i. j .i-.r- .. '- '. ." ii - ...ii- .. ii .. . i .. m I.. I... I.. ... .' i -. ..I.- ,1... , . .I.. 111 . . i . .nil,;1 , . . ' i i 1 i. i 111 ' . ' ' "i . T i i t -t-iixin'f!T i m-'&iMr-iXixJt Noell Bros., Proprietors Home Ftfll Jiroaf Nexi $1.00 Per Tear i Advance VOL. XXXIII ROXBORO, NORTH dARdBiNA; ' Wdfiesday Evening Dec. 6, 1916 Number 52 J - ' - IFF 0 FERENCE 5 . The Methodist Conference will meet in Durham today and the? following ministers left yester nv morniner to attend Pot? ,1 W. Dowd and Mrs. 6. wl L)0Wd, Hevs. C. R. Ross an j 00m As none of these mfnis. xers have been on their field the aliotteJ four years we sincerely trust they will be returned, While their has been man v able men on these fields we do not be- Heve there has been a time when better work was being done than these godly men are dointr at the present time. Mr. Rufe Read of Cedar Grove Dead. Mr. Rufe Read, one of the prosperous and esteemed citizens! f Cedar Grove died at Watts Hospital in Durham Monday night. Mr. J. H. Loy, who gave us the information concerning i his death, said he was a fine! specimen of mankind, but was suddenly taken ill and died from the effects of. an operation. Enrolled in The 500 Club. Our friend Mr. J. C. Cates 3ud as he is known to all of his friends, made us a pleasant call Monday and added his name to the 500 club, v L - d- i There is do you see so ed with QUALITY lumber from our storage? Why do you hear the people say: "Get it from the Roxboro Lumber Co.?" Why has the business of the Roxboro Lumber Co. increased 100 per cent? There must be u reason and if you are not a customer it will pay you to get in touch with us. Kiln Dried Lumber OUR SPECIALTY Roxboro Lumber Cow "Home of Quality Lumber. PRESTON SATTERFIELD, Sect' y. & Manager. Make Your Christmas . .' . Presents Worthwhile Come to our store and select some thing that Will be of service. Garving Sets Aluminum Ware Gut Glass Percolators Goal Vases Dinner Sets Scissors, etc. Toy Cap Pistols for the smalf boys. We have only a limited number of these. Come early. Come to see us we want your business. SCHOOL INSTITUTE. The services at Bethel Hill last Saturday and Sunday Were ex cellent, The church decided 'to ! have Bro. Middleton, our Sunday School Secretary to hold a Sun ay School Institute beginning at 1 ' cloek on Saturday before the 8rd Sunday in this month. There wil1 be dmner on - the &rundsfSunday. AH are cordially invited to at- ten1 this meetin and we espe- cially urge a11 Sundav School suPerintendents, Sunday School Teachers and Sunday School workers ot Person County, re gardless of denomination, to come and join us in the work. We expect this meeting to be worth while sur 'enough, as Brother Middleton is well up on Sunday School Institute work., J. A. Beam. Bazaar and Refreshments. The Ladies Aid Society of .the Roxboro Baptist Church will hold a bazaar in the Crowell Garage on Tuesday, December 12th, open ing at 11 o'clock a. m. Refresh ments, consisting of oysters, stew ed or fried, and other delicacies will be served all day and even ing. This will be a splendid op portunity to buy that Christmas present for your wife or sweet heart. Don't fail to attend. A Reason. m any wagons load j Guns Hunting Goats Leggins Shells Razors Knives Stoves and Ranges. SUNDAY m. MINUTES OF TEACHERS The Person ,;S;gSPSOFNEWBMII Association held lar meeting for the year 13164$:: in Roxboro Graded School :bui(dAlbnday a Busy Day For New ing, Saturday No v.-18, 1916. ;t'V -.yiJ-,-!?. 4 7f Mr Beam spoke- ol the advirl-" tages to be had from attend&i the Teachers' Assembly and &4 vised all teachers to make art effort to go Prof. E. W. Pearson was appointed a committee of onelto investigate reduced rates froor Roxboro to Raleigh. Some complaint of having to at tend the Association had comeii) the Su pt. M r. Beam spoke of ile law regarding attendance of; the real good that comes from the b .... .'. servance of this law and also the joy that comes with willing serviced In concluding his remarks on ttfs subject he cbmmenoed the teadtjf ers on the fine spirit that seemslfc be strong among both teachlrs and pupils' of the county. . p After this the Association sep arated itself into its departments. When we reassembled the foil was called and minutes of ( fitsf meeting read and approved.; m Mr. Beam called the aUentjpn of the teachers to the three qol umns in rfhe Courier he has ad reserved for reports and discus sions from the schools. He asjced that we make this part of thea per helpful and inspiring. Mrs. Beam advised the reading circles to write to-El&n.CoireciEltp course we are 'supposed to follow. Dr. Whicker from Eton, who has charge of our circle, was expected to speak to us but was not present. Plat s for County Commence ment were briefly discussed. It was suggested that teachers write Miss Ethel Xewton a list of things they desire to enter for prizes. Miss Newton is to report the re sult of this and it is to be further discussed at a later meeting. We expect a six months session and this will throw the commencement in April. Time for Christmas holidays was discussed. It was decided to close Dec. 19th to reassemble again i Jan. 3rd. Attention was called to the ob servance of special days, Arbor and Bird Day, Good Roads Day, Sanitation Day and last but not least Mr. Beam suggested Forgiv ing Day. During the a. m. the teachers grouped themselves in front of the school building and had a picture made. Refreshments of candy and fruits were served by our thoughtful Supt. The meeting adjourned to meet again Saturday before the third Sunday in January. J;, A. Beam, Pres, Helen Graves, Secy. iCIElif Mrs. A. S. deVlaming was hostes to the Friday Afternoon Rook Club with 1 other guests, Monday afternoon at? her hospi table home on Main Street. Bos ton Rook which was nlaved at The opening exercises were cjii i v Next Monday to Complete Un ducted by Supt. J. A. Beam. V'f finished Business. five tables was the "form of en:jthat Missouri is the place to buy : tertainment for a few hours. Afte,r which delectable refresh ments were served ; by Misses Isabel and Marion deVlaming. OFT We fcish to thank the people ot Roxboro for their kindnesses .dor- mg me recent iuKiic&a aim ucaui CARD HANKS of ourinrife :and tnother.G. S. brhavinghima pistojwith-lbb t- -i ; T fv: Commissioners Meet ''Again v " The Board of County ' Commis sioners met in regular ; monthly! meeting Monday morning , at ;10 o'chwk, with all members present. Messrs. R. D. Bailey, Daniel Long and J R. Whitt compose the board as it now stands. Theses of ficers as well as Sheriff N. S. Thompson and Register of Deeds, Thos. B. Woody, took the oath of office shortly after the meeting hour and were sworn in by Clerk of Court D. W. Bradsher. The bonds of Sheriff Thompson and Register of Deeds Woody were ac cepted by the board. The usual routine of work was taken up and passed upon by the board. Practically all bills for the last election were paid at this meeting The pauper Jist, which is taken up at the beginning of the fiscal year, took up quite a lit tle time of the commissioners. A good auijunt was allowed paupers at this meeting. , The salary of F. A. Brown was allowed for November. A letter from District agent McLean asked the board to extend the time of agent until 15th of December as the new Demonstrator had not lieeaappojnted as yet. . This; was Wl're r 7;hiaLsal.hour'of Bereavement. 7. 4 o clock Monday afternoon to meet agun next Monday to com plete unfinished business. At this meeting the question of appoint ing the banks in Roxboro to handle the funds for the county will be passed upon. It is generally un derstood that the banks will ac cept these accounts freenf cost. The road meeting y ill be held on the third Monday in Decem ber. Honor Roll Brooklyn School. Second grade Sail ie Hicks. Third grade Silas Clayton. Fourth grade Eliza Hicks. Fifth grade Larciene Clayton, Mary Daniel, Robert Daniel, Tal mage Daniel, Edith Monk, Ray mond Daniel. Sixth grade Clara Day, Mary Clayton, Hettie Lea, Dewey Dan iel. Capture Stills. Deputy m. T. Clayton and Kel vin Long brought in two stills in the past week. One Thanksgiving and one Monday They were of the genuine homemade kind. One being maHe of a large coffee pot and the other of an extra large barrell. The price of copper being so high, home-made stills are be coming the fad. However these are the first captured so far of that variety. . The parties operstf in tliem were not 'at home" when the officers called. In Missouri Buying Horses and Mules. Everybody knows, and no one better than Mr. T. D. Winste good, mules. Mr. Winstead ' left Sunday morning 'for that State where he will buy a lot of the best horses and mules that can be found j for this market. Hewill return in a short .while and will have more tS teltubout them, just watch The Courier. TofCap-Pistots,. Sante Clause: majie.the boy, more Happy tnan TO P MIT COURT HOUSE Both Inside and Out Will Be PaintedPassed at , The Last Meeting of The Old Board! At the regular road meeting the third Monday in November the last meeting of the old b6ard, COmpOSeot of Messrs Ji .E. -Mon- tague, C. H. Hunter And ! Daniel Long, it was ordered to have the Court House repainted in all offi ces and court room as well as the outside of the building. This will add much to , the building and the old board is to be com mended for their last act as members of Person County Board of Commissioners. LOAD OF TOBACCO BROUGHT $2,085.00 Henderson, Nov. 24. A single load of tobacco weighing 7,522 pounds and claimed by local deal ers to be the largest ever mar keted -was sold here today for $2,055, averaging more than 31 cents per $ound. The - tobacco was grown by I. M. Green a Vance county farmer. Resolutions. We the W. O. W. or Woodmen of the World. In Gmp Assem bled. This Wednesday jilrht $ov. 29th, 1916, . wish to extend our heartfelt sympathy, to ou r es teemed Soverign G. S. Hall, in yet she'speaketh. The Woodmen of the World. 1 Bazaar The ladies of the4 -M. E. Church held a bazaar yesterday in the Newell building on Main Street. Fancy work and refreshments were sold, and throughout the day and evening they were liber ally patronized. Mrs. Ruth R. Mitchell former ly of Reidsville, N. C. Fit and workmanship warranted - second to none. Residence opposite city water tank, Roxboro, N. C. .(4ts) TTVTVTTVTTTffTyfTTyfTTTTT DRESSMAKING t Holiday Do Your Christmas Shdpping Early. Our offering of Goods is now ready for your in spection. Youill find a nice line to select from of useful and orna mental articles. Goods that are worth buying, worth giving and worth receiving and all moder- ai telv priced mmmmm We are selling lots of Eurm- and riouse rurnisnmgs. goods are are riht. Let WE CLOTHE And we are always mtfw: JOIIES-SHERHIlll. - , , On Sund morning , Nov. 26t at ten o' clock there was a beau tiful marriage solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sherman when their daughter, ; , ? Miss Lillie; became the" bride of Mr. John R, Jones. ?ev. J. B. Currin; pastor of both bride;and crrnnm' nffitintr ' j The parlor was beautifully, de corated with fern's and crysan- v .- themums. The only attendant was 'Miss Jewelle Fogleman and Mr Wil lie Jones. 1 The bride was attired in a navy blue suit with hat, ' gloves and shoes to match. The groom wearing a blue serge suit. Immediately after the cere mony, the bridal party left for Mt. Harmony church, after which they went to the home of the groom's father, Mr. T. K. Jones, where a sumptuous dinner had been prepared. Both; bride and groom were popular among their many Iriehds. Contribut ed. A Welcome Visitor. Rarely have we enjoyed a social call more than the visit made usr Monday by our good friend Esq. W. A. Malone of MOriah. .While the Squire has reached the shady side of life he is just as active as" many of us who are several years his junior. He is a typical , south-" em gentleman and his cheering ; words anjl good wishes are highly ; orizedin tliis5 office: . Incidentally ' prosperous yar of 0ur lives dor g the year 19 1 7.. V in BOX PARTY AT BROOKLYN. there will be a box party at Brooklyn school house Saturday night Dec. 9, given by the pupils and their teacher, Miss Annie-, Howard. The public is cordially invited. CHRISTMAS BAZAAR. ' A oyster supper, candy and Christmas bazaar will be given at Alliance Hall School Decem ber 9, M6. TTTTTff TfTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT A' 4 right, the prices us THE FAMILY pleased to frVie jrbu. & Holiday how you. , X 3F ; i v . y t' Si-' ,m: J - r"i' 1? f4 J ( ) J 1 1 w if 'MS 'X. 1 'i 1 1 i 1 . 5 f, s

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