1 " A I A t ' j Pic ' v ' - "' fir 3. y ,. !. I' f 1.7 I I . . : 1 . 1 ,.1 . Sf I I 1 - '. ! ' : .-, ....... JL.'"WMWWWWWBWMWWW NoeUBroiVPrpprietori;-; T 7 '' n I -II - - . .,.1- - - . .. W r ,T::;tjL vol. jc::::ii ' 3 . . " . - .. . . .. . is almost here pow ariJ ho doubt you are wondering what to get as a?remenaraoce for yqiir friends and members of your family. It is so hard to find .something new that is useful as well as orna mental. ' - ;0V:O -t We herwifh' suggest a few articles below that are thor oughly practicable,- useful, and what anyone; would be glad to receive: - lime IkdadiEinig Lamps COFFEES PERCOIiATORS (makes the most delicious co fee witii mmimtiinxpense) . 1MMEE&I0N COILS (for heating liquids.. Fine for shaving. Heating baby's milk, etc.) V - ELECTRIC STOYE3 (for heating ariythmg and for light cooking). . - ' 1 . ym I ELECTRIC RADIATORS, BRfiADOyASTERS, ELEC TRIC CtJR LING IKONS, ELECTRIC ifioife, A CARTON CONTAINING LA MP ETC. ' f All of these thinja are exceedingly, useful and nothing could be nicer as a Christmas Present. CAL.L US SHOW YOU Power Co, I I Solid Gar Siding and 1 Solid Car. Boxing, Casings, etc. 1 Solid Car Brick. ON THE WAY 1 Car Nos. 1 and 2 Shingles. 1 Solid Car No. 1 Heart Pine. 1 Car Boxing and Siding. r ;-, 1 Car Ceiling and Flooring. - BETTER GET OUR PRICES R oxboro Lumber Co. "Home of Quality Lumber." PRESTON SATTERFIELD, Sect'y, & Manager. ' r mmmmmm . . ,...i11lzi-1i: i Make Your Chiristmas ; 'Presents Wowile. . ... . '. Come to our store and select some i thing that Will be of service. : ' . . ,y. . 1 ' " '". '-. . V .... '- - . - .2 - ' - . r 1 a t.T f .'' ' T' .r- '" ' . v-i ""- Ganring Sets '.5" ' ' Gut Glass; .v. . ' : Leggins ' .' Perckatoi s ' ' ' she.'s : 'Goal Vases - Diniier Sets ' " ' . ' &iW' -Scissors, etc. ' : ' Stoves and Ranges. ; To v Gap Pistols for the boys. Wevhave number o( these. Come to see business. ' Long, " Bradsher & t 1 ;M I ft, Flooring only a limited Gome early. lis we want your . . . : Jr mrares IN AMD LET ' t II small Go Hbm First; AbrbaaNeirt ROXBOROvNORTH (QMOtiNAL Wednesday EVaniiig Deci 13; 1916 ? m i i i . " - u J. . Q ') i..,- V -f " t. (rill il I Ik , - . ..... -- V -p- - - . r - .. - - . . - ---- - -S-,. - - -. . -f ijioiiwijiPiii.F Week Ending Deceniber 9th, Continued Vhiurtochobls-;- purpose. on last wedisafaomW Miss Grace E. Sdiaeifr. 'Assist- aat State DemonstmUfln'. -Agent, corated with Christmas, "greens, and the school children ave ' sev- eral recitations andSoiigs .Misses SchaetferandSpnfgfeonpiade talks oft club work and 'caridjfc' demob- stration. After thesertalks Girls SAT Canning and Womans Houie Dem onstration CI ubs weeV organixed. After the orgamzation iY these ' . '"''v 'Mr.. f .v -js ...... v ' clubs the following plans, were aV ranged for the next me'etingr Com plete organization o ;cluUsT$lect officers, discuss pfans. ,qv .years program, have firelessf cobker de monstration. All interested are cordially invited to beCpresent Thursday PinehurstCand. AUt ance Hall schools wereuvisited and were given. a cordial inception by both schools. The pupijs thorough ly enjoyed the stories told by;JMss Schaeffnr. After 'tjjlking about club work a demonstration 'Avas given in making Christmas, " 'can dies. A request was' made f or a girls canning club andpans;were made to meet with? r tWluultry club at next meeting anij then hve formal organizations '--" .V Friday the Hurdle Mills school was v is i ted , w he re th e fienionst ni tors were surprised 4). a delicious lunch but you cani aiwa.VvS count n n Of tlie of the women of ithe community. There were a number of meji and women present. Here a request was made for a canning club and this will be organized very soon. We learn from Miss Spurgeon that only a limited number f clubs are to be organized this .year. It is proposed to organize them where there is a real desire for the work and where the girl's are ambition's and plucky. The community which gets one of theseclubs is going to be fortunate. COMMISSIONERS IN SESSION MONDAY. The, County Board of Commis sioners met in a short session Mon day morninsr with all members present This meeting was called to approve of unfinished business from the first Monday, The Treasurer, VV. F. Long, presented his final statement and same was becepted by the. board. The banks . were supposed to submit their plans at this meeting, but same was postponed until next Monday to be taken up at the re gual road meeting .There is some doubt at th is wri ting as to wJieth er the banks will accept the pro position as laid down by law. A meeting of the stockholders of both banks in ioint session was held Tuesday night. No announce- ment of tlio results" of the meeting have been given out as yet. . .. ; Marriages - arrived und spent the: week witf i ' bilty Before God" They ,Of:j address. -. Mr Taf t : was en Miss Spurgeon. We;desida.y after . fer to End the War-Give Ser- foute from Chapel Hill wheie he jnoon they visited Bitl'iel Hill bia ti Austria. , ? - addressed tlie NpVtb. Carolina i School.' Thn Mhiwiitfnnv vvnsNfo- . Washington. Dpft.v19.ilThV"f.,H newspaper men Thursday night ori ' ' N i ' , "I "vroier, .thing, setved by some On Thanksgiving. . Nov. 30th public of Great Britain : and her Rev. B;..F.,BQ9'ne and' Miss Liurar'..aHied nations to realizejthe hope Edwards were married at the uc nf ohrrvnf thk -stniP'.de home of the bride's parents, Mr; and Mrs. . J. Edwards. Miss Edwards is one, of the most popu- lar young school teachers of the County and numbers her friends. by the score. . w . On last Sunday Mr. C. S. Wade. iried at Rock Grove Baptist church. Fewxcouples are more ..popuUr -..... v than these young people and they have thetiest wishes ofinany '. - , J ' ' . AH coat suits have been 'srreat iv rpdncfti at Harris & Rums' A gOOO time TO getva nice Sult7 T RSTPROPos F;pEAGE ' .nnnrn rnnn nrniuiiu uuiiico mum ULnillAIH j 7 V "Conscious of Their Responsi- lext of Germany's peace proposals was received at, the German fejp bassy within the last 24 iKp.urjs; They p'myide:- - or the complete restoration of 4"m- For the evacuation, by Germany of all territory captured ii) north ern France during the progress of the war. - For the establishment of Poland and Lithuania as independent king-, doms. - . For the retention of f Serbja;by Austria-Hungary, and the restora tion to Bulgaria of all territory lost by that country in the second Balkan, war , For the restoration to Austria of jerritory -captured by Italy in the neighborhood of the Adriatic sea. . For the restoration to' Germany of all her colonial possessions in Africa, the far eastand other parts of. the globe. ' . . f j Fo r ,the retention of Constanti nople by Turkey. , ". ') 1 , riiis information was obtained today from an unquestionable au thority close to the German em- . . . basy. According to embassy officials, who jiave kept fully advised of the irtuation; ' the terms Jaid dowxi -represent ?tne united approval or all of the central powera.and were druwru-p after full exchanges of views between the teutonic capi tals. It is stated that no definite-information has been received , by these powers which -would.ad" them to believe that the entente nations are prepared to accept thfin, or even to discuss them. The prime purpose of the central pow ers in putting them forth at this time it was learned from authbrita- tive sources, is to smoke out" the enemy governments and to ac quaint the inhabitants of Germany Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria with a knowledge of what they are fighting for. The time fs regarded as oppor- ftune for three I,easons: First. That the recent victories of the .central powers in the Bal kans has uemonstrated from tlie , .... , . w ... Teutonic viewpoint that these powers cannot . be crushed; that the war might go oh for 10 more" years. with neither side arriving any closer to a complete victory over the other. , ' ' Second, That with the approach of winter, military operations for the next three months will beprac tieally at a standstill, with the nations Invol ved in the war com. Peiiea to see aoouiorganizingnew spring and summer campaigns.- : Third. ' That th? upheaval m the j British cabinet due to a popular ' mistrust of that government's eon 1 duct of the war, may .induce the " t . i ' turther- " , ' 4 Dcalh of a Goodanv - , .-'-''y Mr. J-ohn S. Clayton died at Ins h:)me near town one day 'last up wns of the mo'st .,.l.4 anI iMicf Lnii?'n mon in uiai v " the county, and. will : be greatly missed, , Especially by . histnends and neigh nofC 'C V?V f j ' - . -, , - , r ' MrT ahd Mrs. W. R." Hatmbrick - returned Monday night -from JJurnamwiierev vuiey, ttwvciiucA 1 EX-PR ES I D Ef IT . TAFf " Ex-President W. HSaft passed through i Rpkborox rlast ? Friday morning on ihe Xrflk Wes-' tern going to,;Lyn'chburgr .YaV,' where he was scheduled" tci-make the subject, s k League of Neutral Nation to . Enforce Peace. ' ' " Mr Jaft presents his side of the ques tion admirably, and there is little doubt at the close of this v war, such a; League will have.; great strength in this country. PASSES THROUGH ROXBORO cooowotooooodooooooooopoooeoooooooooooooqc&oesccc o o o o o o m - -s ,o - . ' 'i--" ' ", 1 1 ' v ' O J . ; O -. J, Just a few more days and the Happy Christmas time will be here. From hoz g until then many: of you will be puzzling your ljrain trying to decide on something 8 suitable to give some one in whom yoii are Smore pness deeply 0 0 o I the storp tjhahas the godqs that l are more or less : worth ; buying, worths giy irig v an f S worth xz&yti jjshoN help you ou:; o better selectfdrVand 'you will have nd trou- ble in finding something that will please either a lady, man, girl, boy or baby. Our o S sales force will take- I them to you. A Big Stock o m 0 o o 0 o Besides the you will find our o o o m o S Aiid Furm o Everything very full and complete. And while everything has advanced I and seems high our prices arc ex litremeiy low cbhsidering the con 0 ditiow ot the market. . In alniosC" 8 every iristapice we are selling sta- o o o o pie goods ijs cheap as they caa-be bought at' wholesale tollay. 8 o o s COAT .0 o s o o o o : o at Greatly Reduced Pricec Wc still have quite! a: nice loi o 8 of Goat Suits. i gone over and marked down tc j figures that : 'surprise ; 'ryov I Y ou lieversaw cheaper suits ;anc' I all Of them should move quickly. 48 The same will apply; to Childfenrc 1 coats, f v . 0 W -o i rr ' - . - i. .v.r . -. . ".. - .1.. , -v..! . - - ,i "R6xborofs 5 w ' -1 m - . ' -' s ' $1;0Q Per. Year in Advr 1 1 Number OHIO SETS El B pives Wilson More Votes ; Were Ever Cdst for A::. " Wesidentiid Candidate Columbu0hio, November: The States Canvassing;; Br -composed of State ofl5cerstC the plurality oiPresident VTi: in the recent election in .Oh: . have-beeni 90,110; TheYIi:. vote wf60?46rnst 51.C forjudge Hughes j v Mr. Wilson lias", the distinci:. of; receiving .more votes; C were ever cast for any cahdfdi. f or President in Ohio. 4 . v interested. L-ome ' tc suggest v and pleasure in showing; i In AllOneb Christmas good stock of g Horned S These we, have To Wear Best Store"- ' 2- V , i - A.