndrnv raUc Congress be- wot of thft:sen - ;y r . ' T"' ,u tHl auor- y,. r,arn..t u Hfe-io before the Jaw, of . workinginea with d Fat,". It is a fitjlur. to hnvi 5"'. - Ct . ;-TT ri i' ' ; ' -tS ' 4 ; - ;' th,r .;, j ., v. - ;.in h0nVW.f.- s'- s.'jrl;; nittj- iepr.esentive AsKng.."Are r for. God or Manv 'V-u" rwilV?--Vv&tttUfr& theWrrftr of. liallMT r,nninrt;.i-i, liv... .liiii dilsi s JikIii' ' ikimiiV. . i.hIeiii:'-2 r-t . 1 1.'- -i-A,-. . "-vVf-w,-r l1. :.v;r,V- ii S&CSJrii ltlS!rrSS3te l3-22lrt R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Thanksg'vipj tay Carolina vs. Virginia R i ch m or d Va IVIWUIIIUIjU, V a. 1'hurs. Nov. 30th, 1916 ' -? i 00 R O lJN Di RIP , SPEG1AL TRAIN Southern Railway Fr.m CliHielHill Station hik Uiimni, N. r. Schedule as fol- v. f'h.Tpoi I'.il! ;?0 p.m. 'ffl. vv. ?Oih r. IVhmoi,d (! II Strf Station) 6i40 ii- in. Thitrti. Nov. ."iOtii. e : ni'iy Sm cial Vr iu ui!jevr .'vlunnnfl ( II i 1 .street Shitif.ii) ::"; !. m. I hu s. Xdv 30th, 1916 vspiie;ers 'rom points Gibsbp ille to Durham, also from Raleigh Durha m vil tse regular laains furh?nn Wednesday, November 1I1, and special (rain from Dur on Passengers from Hender m and Dabney will use regular ains to Oxford and sciai train "om Q.xfordr Pullman Sleeping Care ?and "'oac' e.-. Muo your Sleeping .ar reservations in advance. ' pj.OV Hound Trip from all sta This will likely be .your lastop' ; "i lunity to to see these two great ..Lplay at Richmond. tJj Tfl R16HK0ND M SEE"CHB0LIN BEAT ijekets nt the ntvova- Found- i'.p fate will iils . be sold for r? ilr trains JVednesday Nov. 29th; od retuntg to leave Richmond n iSiiftifar (rains up to and tncludf . n: trains lonving"Kich(nonl prior : n. Ixctt?ht t De?l. lJil 6. : 1 or sleeping caV reservation' :uuA fu r tnloruuitton, ask So-jhrin: Railway, agents, or address, f -Is J M(f, t V m mid D)olT; J JLi LV.XJI Baby Had, Whooping Cough. ; o;.. V ir;A??5r,ri7 for .iofhiM:.s'whhavV;nh F. vV'S 'JR "f htiitanity ndVoypotitAV ifcLmiglit be well L. ' , r . ' i -v, V S "for viu to. talk if over vvitir - - - v . v , 4 Honey ud J ar.vynuhhiof i u 1i.f1-v - ' " J uvt r wiui; r ':.;. .y :. u.. outitMrsrW-CmaiLUIa NnM.,n-iWs:'"M.i;:rand..pn;:,n" ' J Utr ftsmonths nldJVtd-jp... li?y - s neyaiid'Taicu:iTu;.Ii;2?;..,'.i " llitin 4i ay?" ;---- .,y ; 1 m Hi TmTiiTiS m ' m .ill t , if ilifi HliJilirNtM 11 cigarette unless you get on talking-terms with Prince Albert tobacco! , . -. . ,e - " - ' ' ' - ' P. A:, comes' to you .with a real reason for all the goodness and satisfaction dffers. It s made by a patented process that removes if e arid parch I You 2an smoke it Mong arid, hard without aome back! Prince Albert has'always been sold without : coupons or premiums. : ; We prefer to; give quality! enjoyments And that flavor and fragrance and coolness, is as good as that "sounds. P. A. just answers the universal demand for tobacco without bite, parch or kick-back! Introduction to" Prince Albe ;isn't any harder than to walk ' into the nearest place that sells - tobacco and ask for "a supply of P. A." You pay out a little change, tobe surebut it's the cheer- Mest investment yc ever the national joy smoke Co Winton-Salm, N. C. Copyright 1916 Which costs mbst painting or vaiting? Af?er you-r n paintingJ fevet? - year you wait it will require more paint and 1 'lr .putv in 8d con.dit,on-. every year vou wait, vour house is worth less. A litde paint-money is good paint-insurance, mmmsmmmm Mm ?M .BAD ANb '.ZINC- PAINT ' Just assoon as your hotise mkis pabting, cbme in and let us show you how little it-Will cbst you to use DEVOE. -We saDEVOE". because its;absolutely pare; That's why DEVOE takes fewer gallons, wears longer and costs less by the job oif by the year.: And that?s vhyv we guarantee Devoe without reserve. LONG; BRADSHER &SCO. z Hardware, Stovei, Ranges and Sporting Goods : ,T ROXBbRO. N. C : ' - V . . - v. voooooeoaooooooooooocococa coccoccdooboooooooootttos IE I.BST; irilOESIII il - - :, 0 ,. 1 1 "mm iiiui vtauBi ) prepareaness, not . maivi-tu-: ul 7rpaVHu?for wuf; 'bnt iiiiVt(Uiai- pttness S J ',ran.jlfn;nf"niat u.aytc.ome mdtTduaL preparedness to D i V.. 4 - . . 4 , , . ' . 4. "... v B - " . .4 P. A. puts nev joy into the sport of smi VQW'live to i A be 110 and never . feel old enough to ; vote, 4 but it's cer ;1 fein-sure you'll not : know the joy -'and ;rcbntentment of a friehdlvold1 iimmv pipe or a hand rolled made l by R, J. Reynold Tobacco Co. - ..' '"..;;- ,-lV- 9 I 0 : - r -t - tmiv . is? &im, . at:-t, -i i f m mm wm 1 ........ r . -